The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, September 07, 1883, Image 6

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THE CON YE RS Y/E EKLY. 1 I U ' Y 1 i. 'P -L Y\ A y V v . We w ill issue on the 21st inst. a laage number of extra papers 'which we nil, semi out to the citizens of all adjoining counties and to many oth' ers in diffrrent parts of Die State and c am try. We expect to mike it a ‘nice paper, showing up our town, our merchants and our county in the hi st possible manner. As an advert sing medium far our merchants it will 1» |J unexcelled and as we will make cur prices very low we hope to have eve ry house and business well represent' el. There is no business but what would i>e beuefuted by placing an ad vertisement in this issue, We will call on our business men in a few <i~ y«. A VERY 0000 THIliS. I have now one of fne best found rvs in the United States making two qualities of Cook Stove for me viz the “ New Pilot” and the ‘ Ec ho 1 have just received a car load of them, and have opened my business for the season in one of the eh gum store rooms in the Night building. The very latest improvements and the best materials are put on these stoves and I will sell them a' prices never before known in ibis place. Come see for yourself and especially examine my fine stove the “ New Pi lot. ’’ K. Roberts. m- <r w« OUR POSITION. Under the new order of things our county, in company with Newton and Walton, haR been taken out of the sixth district with Macon and placed in the fifth with Atlanta. We may like the change and "e may not. W r e do not pro¬ pose to kick under any consideration. We have been ‘ placed” and are going to join, beart and hand, in the support of the “ administration. ” We want to see a firm and uuited Democracy and the beat men sent to Congress. Whichever couniy, in our opinion, presents the best man for the position, be he from Fulton, Spaulding or elsewhere, we will Support to the best of our ability. If in the nom iation we fail to get our choice or the loiceofth) people of this section, we ill m ickiy submit to the majority o . e district and make their man our '.an. As to the two gentlemen, Don. Nat iammwmd and Mr. Uoyntou who, it is .id, will be candidates for the 4yth com •ess, we have but little to say. We now Hammond to be one of the best en in thp' Rats, Uoyntou is alsqj||good .nan and has many supporters. Nearly every county in the district can be spot-, ted except Rockdale. Who will ho our choice we are not now able to siy. DON’T Don’t go to bed with cold feet. Don’t sleep in the same undergements that are worn during the day. Don’t sit or sleep iifa draU'gtt. Don t lie on the left side too much. Don’t lie on the, back to keep from snoring Don.t try to get along with less than seven or eight hours’ sleep out of twenty four. Don’t jump out of bed immediately on awaking in the morning. Don't forget to rub yourself well all over with crash towels or hands bifore dressing Don’t forget to take a good drink of pure water before breakfast. Don’t take long walks when the stom¬ ach is ..entirely empty. Don’t start to do a day's work without eating a good breakfast. Don’t eat anything but well choked and nutritious food. Don’t eat what you don,t want just to save it Don't eat between meals nor enough to cause uneasiness at mealtimes. Don’t eat the smallest morsel unless hungry, if well. Don’t try to Keep up on coffee or al¬ coholic stimulants when nat ure is calling you to sleep. Don’t stthff- over hol-nir registers. Don’t inhale hot air, or fumes of any acids. Don’t wear thin hose or ughsoled shoes in cold or wet weather. Don't fill ill gash with soot, Fugar or anything else to arrest the hemorrhage when you cut yourself, bat bring the parts togetherwith adnesive plaster. Don’t strain your eyes by reading on on empty stomach or when ill. Don’t strain your eyes by reading or sewing at-dusk, by a dim light, or flick¬ ering candle, or when vei y tired. Don t sing halioo w hen your throat is sore or your are hoarse Don’t drink ice water when you ate very warm, and never a glassful at a time, but Simply rip it slowly. Don t take some other person’s med¬ icine because you are similarly afflic¬ ted. Don't b^he in in K-sx than two hours f reque nt.1y on ? our Bt Q k friend as to make your company and conversation a bore. Don’t make a practice of relating scan 'H or stories calculated to dept ess the spirit of the uck. The great issue that will be presented to our people in the next race for rep reseritive will be higher negro education at the expense of the white men—accept or reject. There is not the least doubt in our minds but, the taxable property in our county is given in $300000 less than vvhat it really is worth 0>er one half of the land in the county is not given in at more than one half in real value. HARRIS Rjwes&Y ickiy injr gloomy con-^quecccH. cured. aud ratlicwlly flit* U.-i.tedy is put up in «/uxes. .No. I flirting a mouth), fiu. 2 r«j effect a cure, unless iu severe rase*,; # 6; ft o. L (ln-tmg t three mouths), £7. Sent by mail *r plain wrappers >iesc ))lrn tiour for I »ing .irTompr .11 y eat b Box. Pnmphl.-t - . - i WuK 4} s did case and moue cf cure scut scaled on application FREE Illi iSrcutar. ii.s2ar.HS AUltn.ta, IWOOKJS-w A ki 0 »•» wiv actual <in. Kw.rm Uua» For *tr.:V .. ce»r gch x»l -W ''■’••'f tweuti 1 ) E, VANWINKLE & CO., MAN UFACTURERS OF Cotton Gins, Feed Qr 00Hd.8HSGrS Cotton Presses, Oil Machinery and Saw Mills. ! « .A z&Sm 'VV n||SI «'4Hb5RE ■ Hail jvW Ujtrfi SAW GIN AND SERF FEEDER, Exihited bv. E. VAN WINKLE k CO'.. At ilhe Interoati nal Cotton Expo s.tion, Atlanta. Ga„ 18 S 1 . Awardsd for best sample, best general re*ii ts in Ginning, and best eonsfru'-ted Ma¬ chine the first prize, $100. or gold medai. B. y. Hicks, T. M Sraedi-s, Missis- sij p:; W. E. Banows, Conneticut, Judges. H, I- Kimball, Director Gen. Also, first premium at the South Carolina State Fairs and the Georgia hairs. This Gen is an iron frame, steel shafts, everything of the very best material and ail gueranteed. 1 MS ! ;■ JSll is I A 3 | $ * '•V 1 €1 DOUBLE SCREW PRESS. Said to he the Press in the world. Suitable for Horse, Steam and Water Power. Takes up but little room Gaining and Packing c an go on at the same time. E. VAN W 1 NKSE & CO., Atlanta, Ga. Mm. M. Jordan | Fred B. Pope, Formerly Sibly A'J. Washington, Ga. JORDAN & POPE, Cotton Factors AND Com Merchants Augusta . . ...... Georgia. SSTSpecial attention given »o weights. Quick sales: prompt returns. We refer by permission to Mr. Z. McCord, Presi dent the National bank, Mr. T- V Cos ery Oresident Planters Loan and Sav ings bank, Augusta, Oa. Messrs. John II. C arks’ Sons. Z ^cCCED. F. W. FOSTER. - M’C0RD& FOSTER. Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants Office and Warehonse on CAMPBELL Street,. Between Broad & Reynolds near the store of Z. McCord, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, / Consignments Solicited. Personal Attention given to Busin-' 88 - The Instructions of Consignors Promptly Obeyed. •t -i W 7 H. HOWARD, C. H. HOWARD, s. P. WEISIGER. . COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 20 SEFNTH MTNTOSHST, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Consignments of Coltor. *pd oilier Produce So idled Orders For 15 ageing And Ties Idled At Lowest Market, Prices. El 1 and BRO I BS2S a -DEALER! IN DECATTTR STREET, CONYERS, GA. Keep always on hand a full and complete assortment of the very best DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, MOTIONS, HATS, HARDWARE, CR 3 CKERY, MEAT, FLO’JR ETC,,, SUGAR, COFFEE, CONFECTIONERIES,SPiCES,CANNED GOODS SUCH AS TOMATOES, MACKEREL, CONDENSED MILK, SAR¬ DINES, &S, SAUCES, P 10 KLES, MUSTARDS And in fact everything Kept in This Market and other WE BUY FOR THE CASH And are able and s-uisfacticln. prepared to sed goods as cheap as anybody and tv to give VVe want. all to call and give us a 1 rial We pay ihe highest prices for all country produce. k ep the best giades of Tobaccos, c’igars and Cigarettes, We mak. a specialty of ihe LUCY HINTON Tobctbo . :<>?■ i. 1! goods delivered free in tlie City, RKSl’ECTFULLY, \ U. F. HARPER & BRO ,i--- DT DTT "N H H JL J. J _J k_. Fistula, Fisure and ectlar J lcsrs. Dr. Taber, NO. 82 DECATUR STEET, ATLANTA, GA., MAKES A SPECIALTY OF THESE DISEASES. And has cured cases of forty years’ standing. Cure guaranteed. If I fail to cure you of Files I will return your money. Address, enclosing stamp, F. F. TABER, P. O- Box 262, Atlanta,Ga. . J, S, 111 S E L L, 1 -DEALER IN MASHINERY. FERTILIZERS ETC. Steam READ Engines, '1II1S. MiiMiiil ' LOOK Sells CLOSELY thecelebra Co'ton Presses, - IS THE - ted Birdsall, and Syw Mills, Syrup Ault man Tavlor Mills, Cotton Gin-', Threshes, and * 7 ^ Engines, Viikl<', the Winship Van Portable Corn <i and Gullelt Col¬ Mills, Beltings etc. ^ ton Gins. The and in fact tor all Best Condensers and any k nd ot and the very Fin machinery that is Oys* c ~ " est Threshes sold wanted. V> hen : improvedTruFtion ___ engine you want maehin With without Rever j K U 1 ' U U don’t fail to or S !,, B Ge.r. 10, IB sod 16 1 , - Reap t ry RUSSELL Horae & Power. CO«| Built Massillon, by 0 OIT'V .L\)0y(*6 call on nim. * a, the best made. Also ageni for the famous Aultman & Taylor Machinery. You can «ar money by calling on me. J S. JDANIELL r*—' , U j H i H AND BRO, 53 South. 13road Street Atlanta, —WHOLESALE— Paints, Oils, Varnishes,Brushes & Window-Gates, —Headquarters for all^kiuds of— < 5 MKKES 3 W 'JLJ a t wholesale. Guaranteed equal to anything made. Send for color card and prices, kept e also keep ais fine line Machine, Eugiue and'Cylinder Oils as is iu tlie City, end are Headquarters for any and all Sizes Glass. F. J. Cooledye & Bfo .,58 South Broad 3 t, Atlanta, Ga. The Bigg^t and This Best ! SUBSCRIB H FOR -"■sr: 1883. THE OO OO ro 4 : 1 » *i me cm-M-eU eenpi >• CO <c H. v 2 months for the small shm of N£> r f And it ^n'd the Atlanta Weeklj Constitution 12 months for only / 2.00 / \ SI 1 ! gl ©a! €JIf%nI®ti f n Official organ City bf Conyers, Official organ Rockdale County ( . Of every discription executed quickly and in a neat manner, THE LuWEbT PRICE, Addresser call orr J. N. Hale Editor, * \ ■ Conyers Georgia. /■.. SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE, \ ; SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS! f 1 ' ■ ■ - . J. s SCHOFIELD & SONS. Proprietors, Macnr, Georgia. ... ; ■< A Manufactu.-ers and Dealers in every Variety of Agricultural Machinery. Schofield's Pat. Cotton Presses, Boifers, Engines - i and KETTLES, 1 SAW, GRIST and FLOUR MILLS, SORGHO MILLS Castings of Every Kind, Shaftings, Pulleys and Gangers. —Agents For— Judson’s Standard Governor, Nordyke And Marmon Mills »• * • And the Celebrated FAUGHT DEERING HORSE POWER. —Keep constantly in stock a Full Line of 5 . , ENGINE - FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, BELTING, PIPING, COMBI¬ NATION MONKEY WRENCHES &C. *$.