The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, September 07, 1883, Image 7

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1|M .U*MM£I Tiffi CONYERS WEEKLY. /official organ city of conyfks. ( JfFICIAX. ORGAN OF ROCKDALE COONTY. C. W 'Vin-fE Publisher. UE3 j*N Hale .. Editot. SR ATE NEWS, Savarmah is receiving new rice. Jonesboro vras at one time the most lawlets town in the state. Fort Gaines has been shipping cotton baskets to Texas. i'll' E-ho says Hon. J. M. Smith, of Ogkibrope crunty has made $ 100,000 farming -since the war. The East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R-ilroad made $i4,ooo out of th melon crop 'he past season. ■ Good and truthful poetry from the Worth Star: “He who lies and cheats and swears, will never climb the golden stairs.” ' The Augusta people are importing cooks from Europe. The educated ne gro is no good as a cook and must go. Mrs- Walden and babe was thrown f.iom a buggy near Moxly last week. The babe was killed and the lady badly injured. There is general complaint in Early couuty of the ravages of the Sherman caterpillars. Like its namesake, it is insatiable. Some miserable journalist has been guilty of saying that the Georgia legis latre'ds nut a thing of beauty, but it seems likely to be jawy forever. Ben Hngbes the colored porter in the store of H. B- Ehrlich, of Bainbridge, has been committed to jail for stealing money from the safe of Ins employer. A man was recently looking around At l,nta for a bay. As Wiley Redding was in town no kind policeman could be dis covered to show the gentleman around. The ljquor license in Coflee county l, a been raised to ten thousand dollars— . an amount equal to nearly one-half the taxable proderty of the county. From siyme parts of the state comes the cry of scarcity of country butter. Its not so in this county The Macon Tele¬ graph recommends dairy farms, We recommend the stock law. Senator Polhill intoduced a bill into the Senate to ch uge the time for elec¬ tion of county officers to the first Wednesday in January. 1886, and every four years thereafter. tV. L. Forresed in Savannah last week and carried to Valdosta where he *as lodged in jail on the charge of robbing ibe safe of his employer, Capt. J. W. Weils. Empiirer—Sun: At B.t tie Creek a woman stole a watch from her employer sv.d while tier preuvses were being «arched. slipped the watch into his pocket, and then had him arrested for slander. Mr. Joseph A. Crommelin, of western New York, proposes starting, ar an earl' .by, a sheep ranch at some point on the Savannah Florida and West-m Railroad, in the wiregrass section of Georfia. FELTS HOMICIDE Wap.uenton, August30. — The kill in.-' of (lie 11 ’gro Peter Bloomfield on ilie 29ih by George \V. Felts, lias aroused the greatest excitement in this section. Coroner Spence sum¬ moned a jury, arid the following facts were brought out, in the evidence, THE PUOVICATION. Mrs. Felts was gathering fruit from scune trees that grew on ar.d belong¬ ing to Mr. Latimer and tented hy Bloomfield. Broomfield objected to the Hoes being roughly shaken, say i g that Mr. Lat imer held him re sponsible an-l it was his meat and '"'‘■■ad to see that no harm was done 1 betit. Broomfield did not sav this to Mrs. Fehs, but sent is as a menage [ | bj a negro gu l who was under Ler employ. THE KILLING. occurred on the 29ih insL Mr. Ju tan Latimer was superintending weetion of a dwelling; on liis land lHo miles from town The negro m, u, Bronmfi -Id one of them, were " n the roof at work. Mr. Felts eud (1 "ly appeared vv’ih a shotgun across Ws shoulder. He aske-i Mr. Laii ltlB1, "hirli of ih e negroes was Peter ^winfield. Immediately Bioom I *i !| 1 jumped, and placing Mr Latis I >' be ween himselt and Mr. Felts, I j be ''Van P.idij to pieud imemi for mercy. He said I t to offend Mrs. Felts " H was sorry if he had. Mr Fe ts n told him: “ If you come down I l “'l let uir whipyou, that will he the “I f u. If you don t come down ! »i*l kill you.” Mr. Latimer advised ' ) ‘0<>mtield t-> go down and be whip ci > adaitig, “Its the best and about ‘ 1 that you can do.” Broomfield then B'foached the ladder to descend, ^’1 ^ murmuring was standding his apologies. Mr.*« near the ladder. Broomfield put his weight on ‘v'-icr; Mr. Felts raised fiis guu -0 fired both barrels.,.. He also drew a pistol and discharged two barrels with effect at the unit!-ky negro. Broomfield fell to the ground face upward. Mr. Felts men deliberatly walked to whore he : ayand put. three more pistol bullets into his left breast Without a word lie turned and walked out of sight. The murder was committed with coo! delibei Mr. Latimer begged and did all he could te prevent it. THE VERDICT. The coroner’s jury relurned tjiis verdict: “Peter Broomfi.ild came to his death by a shot gun fired 1 y George W. Felis with malice pre feuse, in the peace of the state, and contrary to the L\v and dignity of the same.” DRAMATIS PERSONAE Mr, G otge W Fdts is a member of one of the highly esteemed fam¬ ilies in this county. Hist ther is one ot the comm-ssonersrs roads, reve nues and bridges of *v arren. Several years since G. W. F. was very dis¬ sipated. but after his marriage to* Miss Dosia Cody he got to he a sober, steady benedict, and united with the Baptist church. His caper ot the 29th was the sudden outburst ot long pent up fire. lie is about twenty seven years old and has two children. He has not been seen since he walked away from the scene of the murder. -----■—a - HE DIED WELL. Only a few months ago Judge Black of P tisylvania utterly ated the infidel theories of Ingersol in an article published in the North American Review. Ho had lived the life of a chriitian, and when he advocated the pure Principles of chrisrianity, he was seeking to make manifest t» o hms the existence of their divine origin already made clear to his own consciousness. His lan guage and argument were sublime. He was never clearer or more poiu^ ted; and as thinker and a writer he has never had a superior among the, American people. He died last week, lie had been a great statesman and jurist, but the grandeur ot has char¬ acter was never more apparent than while in the conscious presence of immediate death. Here is the egraphiu account, of tho closing scene S1 > lt '> ! et r * J ' Blat ' k f ’ 1 Iie said to hiS -wile: “Haw enn I T tear to cross tlie daric river when my falh el . vaits for me on the the. shore; and added: “ Would I was as comfortab e atiout alt I leave behind unfinished in tins world.’’ and then breathed tiie following lamest players n 0b, thus beioved and most merciful lieav.. eiilv father, from whom I had my being and in whom I have ever trus ted if it be thy will, grant that my sufferings end and that I speedily called home to thee; and bless and comfort thus my Mary.” Can the infidai lagers ol thus face death with confidence and prap-r for the comfort of his bereaved and and disconsolate wife. --—«=E£r ANTONY ANI) CLEOPATRA. i I am dying, Egypt, dying. Ebbs the crimson life-tide fast And the daiv Plutonian shadows Gather on the evening blast. Let thine arms, O Queen, simport mi; Hush tliy sobs, and bow thine ear: llean-en to the great heart -ecrets, Thou, and thou alone, must hear. Though my scarred and vet -ran legions Bear tneir eagles high no more, And my wrecked arid scattered galleys Stiew dark Actiums fatal shore ; Though no glittering guards surround me Prompt to do their master’s will ; I must perish like a Roman, Die the great Triumvir still. Let not Caesar’s serrile minions Mock the Lion thus laid low ; Twas no foeruan’.s hand that slew him Twas his wn that, struck the blow. Hear, then pillowed on thy bos m, Eve hi- ster fades quite awaj, Him who, drunk with thy c-resses, Madly flung a world away. Should the base plebeian rabble Dare assault m.v fame at Home, When the noble spouse Oclavia, Weeps within her widowed home ; See 1 - her, say the Goes ba-e told me, Alta-s, Augurs, circling wings That her blood with mine comr-,. ugled, Yet shall mou-t the throne of king-. And for thee, Starry e; ed Egypt-an, Glorious sorceress of the Nile, Light the path to Stygian horrors, With the splendor of thy smi'e. Give this Caesar crowns -nd arches Let his brow the laurel twine; I can 6cora the Senate’s triumphs, Triumphing in love like thine. I am dying, Egypt, dying ; Hark! the insulting foeman’s cry ; They-are Let coming—quica, front I my die. falchion ! me them ere Ah ! no more amid the battle. Shall my heart exultant swell Isis and Osiris guard fate ; Cleopatra, Rome, farewell V-MMi*' Findlay Ironworks! SUGAR MILLS & SYRUP KETTLES, GIN GEAR, STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW AND GBIST MILL MACHINERY AND CASTINGS OF ALL KJNDS TO ORDER IRON FENCIG (Wrought and cast,) 8®*Send for circnlars and pricesfor all the above. Address, C. D. FINDLAY, Agen. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS! J- S SCHOFIELD A SONS, Proprietors, Macor, Georgia. : Manufacturers and Dealers in every Variety of Agricultural Machinery. Schofield’s Pat. Cotton Presses, Boilers, Engines SAW, GRIST and FLOUR MILLS, SCRGHO MILLS and KETTLES, Castings of Every Kind, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers. —Agents For— Judsoirs Standard Governor, Nordyke And Marinon Mills. And : the Celebrated FAUGHT DEERING HORSE POWER. —Keep constantly in stock a Full Line of— ENGINE FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, BELTING, PIPING, COMBI NATION MONKEY WRENCHES &C. &C, I F. HARPER and I El ! —DEALERS IN— DECATUR STREET, CONYERS, GA. Keep always on hand a full and complete assortment of the very host i DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, % NOTIONS, ' HATS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, MEAT, FLOOR ETC., j | SUGAR, COFFEE, CONFECTIONERIES, SPICES, CANNED GOODS SUCH AS 10IY1AT0ES, MACKEREL, CONDENSED MILK, iSAR™ DINES, &C. SAUCES, PICKLES, MUSTARDS And in fact everything kepi in This Market and other WE BUY FOR THE CASH And are able and prepared to sell goods as cheap as anybody and we guarantee to give satisfaction. We want all 10 call and give us a trial. We pay the highest prices for all country produce. We keep the best, grades of Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes, We make a specialty of the LUCY HINTOJY Tobaco. -:o: All goods delivered free in the RESPEQTFUIJ.Y, U. F. HARPER & BRO MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. Tin- RfeCHiu Improvcme- ts Made in The v, i HITE SEVVI’G MAOH1NE ! ADD MU< H TO THc, MiN Y EX ELLEN! QUA L xlifio Oi c i-illi . II |) ty I IO< •tt /rrrFmw&Tk It is an E-pt ial Favorite ot Ladies, ■ Tan-.8 and Others, Who use them for the many advantages i-■ -‘hYs S they posess over other Sowing Machines. - I EVERY WHITE MACHINE Warren ted for 5 years. J. D & T F. SMITH. Wholesale and Retail Dealers, 50 Broad Si., Atlanta Georgia. ■r. mi FT. F, & D. M. ALMAND, Agents ¥:■! Conyers, Georgia. mnmuv TOTABLE PILLS Secure Healthy troubles. Furily Vege title; X« torts*. Files 25:. All Dragjtita. D-BIJTT& with ItJi safe safe and and sure aura renodtes. remedies. Call Call or or w write rite for for List List of of Ques Quea ms to bo answered by those desiring treatment by mail. /FtOMiwItHsc \aad Isom someth Atom lag Rapture their adrantagr. shoald aend It their 1» addr«>»«*\ ) to nut a trot*. Addroao, 1>B. Mom IS K. 8th Hu, 8L Loak, So. ESTABLISHED OYKK THIRTY VEAK8. Wh AND if? I OPIUM 7 1-2 mi DRUNKENNESS Broad 2 >i$ a ;ga*s 5 £ Atlanta, St. ? Si HABIT flfli SI'S c. ’ Cfa. YIS* • OME TREATMENT. A certain core for Nervous r ILv‘Y*&d Debility, Somlnal Weak and fSeBecipoPnludfn fccokoldO roy ^etiSfSr SsYear* dl -a illustrated puces giving (bit rectionBfon>e!f-treaUnent,!sant?reev Uit. WnjJAKS. «. ttafcf sC XOrakM, Mittmt IT* T. 43f« FREE! dCI HtLinuLt I1BI r pri OtLr-bunt. r ftsirtl* A favorite prescription of one of tlit most notwd and gucea-iaful npeciallst* In tho U. ^ (now jLomt retired! for the cure of JVwtrvou* Soul Da Manhood, sealed eiivolopo/*rec. Weattnonm Druggists and tfccav can nil.w plain Altlraas DR. WARD w CO., Louuians, Mo. 9 , CELEUilATED Jik / s&m> i JK Sf, x. m &■» jess® ..... V’ SM v 1 m I STOMACH XWt W No time should be lost if the stomach, liver and bowels are affected, to adopt Bitters. the sure remedy, Hostetter’s Stomach Dis¬ eases of the organs named beget others far more serious, and a delay is, complaint, therefore, chills haz¬ ardous. Dyspepsia, rheumatic liver twinges, kidney and fever, early weakness, bring serious bodily trouble if trifled with. Lose medicine. no time in using this effective and safe For sate by all generally. Druggisu and Dealers HARRIS REfoita* GO., Mmmm CCCW PHoEHARRlsVmltLEftiEDv av. \ uunf? y\ ru «*(!•, r* w ho butlei Itlfl Ntrvriua «ud Physical l>«bil 1 1 he Koinedy ii p-it up in .mxes. No. 1 (laatiUK a ruoutb), •No.2 (rtmiu/h toeHect a *urt, unlcef In sorer®cases,) jlo.C (lii.sf.iiig three mouths ), HI. Munt b.v tuaii »b plain wrapper* iUret t ioiii. for l - im. ng arrumptiny earl. Box. P&u.phltttdesf'ri biug this disease au <t mode of cur-: scut scaled ou application Red YG.'rTO ' ye tilt 1SS8.fdL-— UTTpucftntfit to , u'i r »• aua c\is , . v: Goufcoifjcrlnirii ‘rptiont prices, ItcontAint RO'utmtA Vcvrctoblc ’' .•ihL* direct; jdh l Mower for planting Seeds, dii ' - POIT MlOH. Nervous Eahamtion, Premature Deoay, ■Loss of Memory. An go-ra«c Cloth-bound Book of wholeiome THE HtALTH JOURNAL, MILWAUKEE. WIS VIGOROUS HEALTHrofl MtN TESTED cu&e FOR YEARS A y by use Jn thoui.nd. FOR f of cases. Founded on % scientific medical prill tlie its specific vssag'R influence scat of the disease makes felt human without delay. The natural functions auimatloft Qf clt- the organism are restored. The incuts of life which have been wasted are given back. The buoyantenengyof the brain andmuscu lar system renders h DE®Y. the patient cheerful; he gains St NElYvoYs organic weakness, and numerous best physicians, obscure diseases, for baffling Indiscretion, the skill ot result yontlifnl too free indulgence, and over brain work. in Do not temporize while such enemies lurk your system. Take a remedy that has curedrtbon sand?-, arid does net interfere with you attention to business or cause any pain or inconvenience. ^-Scnd riustrsrioDo, for a Descriptive which will Pamphlet giving the most Anatomjcs! sccnticsl V ff m convince m ■ A that they can Lo restored to perfect oc&nhooa, acd W ^ fitted for the duties of life, same a« if never affected. " Pentfroeto any oue. Leoiedy told ONLY by tho HARRIS RESSEOY GO.WG. CHEMISTS. 30SR N, I3(h. 3t. 8T. LOUIS, MO. Cse Xssii’: trtttsnt 13. tte utstki J5. tires aettii 17 fit tetoi ^ d : tj sLxi & y W - t-1 > :i- > -uf-i Icim.» r-jr'’alcnt-. Caveat - n.aiSi, - '--i-yrigi.Li. f !' the Lulled tut-' --if.., fi, JVu'.e'-. G« el,-- 'A - t - ,;.T-"'rlen<-c. * ' ■ ■•v :n'■ .* ■<:■> -i lie-:-; in thePri .. -- i- (‘ U| \.-m.sU<w,-Hlirtji--.'«rrv i . ( ’ 0 - re, :.i ?' ; v j I,u-<i i prior *011:81 a fl ir'* —: MUXS ii Par •. 8" I ni) .- t f -v fr- i-i * ui-.-r.. K r y. **•1 r L > -ts * J ; , »-t^ f .... . ....... GINS, GINS! E. VANWINKLE & CO MAN UFACTUREHSOF Cotton Gins, Feed ers & Condensers, ' Cotton Presses, Oil Machinery and Saw Mills. SAW GIN AND SELF FEEDER a ’ Kx ihited bv. K, VAN VVINKLE & CO., At the International Cotton Expo o.iion, Atlanta, Ga., 3881, Awarded for best sample, beet general resn-U in Ginning, and best constructed £Jn chine the first prize, $100. or gold medai. B. 8. Picks, T. M Smedes, Missis-, si| pi; W. K. Banows, Conueticut, Judges. H. I. Kimball, Director Gen. Also, first premium at the South Carolina State Fairs and the Georgia Fairs, This Gen is an iron frame, steel *bafts, everything of tho very best material and all guaranteed. ns gsefl (it 1 / A ill ; m R m/i 1 ^ni m j 1 1 COTTOM^'l M v, 7a: - D ^ DOUBLE SCREW PRESS. Said to be the press, in the world. Suitable for Iforse, Steam and Water Power. Takes up but lit fie room ■■ Giumng and Packing can go oti at tlm game. time. E. VAN WINKSE & CO., Atlanta, Ga. PILLS TORPID BOWELS, LIVER, DISORDERED MALARIA. and arise tmcc-iourtn, o' From theeo anurous humnn alien the .ilscam-s of tl>e ruco. to,, or «Tnpn>ra»liictK;nt« tbnircxMtenco: H«»4 Appetite, Bow-tin contive, ®»ek •ehr, •s.rtlou Inline*. ot body otU>r or eatinp, mind, ayer.lop Bratunmi to ot food, Irritability of tomper, Love .pirit., A freltnff of bavins netcletrfen »hs in me dnty, IMir lur-K, I'lutterlnor at “SSSSi|"1 ANTIDOTE" TO “wi A l-u-r-VSt.,.'LT. LARI A. FoWererV-r'"-,a.Ve. t i — -i' TUTTS HAIR DYE. Gray Haip. or WmSKEas BbAtll by clmpsod asingls 5 lr.- * etantly pltcatlon to of aGt/ofeS? this DYE. Sold by Dniggls.a, or 8011 1 by <mress receipt of fll* Offlce, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTT’3 MAHUAI. " RECEIPTS FREE. *riain tngiisris t® 3 tmr llg l vfc mnnirfifirni fcaxAIUoxdl] j j OUR FSiS CIRCULAR THIS THE REST j \ - — - BjPfxny ^-' - , Kansas J«nn264h WSL Hajuus Co.—Geat»—I used tbs PaetUiseas to slsep wail and I continued to ns* all the box irith constant Improvement and aiaoo tbattim®(Oet. MB) I have fait ilka a new man. I truly hopa that many cf tha taJIamrs will find out that von have a spedfigfor nervous weakness and be onrad by the same, P. 8 .—Too Till BespecMnlty not publish Yoon,--- p.nou.i*lt. -— lag b» rofezroS to BToftaa.bat oaff I vtt you <ssy mo l ansvor thorn. To every yotuur, aoidcUe ag* or old Kta troubled with nervous or physical debili¬ ty or impotence sealed circular is sent free. Send full address on postal card to HARRIS RSMSOVOO. St. Louis, Mo. Band W. andbe vast your eonYluced addrw*. si ttuj- Tou ueod cur renudy. TM8 DISEASES 0T YOUTH and MANHOOD Is A GUIDE OUT TO MEDICINE. HEALTH WITH * T5T APHITSICLA^ of 2iiy«ar> -»- p oxperlencc- Don’t poison s »»your Book s^vsten* with Drujrs, but eret •"#/ I W’^ tills and avoid Quacks, bnirg, “FrjBfrtrfptJoiis which It exposes. free” and Frlct; Ftcclrlc i3cis. Btit rtddrmv Hif*n. THE PUBLISHER. Bor 23 d un- - W*t pi--frrt*7'. r-wo-tt*. a la, ?rCiai i-jo ae««6cr<cJ 'weaft vttVs.