The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, September 21, 1883, Image 3

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THE CONYERS WEEKLY. Cotton lively. t)ebts and liquidation. Heap new subscribers. Watermelons still coming in. Farmers are buying winter goods. We have had but one rain since last April’ Two-thirds of the wells in Conyers are dry.; Merchants are sleeping on the house¬ tops looking for stray cotton. H. P. & D. M. Almand have the rtic 1 - es t pair of scales we ever saw. A negro named Aleck Carr attempted rape on a negro on Mr. Noon Hudson’s place Wednesday. We are glad to state that Miss Alice McCord is 'improving. A revival is in progress at the Metho¬ dist church. We hope it will result in much good. As we had to move this week and get out a large number of extra pap rs we are a little late. Mr. John Langford has returned from his visit to Athens. We notice that our officers are bring¬ ing in the law breakers. Sheriff Mitch¬ ell a-irested and jailed a negro from Put¬ nam county charged with murder, this week. We hope our subscribers will borne up promptly and settle with us as we cannot get out to see them. We will publish next week the Cib tuary of Hon. John F. Hardin. The cotton crop will be sho ter »han was at first th night. When you come to town remember our office is now ou the corner un* tier hotel. We have been requested to an' hounce that Rev. Mathew Almand will preaclt at the Primitive Caurch Monday tiiglil. nexl. Fancy blue wool overshirt for fall and winter, $1, at Stewart’s. The celebrated Cleveland all wool filled Jeans from 7 to 9oz. for boys and mods winter wear, at Stewart’s. The nicest styles of dark fall and winter prints, none like them else¬ where, just arrived, at Stewart’s Clever Joe McLean has returned to Gainesville. \Ve are glad to say that Mrs. Law son is improving. Two hofses wereTrn to death by negroes at Pine Bluff, Sunday. Mesws. W. II. McCord, W. M. Richardson, and James Cdet, will go to Alabama next week on a prospect¬ ing. If your mantel needs any ornament ftnd ydur wife a guide, get one df the hice Cottago Clocks, at Stewart’s! Waste neither tirrfe nor money, but inake the best use of both by calling early at, Stewarts. Call and see that “ ex-quisite ” no¬ tion department of J. A. & T. D. Stewart. Stewart has has just received a case of fine Alligator shoes for ladies and gentlemen. Miss Lizzie Chupp lias returned to her home. Mrs. John Shipley has been on a visit to her mother, in itfewtod coun ty, for several days. Eton. Milton Chandler, of Decatur, made a'Sunday school talk at Liberty Chapel last Sunday evening. Henry Carter, colored, an excep- tionally good negro, died on last Sun¬ day night. Mr. E. Thom has resigned the post mastrrship. Some say volunteerly, others think otherwise. In negro stole a calf to feed the preachers with off Mr. Arnold Whita kart place Ust week. Mr. H.ygood, here is food for thodght. The liquor bill which we publish 1 lo - . day, has passed. , There will be a colt show here on the first Tuesday in October- Everybody oula bring out their colt. Rev. C. J. Burton will preach at the Second Baptist church on Sunday the 2 3rd inst. Mr. Thomas Owens tells of a pattridge that hatched out three chickens. The e 4gs were in the bird’s nest and as they hatch in three weeks while the bird eggs take four, the chicks came first. The old bird was taking care of them and made much ado when called upon to give them U P- Mr. Owens says he will swear that >t is true. Roberts bas been twenty years in the stove business, and knows a thing or two a bout them. His stoves are not made 01 rusty scrap iron, which are rotten a nd sell very cheap take notice. Roberts will sell you a stove for a few Lucks rather than be undersold. Bee U'Qi first by all means. U , US * om ma< ^ e Clothing st G W er& Bro’s rock bottom • at nces - TAX ASSFSTMENT FOR 1SS3. Rockdale Court of Ordinary ( a Chambers, Sep. 21 1SS3. Whereas Ilis Excellency, Henry D. McDaniel} Governor of the State ot Geogia, having assessed twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars of the , 1 xaoie , , operly , ot , the , for pi . state, the State Tax lor the year 1883. It is ordered by the Court of Ordi¬ nary of liockdaU " countv j, il-x u 1 *1.. r 0 following . be assessment and the same are hereby made ns 1 lie thej.a/]8S3 com tv tax tor Rockdale uoumy fo, for the purposes herein after set forth and lliat the same be collected by W. W. Nelms, tax collector of Rockdale county, or his successor in office, and paid over to the coun’y treasurer of said county, by the 15 h day ot De¬ cember, next. I. For the building and repairing of bridges and other public buddings and all other county purposes for the year 1883, Thirty five cents on the hundred dollars of the taxable prop erty of Rockdale county. II. For ihe purpose of p°ying the grand and petit jurors for the year 1883, Fifteen cunts on the hundred dollars of the taxable property of Rockdale county. III. For the support ofpiu >ers tor the year 1883, Ten cents on the buns drt d dollars ot the taxable property of Rockdale county, O, Seamans, Ordinary. Look Here. 8e2f“I employ this method to ask all who are due the former firm of S. J. Cowan & Son to come forward snd make settle¬ ments at once. We have waited long and patiently, and as we are anxious to close our books we ask you to come for ward and settle now. If you cannot pay all in money come ana settle by note"as we must close our books. I can be found at the Millinery store of Mrs. P. A Cow¬ an and S. J. Richardson on Commerce street, Conyers, Ga. S. J. Cowan. -0:0 Read This, g@“We earnestly ask All who are due us on accounts or notes to come forward at ouce and make settlements as we are needing the money. We have many accounts that have been running a long time on parties we uiiow to be good, but we need the money now, and must have it. So come on and pay us and by so doing you will greatly favor and ob ige. We are yet at our old stand on Com merce street. We call your attention be¬ low to*our NEW GOODS. ysS'Thanking our customers for pad fa¬ vors, we asa them to call and examine our fall and winter goods. We ha ve on hand and are continually receiving an elegant assortment of hats, feathers flow¬ ers, velvets, ribbons, laces.'corsets, hoops shirts, ruching, zephyr and a beautiful line of liecK wear, plush and velvet col¬ lars, handkerchief!, and also jewelry and ha 5 r goods besides various other articles too numerous to mention, We will sell low down for cash. Call and see us when in town. Yours Truly, P A Cowan Sr S J Eihcliardssn 1 U .TAX ) BOOTS. r SHOES J 0« "LT A t? 1\J T-T ^ ’ CONYERS, GA. ------------------------ | g@y*I ^ am prepared todo all kind of ZZt shoe | neatly, promptly, durably and cheaply. S ne wor k a specialty. Give me your work and I insure sausfaction- I keep a ] so a fi ne ii ne 0 f hand and machine made harness, bridles, bits, catch&s, col lars buckles etc., infact, everything con best, my prices the bottom. Call and see me- sep. 21 3mos. TIIE UNION SrCHOOL. A meeting of the people, interested in school affairs, was held at Union Academy, on the 7th inst, Prof. J. I Coleman was called to the chair and W. C. Bentley, Esq, was elected Secretary. 4 The object ef the meeting as briefly stated by Prof. Coleman, was to elect trustees and make other arrangements for a school during the winter sea son. It was moved and carried, that five Trustees be appoiuted by the chair, subject to the ratification of the for an indefinite length of time, whose duty was to obtain and hold titles to the school property, and to look otherwise to the enterest of die property. The following men were appointed : trustees: N. J. Bowen, Pres., J. II. The 6‘ Excelsior Stove House.” A Special invitation to merchant* end the puplic generally to examine “before STOVES, purchaiing the largest s'ockjof GOODS RANGES} FURNACES HOUSE FURNISHING Slate Stamped and plain tin ware Japanned ware.Jwocd and willow ware, gas fixtures and iron mantles, grates, rubber hose, wrought iron -pipe for steam, gas And water. Brass goods, steam whistles, plumbers, materials warer closets etc. This is th ■ largest and most varied stock that is kopt in the S >utt;, and we mean to exeell in Quantity, Quality and Price. Our stock of gas fixtures, mantels and Grates, is simply the laegest in the south. Gold bronzed and ebony chandeliers, In latest designs. We are the 62?*Can STOVE EMPORIUM OF THE SOUTH. plumbers fill all orders promptly at reasonable prices. We are practical and gas fitters, tin and iron roofers, manufacturers of galvanized iron cornice and Ornamental sheet irrn work, concrete sewer and drain pipe. Agents for Knowels Steam P uh1 P8 and Macks injectors. HUNTiCUTT & BELLINGRATH, JO «, QQ 00 I PF A P b TR 1 V F Parl{ > G - w - Morris, J. G. Maun, and ML’ pa Y- c and carried, that a committee of be appointed, in the same manner as the trustees, whose duty is to look more immediately to the active interest, of the school, in securing proper and suitable teachers fixing the time for schools, etc, etc. The following were appointed on the committee: G. W. Sin mons, chairman, John Baily, G. W. Morris, J. H. Park, and N. J. Bowen. The house unanimously thanked Prof. Coleman for the able and impartial manner in which he has conducted the present school, and offered and urgently requested him to take charge of another school during the ensuing winter, which he very kindly declined, owing to a previous engagement. It was moved and carried that the Conyers Weekly and Eolid Couth be requested to publish the proceedings of the meeting. The meeting adjourned sine die. Prof. Jas. I. Coleman. Chairman. W. D. C. Bentley, Esq., secretary. a u B SF. Hi. S3! U i * r* fnto. This 9 m m actual size. It i t not u mod el or chart, but aacaleof incites. With it a lady can cut from any fashion A plate, making a Dertopt fit without nltcnv ticnE Agents v?anted. MRS. R. E. SUMMERS ear Gen. Agent. Conyers It is not a Chart or Model but a square of inches. By it you can cut any gar¬ ment for Lidies, Gentlemen and all kind ©f Children suits. Strict attention given to leiters of inquiry. Local and traveling agents want'd. "Mrs. S. E. Summers, Gen. Agent, Conyers, Ga. TAKE NOTICE. I am going back to my old business of cleaning and remoddling old clothing all woolen goods, both indies and gents. Also silks and velvets. Anyone wishing to see me can do so by calling at my resi deuce formerly occupied by Mr Winburn fronting uol. J. C Barton, Mollie Reed. 1 BY B. M. WOOLEY, M. D PIUM j Atlanta. Ga. HABIT ) Reliable evidence given CURE f and reference to cured patients physicians. Office 65 Whitehall, 1 st Send for my book on the Habit and ilsOure. r V Ga°. ley HISKY A tlanm, DrinkinG 1 No pain. No loss of CURE, / time from business Cures the disease and destroys ad taste for stimulants. Book of painculars sent 65 sent to any address fiee. Office at Whitehall street. NEW ADVERT;.SEMENTS. We call attention to the advertisement of McBride & Co., Atlanta, in this issue, This is one of the best houses in the country, Read carefully what they have to say. Read in this issue the card of Geo. It. Sibley & Co., Augusta, in this issue. It is a cotton handling house unsurpassed in any good respect in the State, We take pleasure in recommending it to our people. The card of our clever young fuenu, Thomas J. King, will be found in this issue. There is no gusli in it, what he says can be relied upon. When you want good harness or good work done, you can do no better than giving him a call, Read carefully the notice of Mr. S. J. Cowan in this issue. Parties d m him money will save by calling and maxing settlements at their earliest convent ence. Mrs. P. A. Cowan & S. J. Pichardson have an advertisement in this number of our paper. They respectfully ask all who are owing them to come promptly forward and make settlements. They also call attention to their stock of fall and winter goods- advertisement We call attention to the of The Dress Maker s Magic Scale in this issue. This is the most perfect system in the world and to possessjone and know R g use j s worth a hundred times its cost, J3y it any form ern be fitted without a change of seam- Mrs S. E. Summers, State Agent, Conyers, Ga. We call attention this the “ Excelsior Stoye House,’’ of the well known and reliable firm of Hunhicutt & Bellingrath, Atlanta. This is a house we can cheerfully recommend and ask you to read their card. We insert this week the advertiaement jQ r B 33 Woolley, a raan who has mor e to relieve suffering humanity than any one in the South. He possess es a W onderful remedy and there are hundreds of sufferers Whoso eyes these lines will meet, that we earnestly beg to apply to him and be cured. A BILL, To bo entitled an act to prohbit th o manufacture or sale of intox'catin ;c« liquors or intoxicating, medicated bitters in any quantity, whatever, in the county of Rockdale, except for medicinal purposes and to provide for the keeping and sale for said medical purposes, and to prescribe penalties fob the violation of thesame and f a other purposes: See. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful to manufacture or sell any intoxicating liquors cr iutoxicating, medicated bitters in any quantity, whatever, in the county of Kock dale, except for medical purposes, See 2 Be it further enacted, That intoxicating liquors or intuxoaling medicated bitters; shall not be sold at but one plaea for medical purposes in said county of It ickdale, and only by a regu'ar pharmaceutist, or apoth¬ ecary,! who shall be elected by the Grand Jury and eotnmissionud by the Ordinary tor the term of two years, and shall before ho sells the same give bond and security for the sum of one thousand dollars (or the faith ful compliance of this act, and shall take the followiuj? oath to-wit: That I will not sell any intoxicating li¬ quors of any kind whatever directly, indirectly or intoxio iting bitters exs cept strictly f or medical purposes, and that as provided lor in section 3 and 4 in this act. and that I will not keep at any one time more than ten gaK Ions, and wall not sell the same at a greater profit than fifty per cent on actual cost of the same. Sec. 3. Beit further euacted, That the phramacentist cr apothecary who is elected commissioned and sworn to dispose of intoxicating lidaors and u «™, - provided for in beotion becond. shall not f>ell aii) intoxicating liquors or intoxicatng medicated bitters of any kind whatever except L rictfy for tnedicrl purposes, and that he shali t se j| ,fi c . s;tm e except 1 on a written certificate _ of a regular licensed and P ractisinff ” h Vsidi,n ’ 8tfttiu 'S tl,e . amount J and for whom it is wanted an d shall sell only J once on the same certificate, See, 4. Beit further enacted,That n > physician shll give a certificate for any kind of int ,, xiea , ing liquors or intoxicating, medicated bitters, ex cept when lie is covinced th at his pMient ... is in actual , need , of „ the ... same as a medicicine, and lie shall prescribe it only as be would other medicines, and any physician may prescribe for his patient, the articles set out in the scc ti 0 n, in case of actual ne Cessity. Sec. 5 Be it further enacted, That any physician viola 1 ing the fourth section of this act shall on conviction tnereof be punished as presoribed in section 43W of the code. Sec. 6 Be it further enacted, That anv ; j 1)g aV/av or exchanging intoxicating liquors as an evasion of sale shall lie deemed guilty of violating act. ^ec. f. Be it further enacted That any person violating the first and sixth sects, of 1 his act shall be tubject to indictment am j , ipon conviction be punished as pre scribed in sec. 4310 of the code. Sec. 8 Be it further enacted That, all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are repea ed. The^oraiige crop of Louisiana is tfeport ed to be good. The herdics are no longer running in Natchez. There are 1,356 convicts in the Ten¬ nessee penetentiary. The building boom has fairly opened at Tampa, Florida. Vicksburg, Mis , is to have a thorough si-stern of waterworks. Owing to the want of rain, the Missis¬ sippi turnip crop promises bad,y. Towns along the Georgia Pacific, in Alabama, are building up like magic. At Franklin, Texas, $1,000 has b ;en raised by citizens to sink an artesian well. The Tennessee Baptist stale convention will be held in Chattanooga the 25th of October. Dallas, Texas, br’cklayers are now get ting $6 per day—the highest wages ever i paid in Texas for mechanical labor of any kind. -H. P, & D. M, ALMAND,- @flM/MJ, @151 , -Dealers EEE'REEE, ?%EWMIISE Every Kind. We have in stock and are daily receiv in a handsome line of goods of every kind, which we will sell low down. We are paying the highest prices for all kind of country produce, cotton etc. the I . in ow s ime TO @Qcfié? 9W AZ! C“ SE a _V 333 A > mtg " A? EPAVF "L. M»: BARQngNY N— Dont forget It. BB on'l . ■N 's V i * ’No \ zi II i P & (XL/ D 1 M U Almnnrl CONYERS MARKET. [Corrected Weekly.] Cotton...... .....7 to 9§cts Corn....... .....65 cents. Meal....... .....75 cents. Hay....... • • • $1,3-5 to 1,50. Bran....... .....9° cents. Oats....... .....4o cents. Wheat...... ■ ... $1, to 1,10. Fiour....... . $6 to $8 a bare). Bulk meat..... ...... 9cts. hard....... . . . i2 to 14 cts. Sugars...... . ... 8 to 13 cts. Salt........ • ■ • $i,iO to $i,r5. Coffee....... . . . 12 to 30 cts. Svrup N. O..... . . .60 to 80 cts. Other Syrup . . . • . . • 50 to 75 cts. Peas....... . . . . 65 to 70 cts. Rice . ...... . . . . 8 lo lo cts. . . . 10 to 25 cts. Butter...... . . . . 2o to 25 cts. Eggs....... ......locts* COUNTY OFFICERS. Ordinary . . . . . O Seamans. Sheifif. . . . . . . A. P. Mitchel. Clerk .... • . . J. J. McCord. Tax Collector W. W. Nelms. Tax Receiver......ffm, T. Husoa. Coroder . . . . . . Gee. W. Oaks. Surveyor. . . • • . R- A. Guinn. Court 3rd Mondays in February and Au¬ gust. J. D. Stewart, judge; Emmett Wommack, Solicitor. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor ...... A. M. Helms. Clerk ...... • • • J. R. Maddox. Marshal..... . . . B. G. allace. Deputy M..... . . . L. S. Bellah. Overseer..... J. R. Irwin. ) M. W. Maddox, W Trwin, Cour.cilmen I J S. Daniel I, Geo. Weaver J S. J. Cowan. G. Mi Jbnes. Meet Every fst. Mofiday. CHURCHES. First Baptist...... J. M. Brittain. Broaching 2d. Sunday*. Sunday school . . . . • . • 3 P- na. Methodist.......Brrtow Bigham,, 3d Sundays. Sunbay school.........3 p. m. Presbyterian . . . • • • ■ H Quigg. Preaching .... . . 4 r h Sundays. Sunday school . . 9 a. m Secon-1 Baptist......Geo. R. Moor. Preaching..... 3rd Sundays. Sunday school . . . . . .9 a. nr. Primitive..... Isaac Hamby. Preaching . 2d Sundays. P erfect P astry ]P ateni. FOR SALE, One of the most valuable lots iff the city. In the vdry center of the business portion; Situate on the corfrOr of cen¬ r. d „“„ 8 Scott lot. It is a capital business lot and no mistake. For terms, particulars &c., call on John H. Almand at J. H. Almand & Son’s store. CITATION. State of Georgia Rockdale county. Whereas John O. Bohanan “xecu er ttf Mary C. Ozburn represents to the court in his petitions duely filed ;.nat. he has fully administered Mary C. Osdurn estate. This is therefore to c'te all persons enneerned heirs and creditors to show cause if any they can discharged why said executor should not be from his executes ship anil receive letters of dismission ci tbs first MjrlRy n November S3. 7} Seamans 0 ; Jinary. GEORGE KENNON 1 Dealer in General Merchandise, (Mrs. G. Cowan’s old stand-.) Commerce Street, Conyers, Ga., Keeps always on hand nice candies, canned goods, cabbage cider, lemonade, etc. A good line at bottom prices. Call and see him. SUMMER CLOTHING, A full line of Cicilean and Alapaca COATS AND VESTS in all sizes from boys up to 8 breast also RXTRA long sacks. Also a small lot of COLORED ALPACA COATS at $1,50 to, $3,60, former prices $3,56 to S5,oo. Just received a full lot of "OUR OWN” perfect fitting dress shirts, fn laundried' and unlaundried, at the same popular low prices. Please give us a call. Very respectfully, A A- 8 ROSENFELD, Gate City clothing; store’, it Whiteli Street, Atlanta, Ga. 12 - 3 BCf H^fNS RfjvlEsiY CO., 8 Tii£S&«. KHtB A r* < and 80k Prop’s m£ * ■ paor. HARR18’ PASTILLE REMEOT ■SktroQ Vouap 1 others who *nStr >*XS 9 P' &ad Pkysioal DtbO jBSLhci Prematu ure Exhaustion ud ir ma many gloomy coaseqaeuoea, The Kcmsdy is in q uicMy and radicall put up ooxes PS. Jio. So. 1 1 (la*tini flatting a month), Ao. 2 (enough to effect» cure, u.i1ps* u.iless in In severe severe cases,) casei (lasting Direction* three for months), I'ainy Sent each by mail Box. in Pam; plai to wra --Appetpl desert art ompany sin j *b let j y >iu2 this cLaeaae and oodu of cure scut sealed oil api'liosMfiv