The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, September 21, 1883, Image 6
THE CONYERS WEEKLY. (i FFICIaL ORGAN CITY OF COXYl'KS. FFICIAL ORGAN OF ROCKDALE COUNTS* q yf White ...............Publisher J. N. Hale icoiTor. E, ROBERTS. __ Mr. Roberts has changed his place of business, going into one of the elegant rooms of Mr. S. D. Night, where he he pleasedJlto 1 have ali;of"his friends, customers and the public generally tocall on him. lie is well fitted up to do all kinds of tin work from the mending of a dipper to covering a house, and has a full stock of all goods in his line which be bought low down. He has just a car load of stoves and all w ho one can get them cheaper than ev¬ before offered. Call and see him. FOR CHANG ING ROAD. Georgia, Rockdale County—Notice is hereby given to all persons cons cerned that application has been made to the court or Ordinary for the changing of the road known as the river road leading from 15 . F Cans to \V J Turners at w hat is known os Tap Camps gin pond, commencing .at ; ihe top of the rise and about, thirty yards from the cieek on the East side turning to the right and crossing , creek some t hirtv vartls J above! - the; ford then turning b to the left and iutersectiug the road some thirty yards from ti e creek on the west side, the same having been reviewed marked out and ieoommended to be of public utility, and if no good is shown on the 24 th day of Sept, next 1883 by 10 o’clock a. m.. order w ill pass establishing said change making it a part of said road. O. Seamans, Ordinary. August 20’ IS83.—4t. NEW KOAD. Georgia. Rockdale County, Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned, that application for a second class pub¬ lic road running from a point on the toad leading from Conyers to Logans ville known as Bradford’s Ford, riming through the lands of Mrs. Sallie Nichols aud on the line between G P Sigman and T C Mitchell through the land of M J Baily and on the line between J R Mc Calla and W J Humphries through the land of Mrs A J Black and near the resi¬ dences of J W Black and II A Black to the line of Walton county intersecting with the new ro«d leading to Logans ville the same [having been reviewed, marked out and recommended as a road of much public utility and if no good cause is shown on or by the 24th day of Sopt. at 10 o’clock a m the order will pass establishing said road as one of the second class roads of Rockdale county. O- iS8j Seamans, Ordinary. This Ang. 28 , 4 t. CITATION. Whereas A W How ard ndminisira** tor of the estate of Ben. Gregory deceased having applied to the court of ordinary for leave '.o eel 1 tlie lands belonging to the estate ot said de’d., this is to cite all and singular the kindred and creditor? of said deceas¬ ed to be and appear at my office on the 1 st Monday in October, next, at 10 o’clock a. m. and show cause if any they can why A W Howard as ad¬ ministrator should not have leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of said deceased for the purpose ot paying debts and distribution among the heiis of said estate-. 0 - Seamans, Ordinary. This Aug. 3'st 1883. GRGIA, Rockdale County Whereas J. T. Adair Administra¬ tor of James G. Kirkpatrick late of said county deceased, having made adplication to me for. leave to see a part oi the lands be’oning to the estate of said deceased. This is to cite all p'arsons concerned kindred <ind cvedetors of said deceased to be Ond appear at my office on the first Monday in Septemberlnext by 10 o dock a. m. and show cause it any they can why said administrator should not have leave to sell the in part ike bunds delouging to said es¬ tate lor distribruiion among die heirs and creditors ot said deceased. Given under my hand and.goffieial AMS signature. 0 . BEAM This July 26 th 1883 . 4 t. Otd'y. A. P. TRIPGQ, 13 Broad Street, ATLANTA, GA. Atists and Painter’s Material, French and American Window Glass etc —Agents For— Averill Mixed Paint Company. Also Agents For THF SILICATE PAINT COMPANY Petrify Liquid, a sure remedy for damp walls, recommended by the Internation¬ al Aealth Congress and Sanitary Insti¬ tute of Great Brittain. OPEUM HABIT AND DRUNKENNESS. Positive! -jitlvelr.speedily and rLmEDIES, permanently cured by dr. . KEELEYS GOLO containing no_____ form of Opium. Truth Invlter investigation. References best in he tst&te. For terms, pampu lets and proofs, address, with three cent stamp, W. C. RCLLA^nr, M. i>.. 7 1-2 Broad St., Atlanta, Ca. '1 HE QUEEN CITY BARBR-SHOP, :o: FRANK LYNCH (tou.sortal Hist in -- :o:- Hail cutting in the neatest and new est style, Shaving, Shampooing and Dyeing executed with neatness and dispatch. jKSTL leafed in the Night builning first floor on the left up stairs, SN 1 CELEBRSTiD s 9 * . w fa t a mkp Ha V TV A •I I pi mm, imi ifriBS ^Hostetter’s St#roach Hitters meets the requirements of tin! rational medical phi loBophy which at’ present prevails, ft is perfectly pure vegetable remedy, embra- of ting the three important and properties alterative. a preventive, a tonic an It fortifies tlie body against the deaeasa, torpid invigm rates and reyitalj/es oaahnury bhang* stomach i» and liver, and oflfeafs the entire system, and Dealers i'or sale by a)i geaeaulf'. ©ruemate —•• •—■ SOUTH'RN SANITARIUM THIS INSTITUTION, formely known as the Atlanta Health Institute “Water (Jure,” is universally acknowl¬ edged to be the most complete and thoroughly rational and scientific as tablishment ffir the treatment of the sick in the southern states. The fob lowing area few ol Ihe manv remedial agencies employed in addition «f-tr ; ' v ..... T ': e celebrated Mom-re I lu rmo Llecrtic Bath, Improved Tmkis;.,F.n’ Electric liii.ssiuii Roman, El. ctro-\apor, and some twenty different kinds id ELECTRIC Water BATHS. ALSO Swedish Mnvem nt by ma¬ chinery, and mnnin oj-enuion by traiued manipulators, Massage treats nient, etc., etc. attention given the Special to tareotment of Diseases pereuliar Neus to Invalid Ladies; also Dyspepsia, the ralgia, Rheumatism. Diseases ot Kidneys,Livevand Bowels, Eye, Ear. Nose, Throat and Lungs. Chorine diseases are r< adily aud permanently Aodress cured at this institution. U. O ROBERTSON. M.D. 134 McDonough street, Atlnata. CITY MARKET i -BY w 6 ft P B- SMITH. •:o: ''piiey | keep freshest always 5 nicest 111 A n B E E F & P O R K, -SAUSAGE,- Backbone & Bibs. Also Mutton. When vou want nice meats, gooil weights and cheap prices, call at the City Market fiist door above Post-Office Coiiyers, Ga. A CARD. I take this method of informing my customers and the public general¬ ly that 1 have moved my stock of goods to Clemmons & Pettys former Timid on Center street, where I shall keep a good stock ol Dry Goods and Family Supplies, My terms are cash or barter and I promise to sell as low as any, you will find my house tko headquai ters loi tbehighest price paid for cotton seed and country pro' duce geneially. You are kindly in¬ vited to call and see me. 4 t G. H. Weavek. A VERY GOOD THING. I have now one of t ne best found rys in the United States making two qualities of Cook Stove lor me, viz : the “ New Pilot ” and the “ Echo I have just received a car load o them, aud have opened my business tor the season in one of the elegant store rooms in the Night building. The very latest improvements and the best materials are put on these stoves and I will «ell them ar prices never bctoiC kllOWH 111 L | I CoillO SCO for , V OlirSt .If II .,, •“ u ,1 eSUeeialh c. [>vi >*»*■: examine my fine Love the “ New Fi tot. ’I F. Roe’ KTS. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS! J- S SCHOFIELD & SONS. Proprietors, Macor, Georgia. Manufacturers and Dealers n every Variety of Agricultural Machinery. chcfielscl Pat. Cotton Presses, Boilers, Engine 6 SAW, GRIST and FLOUR MILLS, SCRGHO MILLS and KETTLES, Castings of Every Kind, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers. —Agents For— Jndson's Standard Governor, Nordyke And Marraon Mills. And the Celebrated FAUGHT PEERING HORSE POWER. » — Keep constantly in stock a Full Line of— ENGINE FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, BELTING, PIPING, COMBI¬ NATION MONKEY WRENCHES &C. &C. DTT J H CO DTT j H j GO Fistula. Fisure and Rectlar Ulcers Or. Taber, NO. 82 DECATUR STEET, ATLANTA, GA., MAKES A SPECIALTY OF THESE DISEASES And has cured cases of forty years standing. Cure guaranteed. If I fail to cure >■“” W “ 1 wm JO “ r m ° ney F. rirK'p.TS, Atlanta.Ga. Findlay Iran Works! Ml®0Da ®!©©rii!a» mm MILLS ft SYRUP KETTLES, GIN GEAR, STEAM ENGINES BOILERS, SAW AND GRIST MILL MACHINERY AND CASTINGS Of ALL KINDS TO ORDER IRON FENCIG (Wrought and cast,) C@5“.Send for circnlars and pricesfor all the above. Address, C, D. FINDLAY, Agen. ME POPULAR THAN EVER. The Recent Improvements Made in The WHITE SEWI’G MAOHINE! ADD MUCH TO TUB MANY EXCELLENT QUAL - gaps? TIES of this Superior Machine, It is Espeial Favorite of Ladies, ISaBiSBfvS an ||g|S Tad os and Others, 1'ES Who use them for the many advantages xNi|| they posess over other Sewing Machines. EVERY WHITE MACHINE Wsivveuted for 5 wars. J. 1). d> T F. SMITH. !?. m AVholesale and Retail Dealers, j ■ j . 1 50 Broad St., Atlanta Georgia. H- P. & D. M. ALJIAND, Agents Couyers, Georgia. I^BELiSBLE FREE! SELF-CURE CZFTt x favorite prescription of one of tha liSSSHSSiiHS-SS Mo A.idrss* 03 . WARD a CC., Louisiana, $ 2,00 Will get the ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTISUTION and THECONYEKs WEEKLY. one whole- year! $1,00 Willget he Cosv kks -V-i ko -ne year when pan. ad' uce. When sent by mail S1.25 wi.l lie the 1 rice. Address, THE WEEKLY, Conyers, Ga. Mm. M. Jordan | Fred B. Pope, Formerly Sibly &.J. Washington, Ga. JORDAN ft POPE, Cotton Factors AND Com Merchants Augusta ........... .........Georgia. g^rBpecmt a-ftention i en >o weights. Quick sale-: j-r inpt returns \\ e refer lc. periniss-on to v Z, Me* *>r«i, Presi den the Nan. . mi. 1 cauK Mi 1 W Cos ery Oresiuent i Nv.teis L an and Sav - g> ‘..iiuk, .•••ugas-.A, Oa. Messrs. John M. C aiksJSiMis. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL CHI i DINNER AND TEA SETS, VASES. Fit® eattery, f tikt Sets @><i§t(A!\?l *! FORKS, SPOONS, HALL AND LIBRARY LAMPS. _ ■ -The Cheapest Goods in the South at I I ■ I McBride’s China Palace ) ATLANTA, GA. fH Merchants temember that th > saving on freight on Crockery, Glassware Cases, Wood ware, Tinware etc. bought from McBride & Co. pro®t « is a good T sep. 21. ly. McRRIDE & C J George R. Sibley. '■sburt Hull. P. B. Toail ii_j H j H j C~2 U V 80S —— Special Attention Given To Weights And Sales. 847 & 840 Reynolds St. f Jugnsta, Ga. H 1 J, C00I H 1 H D 53 Sontli Broad Street .AllantaJ --WHOLESALE— Paints Ms, Varnishes .Brushes & Window-Gatss —Headquarters for all^kinds of— mxsmm w&twt s f AT YYBOLESALE, Guaranteed equal to anything made. Bend for color card and prices.. jg^We also keep as line line Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils as is kept in the City, and are Headquarters for ctny and alt Sixes Glass. F. J. Cool edge & Bro., 53 South Broad st., Atlanta, Ga. Z-McOURD. F. W. OSTFER. M'CORD & FOSTER. Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants AIcCord, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Consignments Solicited'. Personal A’teution &> v en to Business. The Instructions of Consignors Promptly Obeyed. W. H. HOWARD, C. H. HOWARD,- S. P. WEISIGER. b Jl. t f COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 20 SEFNTH M'INTOSH ST 1 AUGUSTA GEORGIA* of Cotton i^ °!^f^ Produce Solicited. Coiv ignments aI Lowest Market Prices^ O ilers Ft JBagigteg And Ties killed I , At