The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, October 05, 1883, Image 6

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*, 0 1 I 5 Y is. M. WO 0 LEY, M. L» PIUM j Atlanta, Ga. HABIT ) Reliable evidence given CUKE) and reference to cured patients physicians. Office 65 Whitehall, St- Send for my book on the Habit and its Cure. Dr B M Wooley } By Ga. HUSKY Atlanta, DrinkinG \No pain. No loss of CURE- J time from business. Cures "the disease and of destroys particulars all taste sent for stimulants. Book sent to any address fiee. Office at 65 Whitehall street. ; PAY UP. All who find a cross mark on Iheir paper this week may know that their subscription is due, and we are expect¬ ing them to settle at once. We can’t live on air, “I’ll see you next week” and other promises This is the only dun we will give this winter; so be governed thereby TAX ASSFSTMENT FOB 1883. Rockdale Court of Ordinary ! Chambers, Sep. 21 1883. Whereas Ilis Excellency, Ilenry D. McDafiiel, Governor of the State of Geogia, having assessed twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars of the taxable property of the slate for the State Tax for the year 1883. It is ordered by the Court of Ordi¬ nary of Rockdale county, that the following assessment be and the same are hereby made ns the county tax j for Rockdale county for the year 1883 for the purposes herein after set forth and that the same be collected by W. W. Nelms, tax collector of Rockdale j county, or his successor in office, and* paid over to the county treasurer of said county, by the 15th day of De¬ cember, next. I. For the building and repairing of bridges and other public buildings and all other county purposes for the year 1883, Thirty five cents on the LTSB"dl 1 ot.r bI “ 1 ’ r ° P ' u. Fonhe pnrpweofp»yin g grand and petit jurors lor the year 1883, Fifteen cents on the hundred dollars of the taxable property of Rockdale county. III. For the support of paupers for the year 1883, Ten cents on the buns > dred dollars of (he taxable property of Rockdale county, O, Beamans, Ordinary. A VERY GOOD THING. I have now one of tne best found¬ ry's in the United Slates making two qualities of Cook Stove for me, viz : the “ New Pilot ” and the “ Echo 1 have just received a car load o them, and have opened my business for the season in one of the elegant store rooms in the Night building. The very latest improvements and the best materials are put on these stoves and I will sell them at prices never before known in this place. Come see for yourself aod especially examine my line rtove the “ New Fi lot. ” E. Robkrtb. CITY MARKET i -BY -:o:- r r'hey keep always on hand the very I nioeBt freshest meats, in the way of BEEF «& PORK, -SAUSAGE,- Backbone <& Ribs. Also Mutton. When vou want nice meats, good weights and cheap prices, call at the City Market fiist door above Post-Office Conyers, Ga. A. P. I 13 Broad Strkkt, ATLANTA, GA. Atists and Painter’s Material, French and American Window Glass etc. —Agents For— Averill Mixed Paint Company. Also Agents For THF SILICATE PAINT COMPANY. Petrify Liquid, a sure remedy for damp walls, recommended by the Internation¬ al Aealth Congress and Sanitary Insti¬ tute of Ureat Brittain. HEADQUARTERS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. OW r ENS HOTEL, Formerly Cruse House, J M OWENS, PR0PRITR Newly fitted up. Table affords. supplied Hacks with the best the market Free meet all trains. A trial is all I ask. COVINGTON GEORGIA. Q» 6 * to t-roN Ijpne|I% Iroa Levers* Steel B*irlnfrBr-s» TARE BIAW. IS fl A ^ JONE9, BE PAYS TDsi FHOUl X. fold Tor fi*e c-n trial. loolt, aduresa Warrant* 6 Jtaia. AUaiicaaalow. |g| | ■ Mf ; | n iOMES OF BIN8RAMTCFI, UlSGHAaiOS, ». The Biggest and The ! Best OO JLJ H H 1883. THE ISS 3 . pmteH CO •T> H GO 12 months for the small sum of / And it and the Atlanta Weekly 12 months for onlv $2,00 / lidpsest li Official organ City of Conyers Official organ Rockdale County m Of every discription executed quickly and in a neat manner. THE LuWERT PRICE S Address or call on J. N. Hale 7 I | SM3 Editor, Conyers Georgia. amcUve mme r/za/elu. ■ ar A combination of Pro - ws taxide of Iron, Peruvian Bark and Phosphorus in a Debility, palatable form. Appe¬ For Boss of of Vital nds, Prostration Powers it is indispensa tie. BEV.j.L.Tcroirr-K, TH£ 7 Industry, Ill., says:— it ODD f “I consider greatly benefited by its J a moat, excellent remedy for Ministers and Pxfo- / A the debilitated vital forces. use. lie Speakers will find it — — of the greatest value where a Tonic is neces- / r /j Vj sary. I recommend it a3 a reliable remedial agent, doubted possessing- nutritive and nn restorative properties. Or. 1882 . Ky .. . ii^ MEDICINE CO., 813 S. UAIS _ ST., yT.15713. __ - ~ KETiiES BY SSS DR. HARTER r, ‘ ‘ ----• —- -• - MK PtoBLE * FREE! SELF-CURE, ——— A favorito prescription of one of tha Address DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. mm ms mstmm I H Secure Healthy action to the Liver m and relieve all bil —_^T iona troubles. Purely Vegetable; No C-riping. Price 25c. All Druggists. E»y~£S; ,. , ;aaB 3 £~XS: YQFiPID BOWELS, E R, DISORDERED L S V From these and sources MALAglA.^^ the diseases of the human race, I nose symptoms indicate their existence : Losci cl Appetite, Koivtls costive, fciiete Iffeatl ache, fullness after jrailuir, aversion, to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irritability of temper, Lmv spirits, A feeling of La ving neglected sonic dntj r ) DIzziitcsSjF’iittcriiifi eyes,XilgUly sit a-’is Heart, Uots before the col¬ tie ored. Urine, COXTSTIPATIOiV, and PXYXS have 110 equal, Their action on .. is Kidneys and Skin i 3 also prompt; removing all impurities through these three “ scav¬ engers of tSse svst*m,” producing appo cause no nausea or griping nor interiors •with daily work and are a MALARIA, perfeet ANTIDOTE TO Sold every •" 1 .v r' > ,fJ;rC. L 1 ,f> . 4 \ - nn •> ■ » 1 . j .. ~ TOTS HAIR changed DYE, in¬ Gray Hair or Whiskers stantly to a Glossy Black by a Druggists, single ap¬ plication of tliis DYE. Bold by or sent by cxnress on receipt of §!• Omen, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTT’S MMiUM. £i? USEFUL KESEiPTS FREE. ATTEND THE Of Kentucky University, LEXINGTON, KY. Tim* to complete the Full Diploma Business Course about 10 weeks. Total Cost, including Tuition, Books, Stationery, Board, &c., about $85. Telegraphy taught. Literary from Course for one year if desired, free. Nearly 400 students 21 Statei last year. 6,000 successful graduates. Students can begin at any time; no vacation, Fall session begins September 10th. For full particulars, address WILBUR r. SSSSTH, Lexington, Ky. C«S?D5BUm long experience in curing diseases of Blood, Skin and Bones.—Nervous the Weakness, Gonorrhoea, Debility, Syphilitic 1mpotency, Mercurial Organic and Affections specially treated on scientific principles, with safe and sure remedies. Call or write for List ©f Ques tions to be answered by those desiring treatment by mail. #PersoBBfinfferlng \and learn from Rupture should send their address,\ J Address, something to their advantage. U is not a truss. DR. BUTTS, 12 IV. 8th St., St. Louis, 3e, ESTABLISHED OVER THIRTY YEARS. SUMMER C NG, A full line of Cicilean and Alapaca COATS AND VESTS in all sizes from boys up to 8 breast also EXTRA long sacks. Also a small lot of COLOREDALPACA COATS at $1,50 to, $3,00, former prices $3,50 to §5,00. Just received a full lot of “OUR OWN” perfect fitting dress shirts, fn laundried and unlaundried, at the same popular low prices. Please give us a call. Very respectfully, A. A- S. ROSENFEL1 >, Onte City clothiiis store, 24 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. 12-3m mmim •1,1 . £ THE DISEASES OF ,YOUTH and KfA NHOQB rjy.HM A GUIDE 0UT TO MEDICINE. HEALTH WITH APHVSICIAN oi ?5year*t experience. Don’t poison your tlUs Book system and with Drnjjs, Snt get - - free” avoid quacks, “Prescriptions and Electric BeltHum¬ bugs, winch it exposes. Price 2octs. Addi-esv THE PUBLISHER. Box 234, Milwaukee, Wis. THE PlainEnglist EXYKESSHD! li of t LAraxosuflHi^ Mt***^** H£B£ our Free CimiOLAa tells the best --, jUuwA’jmi-atb.lsSf!. IlARr.15 Remedy Co.—Gents—I ui?ed tbo LUnstillesas directed and they completely cured me. lu about one week from the time I commenced using tham I began to sleep well and I continued to use all the box with constant improvement and since that time (Oct. 1881) I have felt like a new man. I truly hope that many of the sufferers will find out that you have a ipecific for nervous weakness and be cured oy the same. P. S.—You Respectfully Yours,--- bat will not publish ray name persons visit¬ ing you may be referred to roe end I will answer them. To every young-, middle age or old man troubled with nervous or physical debili¬ ty or impotence sealed circular is sent free. Send full address on postal card to HARRIS REMEDY CO. St. Louis, Mo. We want your address. You need, our remedy. Send and be convinced of tins. wnm mmn eo-Taa ah. PROF. HARRIS’ PASTILLE REME01 The Remedy is in quickly and radically oared, put up ..exes. 1 (lasting a month). )?8, No. *2 (enough to effect a cure, u jlcss in severe cases, 1 §5; No. S (lastiug three months), §7. Sent by mail ir plain wrapper* Directions for Using- accorapuny each Bui ox. Pamphlet desert bing this disease and mode of cute sent s sealed on appUoadSB Nervous Exhaustion) Premature Decay, Loss of Memory. An 80 -page Cloth-bound Book of wholesome Advice to Young Men, by a Regular Physician. CCMT * rirtc^ receipt of two three-coat stamps. Address THE HEALTH JOURNAL, MILWAUKEE. W1& Fvr-Ax.ooA'sr A First-class "MMEBCiiL Busi ness Sc hool COLLEGE, Squal to any North or South. Send for Circulars, free. ACON, GA. W.McKAV, - Principal. G. W. WEAVER & BR Convers Ga DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Clothing, Coffee, lea,Syrnp. Hats, Caps, Rice, Boots Grits & Shoe? also Groceries lobacS snob w| 0 \\ ecall Meal, Oat Meal, ^ 8 ■ especial attention to our line of ’ m » I FANCYGROCER’ES I & CONFECTION 1 erel, suck, ssl-dines. nuts, raisins, citron, mi,It, TT'l't'kles "candy’ powde^T hST ^ ford bread macaroni, one spoon baking hTh’ s preparation, etc., etc. Our pepper and spices ™ and grain are the very best in the market. oxn uses® a tmm We also keep a good variety of Fn 8 h Crackers, both plain and Also the celebrated, Lustro Shoe and Biove Polish. WooWarqe? A onrAr * Table and Pocket cutlery, Crockery, Glass and MAKE FINE CIGARS A SPECIALTY,“©0 Our motto: Short Profits and quick Sales. Termsstrici cash. G. TV WEAVER & m Findlay Ironworks! e\ 8®#Bi a ©©pgpa SUGAR HILLS & SYRUP KETTLES, GIN GEAR. STEAM ENGINES. BOILERS. SAW AND GRIST Rfil MACHINERY AND CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS TO ORDER-fl IRON FENCIG (Wrought and cast, 8@“Send for circulars and pricesfor all the above. Address, C. D. FINDLAY, Age -AT CONYERS I I I I ‘ n y ■ amK W--.% m DEALERS IN 1 9 ww SAY US®©. m JEPWW* ! --.Qj-- 1 they *fe' In this, Newton, Gwinnett and many adjoining counties M* for the very best machinery made, embracing the famous SSSSSSS JJW MIUU A*® _ all other mrcliinery manufactured by Frcb & Co. at their 6 I SrSl‘ machinery wan us Presses, etc. and in fact any through you one ^ in on or rates and on better terms than any Carr & Overbay .Conyers, Ga. t G H H 80 S Attention Given To Weight* And Spec'll GOr 847 & 849 Reynolds 8t„ August* 1 ’