The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, October 05, 1883, Image 7

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^mNYER S WEEKLY. who HAS acquired a large practice by study. This i» emphatically an age of M Trades and manufactures; ‘"'.it r- t.rofespions a.d pursuits all qm^r " ll "' them, the wondrous fhfip0 ' V ^auk 0 f of progression. There is P ° WCr advance, re,it Grow, ’,ds improve ' the America people the w at( ,i lW0 of ^ -da v and the man who stops one I what his motes* aion or overtaken, passed and left to struggle alone. This onward rush does „ut itself particular confine to any bran ch of business or any particular profession. It is a’ike co umon to \ the practice of medicine, within (he last few years, there has been a wonderful progress. Theories and methods for healing the sick are fitecesslully used to-day, which thirty years ago, would have made he bad era of the profession hold an their hands in mingled horror and : ietoniahment. It is not necessary J jo emi mcratewhat those them les and W d .ST But and fhemistry have combined and many 8r „ the good fruits from this union, The old-time practice—once so common —of a practitioner being surgeon, phyacian, druggist and nurse, has been displaced, and to require reputation or wemth now in this heaven-born profession, one must make some special disease his study. H# must work out its origin, its stages, its effect; be must pore over irliat will best relievo the disease he i«a dcteiuine.I to conquer, and when l* h-.s worked it oat. successfully, practice, reputation aud reward are big. Some make the oye and ear lliei- study; s Me the lungs; others tie kidney and live,; and soon tor the various members ot that wonderful struct,uv called man. In the citv of Atlanta there is a physician who enjoy* a Slate rep¬ utation. He is a specialist and his labors have b*wn rewarded. Tnis gentleman is Dr. F. F. Taber, IB has made a study for years of Hemorrhoids and diseases of tha‘ pariicul.r class. The cruel and aimost in hum an mr»de once used of applying the knife for the treatment ot this class of diseases has Inert successfully overcome by Dr. Taber. Hts method of cure—whatever it is—infallible, and the remarkable Miecess he has had throughout, that and adjacent states testifies to the thoroughness of hm cure, lie is tcarcely ever at his home in the city; for be is called hither and tnither by those who nave heard ot hie suc cess. Dv. Taber has made a study of his specially; the origin, the progress, the eft’ et. He has lound out, by the same persistent stt dy, what, is the minieii ; and that know ledge lie uses for ike hem fit of the suffering. So great has been his success in the treatment of the disease, that 1 is serv ice* are in constant demand He makes regular trips through the principal cities nt Georgia and other Southern States, end his rooms are always crowded at the hot 1 with patients. He has been more than fccessful in point of cures effected, and |»e has undertaken but few oa*es that he has not readily and permanently relieved. These are not tin warranted state¬ ments which we are making. Every where that he goes there are hun. dreds who will bear testimony to the truth of what we say. We are glad to note that Dr. Taber has been successful, both in point of cures and his recompense. He has relieved hundreds from suffering and misery, and it always affords us pleas¬ ure to write of men who do good to mankind. Dr, Taber i* a gentleman of a kind and charitable heart. He purse is z;t'«r. h ; ::ivt •ufferinjj and afflicted. He has patients among the ig hest classes cf oni citizens, but never hesitates to render render roBof relief lo those m - needy 1 and , straightened circumstance*. It will be but a natural sequence lor the requtation of Dr, Tal er to grow, and the amount ot his practice to steadi|y increase. And we t ust h will. He deserves, not only for kis skill aud knowledge but for his kindness aud gentleness. TAX ASSFSTMENT FOR 1S83. Rockdale Court of Ordinary I Chambers, Sep. 21 1883. Whereas Ilis Excellency, Henry D. McDaniel, Governor of the Slate of Geogia, having assessed twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars of the “*»••• Properly of th„ sl.lefor the S, ““ T “^ >ear 1883. ^* s ordered by the Court of Ordi " al 7 of Rockdale county, that the lowing assessment be and the same are benl.y made as the coiit-ly lax * 0 ' - RocktlaIe county tor the year 1883 for the purposes herein after set torth *• W. W. Nelms, (ax collector of Rockdale county, or Ids successor in office, and paid over to the emin'y treasurer of said county, by the 15th day of De¬ cember, next. I. For the building and repairing of bri, 1 S es a,Kl other P ublic buildings and all other county purposes for the year 1883 , Thirty five cents on the hundred dollars of the taxable prop e,t y of Rockdale county. II. For the purpose of paying the ^ n(l ,wd P etlt J" rOT3 tor t,ie J ear i8S3 ’ Flflet!n c “" ls OT1 lbe *» nA ™ A doll »' s of taxable property of E( ' ck,Jal « count ' ‘ Ilf, For the siipport ofpaitpets lor the year 1883, Ten cents on the hum. 1 of Rockdale county. „ O. c Seamans, Ordinary. rp i. , u .1 i BOOTS, SHOES, & H A R N ESS, CONYERS ........ GA. $8i"T am prepared to do all kind of shoe work. Making, sewed or pegged, mend¬ ing. I fill a 1 orders, and do all work neatly, promptly, durably and cheaply, fine work s specialty. Give me your work and I insure satisfaction- I keep also s fine line of hand and machine made harness, bridles, bits, catches, col¬ lars buckles etc., infant, everything con the nected with harness. My work is best, my prices the bottom. Call and see me sop. 2l 3iuos. A VE3Y GOOD THING. I have now one of t ne best found¬ ry* iu the United States making two qualities of Cook Stove for me, viz : the “ New Pilot ” ai d the 4 Echo I have just rece red a car load o them, and have opened my business for the season in one of the elegant store rooms in the Night building. The v, ry latest improvements and the bes.t materials are put on these stoves and I will sell them a f prices never before known in this place. Come see for yourself and especially examine my fine flora the “ New Pi lot. ” E. Robketb. CITY MARKET i -BY-— * :o: 'TNiey keep always on hand the very nicest freshest meats, in the way of BEEF & PORK > -SAUSAGE,- Backbone & Ribs. Also Mutton. When von want nice meats, good weights aud cheap prices, call at the City Market first door above Pest-Ollice Conyers, Ga. J 13 Broad Street....... ATLANTA, GA. Atists and Painter’s Material, French and American Window Glass etc. —Agents For— Averill Mixed Paint Company. Also Agents For THF SILICATE PAINT COMPANY*. Petrify recommended Liquid, a sure remedy Internation¬ for damp walls, by the Insti¬ al Aealth Congress and Sanitary tute of Great Brittain. HEADQUARTERS FOR commercial men. OWENS HOTEL, Formerly Cruse House, J M OWENS, PROPRIT'R Newly fitted up. Table affords. supplied Free Hacks with the best the market mee t all trains. A trial is all I ask. COVINGTON....................GEORGIA. ► * •■msrnm to 5 -ION m WESi ^s^msssr&rmmi trial. Warranto Bolden 6 /ear*. All tilts M low, j Toe ftoc book, address vjDNUOriniMAMTON, luouian, fTjjTil GEO R. LOMARD & CO. J FoundrY AnD MachinE AnD BoileR V/orkS, Near the Water Tower, 1014 to 102G Fenwick St., MAKE AND SELL THE REST Saw Mills,Grist Mills, Cane Mills, Plantation Machinery En(dnes and Bo ii ers> Cotton Screws Shaftings, Pullevs Hangers. Journal Boxes, .Mill Gear* lar and Files, Belting and. IWB Saws and Glimmers Babbitt Metal and Brass Fitting Globe and Check Valves, W histles. Gnages. &c.,lrnn and * Brass Castings and Gin Ribs and Inj ‘Ctors- prices. We Repairing promptly done and at lowest brass having cast every day both iron greatly increased onr capacity with the latest improved tools. WV are running full time with ioo hands, which enables or to till orders promptly at lowest prices Give ns a trial befo-e sending elsewhere. Agents for Georgia and South Carolina f >r Korting a Universal Injector, the best boiler feeder out. "’dries with one lever. Will work warm or cold water ami will lift water. Warranted to give satisf‘Ction. Send for circulars before yon buy any other. They are better than a pump* sept28—6m The “ Excelsior Stove House.” A Special invitation to merchants and the puplie generally to examine ‘ before purchaiing ,” the largest stock, of STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Stamped and plain tin ware. Japanned ware.Jwood and willow ware, gas fixtures Slate and iron mantles, grates, rubber hose, wrought iron-pipe for steam, gas And water. Brass goods, tte >m whistles, plumbers, materials water closets etc. This is th largest and most varied stock that is kept in the South, and we mean to excell in Quantitv, Qualitv and Price. Onr stock of gas fixtures, mantels and Grates, is simply the laegest in the south. Gold b run zed and ebony chandeliers, In latest designs. We are the STOVE EMPORIUM OF THE SOUTH. H^rTUan fill sll orders promptly at reasonable prices. We are practical plumbers and gas fitters, tin and iron roofers, man 1 - Pa ■ furors of galvanized iron cornice and Ornamental sheet in n work concrete sewer and drain pip®. Agents for Knowela Steam pumps and Macks Lrijoct-j's. HUNTICUTT & BELLINGRATH, 38 & 38 PEACHTREE i SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS! J. s SCHOFIELD & SONS' Proprietors, Macor, Georgia. Manufacturers and Dealers n every Variety of Agricultural Machinery. Schofield's Pat. Cotton Press:s, Boilers, Pngineb SAW, GRIST and FLOUR MILLS, SORGHO MILLS and KETTLES, Castings of Every Kind, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers. —Agents For— Judson’s Standard Governor, Nordyke And Marmon Mills. And the Celebrated FAUGHT DEERING IIORSE POWER. —Keep constantly in stock a Full Line of— ENGINE FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, BELTING-PIPING, COMBI¬ NATION MONKEY W BENCHES ceC. &C, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL CHINA DINNER AND TEA SETS, VASES. Flag eatlery, TQilet Sets, ©ast«s. FORKS, SPOONS, IIALL AND LIBRARY 7- LAMPS. The Cheapest Goods in the South at McBrides China Palace, ATLANTA, GA. Cases, Merchants Wood remember th >t th ■ bought saving from on freight on A Crockery, Co-, Glassware, Show ware, T111 w are etc. McBride is a good pro it. sep. 2l. iv. McBRIDE & CO. George R. Sibley. Asbury Hull. P. B. Tobin. «•— MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. The Recent Improvements Made in The WHITE SEWI’G MAOHINE! ADD MUCH TO THK ---- MANY EXCELLENT QtUAL TIES of this Superior Machine. It is an Espeial Favorite of Ladies, Tailos aud Others, Who use them for the many advantages thev posesa over olher Sewing Machines. EVERY WHITE MACHINE W arrented for 5 wars. 4 J. J) A T F. SMITH. Wholesale and Retail Dealers, is;-. W%& 50 Broad St., Atlanta Georgia. mm m-'f -m jA sDfcjsk-.' H- P. & D. M. ALMAND, Agents Conyers, Georgia. -H. P, & D. M, ALMAND,- (6 /m;yw¢, @651” m, -Dealers In- EENERM. MERCHANDISE. Every Kind We have in stock and are daily receiv in a handsome line of goods ol every kind, which we will sell low down- We are paying the highest prices for all kind of country produce, cotton etc. Now’s the Time TO @3343 A31" gm $8 &3 EV? AEGAIgfiY Dont forget It. I //> / 2/ v? f x ‘ . / r / ti P & D M Almand CO MLhSMALKIT. [Corrected Weekly.] Cotton . • • • .... 7 to ,9,feta. Corn..... •/ .... 65 centre Meal..... .... 75 cents. Hay..... . . $ 1,35 to 1,5’W Bran..... .... 90 cents. Oats..... , 4o cents. Wheat . . . . . . . $ 1 , to l,io. Flour .... , $6 to £8 a barei. Fulkmeat. . ......9«ts. Lard..... . . i2 to 14 cts. Sugars . . . . . . . 8 to 13 cts. Salt..... , . $f,iO to $ 1 , 20 . Collee .... . . . 12 to 30 cts. Syrup N. 0 . . . . 60 to to cts. Other Syrup . . . Jo to 75 cu. Peas..... . . , 6 $to 70 cts. Rice . . .8 to lo cts. Chick ns . < • . . to to 20 cts. Butter j ■ . . . 2 o to 25 ots. . . Eggs .... ..... 1 5 cts. COUNTY OfFIGfbftS. Ordinary . • • • . . . O Seamans Sheiff..... . . . A. P- Mltcliel. Clerk...... . J. J. McCord. Tax Collector . • • .• . . W. W. Neitua. Tax Receiver......Wm. T. Hu son Coroder ... Geo. W. Oaks Surveyor . . . . . . R- A. Guinn. Court 3rd Mondays in February and Au¬ gust. J. D. Stewart, judge ; Etnnietr Worn mack, Solicitor. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor . . . , . A. M. Helms, Clerk .... • • ■ J. R. Maddox. Marshal . . . . . B. Of. a Uac« Deputy M. . . . . . L. S. Bellah. Overseer . . . . . . J. R. Irwin. ) M. W. Maddox. W Irwin. Courcilmen > ,1 S. Paniell, Geo. Weaver j 8. J. Cowan, G. M. Jones. Meet Every 1st. Monday. CHURCHES First Baptist ■ • . . . J. M. Brittain. Preaching . . ■ . . . 2 d. Sunday*. Sunday school . • • . , . 3 p. be Methodist. . . . Brrtow Bighanx. Preaching..... . . . 1st, 3d Sundays. Sunbsv school . • . . . . 8 p. m. . Presbyterian . . . . . H Quigg. Preaching .... . 4’h Sundays. Sunday school . . . . . . .9 a. m. Second Baptist......Geo. R. Moof. Preaching . . . . 3rd Sundays. Sunday school . ■ • . . . 9 n. rrt. Primitive..... Isaac Hamby. Preaching..... . 2d Sunday*. P erfect P astry P atent. FOR SALE, One of the most valuable lots in th* city. In the very center of the business portion. Situate on the corner of cen¬ ter and Commerce streets and fronting the railroad. Known as the old Dan Scott lot. It is a capital business lot and no mistake- For terms, particulars &c-, call on John H. Almand atJ. II. Almand & Fop’s store. Look Here. employ this mothod to asfc all who are due tbejiformer firm of 8. J. Cowan & Son to come forward snd waited make settle-^ lonf mentsatonce. We have and patiently, and as we are anxious to close our books we ask yon to come for¬ ward and settle now. If you cannot pay all in money come and settle by note as we must close our books. I can be found at tlie Millinery eto-e of Mrs. P. A- Cow¬ an and S. J. Richardson on Commerce street, Conyers, Ga. S. J. Cowan Read This. gtST We earnestly ask all who arc due'us on accounts or notes to come forward at once and make settlements as we are needing the money, AVe have many aocounta that have been running a long time on parties we know to b« good, but we need the money now, and must have it. So come on and] pay us and by so doing you will greatly favor and.obfige. We are yet at onr old stand on Com¬ merce street. We calPyour attention be¬ low to our NEW GOODS. aarThanking our customers for pa«t fa¬ vors, we ass thom to call and examine our fall and winter goods. We hare on hand and are continually receiving an elegant assortment of bats, feathers flow¬ ers, velvets, ribbons, laces, corsets, hoops shirts, ruehing, zephyr arid a beautiful line of necK wear, plush and velvet col¬ lars, handkerchiefs, and also jewelry and ha : r goods besides various other articles too numerous to mention. We will sell low down for cash. Call and see us when in town. Yours Truly, P A Cowan & S J Riliehardson $ 2,00 Will get the ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTISUTION and THE CONYERS WEEKLY, one whole 1,00 year! § Will get ihe Conyrrs Weekly one year when paid in ad vance. When sent by mail f 1.25 will be the ’ v***- Address, THE WEEKLY, Conyers, Ga