The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, October 12, 1883, Image 6

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jf M. V C\ 1 BY B. -V- WOOLKY, pium i Atlanta. Ga. V/ I l HABIT } Reliable evidence cured given CURE) and re'erevce Whitehall, to j>Rti< tits physicians. Office 65 st- Send for my book bn the Habit and ils Cure. B M Wooley 1 By Dr Ga. HISKY / Atlanta, DrinkinG \ No pain. No loss bf 1 CURB. / time from business. all S Cures the d'sease and destroys taste, for stimuhnts. Book of pat'iculars Officb sent 65 j j senttoanv address free. at Whitehall’Street. i PAY UP. All who find a cross mark oh their paper this week may know that their subscription is due, and we are expect¬ ing them to settle at or.ce. We can’t live on air, ‘Tilsee you next week” and other promises This is the only dun we will give this winter; so be governed thereby -♦-aw — TAX ASSFSTMENT FOR 1883 Rockdale Court of Ordinary i Chambers. Sep. 21 1883. ) Whereas llis Excellency, Henry D McDaniel, Governor of the Slate of Geogia, having n.-si-ssed twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars of the taxable property of the state, for the State Tax lor the jear 188.3. It is ordered by tire Court of Ordi¬ nary of Ilockd.-.le comity, that the following a-ses-ment be and the same are hereby made ns the coui ty tax j for Roektfale county for theyear 1883 j for the purposes hereinafter Set forth and that the same be collected by W. W. Nelms, talt collector of Rockdale Ins in office, and ! County, or successor jyaid over to the county treasurer of} said county, by the 15th day ot Dr* j cember, next. I. For the building and repairing of bridges and other public buildings and all other county purposes for the year 1883, Thirty five cents on the “wSelotr*'' 1 '' I ’ rop ’ a f.„-. 1.0 |jiir,.<i,o«if.-jiug.lie grand and petit jurors tor the year P883, Fifteen cents on tlie htmdred dollars of the taxable property of Rockdale county. III. For the support of paupers for Ihe year 1883, Ten cents on the buns/ dred dollars ot the taxable property of Rockdale county, O, Seamans, Ordinary. a Ye by GOO THING. I have now one of t nt' best founfl* rya in the United Slates making two qfialities of Cook Stove for me, viz : the “New Pilot’’and the ‘ Eiho 1 have just received a car load o them, and have opened my business fpr tbe season in one of the elegant stove rooms in the Night building. The very latest improvements and the best materials afe put on these stoves and 1 will set! them at prices ftevbt before known in this place. Come see ff>r yourself and especially examine my Sue rtote the “ New Pi tot. ” E. Robi.kts. CITY MARKET i -BY W B & P B SMITH. :o: 'I "'hey keep always on hand the very j[ nicest freshest meats, in the w ay of B E E F & FOR K, -SAUSAGE,- Backbone & Ribs. Also Mutton. When vou want nice meats, good weights and cheap prices, call at tbe City Market fiist door above Post-Office Conyers, Ga. A. P. TRIPOD, 13 Broad Street ATLANTA, GA. Atisks and Painter’s Material, French and American Window Glass etc. —Agents For— Averitl Mited Paint Company. Also Agents For TilF SILICATE PAINT COMPANY. Petrify Liquid, a sure remedy for damp Galls, 'al recommended by the Sanitary Internation- Insti¬ Aealt!i Congress, and tute of >U real Brittain- HEADQUARTERS FUR COMMERCIAL MEN. OWENS HOTEL Formerly Crate House, I J M OWENS, PROPRITR. Newly fitted up-. Table affords. supplied Fiee Hacks with the best the market meet all trains. A trial is all I ask. (TOVINGTON .a-.i............... GEORGIA. . ... - •o> co 5-TON •' -r . lrr»o Unrt. Ptesl .o*,... ' Poldoo trisJ. WirmuUJ Jtin. Alliiuiulow. Tat ti m t-ook, »ddrcM BMtfiNAMTON, Jg^rFr _ < / 09 f€S OF BOGIilTOS, The Biggest and The ! Best GO J ±-A H H 1883 . THE I883. im 'ComieU tv tf/m. /j / CO H in CO Cl C/J 2 months for the small sum of 4 ,23 And it and the Atlanta months Weekly for onlv Qonstitution 12 £2,00 j/ / IfSFg'OSl ©If^IliifciPn organ City of Official organ Rockdale \ 2 /& nM-U Of every discription and in a neat manner, H LuWKRT PRIG H Address or call on J, N. Hale, Editor, Conyers Georgia, O /> / J. mnier/ifuet ■timeifm //. A combinntiorh of Pro¬ T toxide of Iron, Peruvian Va / /Sin palatable ,'v «,vd Pkospiioruein a form. Appe¬ Por V Debility, tite, Prostration Loss of of Vital Powers it is indispensa¬ ble. EJBV.A.I. HOBBS Writes:— REV. J. I,. TOWNT 1 !!, After a thoronyh trial or the ® 4^ Industry, Ill., says:— IRON TONIC, I take pleasure A THE f “I consider it in stating- that I have been jq "a most excellent remedy for greatly benefited byita / the debilitated vital force** use. Ministers and Pub- v J lie Speakers Will find it wmm of the greatest value w where a Toni* is neces¬ sary. I recommend it as a reliable remedial agent, possessing nutritive and un¬ doubted restorative properties. LovisrHle, Ky, % Oct. 2 , 1882 . XZZ-LZZ2 s: -.zz UR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. r SW», KiIS SI„ ST. U 5 B, |® FREE! REUABLE SELF-CURE. |». A favorite prescription of one of tUt SsrSiSSSSil tn plain sealed envelope/*-.®. Druggists can All .c. Address DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo. mmmm VEGETABLE PILLS 9 9 Wm Secure Healthy 9 W action to the Liver 991 9 9 and relieve all bil ~ ~~ *-■■- -tnnv troubles. Purely Vegetable; UoSririat. Pries 26f. All B^uegtats, TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, disordered* LiVZn, and From these sources these the diseases of t,l)e human nice. symptoms iiutwate their existence: .^0*3 n. Appetite, Bovvc-IA cotlire, EUok Ilead »che, fullness after catin;-, ave rsion <.0 exertion of body or mind, Ehuctatlcu of food. Irritability of Reciper, -Gory Spirits* A f-eliag of lvavtns m-glop ntthc to 4 some duty, IMxziues«,Fluttcriasf Iilghly col¬ Heart, ferine, IJdts before tiie eye«, ored COXSTIPA'iTO.h, and O.e ^tSiSSBSSSfSSS^ P'i'SjL.tH luivo no c Thoir actiouoB the Kulnevs find Sk>n is also prompt; three removing all impurities through these profluciiHf «cav ensrors of the esvatvtii,” »ppe cause no iiau^fi* or fT'ininj? nor inteifC4.a With flatly work hn<l arc a MALARlAp perfect ANTIDOTE TO Hohlov■ rvvB v<> *£.?<•. X ; ,r * ••• * i 1 .n i'■ b r ., A . Y » ,. -r. ... T&MTlZeZ.jSST. TUTTS HAIR BYE. in¬ Gray Hair or 'Whiskers changed stantly to a Glossy Black by by a Druggists, single ap¬ plication of ibis Bye. Sold or sent by express on receipt New of !il. York. Oflino, 44 Murray Street, RECEIPTS FREE. TUTT’S MANUAL OF USEFUL ATTEND THE Of Kentucky University, LEXINGTON, KY. Timi to complete the Full Diploma Business CoufSfe alb tit IO w#eJr*. Tatal ipcluditrjj Tuition, BooM. 8ttt\,aiitryi last Students Tear- 6,990 e*ti saee^4>Yul.Ra4out«8. cation. I 1 ill shulcti . an T **»« > t>° ▼*’ Define September 10th. For fall particular •>address wilbur R. SMITH, Lexington, Ky. long C“'D'-Bi]TtS experience in curing UUieascs of Blood, Skin the usid Hone*. -Nervous J>eblJltj', 1 in pot *ncy, Organic Anocuoni Wenkneaa, Gonorrhau. fyphilltlo and Mcrourlul 1th safe and Rpeclailly y treated treated on on scieutiQc sci priucijtles. ■W sure e remedies. remedies. Call Call or or write writ for List af Ques oat to bo answered red by by those those desiring desiring treatment t by mail, #Per*oi ns suffering from Rupture tupture should semi *1 their their ad«lre«» addre«t>,X \and ie am something to their their advantage. ad It Is not a truss.# Add ream J>R. BUTTS, IRK. 8tb 8U, a Ivor}*-, 2lo ESTABU8UED OVER THIRTY Y1 TEARS. SUMMER CLO :ng, A fill! lifife of Cicilean and Alftpaca COATS AND VESTS hi all sizes from boys np to i> breast also rAtea long sacks. Algo a small lot of COLOREDALPACACOATS at $1,56 to, $3>°h, former prices $3,50 to $5,b®. Just received a full lot of “OUF OWN” perfect fitting (fress shirts, fn laundried and unlaundried, at tbe same popular low prices. Hease give us a call. Yery respectfully, A. & S. HO SENE ELD, Gate Street, City, Atlanta, cloth log fid. afore,’ Whitehall 1 !i-3m 2\ AWSaF,YOUTH Jr - THE DISEASES OP Nil's- ar.6 rAArtHOOD * •wa"' A PHYSICIAN Of 25yeap\ I; experience. Don't poison ’7Wf5\ * * l IT\ >- s ^ tlijs nr Book sj'SteM: and wllli avoid Drugs, Quacks, hut pet ‘‘Prescriptions which free” ana Electric Belt Hum* bugs, it exposes. Price 25c.D ^ddresr VHE PUBLISHER. Box 234, Milwaukee. Wis. THE PiainEn^iishl YiBSEI 2 XEBS r.XF D! ^g T Rp^e»iAaO O'JR fREEC^OttUa TaLLS TH£ Ri'd --- - - ---- kun-Hw, dune 2T»th, 18R2. Haiuiis Co.—Oen.t—I u«ed tha Pnsriliosgo directed nod they comj»L tciy cured uiti. In sibout one week from the time l cotnme * ed usiu« them I bejrnn to sleep well and I continued tr> hpo niJ.the box with constant improvemenC,Hnd since that time : Oct. i$Sl> I huro felt, like a new radn. I trui: hope that many of the sufferers will find out tnnt you have a specific for nervous weakness and be cured by the buine. Itespectfully Yoars,-- P. 8.—You will notpublLsh ray name but persons visit¬ ing you may be referred, t Q me and I wi ll answer them. To every yotuig-, middle age or old man troubled with nervous 'tor physical debili¬ ty or impotence sealed circular is sent HARRIS REMEDY 00 ■ 9 ST. AII^SOURI- LOCI8, .3 ilituihL and Prop'* o m PSOF.KURfilS’ PASTILLE fiEMEOI SSifi'H Enfritj 4 *! ;.L ^1 '° ,,n e ^trvous 3,pn anrl and °fbers Pkysioal wbe Debll sulfei -u ' ail <■ wi quictoly and f»dic»liy cured. The Remedy is put ut> in ooxes. So. 1 (lasting a month), $3, Aa. m (enough to effect a curt, ujlc less in severe cases,) $5 1 %o. L (la’tiug three months), Sent br mail in plain wrappers Direction* for Ttln^ accompany ench t oax. Paraph let descri Ring this disease and mode of cure sent sealed on apphoaclon Nervous Exhaustion, Premature Decay, Loss of Memory. An so-page Cloth-bound Look of wholesome Advice *<» Young Men. by ft Regular t’hvsician. SENT FREE i ti ™ Meo * THS HEALTH JOURNAL, MILWAUKEE. WIS. NflA.COl-7,. —i -s ill t BilES AGON, GA. A First-class Busi ness S chool •jU» 1 toanyNort •trSou h Semi for Circulars, free. W. McKAY, • Frincip ?. j G. W. W V-. f i¥ER & BRQ 1 I I Convers Ga. --DEALERS IN a!l kiNDfe OF — Coffee, bTH lats, Caps, Bocds <C Shbes also Gro'cenu, sbch as 1 , Syrup. KLce, Grits Steal, Oat Meal, Tobacco gar, W ecall espbbial attention to our line of etc. .71 FANCYGROCER’ES 4 CONfECTIONERI. Jfi erei, Such sardines, as canned condensed tomatoes peaches, k, jelly, pineapples, pickles, oysWs, salmon fctl. Vdov jL.t 1 I tm candy ind stick, nuts, raisins, citron, macaroni, one spoon baking fiowdevs H H I fol-d’s bl-eh-1 preparation, etc , etc. Our pe| per and iTtces both ’ ground " and grain are the very best in the market 8 mm vastt jl tat 4 i, i Wc also keep a gord variety of Fr sk Crdd ers, both plain and sweet, Also the pelebrated, Lustro Shoe amt •Polinb. A good’ii,e i Ta ble and Pocket cutlery, Crockery, Glass and Woodware, 0 H I iftc, S^”WE MAfe FINE CIGARS A SPECIALTY,“Sa Our mottb: Short Profits and quick Sdlhs. Term* f?fcficl1> CASH. G. W. WEAVER & Jilio.m ■ Findlay Iron Work'd I i a#®B@ fiMPgli, I SUGAR MILLS & SYRUP KETTLES, Cm GEAR, STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW AND GRIST MILL MACHINERY AND CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS TO ORDER IRON FENCIG (Wroughi. and cast for circnlars and pric&sfor all the above. Address, C. D. FINDLAY, Age ©ASQ « ©*fSS 8 A 1 —AT— CONVERS 9 I I I ■ J m DEALERS IN LIAffl m i m ii r Mil ElfSST Sli 6 S 13 P^SC Sv In this, Newton, Gwinnett and many adjoining embracing Comities the famous they a.e agerj for the very best machinery made, ck St Co. at their laige worl And ail other nirchlhery man nfaefui ed by Fr : mmwM which, byt® »5 88 ®” '> 'winsbip GiJ M The'most complete reaper, nd one Ai h(f and^ Afnenca. 3 u taken the awards of Englan machinery want can •?. q,foiigb us a<| -9 Presses, and in fact you . Call or iTtes etc. any tbrengh oiri els.. oa ■ better and on better terms then any (tri-ss Carr & Ovcrbay.Conyers, Ga. H H 1 o CD n 868 Si vr - i. * SA 7 ' & SAO ~ 7