The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, October 26, 1883, Image 2

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THE CONYERS WEEKLY. 0 FFICIAL ORGAN CITY OF CONYFRS. FFICIAL ORGi.V OF ROCKDALE COCSTY. c. w White PuBt.rPHER J. N. Hale Kditot. Ladies! f- ri 4 a t» « * gfjg > •r ^Thi* * A is ^ Ms^rie Sola, beiDg ona-nicth its *ize. Jt i i not a rood • P or chart, but a eeaie of incho*. ' With it a iady can cut from any fashion * Gv&. Agea- Cony or* Tt is not a Chart or Model hut a square of inches. Bv it you can cut any gar¬ ment for L«dies. Gentlemen and a 1 kind ef Children suit*. Strict attention given to letters of inquiry. Local and traveling agents want'd. Mrs. S. E. Summers, Gen. Agent, Conyers, Ga. n i i v , i ) BOOTS. SHOES } Sc H A R N ESS, CONYFRS GA. B*aS“I am prepared to do all kind of shoe work. Making, sewed or pegged, mend ing. I fill ad orders, anti do all work neatly, prompt'y, durably and cheaidy. fine work a specialty. Give me jour work and I insure wiriaction I kt ep also a fine line of hand and machine made harness, bridles, bits, catches, col¬ lars buckles etc., infact, everything con¬ nected with harness. My work is the best, my prices the bottom. Call and see me sep. 2l 31110s. -# -- Mm. M. Jordan | Fred B. Pope, Formerly Bibly & J. Washington Ga. JORDAN & POPE, C otton Factors AND Com Merchants Augusta Georgia. iSrSpecial attention fiven <0 weights. Quick sales: prompt returns. We refer by permission to Mr. Z. McCord, Presi¬ dent the National bank, Mr. T- W. Cos ery (president Planters Loan and Sa fogs bank, Augusta, Oa. Messrs. John M. Darks’ Sams. A. P. TRIPOD, T3 Broad Strkkt. ATLANTA, GA. Atists and Painter’s Material, French and American Window Glass etc. —Agents For— Avcrill Mixed Paint Company. Alsu Agents For THF SHJCATE PAINT COMPANY. Petrify Liquid, a sure remedy for damp walls, recommended by the Internation¬ al Aealth Congress and Sanitary Insti¬ tute of Great Brittain. HEADQUARTERS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. OWENS HOTEL, Formerly Crme House, J M OWENS, PROPRITR Newly fitted up. Table affords. supplied Hacks with the best the market Free meet all tvains. A trial is all I ask. COVINGTON GEORGIA. TAX ASSFSTMENT FOR >883. Rockdale Chambers, Court Sep. of Ordinary 21 18 Q 3. ! Whereas His Excellency, Henry D. MeD*niel, Governor of the State of Geogia, having assessed twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars of the taxable property of the state for the State Tax lor the year 1883. It is ordered by the Court of Ordi¬ nary of RocLdile county, that the following assessment be and the same are hereby made as the couhty tax for Rockdale county for the year 1883 for the purposes herein after set forth and that the same be collected by W. V TV. Nelms, tax collector of Rockdale county, or his successor in office, and paid over to the coun’y treasurer of said county, by the 15th day ot De¬ cember, next. J. For the building and repairing of bridges and oilier public buildings and all other county purposes for the year 1883, Thirty five cents on the hundred dollars of the taxable prop¬ erty of Rockdale county. II. For the purpose of p->ying the grand and petit jurors tor the year 188S, Fifteen cent6 on the hundred dollars of the taxable property of Rockdale county. III. For the support of paupers for the year 1888, Ten cents on the hun*» dred dollars of the taxable property of Rockdale couuty, O, Seamans, Ordinary. pfltol gp ip dOKKH, BE PAYS !■ ‘ii trial. WirrsnU ( yutl. idkicstslow V'|| J9 Vorbae book, adores* * DF BMiliAtn BIH 6 MAMT 0 N, a. I. LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION Whereas Thoruas 0 Harden hav ing in proper form applied to me for let.m of«dmini«lrrtiooi>„ th. of John F. Harden, late of said county, deceased, this is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said John F. Harden, deceased, to he and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next at 10 o'clock a. tn., then and there to show cause, if any they can, why perma¬ nent letters of administration should not he granted to Thomas H. Harden on the estate of John F. Harden, de¬ ceased. October 2d, 1883. Witness my hand and official sigs uature. O. SEAMANS, septo 4 t Ordinary. NOTICE. Bv virtue of an order issued from the Court of Ordinary of Rickdale count), will be sold before the court house door in the fown of Conyers on the first Tuesday in November npxf. wirhin the leg*] hours >t sale, the following tract or parcel of land be¬ longing te the ettaie of James G. Fitzpatrick, deceased, known as the Froetnan place, lying in the JTenth disiict of originally Henry, now Rockdale county, and being a part of lot No. (145) one hundred and forty five, and bound on the east, by J. J. Cowen, north by Ansel Willingham, on the west by Donie Sparks and on the south by W. H Brisendine, con¬ taining fifty acres, mo e or less. The above named land will be sold for the purpose of paying debts s..d distribution among the heirs and creditors. Terms of sale w.ll be cash. September 28, 1883. J. T. ADAIR, Admr. - LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION Georgia. Rockdale Gundy. To all whom it may concern. Whereas .Jacobus Periy has in due form app.ied to me for perma¬ nent letters ot administration on the estate rl M. C. Petty late of said county deceased, and l will pass up-, on raid application <01 the first Mon¬ day in November 1883. Given under my hand and official sigustiue. Tbis 1st day of Otobtr, 1883. O. SEAMANS, octo Ordinary. NOTICE, Parties owing J. & W. E. Treadwell A Co. must come forward and set* le at once, as the estate is obliged to be wound up. Call on F, S. Treadwell, in charge of papers, at their old stand. Co nyers, Ga.. October tst, 1883. Read This. ttSTWe earnestly ask all who are due ur on accounts or notes to come forward at once and mako settlements as we are needing the money. We have many aocounts that have been running a long time on parties we know to be good, but we need the money now, and must have it. So come on and pay ns and by so doing you, will greatly favor .and ob'ige. We are yet at our old stand on Com¬ merce street. We calljyour attention be¬ low to our NEW GOODS. jtf*Thanking our customers for pari fa vors, we asK them to call and examine our fall and winter goods. We’ha re on hand and are continually receiving an elegant assortment of hats, feathers flow¬ ers, velvets, ribbons, laces, corsets hoops shirts, ruching, zephyr and a beautiful line of neck wear, plush and velvet col¬ lars, handkerchiefs, and also jewelry and ha ; r goods besides various other articles too numerous to mention. We will sell low down for cash. Call and see us when in town. Yours Truly, P A Cowan & S J Eilichardson NOTICE. Having had my saw mill burned and needing money to have it replaced, I earnestly ask all who are due me money to come forward and make settlements with me. I need the money, and I ask j’ou to come forward and see meat once Yours, &c.. A. N. PLUNKETT. ATTEKD THE Of Kentucky University, LEXINGTON, KY. T r m « to complete tba P»U Diplama Coorte iboat 10 weeks. Total €•*•, including Tuttiou. Book*, Statioa*ry, Course Board, fcc., abed $«. Talerraphy UHgbt. Literary for one year If desired, free. Nearly 400 student* from 21 fcuiet la*t rear. 6.060 L. •ar'eeeeful gmduates. Tteatian. Fall Stud^v*** S-udrm, c»« heein ! ,ftn at at H, aav time; t,»«; no nt» ,*CJ sttnw betia; Stpt.mbfr 10th. Fot foil p»t«c»!ir», hiiir«u wilbur R, SMITH. Lexington, Ky. What will it do3 brown’s Iron Bitters? Good fo£ wh t? Well, see what it has done. oObe^^f^.' chiUs an( i faer. Who wan £g shake with cold and burn with heat, when a bottle or two cf Browns Iron Bitters will drive the source of the misemet away r How about rheumatism f It cured Mr. Brashear, of Baltimore, and hundreds of others. Those dreadful nerzous troubles. Mr. Berlin, of Washington, the well jenown Patent attorney, was entirely relieved by Brown’s Iron Bitters. Tke ailments cf the kidney *.— Brown’s Iron Bitters cured Mr. Mon¬ tague, of Christiansburg, Va., and an army of other sufferers. Debility and languor. The Rev. J. Marshall West, Eilicott City, Md., is one cf the many clergymen re¬ stored by Brown’s Iron Bitters. And as with vertigo, malaria, liver complaint, and headache, Brown’s Iron Bitters is the Great Family Medicine. a LOOK! TO OUR CUSTOMERS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC We take this method of informing you thri our teruis will be CASH from OCTOBER 1st. up to January 1 st, 1884. As we ha*e been doing a heavy time business, we are compelled to have one fourth of the year to close up our books. We hope none of our friends will ask ns to vary from the cash sysfem during the short time we ask for. We have done all we could t> accommodate our customers for the past nine months. We saw sixty days *go that the prospects were very gloomy but still we kept our banners unfuil ed, our doors open, our stock filled up, and continued to let our customers have goods on time. We have never turn¬ ed any one off that we promised to run. We cordially ask yeti to call and see ns when in need of goods, as we are determined to sell extremely LOW FOR THE CASH, We also ask all who owe us any, either on note or ac¬ counts, to please coil and settle a3 we are compelled to have money to pay our debts and to run our business, and to enable ns to sell on time anothet year. So please let us have a par t of your first cotton. Remember that prompt pay makes good credit and secures goods at the lowest prices. Please help ns now and we will help you after y while Trusting we will not be misun der stood, we remain. Your Friends, J. K- ALMAND, SON & CO, ■* •’ P erfect P astry P atent. FOR SALE. One of the most valuable lots in the city. In the very center of the business portion. Situate on the corner of cen¬ ter and Commerce streets and fronting the railroad. Known as the old Dan Scott lot. It is a capital business lotand no mistake. For terms, particulars &c., call on John H. Almand atJ. H. Almand & ton’s store. Look Here. employ this method to ask all who are due the former firm of S. J. Cowan & Son to come forward snd make settle¬ ments at once. We have waited long and patiently, and as we are anxious to close our books we ask you to come for¬ ward and settle now. If you cannot pay all in money come ana settle by note r as we must close our books. I can be found at the Millinery store of Mrs. P. A Cow¬ an and S. J. Richardson ou Commerce street, Conyers, Ga. S. J. Cowan. CITY MARKET i -BY W B & M_SMITH. HThey keep always on hand the very I nicest freshest meals, in the way of BEEF & PORK, -SAUSAGE,- Backbone Sc Ribs. Also Mutton. When von want nice meats, good weights and cheap prices, call at the City Market first door above Post-Office Conyers. Ga. A VERY GOOD THING. I have now one ofine best found rya in the United States making two qualities of Cook Stove tor me, viz : the “New Pi!ot”and Die ‘ Echo” 1 have just received a car load of them, and have opened my busimss for the season in one of the elegant store rooms in the Night building. The very latest . improvements and , the best materials are put on these stoves and I will sell them at prices never before known in this place. Cotne see for yourself and especially examine ray fine fiove the “ New Pi ot. ” E. KoBi-KTs. GEO R. LOMARD & CO • J FoundrY And LaehinE AnD BoileR ' : o kS, Near the Water Tower, 1014 to 1026 Fexwick St„ Avam'SA, ©j.., MAKE AND SELL THE BEST Saw Mills,Grist Mills, Cane Mills, Plantation Machinery Engines and Boilers, Cotton Screws Shaftings, Pnllevs Gangers. Journal Boxes, Mill Gear¬ ing, Gudireons, Turbine Water Wheels, Gm Gearing, Judson 8 Governors, Disston’s Circu¬ lar Saws and Rummers and Files, Belting am’ Babbitt Metal and Brass Fitting Globe am Check Valves, \V bistles, Guages &c., Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ribs and Inj 'dors Repairing promptly done at lowest prices. We cast every day both iron and brass having greatly increased our eapaeitv with the latest improved tools. We are rn»ning full time with ioo hands, which enables us to till orders promptly at lowest prices Give ns a trial hefo-e sending elsewhere. Agents for Georgia and South Carolina f >r Korting s Universal Injeetor, the best boiler feeder out. Wonts with one lever. Will work warm or cold water and will lift water. Warranted to give satisfaction. Send lor circulars before you buy any other. They are better than a pump. sept a 8— 6 m The “ Excelsior Stove House.” A Special ,” invitation the largest to merchants stock, of f>nd the puplic generally to examine ‘ before purchaiing STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Stam pal and plain tinware Japanned ware,’wood an I willow ware, gas fixtures Slate and iron mantles, grates, rubber hose, wrought iron pipe for steam, gas Ai d water. Brass goods, steam whistles, plumbers, materials water closets etc This is fh >. largest and most varied stock that is kept in the South, and we mean to excell in Quantity, Quality and Price. Our stock of gas fixtures, mantels and Grates, is simply the laegest in the south. Gold bronzed and ebony chandeliers, In Is test designs. We are the STOVE EMPORIUM OF THE SOUTH. ®@PCan fill all orders promptly at reasonable prices. We are practical plumbers and gas fitters, tin and iron roofers, manufacturers of gal vanized iron cornice and Ornamental sheet ir< n work, concrete se*er and drain pipe. Agents for Kno.vels Steam pumps and Macks injectors. HUNT1CUTT & BELLINGRATH, 36 & 38 PEACr TREE t SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS! J- S SCHOFIELD & SONS, Proprietors, Macor, Georgia. Manufacturers and Dealers n every Variety of Agricultural Machinery. J C chofield's Pat. Cotton Presses, Boilers, Engines SAW, GRISTand FLOUR MILLS, SCRGHO MILLS and KETTLES, Castings of Every Kind, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers. —Agents For— Judson^s Standard Governor, Nordyke And Manana M i Is. And the Celebrated FAUGHT DERRING HORSE PO WER. —Keep constantly in stock a Full Line of— ENGINE FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS. BELTING. PIPING oqMB! NATION MONKEY WRENCHES ,y(j &C, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL CHINA. DINNER AND TEA SETS, v \ sES. Rae eatlerj, Toilet Sets, easlurs. FORKS, SPOONS, IIALL AND LIBRARY LAMPS. The Cheapest Goods in the South at McBride’s China Palace, ATLANTA, GA. Merchants remember thri th saving on freight on Crockery, Glassware, Show Cases, Wood ware, Tin ware etc. bought from McBride & Co. is a good pro it. sep. 21. iy. McBKIDE & CO. Gkorge R. Sibley. Asbury Hull. P. B. Tobin, MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. -The Recent Improvements Made iu The WHITE SEWI’G MAOHINE! ADD MUCH TO THE IPIBl! MANY EXCEIiLENl QUAIi ^ 0 tills J^U ^ p0T IO T i.Vl iiC Si 1I1G , It is an Esptial Favorite of Ladies, * mM Who use them Talks for and the Others, many advantages ill§ ,aU 7 they poaess over other Sewing Machines. EVERY WHITE MACHINE i VVarrented for 5 years. J JD . & T. F. SMITH. isis Wholesale and Retail Dealers, 50 Broad St., Atlanta Georgia. wmm H . & D> ALMAND, Agents * - Conyew, Georgia. -H. P. & D, M, ALMAND f/ -Dealers In- GENEAM MERBHMIM Every Kind. We have in stock and are daily in a handsome line of goods of evi kind, which we will sell low down. 1 are paying the highest prices for all kj of country produce, cotton etc. Now’s the TO i: 1,1 m 1-2;} n? ?,lk'iq.‘ E“ UKND . . ‘ $EE ’ '> H’ -, .. “ ' mg A > )6 V ~é7‘*“=:f.z 45.5. z‘alfifi “3-9 i -""~' '3; i)“ ' “-5.”? " ‘ " -va.) " ” Q ‘ ‘ \ ,. NOW Dont forget Ij / %Z&Z ’21Zfi7 m4 / H P & D M Almm