The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, October 26, 1883, Image 6

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A VERY GOOD THINS. I have dow one oftne best found ry« in th* United States making two 'qualities of Cook StoVe for me, vit: the “New Pilot’’and the ‘ Echo” 1 have just received a car load of them, and have opened my business for the season iti one of the elf gam store rooms in the Night building. The Very latest improvements and the best materials are put on these stoves and I will sell them at prices never before known in this place. Come we for yourself and especially examine my fine Etove the “ New Pi ot. ” E. Robkkt*. Look Here. employ this method to ask all who are due the former firm of S. J. Cowan & Son to come forward snd make mentsatonce. We have waited long and patiently, and as we are anxious to close our books we ask you to come for ward and settle now. If you cannot pay all in money come ana settle by note^as we must close our books. I can be found at the Millinery store of Mrs. P. A Cow att and S. J. Richardson on Commerce Street, Conyers, Ga. S. J. COWAK. CITY MARKET i -BY W B & P B SMITH. -:o:- FT'hey keep always on hand the very nicest freshest meats, in the way of BEEF & PORK, -SAUSAGE, Backbone & Ribs. Also Mutton. When vou want nice meats, the good weights and cheap prices, call at City Market first door above Post-Office Conyers, Ga. FOR SALE, One of the most valuable lots in the city. Ill the vefy center of the business portions Situate on the corner of cen¬ ter and Commerce streets and fronting the railroad. Known as the old Dan Scott lot. It is a capital business lot and no mistake. For terms, particulars Ac., call on John H. Almand atJ. II. Almand & Son’s store. 0 i BY 0 . M. WOOLEY, M. IUM Atlanta- Ga. HABIT ) Reliable evidence given CURE f and reference to cured patients physicians. Office 65 Whitehall, st- Send for my book on the Habit and its Cure. w 1 By Dr B M Wooley HISKY i / Atlanta, Ga. DrinkinG No pain. No loss of CURE. / time from business. Cures the disease and destroys all taste for stimulants. Book of pai ticulars sent sent to any address fiee. Office at 65 Whitehall street. CITATION. State of Georgia Rockdale countv Whereas John O. Oohan&n *>xecu er of Mary (J. Ozbu' u represents to tht court in Lis petitions dimly filed that he has (ul y administered Mary C. Osdurn estaie. This is therefore to cUe all persons concerned heirs &ud creditors to show cause if any they cau why said executor should not be discharged from bis ex ecu ter ship and receive letters of dismission rr tha ^xst Mihlay n November 83 * 3. Seamans , 3 Cjdina/y. dOSIFElft A a. Sitters Though shaken in I and even and liber with (ever ague, or l*lu>us remittent, the system may yet lie freed from tire malig¬ nant virus with Hostetter's Stomach Rit¬ ters. Protect the system against it with this beneficent anti-spasmodic, which is fiuhermore s supreme remedy for liver complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, debili other tty, rheumatism, ailments. kidney troubles and For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. GEORGE KENNON. • Dealer in General Merchandise, (Mrs. G. Cowan's old stand.) tOmmerec Street, rouyer*. fca., Keeps always on band nice candies, ! aimed goods, cabbage, cider, lemonade, *?C. A good line at bottom prices. Call see him* The Biggest and The Best ! \ € GO OR H -i NH % THE I883. em/t/u eenth co T H GO CO CA GO 12 months for the small sum of A 1 And it and the Atlanta Weekly Constitution / 12 months for onlv ■/t r: $2,00 / ip . riflJP esi ClPiama’B Official organ City of Conyers Official organ Rockdale County a 1 m V l n O every discription executed .quickly and in a neat manner, THE LuWERT PRICE i 1 Address or call on J. N. Hale, Editor, Conyers Georgia. I , > / lemcllhe ■mmec/m mm V. mmm 1 A combination of I*ro totjeide of Iron, l*ert*oian Hark and Phosphorus in a Debility, palatable form. For Loss of Appe¬ Powers tite, Prostration of Vita' it is indispensa¬ ble. mA??R«8Y5£ aiiliVl PU^IflES ^ BEV. J. Is. TO WNTE, , Industry, Ill., saysj l;*lSs-™7BL00D “I consider it " most exoellent remedy for a lie Speakers ^— * the debilitated vital force** of the will find it ------- where greatest value a Tonic is neces¬ / sary. I recommend it as a reliable remedial r //m agent, possessing un doubted nutritive and restorative properties. ly.uuruU, Ktj., 0,-1. 2. i8S2. 121:-2: 17 722 ER. KART EEL IKED I CINE CO., S13B. UiSX BY., SX. L07I2. JgPtaBLESELF-CURE, «ir free) GSSh A favorite prescription of on« of tM sssstss^i E^Uinsealed eo velope/ree. Druggists cau fill a. Address DR. WARD & CO.. Louisians, Ma. mmmm immm I 1 Eg sH llj i p action Secure the Healthy Uver EBB mg to H mK® and relieve all bil troubles. Purdy VtjeUMe; Ms Orirta*. Pries 25o. All Brnsjlsta. PILLS --*--he«b TORPID BOWELS, 'bISORDERED LilfEK, and MALARIA. thvee-fourtlis of From these sources arise the diseases of tno human race. Iheaa evmi)tomsi!Klicat‘e thoir existence: loss at Appetite, Bowels costive, Sick Used* ache, fullne** dAor catiuj;, avci-alcM .9 exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irritability of temper, Bow spirits, A feeling of having neglected tha some duty, Dizziness, Finite rims; at Heart, "red Dots before the eyes, hi gJitv 1 col Brine, OOSSTIPATIOM ; and direct da maud the uso of a remedy that acts v on tha Liver. AsaLivermadiomol uTT’S PILLS have no equal. Tlieir action on tha Kidneys mill Skin is also prompt; removing all Impurities through these three “scav¬ enger* ef tlv* system,” producing r-ppe cause no nauR«fa or firripin* r.or interfere vith dully ■work and are a MALARIA. perfect ANTIDOTB TO cA.,N .Y. £ol<lcY« , rvwbtr* v ,S2*Sc. L i ° —l • . mi as TUTT8 HJDR DYL Ghat Ha ut or Whiskers changed single, in stantly to of a Glossy this Dte. Brack Sold by by a Druggists, ap¬ plication by on receipt o ? or sent express Street, K Y ork. Office, 44 Murray ovr FREE. TUTT’S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS pousmfi-ctnwnno v ss JUrlSU I 1 liloo<% o long 38o»o».—SlervauH experience in curing disease of Imp^t-sneT, ttie Skin end Qoaorrhteu, Debility, Syphllftl* 'and Mercurial OrganUi Affections Wcakoew, scientific principles, specially treated on List Ques with sale and sure remedi es. Call or write for sf Uon« to be answered by those desiring treatment by mail. S Persons fivtTerlne from Rupture their should send It their b ad<lrw»,\ \*»d Uans soasttaiag to advantage. net a tram,# AddreM, DB. BUTTS, IS H. 8U SC, SC teth, !U. ESTABLISHED OVEH T1ILBT V TEAKS. g THE DISEASES OF ;cT\LTT 9, YOUTH and FAANHOOS? sf A GUIDE - TO HEALTH : — WITH* m t f T5Y A OUT PHYSICIAN MEDICINE. of 25 j-ear’i fr- »JL» experience. Don’t poisou yonrsj-eteut -with Drnes, but set tins Book and avoi.l Quacks, “Prescriptions free” and Electric Belt limn bugs, which it ex poses. Price 25cts. At'dresB THE PUBLISHER. Box 234, Milwsukae. With HARRIS REMEDY MT(5 Chemist* ftud SJole Prop's oi PROF.HARP.IS’ PASTILLE REMED: Young ^ 31 on uad others who suti'et Pi*nurture erv " us ft u i1 KxhisusUoo PWygiotU DcUQ :C Y- wti hoir mai, Y (Tloomy cott^a^’VMG, —,1, -ddg PgffcaMtirHre quiehey and rftdi-i*Ily oor*4. The Remedy is put up in ooxev. No. 1 (laetlng a mectk), Jf.8, Ho. 2 (enough to effect a «», u jIcsb In severe cati».«,> §6; .in, n (liwtiag throe nwtuhs), $ 7. Sent by mail ie plahi -.viopwws binfi lHrovtioii" for Cslr^; arrompgi-iy oa*h Ko*. J’lw.-phh’t deoeri this disease and inode ef cun tent sikG «d on Nervous Exhaustion, Premature Decay* 8EMT FREE THE HEALTH JOURNAL, MILWAUKEE. WIS. ..O.x A First-class imm ... Business - v 7 School mml Equal Send to MB any Circulars, North or tree. South. AGON, GA. W. McKAY, Principal. ^ vwrewreww 1 ■» 'M4 * v * v * * * e v r e 4* w v v* v* Mischievous ^aiaria^ 'To say that malaria is mischievous is to put it very mildly. It is ail tha, and more It is cunning, deceitful, treacherous, sly, and underhanded. It does its work in the dark, and ir such a sly way that much of the mis¬ chief is done before it is discovered. It saps the foundations of a healthy system. It robs the blood of its vital¬ ity, demoralizes the liver, confounds the stomach, and makes the victim wish he were in his grave. It is sad to see people be sit the down victims in their misery, content to of mischiev¬ ous malaria, and thinking that noth ing Brown’s can be done Iron for them. Bitters The powa ol over the mischiefs of malaria has been so act why ply proved anybody that there is no reasor who can procure h bottle of this Prince of Tonics shd' But greater far is the beneficent in duence of Brown’s Iron Bitters, The preparation of iron in this favor¬ ite family remedy can be taken vvitnoufruining the teeth Teadache. Yrr produc ng constipati in and l BAD Dyspepsia is BAD. in its effects on the disposition. The man who can’t comfortably j BAD^Tit^ffec/s digest his dinner is not a delightful on the household. other Itsetspeopleatvariancewitheach and makes them irregular and unreasonable. *IAD in its effects on the purse. A dyspeptid business man can’t manage his affairs as prosperously as one* with a healthy stomach. Brown’s Iron Bitters is GOOD. iOOD in its effects oh the dyspeptic. It gives him a sound digestion, and enables him to enjoy the food he swallows. GOOD in ifs effects on the family. It drives dyspepsia out, and with it the whole company of little de _mons that make home unhappy. rOOD in its effects on business. With a sound digestion a man can face and overcome worries and troubles which would wreck a dys¬ peptic. Try Brown’s Iron Bitters. 4 G. W. WEAVER £ BRO 1 Convers a --DEALERS IN aLL KINDS Ofr_. ©ST ft©9©8 f ®^@§3IEISB Clothing, Tea, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes also Groceries such as Su ea r Coffee, Syrup, iiice, Grits Meal, Oat Meal, t obacco, Snuff etc. Wecall especial attention to our line of FANCYGROCER’ES &CONFECTIONERI’S Such as canned tomatoes, peqches, pineapples, ovgters, salihon, Mack¬ erel sardines, eondenstd mi,k, jelly, pickles, candy both fancy and stick, nuts, raisins, citron, macaroni, one spoon baking powders Hob ford’s bread preparation, etc., etc. Our pepper And spices both grohnd and grain are the very best in the market. asnrsiffssiK a tatiA* We also keep a good variety of feVesh Crackers, both plain and sweet. Also the celehrated,, Lustro Shoe and Siove Polish, A good line ol Table and Pocket cutlery, Crockery, Glass and Woodware, etc, *®“WE MAKE FINE CIGAR'S A SPECIALTY, Our taotto: Short Profits ahd quiGk Sales. Terms Strictly cash. G. W. WEAVER & BRO . Findlay Iron Works! 6 MM* ®~©©Pgl@, SO IS k SYRUP KETTLES, GIN SEAR.SSTEAW! ENOSNES' BOILERS, SAW AND GRIST tinl MACHINERY AND CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS TO ORDER IRON FENCIG (Wrought and cast 1 E®“Send fof circniars and priefesfor all the above. Address, C. D. FI KDLAY, A gen 4t©V*»8A1 —AT-= CONYERS I 1 1 i i h 4 m Li< B.-.v mmM DEALERS Iff MAcnmnEBY ifiii ssieEff’m.. x ! d- s* 'A In this, Newton, Gwinnett and many adjoining counlies they *i-» a^eu.r for the very best machinery made, fembfacing the famous K 03 WJP 8 S A» ttV * fi *^ S 3 ** And all other mrcliinery manufactured by Frck & Co ai their large w- ik^ Tmm essestt mama complete reaper, and one which, by Reason of * t « ^J?;'’, the awards ot EngloAd and Amenca. We hshdlethe e rreseJj etc. and in tact any machinery you want can I-r hs‘l thr 'lit' Better rates and on better terms ihan through ar.y one eitv • Can on dross Carr & Ovcrbay,Conyers, Ga. 1 H J j j J , -808-- Special Attention Giveu To Weight* And ''lie*. 847 <e 849 Reynolds St., August* , Gtt