The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 02, 1883, Image 2

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iS^conyShs weekly. Look n ut for B. I*. & u. M. A Inland's new adver¬ tisement next week. Our voting friend J/innie Scott was marrred in Atlan'a last night to the ae compished Miss Rosa Thompson. V\e wish tlie young cou()le all posib’e hap¬ piness. Horseback riding is getting to be quite popular with ouryoung ladies. Reftil the legal advertisement in this issue. The late cotton crop now promses to be very good. Mr, W. V. Almonds now house will Boon be done and will bo a beauty. The death senteuce was passed on ten criminals in Georgia last week. Cipt- J. M Znhrv is up from Florida tiiis week visiting his family. Onrcommunication to the Louisville Exposition will appear next week. We counted over sixty old gray beads at the trial on last Tuesday morning L-oindat Johnson, coloied, was tried for rap’ in Honry county last week, found gu flty and sentence to be hung December the 7T1. Your Unde Bob Toombs jdned the Methodist Church, the other day, and wa9 baptised by Bishop Pierce. A negro man reoeivd several cuts in the arm, the other day for being inso¬ lent to a white man. If you want to buy a good mule s ; x years old work to a buggy, plow, one or two horse wagen call at this office W« have only one bar room in opera, tion now. It can do the woik, however. We are glad to learn that Mr. Tom Elliott and lady are rapidly recovering lrom their recent attack of fever. Miss Temp’s Quigg we regret to leai n, is very sick with fever we hope soon to chronicle her complete recovery. Mr. Jim Pim? one of Covington’s cleverest young men was in to see us Wednesday. Mrs. Canfield, the worn in who created such a disturbance heie a few days ngo, had a preliminary examination before jaslice Helms Tuesday roornig and pla ced under a tweuty fLe do lar bond to appear at the next term of our superior court. Our farmers are sowing a lage amount of oa s good for them. We were shown this week by Mr, Ben Whatly a curiosity in the shape <f a chicken wilh four wings, four egs, two necks and only one head each and evry part Was wetl dev'oped. This is a fact as can be poven by a hundred of our citizens a bo saw it. Married, in Monroe,, last Wednesday evening. Air. Louis Norton to Aliss. Mollie Lanier, Rev. I). E. Butler, of Madison, Ga , officiating. It is rarely that a more wothy couple than this one ever united tbfir destinies. Both will do their part in life’s struggles, and we doubt not that success and happiness will crown their efforts. The Georgia papers are all advising their readers to lessen their cotton crops and increase their small grain crops There It no (lobt.if the wisdom of this course, and the farmer who does not heed their warning may expect financial ruin. Eighteen year of continued effort on the “all cotton’ plan has proven its f lly. Only one year’s trial of the op¬ posite comae w 11 prove its \v iadorn. Try it only one time. Jtflr. J. C. DaHn,of Redapple Alabama, was out to see his old friends and rela¬ tions this week he ii looking well. Mr. W. H. Mcord and his son Eddie left for Alabama yesterday morning, they will be absent about 15 or 20 day. When a journalist goes outside and picks up the private acts of a private individual nni makes them common property he goes too far. ' Two Saturdays ago, in Burke county, an exciting game ot base ball was being played. A man named Rogers standing near the ground, made some slight r mark about the awkward playing ofa young man named Sims Urns’ farther heard the remark, and a qnarrel ensued. The next day, Sunday, at a neighboring chuch, the fuss again sprung up, Sims hacked by three or feur of his sons and Rodgers wa, supported by teverrl of his r«fau«es. In the fight three «<f the Sims family Were killed and another badly shot. All of the men were grxxt citizens, and there is great excitement in ihecoun ty over it. Clever and handsome Joe McCord, of Carrelton is down shaking hands with his friends to day he reports everthig lively in his burg. Tom Bryans is down to day from Urn Airline smiling on his Conyers friends. estray SALE. Will be sold on the Freehold of J. YF. Hamolton on Friday the 9 ’ of Novem V>er next at 10 Oclock A. M. on Red Cow with borns. Medium size about nine or ten years old marked wilh a crop and slit, in each year sold as a stray this Cet3otSl 3 . A. P. Mitchel Mm red, how Sunday, by Rev. VV. A. Brooks Mr. John Born, of Gwinnett county, aged seventy-two, to Mias Lae E. Yandetford, of this county, aged twenty-eigfh. While this match aeems to be the joining to gether of spring and autumn, yet we hope that the groom | may hind that the cool winds of his No¬ vember days will be warmed by the May-days smile of his youthful bride. These items from Covington Enter¬ | prise . .Social Circle and Conyers are pow¬ erful ‘ dry towns” and the boys are be ginning to come here to ‘-wet their whistle." . .uovington is in possession of about sixty good looking Ojd bachelors. As to the uumer of maids we shall remain silent. . Nearly evory local paper says its . town is (he best cotton marker in the State. Of coarse they ad tell the truth. .The Methodists in Canada have . dropped the world “obey 1 from the marriage service. Just as well do it he’e, as none of oar wives pay any at tentou to that part of the obligation. . .A mad dog was killed on Esquire C. W. Turner’s place one day last week. ..Ta>mage Rich 1 nil litis concluded not to entdr journalism in Covinton for the present. . The fellow who refu es t • read pa¬ pers is still sticking thiee cents stamps on his letters. It was rumored that Sciwor DuBigron of Milledgetill, was beinsr groomed for the race agai fit C dillunt i 1 the 6 Dish but rbe Coldenies the soft impeachment and with adhere 11 h's determination to remuva t.j Sa"aim .h ft.<i d v-xtolta. peetieeo! hi. A 8ftD8ib!e nec Sion. In middle Georgia the water has be¬ come so s:arce fiat cattle have to be driven miles to get a supply’ and water is absolutely so'd to trave’ers. A car m-jcidrnt to the Savannah Newssays that ha wai comjelled ta piy 2$ cents for enough well water for hts horse. Mr. Ilenry Crawford, who I'vss near Good Hope, killed ten wild turkeys one veiling lust week. The rapmt of thi. remarkable luck spr-ad tl»i 'R and fast. Mr. Landers, who live r.eir b^, bad a drove of ten in ‘keyi an 1 ha» never see n one them since. Mr. Crfwford has paid her for them, and next lime be wijl ask the turkeys whether they are wild or no before he shoots. Mr. J. VV. Johnson has purchased the interest of Mr. Bud Overbay in their gin and other machinery, he and Mr. John Carr now composing the firm. Mr Over bay will go into ihe saw mill business. Mr Arthur Sharp wants to rent a one or two horse farm near town. Aapply at this office or call on Mr. Sharp«t tlie livery stable. Waste neither time nor money, bu make the best use of botli by calling eaCy at, Stewarts. An endless variety of ladies’ ue“k-> Wear at Stewart’s. A new variety of stock powders, "said to work wonders,” Call for the red till box, at Stewarts. A fresh arrival of shirts and collars at Stewart’s. Conyers has the fastest horse for 900 yards in the State. Parties not believing this statement are requested to biing on their stock. Brick has been in goo 1 demand thi week. The Kirkpatrick iand will be s >ld on the first Tuesday in November. Huds >n sells the best Shoes and there is no disputing it. When } o 1 have a sick horse call on Or. Hamby He has some new reme¬ dies that never fail. Sarah Bemhart and other styles o( gloves at Stewart’s. The nicest ttyles of dark fall and winter prints, none like them else¬ where, just arrived, at Stewart’s The celebrated Cleveland all wool filled Jeans from 7 to 9 oz. for boys and mens winter wear, at Stewart’s. A few only. Picture fames left at Stewart’s. Call early. Whit** Irish linen* at 25 cts per yd at Stewart’s. Nice for baby aprons. Thia paper is now run strictly for the cash. When you want it you must pay for it. • Nervous Exhaustion, Premature Decay, _ — XiU93 T./vnn vX iUvUlv* (Vi Otn A fl lf J! • An SO-pace Cloth-bound book of wholMomf Advice to Youna Men, by a ltegular 1‘hysician. UlP 0> SENT FREE stLST' 1 ’Ad<K« ** °* THE HEALTH JOURNAL, MILWAUKEE WIS. , - TK£ OtSEfiSES ON YOUTH an d MA NHOOP » jRk, V aguidetoheilth OUT MEDICINE. with Tfr 1 1 A PHYSICIAN Dou'i or 25ye«rH - experience. xvith I)rn«, bin poison vonr svsteis net iliis Hook *»»d avolu guaeks, “Prescriptions free ,, and Kicctrie Belt limn* bugs, which it exposes. Price 25cta. Add rets XHE PUBLISHER. Bo* 234. MilwsvVeo. Wis. LiytllrH IIIL Healthy Secure action to the Liver d relieve all Ml tremble*. r e jet*«»; Kedrins*. WoeXSe. ABtWciim. ■ Sheriff's Sales lor December 1883 . Will be sold before the court bouse d< or iu the U wn of Conyers withm the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in December 188 ? the bil¬ lowing described property tr. wit : xv oue-titth interest in a certain piece of laud saul to contain (DO) nine!) acres moie or less bJiug a purl of lot lumber ( 2 o 3 j two hundred and fifty three lying in the 1 Gtlj dh<. of >rig' inally Henty now RoAdile county aud bounded as follows: On the north by the lands ot J II A’miiid, on the south by E D Hams on the west by ltolly Ham col. ai.ul on tile east by M M Beutly and E D Harris -aid one fifth interest in said land levied on as the property ot defend ai ,t; W A White in r-nihfy a fi fr> is* smd from the Justice Court of ij e 416 th disfc. G M. in l iv-.r ot S D Night V 8. W A Whine. Prom ny pointed out t)\ pltli a. n ten notice given to tenant iu possession anil al*e to the defendant This Oct. 23 1883 , A P Mitchell, Sheriff, Sheriffs Sale for December 1883 Will be sold on .he 1 rs Tu.-sday in December 1883 before 'he court lions door with in the legal hou"« ot sale the following described prop ty to vv t Oue liouFe and lot lying an<l being n the 'own of Conyers in the IGth diet of originally Henry now Rockdale county said to contain [I] one acre , number no. knoxb ».,? ^ ,„„, h by the G.i, ^ rni! road, on <he west, t by the lot* of W V Altnni.d and D & Butler, on the north by ti 1 <- city cem¬ etery and on the east by Mrs. dale. Levied on ns the pioper y of Mary F Taylor, E A IVylov, An ms tus Taylor and W Z Taylor to .-misfy h fa d from the Jssuce . 1 a lssm court < the 476 th disc (t M. in favor o( AL nimd B' os & Co. v. 8. Mary F Toy Ipc K A Taylor Augmtus Taylor and W Z Taylor. Property pointed out ' y pltff’s titty. Parties in posse.sieq notified. Levy made l>y W a Ward law L. C and returned to me. Ttiis the first day of November 1883 . A. P. Mitchell, Sheriff LETTERS OF DISCHARGE. State of Georgia, Rockdale County: Wheteas J. M, Overton, guardian of Fannie M. Denard, having made applica¬ tion to the Court ot Ordinary for a dis¬ charge from his guardianship of Fannie M. Denard, this is, therefore, to cite all nelsons concerned to show cause why the said J. M. Overton should not charged from his guardianship of Fannie M. Denard and receive the usual of dismission .11 the first Monday in January, 1884. Given under my hand and official sig¬ nature, October 2d. 1883. oclS 3 m 0 . SEAMANS, Ordin’y. SOUTH'RN SANITARIUM THIS INSTITUTION, fornmly known as tbe Atlanta H >dtR Institute “A aterCnve,” is universally m e*Hed to he the most comple'e and thoroughly rati tal and scentific <s tii.blishmem ‘or the treatment ot the sick in ilte southern »-lateR. The fol lowing area few ol the man > remedial agencies employed in addition to the usual approved remedies: The Celebrated Aloiiere-Thermo Elecrtic Bath, Improved Turkish,Full Eieotro-Vapor, h’lectrie and liu.-si 11 Roman, some twenfcy different kinds ot ELECTRIC water batiis. ALSO Swedish Movement by ma¬ chinery, and manua operation by trained manipulators, Massage treats ment, etc., etc. Special attention given to tbe tareotinent of Diseases pemiliar to Invalid Ladies; also Dyspepsia, Nous ralgia. Rheumatism, Diseases ol the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, Eve, Ear, Nose, Throat and Lungs Chorine diseases are v adily and permanently cured at tbisin^iitmion. -Aodress U. O. ROBERTSON. M.D. 134 McDonough street, Atlnata. O^^D-BOT^§[ Affsetloai npednlly treated on scientiQc principles. Qnes wH* >nfi nnd sure remedies. Call or write for List el Hone to be euswered by those desiring treetment by mi-1. DR. BUTTS, le s. 8th su, si. So UTABUSHEJU OVER T1IIBTY YEAB», HARRIS RjEmEuY CO., 8 ^^ W&irn •h t g t h« uiRts a<id SoU- Pl op’s o PRO'.HARP.IS’ PAST !LLE SESED' m I f.-iotu Vtmnir Mph mid utiit ra nho R.iy, Nervous and I'Kysiaui Debit i’TBiuatut'i KxeausHen ant <eir many gloomy coastsat*uoe«. Dm iu quictoly No. i and rsdicaHy re,red Ketucdy t» yut up wox«a. (lasting n month), {«.j! i'3. A*. 9 (etsoUffh lo sfloct a cure, ualcss In 6- \ ere .'a.-vs. 1 No. i (lasting thre* mAntba), b*- S«nt by uwiil »r j.laru MiapHitfS Dlrpctlnn* for l siint Accompany racli ivox. l’an.pLlct GCBCTi Mac Uiil1 disease and mode of cur. sent seaieU on .JvC^L.C:02.-T A First-class '"MMEflCIAL Busi ness Sc hool COLLEGE, Equal to any North or Ssuth. Scad tor Circulars, free. ACON, GA. W. McKAY, - Principal. — a vfiTHY P I have now one of :ne best found¬ ry a in the United States making two qualities of Cook Stove lor me, viz : the ‘‘New Pilot "and the ‘ Echo” I have just, rece ved a car Fad of them, and have opened rny hu-dmas for fbe .-•uisiiii iii one of the eltgiiQt store room* in the Night building 1 . The vciv latest improvements and the best materials nre put on these stoves and I will sell them a' prices never before known in this place Come see for yourself and especially examine my Sue rtove the “ New Pi oL K. RciEKlilf. Look Here. employ this method to ask all who due the former firm of S. J. Cowan ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ mentd at once. We have waited long ani j patiently. au<l as we are anxious to el<«e our book? we ask you to come for wa d and settle now. If you cannot pay all in money come ano settle by note^as wo must close our books. I can be found at. the Millinery sto e of Mrs. 1 ’. A Cow¬ an and S. J. Richardson on Commerce street, Conyers, Ga. 8. J. Cowax. CITY MARKET i -BY— ■ :o: LPhcy keep always on hand the very £ nicest freshest meats, in the way 01 B E E F & PORK, -SAUSAGE, Backbone & Bibs. Also Mutton. When von want nice meats, good weights and cheap prices, c ,,|| ftt ,j ie city Market (list door above PoBt-Otiice Conyers, Ga. FOR SALE, One of the most valuable lots In the city. In the very center of the business portion. Site.ale on the corner of cen¬ ter and Commerce streets and fronting the railroad. Known as the old Dan Scott lot. It is a capital business lot and no mistake. For terras, particulars dec., call on John H. Almand at J. H. Aiinaad xt hon’s store. / r\ \ BY B. 3f. WOOLEY, M. j ) I IITM 1 Atlanta Ga. \f HABIT ) Reliable evidence given CURE fend re'Vren<•« to cured path rtfs phy-iciaris. for Office 65 Whitehall, Habit and st Send my book on the its Cure. ) By Dr B M Wooley JIT SKY f Atlanta, Ga. DrinkinG ) No pain. No loss of CURE. / time from business. Cure* the d.sense and destroys all taste for stnnuhnts. Book of patuculars sent sent t<> any address fiee. 0slice at 65 Whitehu 1 street. CITATION. State of Georgia Rockdaie c"tinty. Who • as John O. Bohan-ii -xecu ev of Mary U. Ozburn represents to Hu court in his petitions duely filed ; na [,,, | )US 111 i y administered Mary (j. Csdurn estate. J his is t>» c".u all persons enneerrmd heirs and creditors to show cause if any they cun why said executor should not be discharged lrom his exectuer . ship and receive letters of dismission it tbr ?2St i'lair n November ", ben wins ; HOSIIJEfiv a** §3 itteb^ 6tosxacb Though shaken In every joint and fiber with fever and ague, or Viliona remittent, the system may yet be freed from the malig uant virus with Hostetter’s Stomach Bit¬ tern. Protect the system against it with this fnthermore beneficent anti-spasmodic, remedy which for liver is a supreme complaint, ity, rheumatism, constipation, kidney dyspepsia, troubles debili- and other ailments. Tor sale by all generally. Druggists and Dealers -- —a >u»—-- - uEORGE KENNON p Dealer in General Merchandise, (Mrs. G. Cowans old stand.) Commerce Street, Conyera, Ga., Keeps always on hand nice candies. wanned goods, cabbage cider, iemoaade, tc. A good line at bottom prices. Call nd seefdiim. ,£t swart has ha? just received a case ■it tine Alligator shoes for ladies and gentlemen. A nice grey and dark cRssimero for boxs school suifs, at Stewart's. W el r i n hard a few ‘‘Top Bogies Brewster side Bar, also end spring. Buy one for association and camp meetings Hurry up” at Stevait". Efforts are making to eectre a pard f >n tor Barton, the At’anta lawyer convicted of perjury. Mrs. Joseph Moore, ot Thomaaville is dead, leaving a husband and young child to mourn her loss. Jack Peavy. who was charged with assault with intent 1o murder, was acquitted at the October term Warren Superior Court. The cigar ‘‘Town Talk,” for sale by Stewart, is a tip-top one. Fresh grits, rice, meal and white fieas at Stewart's. LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION Whereas Thomas H Harden hav¬ ing in proper form applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of John F. Harden, late of said county, , deceased, , , this is therefore , . to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said John F Harden, deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday m Novemb r next at 10 o’clock a. m., then and there to show cause, if any they can, why perma¬ nent letters of administration should not be granted t o Thomas H. Harden on the estate- of John F. Harden, de¬ ceased. October 2 d, 1883 . Witness my band and official gig 1 - na tire, O. SEAMANS, eeptS 4 t Ordinary. What 1 it do 2 Brown’* Iron Bitters? Good foe what? Well, see what it has done. To begin with dyspepsia. It has cured some of the worst cases. Then chills with and cold fever. and Who bum wants to shake with heat, when a bottle or two of Brown’s Iron Bitters will drive the source of the mischief away ? How about rheumatism ? It cured Mr. Brashear, of Baltimore, and hundreds of others. Those dreadful nervous troubles. Mr. Berlin, ot' Washington, the entirely well known Patent attorney, was relieved by Brown’s Iron Bitters. The ailments cf the kidneys .— Brown’s Iron Bitters cured Mr. Mon tague, of Christiansburg, Va., and an army of other sufferers. Debility and languor. The Rev. J. Marshall West, Ellicott City, Md., •is one of the many clergymen re stored by Brown’s Iron Bitters. And as with vertigo, malaria,liver complaint, and headache, Brown’s Iron Bitters is the Great Family Medicine. S SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS! J- S SCHOFIELD & S 0 H 3 . Pfoprietors, Macor, Georgia. Manufacturers and Dealers n every Variety of Agricultural Machinery. Schofield's Pat. Cotton Presses, Boilers, Engineb SAW, GRIST and FLOUR MILLS, SORGHO MILLS and KETTLES, Castings of livery Kind, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers. —Agenta For—■ Judson’s Standard Governor, Nordyke And Marmon Mills. And the Celebrated FAUGHT DEERING HORSE POWER. —Keep constantly in stock a Full Line of— ENGINE FITTINGS, BRASS MONKEY GOODS, WRENCHES BELTlNGr ctC. PIPING, &C, 00 MBI | NATION MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. The Recent Improvements Made iu The WHITE SEWI’G MAOHINE ADD MUCH TO THL r* 5 » 98 yg AN? EXCELLENT QUilL- r is s IES of tiiis 3Upei or Machine. I i Tfe SU; ' It is an E-=pcial Favorite of Ladies, Tat., s and Others, *Y V *»•» U8e tbeiii for tbe many advantage 8 l»K- 0*2 ey p )««fis over ol her Sewing MACHINE Machines. SVEKY WHITE II i VV 1 rented for 6 years. J. I). & T. Jb\ S,ttITII. jmm Wholesale and Retail Dealers, ■'I 50 Broad St., Atlanta Georgia. ■ • ■ I. P. & D. M. ALMAND, Agent* Conyers, Georgia. Ladies! JB '» W •« ThU toOM. **-*•*»«. A»«X Cxx,„ It is not a Chart or Mode) but » of inches. By it you can cut square ment or L»d,es. Gentlemen anv nr of Children Strict and suits attention given agents to letters want of inquiry, d. Mrs. Local S. E. and Sranni, travel" 8 Gen. Agent, Conyere, Ga. ’ ■W>. m 1 . U . JA1 ) BOOTS, SHOES. &£ HARNESS, CONYFRS. OA ir,7 STJ k, an £,lV kl rePAred .? 8, *f wed , 0 < j° or * n P e ^ ed 01 mend, "ho* me. 1 T fin fin # 1 orders, and do all - work n.-atly, promptly, durably and-cheaply. fine work a specialty. Give me LL work and I insure sadshetion. I a ' 8 B flne *’ n ® .°j, hand and machine j bucYlerSte.^nSctl'ewwthlnJ’^' , lars ? ec * ed w ’ f h harness. Mt wotk is the best, my prices the bottom. Call and s«e me. *ep- 41 Jmo 3 . Mm. M. Jordan 1 Fred B. Pope, Formerly Siblv A J. Washington Ga. JORDAN & POPE, C otton Factors AND Com Merchants Augusta . Georgia, eggrSpecial attention 1 i»en 'o weights, Quick sales: prompt returns. We refer by permission tp Mr. Z. McCord, Presi¬ dent the National bank, Mr. T- W. Cos ery Oresident Planter* Loan and Si ings bank, Augnst*, Oa. Messrs. John JL 0 ‘arks’ Sons. A. P. TRIPOD 1 13 Broad Strret .........ATLANTA, GA, Atists and Painter’s Material, French and American Window Glass etc. —Agents For— Averill Mixed Paint Company. Also Agents For IHK Sr Lie ATE PAINT COMPANY. Petrify Liquidf, a sure remeslv for damp walls, recommended bv the Internation¬ al Aealth Congress and Sanitary Insti¬ tute of Great Brittain. HEADQUARTERS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. OWENS HOTEL Formerly CnveHouw, J M OWENS, PROPRITR, Newly fitted up. Table affords. supplied Hacks with the best the market Free meet all trains. A trial is all I ask. COVINGTON GEORGIA.