The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 02, 1883, Image 3
THE CON YERS FOR S*LE OR RENT. j„ *r»£ i%:: its s Goo(l garden wtibse walks a:e strand ed witb grape vines oY the best >ty, k'tid an orchard ‘that affords fruit Trotn May to^etdbffi’. -M oi which is partially enclosed ^■<» Fy a hedge 'Onego dra VCter liCffne can Fe ound in‘Conyers and none hi ore pleasantly loehtril. 'Having Vhined fo Bell if possible,'parties will do well to call at this office, octl 6 tf Edgar otfWri,. NOTiCE^lAST CAlt, I will be at the YolinfVring places —«■ At Own't, Wahu - 'District, WoruUr m Tuesday, 22 <l. Wednesday, 2, aU iff this ii,s tal) r tor the purpose of collecting and county taxes of Rockdale count v This is tny last round. I shall c.ose ,, books . on the fi.teenlli „ of „ XT . .tm-xt. Those v;itjiing to save money and trouble will do well to settle their taxes by that lime. I can be fottud in Conyers cin tihe 'following drvg of each week from this date - ^Fridays xil SattirdnVs. o m. W Nlaltre, T C. This October iloYlK^ltt^. $ 2,00 Will got the ATLANTA WEEKLY ‘CO'NSTrS'UTfON and T H E CON Y E RS WEEK LY, one whole year! $ 1,00 ■ » Willt^tk die vrhssn Cowv paid bus in M advance. t eekiA one Wl<«>a w&n*t by >m»il will -be ’the, tp'rrce Address. TllK WEEKLY,‘Conner*. Ga. Fan t v Ivfcu* we ol over shirt for fall wWtel - , at Stewan’s. : *csKr» 7 m- 22 =: x: CONYERS MARKET. [Corrected Weekly■] ton .i . . ■. . -. .7 to lOcts' •t'oriSiv ....... . -. -. . . 65 cents. k": f'-aJ . ’. . . . '. . -. . . . ,70 cents Bay -. ■. ■. . -. -. -. -. $445 to t 5O. L rsOv , . Oo cents. Data ■- % . s ■. ■. . . ...... 40 rente \N’hc 4 .t . . • $i. to l,io if" "iHT . . >, . . . $6 to $S u be.rei 1' iiOS; V . . ’.hit!...... . . i2 to 14 ct "Nukhcs . . .8 to 13 ct . bxlt . . $1 «} to $ 1 , 25 . “t’-'flee ........ . I . 22 to Jo cts. Syrup N. <). . ^ . . % .61 to :’b> cts. "Other 8vrup . , . . . vu to 75 cts. Peas . .'..... . . . 65 to 70ct». Bice........ ... 8 to io cts. ‘Chick ii a..... • ■ I! ° to 20 cts Butter....... • • t n to 25 ,, Bis. i-Kg«....... ..... v IT or* ^ COUNTY OFFICERS. ‘Ordinary .... , , O KUeiff. . . . . . A. P. Mitahel • ■C’erk..... . 1 j. JT. McCord. Tax Coi lector - . , . W. W. Nelms. Tax Receiver . 1 . WVw.T. Coroder .... . . Geo. W. Surveyor........R- A. Guinn. Court 3rd Mondays in February and Au¬ gust. J. D. Stewart judge; Worn mack Sulfaitof . CITY OFFICERS 'Li vnr . . . A. M Heim*. *"e>k . . . . J. It. Maddox. Marsha! . , » . G. i lined Dermtv M 8 . Bel I ah O-'e ?■' . . 4 W R. 1 . tl* r addox W Irwin Con cipi.ei. y : - •)».»:• r. hm-tialr. Ha*-! St - ' " ia V . - CHURCHES : t Baptist ■ . . . Jk if. Brittain. Pr aching...... 2 d- Sundays Snudar school 3 P Methodic.......Brrtow Bigham. p r h 'Yh „/::: s 5±T. Sundat school.........9 ». m , I, ,. . n . p iSnnr Primitive........ „ . . T ImBC „ 0 „ Ij^DODJ. Preselling ........2d Sundays ; f^TMC UliNO, PTYF UllNO 0 | i ; * vanwklb a co, C'OfrtOH G-S.lD.a3, F66d eTS & Coll (lOIlSGIS J '-Cotton lYes&s/fffi Wctiftf&j diik Saw Mills. --V-> ^ : ,V-> ^V'fi SAW GIN AND SELF PEEDER, Exihifed bv. E. VAN WINKLE & CO., At the Internafi nal Cotton Expo A " an,n - GiV - 1885 • rer •Gferei-ing, TesT sample, best general results ■Hh arid bi st censtruoted Mit ’"Ds. 'cfi-me the feistipi-fe -, or Ki *,, p'.l W. F. Banow-g, Counetic'nt, H. I. Kimball, i^il-i'ctor Geo. Alwo, first ) ri Fairs inin'ixi at the Sunlit Carolina State and the ^ This Gen is an iron frame, shaf' a. everything of the very mau-i'ial and ad giu'i'anteed, m W< tk&bsBSs&i I H i(Hi i * m "-v._ 0 D UBLE SCREW PRESS. S.’.d to he the Press in the world. Suitable for Hots.-, Steam and Water Power. Takes up Let 1 ittre rooni Ginning and Packing can go cm at the "”*Ywi:;W inRse & CO, Atlatita, Ga. VIGOROUS HEAITHforMEN TESTED 2**- oat 1 ■tftno RuGfithRYiMay^ThDiialuniFftiiicoonsofthe ",”"nts'oPnrD wi-! •'Dfmv'sYecnwSsteoYreiuven of the brain and h.ick. The buoyant out-npy he mnscu «ucngth i; ir system wiui ren.iurs rapidity. tho patient clweMul; Ruins . yauVs^tem^i'eVn'mori^thafha^cured'ihou n1urt?«Ho^*S™ii«"wh«e^haOTo»"Ic?plici\ rostored p«rtect mannood, and gj that they «jc-« b<i to * HARRIS J REJSIEDV CO.MPG CHEMISTS, 05J< N I0B ,.«. 8T. LOUIS, MO. . WfQME TREATMENT. 4!NSuj :YYYr ‘"' 5. i*v‘m t«w- fat Ktrwuf VvoaL %mMX? £ 4 mpotsnojJ, Seminal w. ns**, ? S' Tm A ? 1 *'t -I-?„U 6 V-U"-* : " ! U oe ^ f •'**-'$; ■‘H..*. Yeti' *vi .- ffse, Jtoas 1: ■ me :r«sizii-wt, ncm v-rf*.v«a»o,; * Its. '£■ "vrirnfAia.; «5 - - v* ? fSABST amd DRUKjKEarariaB. J Y .-L,Opium. Truth invite.- investigation. n tlr% ^tstamp, P W. C. 8mA»Y, M. I>. 71*2 Broad St.. Atlanta, Ga. lIlji Lt “ I ^ ormy 1 1 "RAP HR-SHOP ! - :o: FBAKK LYNCH _____ »««i F t ¥ . Huii euttine in the neatest and new disnatch. Dy «., K f^TLiDcated tn the o t ** .I. : butlDing first *. ^ llooi on .he 0 left ,, upstair- n ATTENTION. I earnestly ask all who are due me money for blacksmitliing to come for¬ ward and make sett.ements. I have done your work, paying out my money for material and labor to assist you in making vour crops, and now you should come and pay your accounts Inin com¬ pelled to have my capita’; so come foi~ ward and siive trouble and expenses. 9 d;>itS; 4t. W. V. Atma.nd. TAKE NOTICE. I dm 'going b<c.k to inv o’d "business and remofidling old clothing all woolen goods, both ilidies and gents. Also silks and velvets. Anyone wishing to see me can do so by calling at my real ,]h ' n f,llW " v 0< ' f ' ,1 P' t '" by Mr Winburn Oof J. C. BaT'ton. .mullik Ki.kd. Koi’icE. All persons indebted to tlie estate of .tallies Scott, deceased, of Rockdale conntS-, are hereby notified to come for ward and make settlements, and aiiv persons having any claims against the estate of said deceased, James Vcott, ate hereby required to present them, prop ■ei'iy attested. T>. \v. scof f, J. if, SeVjTf, Executors. Conyers, Ga.. October i, "»*«. . *■ ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. By virtue of an'^r Dgned from the Court of Ordimu-v, will he sold before the court house door in the C*tv of Con vers on the first Tuesday in November, iS8 L ' vi(hi,) ll,e linu, ’ s of »«>e. ,lie iollowing described propertr, belonging to ^taie of John to wit: A one-third interest in one hundred im H thh-ty.«tx fu-rew ot land ly ^ ™ of **r ConyA? r:v " r air., ' Y:' kno'hm f »«* »g "t; tlfa l Lttke Robin9on | l ice. There is abou" It) acres of torest land, J >0 or GO t»cres cultivation and the balance pine liln(ls ’ 20 or 25 ^us first *ml aeornd bottonts.. There is on the place dwelling, stables, cribs, good water, tfic. Bounded as follows; on the east by Yeltow river and the George place, oh the south by the George* plats* and fine -Brook s, <>n the west by Eilwfad Leo anil Mary Johnson, «*i the north by Yellow riVer. Sold foV p^r^o^e ctf kttitfftg the AeiVs o? s'aid d-eocfitted. Ti-TWis-nt sale Wtifl ^»i* -f.:ls 4 l. This 'Sep'tch'fheV 28 , mn. T.-Il. Sc W. U. TREAD WELL, A distil its', raiors. AdUlinistra CGi 3 Land.S:;l6 xCL NOVEMBER. By Vii'fire oi an .'Vile, lotted f.'«m the court of otdtttr.;y ot Rockd-le e.iunity will be sold on the fiuit Tuesday in Novemer, 1888 . at the «u>trt hou*e door u. stud ontuy, between the legal tale I oitrs, thr dower laud heliuigiug to the estate <rf Bej( j ( ; r( . gory , deceased, and upon * ,w01 death, con ’ aiioi ng ' thiity-livi aoivs, mote or fees, off of the. e.ntth east cofner of lot ot ’and number two !•«■<•»«•> ..........ew«] h. .1- to,!. dts • let Oi y.h t w.c* <*t tgu..i.l\ lb .it., : ' ‘" >V Uock,,a ° i:OU,,ty * Hdi0ini " f? laud ol E. Tu-ii r 0 the nor:!,, the h,uds N\ iHinm J .d,n:s..n <>„ the !(ast - tlu ‘ ia,uU ai IJ : K ‘'- ers a,,d D " Greogory on th- south and toe land? ot W illtattt H. \icDauteli on the uest Ihoie is on said place a 1! welling house, , kitchen, - , MHO 1,0 i i liiUM, <OUI crib, stable , , and , good , well. Suppose,l - l*e Gtut" or five acn s of good hot* tom land iu cultivation-; neatly ad the rest cleared; * small piece ot tor. e st land—some old field p:tie la nil; D'e balance all cleared anil in cnlltva tion and common lan<l. T - he - liotmee Q f repair. Sold for the- he.o ^ „ 8ah j deceased. Terms of sale, cash. This October 1 st, 188 ,’. A. W. HOWARD, veto 4 t Administrator. CITY TAX PAYERS. The City Tux book will be A pen for the collection of tax on the 8th October, and wiii continue to relied until November the i5th, when they w ill be closed. Please come forward U- settie without delay, The ho .k * be foun at the Solid South office. B. G. 9 allace, City Tax Collector, ____ __ THfc £'■ DlM!nl£n«vIicM 1^,1 fl i«ailp[8l§JSl^ nn u! gagEJEStiED! O ur fgeiftae pua taUTHi aar Jufsah.«?• p s—^ronwuiwltpnbuAb G'-odmntmtperson*vidt- ■--itth,m. ^b*n,:.rr. 1 w *-- yi' HARR)S remedy ore ft. Louts, wto. We-wantyouradtlrc^. Yr ictiM^urK—tc#. semi and tw eouviactu c*. ih_ All v.lio are ind<’b‘ed 10 myself or Mis. a. M. Lee ate earnestly re¬ quest e'd to eohirt forwai'd a! once and settl**, as w@ must have what, is dim r.s. Odr bills are coming m (hick anil fast and are compelled to pay them: Respectfully Dr. W. II. Lee. Ccnycrs, Ga, Del. 5 , 18 ** 3 . tetT'ers of discharge. State of Georgia, Rockdale County: y VheTeas j. M% Overton, guardian of Fann - e M „ eilHfd> ] lavin * mH<ie H1 , p | i( . a - tion to the Court of Ordinary for a dig chiirge from his guardianship of Fannie M. Denarii; this is, therefore, to cite all net *<jtis concerned to show cause why tlffe said d. M. Ot'et’toushould not he dis dharged from hi* guardianship of Fannie M. ’Denaid and receive the usual letters, <tf di.mission >n the first Monday in .'January. )8?4. - Given under m.v band and official sig natuik*, Oiltober^d, i8Jv». oft 5 Jin 0 . SEA MANN, Ordin’v. *SSt!es tor Mivdiiber, TSS'.l £jtUT Will be sold before t he court house loor in the City of Conyers, within th " U 8 *' 1,onrs °* s,Ie ’°" t, "‘ firf " Tuesday in November, 1883 the fol lowing described oropert.y, to wit: ,, ne Ionise and lot, situate in the cit_\ of Conyers, Rockdale uou««t», said t<> fii ., tv _ ||ire OIle hundredths (CU'IOO) of an nor-, more or less, be tiie Gistiict ol otiginalij Henry, nmv Rockdale county, ttums TIRI, h,lt M %Ti J * ' ’ an L^.!'.T n ‘ Sv h> ’ hounded as follow^; on tltc wi st by F.imls ot Mis S. E. Summers, ott 'lie north by the lands of Mart Ew "S’ ™ the east by the lands of W. L Shipej,a'il fit Mi • «“«*»» } th Georgia railroad, levied on as the [tropertv ol Air. h. J. Cowan to ,sat ls R' Utis It. la., issued trout Rockdale Superior Court in favor ol Moore, Marsh A Co \s. S. J. Cowan & Son. Property pointed out by plaintiff* attorney. Parties in possess’on noti ^ t. 6 , ‘ 18 ^b. A . F MIYCHFlY, Sheriff. SVt?! Le so d before t he-courthouse l1t,or " 5 G >« «»y °*. Conyers on the ’first, TXii'«isy in -November, !88iV within the legal hours ot sal.*, the fnliowinir described Itroperty, to wit: A certain lot or piece of land lying and being situated in the Ifith ilia'rid of signally Henry, now ID- kdith , oun ,y, and within the inceiporat. il i( , e ifcv <>( Convers, kuowt an(< di8l : ngui9bo j U lllft p Un 1(1 - Haid a ^ lrict !( s 'being ii part ot and lying uear ljjt> n L r ib W es, corner ot ha No. two btiniL'i-il and titdety-fou> and hounded ;i9 follows; B ginn n a. -i n'rtjjk x-o in r i’ii Decatur sir <-t Hlrt j cormw with the First liajni*t ht fln .j r „,, () in g with said dmrci . M)lUh r j8 dl . *. gve< . 8 west to a ,„ cl M , wt alld corner of said church lot, 2 56 chains along said vtree. aud e.iginal ijn(j ()f ^ , ot la ,, d rf 44 w to ft r<)l .k ih« beginning comer 5.1-5, con taming sixty.Six one-hundredths [ 06 - (O0] o{ * Hl) acr( . more or J e8f>t with all ,| u; a jrt,iirtenanceH thereof. Levied ' tq le prottertv ‘ • of James A Keh - , tien> j 10 . niti^O s lusty this mis 6 n. f-i issued issuer, trooi iio-m j H, )tkdale Bajieri or court in favor o( R p & j. M . Almau ,| VS . James Av KcntU-dl'. Piopertv pointed out by - This 17 th day of Sept., 18 15 j i fi. ft. * , A. P. MITCHELL, She iff. j ! SOUTHRN rt . rtTTrT1TTm ,, n SANITARIUM » vrm* mmr j INSTITUTION, formely THIS known a? the Atlanta Health Institute ‘• A «ter Cure,” is universally aiknowl* o'Oed to t>« the most complete and thoroughly rational and scientific es tablishment <«>r the treatment ol the sick in the southern states, The fol lowing area few of the man* remedial agencies employed in addition the usual approved remedies: The 1 elehrated Moiiefe-Thermo I some twenty different kinds ol 1 ELECTRIC WATER BATHS, ALSO Swedish Movement by ohinery. and mauua operation by tiaiued manipulators, Massage nu . n t, etc., etc. the Special attention given <-0 ! 3 wii , .XS u ^ Nose, I hroat and Lunge. Chorine ,y._ c , c „,. t , nd ;i y and permanently uo.robbrtsos.iu.. 13 A McDonough street, Ailuata •/McC- RD. F. W. OSTir ER. M’CORD & FOSTER. Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants poire .Between and Broad Warehonse & Rev on ho! da CAMPBELL lmai the ___ .{or* Street. of Z. McCord, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, OonsigEmt rfh Solicit* < 1 . Personal Atm'ion given to Bii*iui*M. Thft Instruct ens of Co'Uguins Promptly Obeyed. w. ii. iiuwAub, . C. H. HOWARD, S. P. WEISIG'KR. I fAT"'FOt^ ' -w 1 IV '*’ C \-UiTI OIVI 1 VI 1 Q Q lA W ITI E, »»" II R L. IT P. A II T 1 Of C fJ'f) Of) CF CMTU M'TWTOQW QT J 1 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ‘Co'ns ignm'etr's v f ( ' o! aid, other P-Vd’fc'o Solicited o I or, O.ders For Hagg'if.g And Ties Filled At Lowest Market Prices. v Tonv|p<«; — •» U. p; HARPER and BRO, t — 1 >KA LKliS IN — ; D EGA TIT Li .STREET, CONYERS, GA. Keep always on hand a full and complete assort ment wfilm very best DRY GOODS GROCERIES, NOTIONS, Mm, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, MEAT,;F10OR *1*. SUGAR, COFFEE, CONFECTIONERIES,SPICES,CANNED SOOIS Sue’S as Tomatoes, mackerel, condensed milk, sar¬ dines, kc, SAUCES, PICKLE*) MUSTARDS And in fad everythiny kept In Thin jUfarkset and other * WE BUY FOR THE CASH And ate able and prepared to sell goods us cheap as anjYo^y d k' 6 >\ w* guarantee to give satisfaction. We want s'l to call and give us a trial. We pay the highest prices for all country produce. We In ep the best gtades of To I aeo >s, Cigars and Cigarettes, We make A specialty of the LVCY HINTON Tobaro. -:o; All goods delivered freepn the City. RksfectflL'lV. U. R HARPER BRO. J. S. D A NIE L L, DEALER IN MACHINERY* FERTILIZERS ETC. llllAD 'HUS. MstiiMrli ' LOOKTLUSFLT Steam Engines, Sells thecelebra* Co'ton Presses, — is THE - led BitiLall,^ and Anil 1 s «vl«r S-w Mills. Syrup man Mil’.?, Tlo eshi-s, TZH Engine*, the Van Cotton C ” , and Winkle, Winship LVutuble Co in am! Gullett Cot¬ Mills, Beltings etc. ^ ton Gins. Thu i» *'<* luv a11 * Be9t** C >nd< n«ers 7 /! ' and the Fjn ^ml any k nil ot "U^-v-jSS very • **'/u*s; "" ' cst Thieshe* »>id - \\ h e ii IMPROVED TRACTION ENGINE in the South. A you want niHcbui* Wllb or without RcvcmIiii fienr. ffl, tSsnl 16 large Perry supply of the cry don’t fail to RUSSELL. Horse & Power. CO., Built Massillon, hj 0. Boyce Head call on" tdm. ** B> |, egt n Ault ifc , /.aylor ., . Alaclimerv. .... ,, Also agent, tor the famous man 1 on can *ar« money by calling on me. tf- &. DANIEL 1 *. t)T H b! DTI GO Fistula, Fisure and Rectal Ulcefs, ' Dr. Taber, I NO. b 2 DECATUR STEET, ATLANTA, GA., 1 | MAKES A SPECIALTY OF THESE DISEASES. And )ja»cured eases of forty years’ standing. Cure guaranteed, if I faiU'O cure’ j you of 01 1 Files ms I frill wi return you, j money Address, TABER, fenHosing Box stamp, F p. P. O. 262, Atlanta,Ga. j J. COOLEDGE AND BRO 1 A **• t South Broad Street iAtlanta, —WHOLESALE— Paints.Oils, Varnishes,Brushes & Window -Glass —Headquarters for all kinds of— M1X,H,L| «T 5 * M. tfe O AT WHOLESALE. 9 . Guaranteed equal to anything made. Sen-1 Lugiue for color atul Cylinder card and Oil* price#, is v\ c also keep a? fine line Machine, *8 kept in the City, £nd ate Headquarters for any and all Sizes Glass. F. J. Coolt-dge & Bro., 53 South Broad *t,, Atlanta, G».