The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 16, 1883, Image 6

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CITY MARKET' i -BY- w. b. & p. b- smith, :o: ^T'liey kpcp always on hand the very i niccBt freshcet meals, in the way oi B E E F & P O R K, » •SAUSAGE, Backbone & Ribs Also Million. When von want nice meats, pood weights and cht=a|) prices, call at the City Market tiist door above Post-Office Conyers, Ga. LETTERS OF DISCHARGE. State of Georgia, Rockdale County: Wheieas J. M. Overton, guardian of Fannie M. Denard, having made applica¬ tion to tfie Court of Ordinary for a din ¬ t-barge from his guardianship of Fannie M. Denard, this is, therefore, to cite all oeisons concerned to show- cause «hy the said J. M. Overton should nothedis sharped from his tfrtardianftmp of rannie M. Denard and receive the usual letters of dismission . n the first Monday in January, 1884 . Given under my hand and official sig¬ nature, October 2d. 1883. eetS 3m O. .SEAMANS, Ordin’y. SOUTH'RN SANITARIUM THIS INSTITUTION, formely known as the Atlanta H- alth Institute “W ater Cure,” is universally acknowl edged to fie the most complete and thoroughly rational and scientific es¬ tablishment for the treatment of (he sick ill the southern states. The fol lowing Hre a few of the tnanv remedial agencies employed in addition to the usual approved remedies; The celebrated Moliere-Thermo Eleertio Bath, Improved Turkish,Full Electric Russiiiti Roman. Electro-Vapor, and some twenty different kinds of ELECTRIC WATER BATIIS. ALSO Swedish Movement by ma¬ chinery, aud inanua operation by ti ained manipulators, Massage ti eat' ment, etc., etc. given the Special attention Diseases perculiar to tareotment of to Invalid Ladies;, also Dyspepsia, Nous talgia. Rheumatism, Diseases of the Kidnevs.Liverand Bowels. Eye, Ear. Nose, Throat and Lungs Chornio diseases are r« adily and permanently cured at ihieimuitution. Andress U.O. ROBERTSON. M.D. 134 McDonough street. Adnata. Fancy blile wool overshirt for fall and winter, $1, at Stewart's. CONYERS MARKET. [Corrected Weekly.] Cotton .... 7 to loots Corn • .... 65 cents. Meal . .... 75 cents Hay . . $1,3-5 to 1,SO. Bran .... 90 cents. Oata . . . . 4 o cents. Wheat. . . . . .$1. to l,io Flour . . $6 to $8 a barel Falk moat ......9cts. Lard . . • . . . . . i2 to 14 cts. Sugars . ... 8 to 13 cts. Salt , . . $i,iO to $1,25. Coffee , . . . I2 to 30 cts. Syrup N. O. ... 60 to 80 cts. Other Syrup . . . . 5<> to 75 cts. Peas . . . ,65to70cts. Rice . . . ... 8 to to cts. Cliickens . .10 to 20 cts. Butter • *>o to 25 cts EgR^ 15 ctg COpNTY 'DFFIGERS. 1 Ordinary . V . • • V . . O. Seamans. Bheiff. . • k . . . A. P. Alitchel. Clerk 1 J. J. McCord. . . . Tax Collector . . . . W. W. Nelms. Tax Receiver , . . Wm. T. Huson. Ooroder. . . . . . Geo. W. Oaks. Surveyor. . . . R- A. Guinn. Court 3rd Mondays in February and Au¬ gust. J. D., Stewart, judge; Emmett Wommack. Solicitor. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor.. . . . . A. M. Helms, Clerk . • • • J. R. Maddox. Marshal. . . . . . B. G. a Usee. Deputy M. . . . . . . L. S. Bellah. 0*erseer . . . . . . . J. R. Irwin. ) M. W. Maddox, W. Irwin, Couscilmen j ^ J 8. 8. J. Daniel), Cowan, Geo. P. Christian. Weaver Meet Every 1st. Monday ■CHURCHES. First Baptist. . . . J. M. Brittain. Preaching . . ... 2d. Sundays. Sunday school..... . . 3 p. m. Methodist....... Brrtow Bigham. Preaching 1st, 3d Sundays.' Sunbay school .... . . . . 8 p. m. PresbyteYian .... ... II. Quigg Preaching...... . . 4 li Sundays. Sunday school. . . . .... 9 ». m. Second Baptist ■ . Geo. li. Moor. Preaching ■ v 1 . 3rd Sundays. Sunday sc hoc , . . - • 9 a. m Primitive. . Isaac Hamby. PaeatclU t . . SN .... 2d Sundays. ___ ___ _ %i^fH§^- i| , „ VH£ PISEAScS Of YCUTH and MANHOGP A GUiriTTO MEDICINE. HEALTH WITH¬ OUT •-4-» [?? experience. A PHYSICIAN Don't or 2S poUon vear'l The PUBLISHER. Box 234. Milwaukee. Wit. Nervous Exhaustion, Premature Decay, Loss oi Memory. An so-naire Cloth-bound Rook of wholesome lvico to V ounn Mon, b> n lteKUlar Physician, SJS payy C D C C on receipt of two three-cea ■ — Btamps. Addrans TKt HEALTH JOURNAL, MILWAUKEE. W!i =mmms ■ IVEBmE TILLS I wM HH Secure Healthy ■ Haction 10 the Liver BH ■ ■ ■ Band relieve all bil troubles. Purely VeiretaUe; NsOripis*. Price 25 c. AUBragjItti FOR SALE OR RENT. A House built of select lumber, w itli four rooms, fireplace in each room> with stove room attached; «u u „ fi|i|i|Ili , 0 , w3Ief Ht llie ( i 0 o r . 1 *“«*«“ whose walks a-e slraud- , ed will, grape vines of the best vari¬ ety, and an orchard that afl'nida fruit from May to October. All of which is partially enclosed by a hedge Osage orange. No better home can be ound in Conyers and none more pleasantly located. Having deter mined to sell if possible, parties will do well to call at this office, oct 19 tf Edgar Jewel. NOTICE-LAST CALL. I will be at the following places named below : At Court Lonnd, Lorain District, Monday 22 d; At IToney Creek Court ground Tuesday, 22d. Wednesday, 24ih, all of this instant for the purpose of collecting state aDd couhty taxes of Rockdale county lor 1883. Tins is my last round, I shall emse books on the fifteenth of November uext. Those wishing to save money and trouble will do well to settle their luxes by that lime. I can be fowud in Conyers on the following days o each week from this date—Thursdays Fridays .and Saturdays. *V M. W. N ELMS, T. C. This October 13th. 1883. T HE QUEEN CITY BARBR-SHOP. :o: FRANK LYNCH Cousorial ^utist in (f ljar§c. ;o: Hail cut ting in the neatest and new¬ est style, Shaving, Shampoonirg and Dyeiug executed with neatness and dispatch. j^STLseated j n the Night builning first floor on the left upstairs. Read Ts t&'We earnestly ask all who'are dne[us on accounts or notes to come forward at once and make settlements as we are needing the money. We have many aocounts that have been running a'long dme on P art '8s we know to be.srocd, but we nee< * noney now, and|must have it. So come on and pay us'and by bo doing you will greatly favor nnd_ob'ige. We are yet at our old; stand on Com¬ merce street. Wejcalljyour attention be¬ low to our NEW GOODS. /^•Thanking our customers for past fa¬ vors, we as* them to call and examine our fall and winter goods. We have on hand and are continually receiving an elegant assortment of hats, feathers flow¬ ers, velvets, ribbons, laces, corsets hoops shirts, ruching, zephyr and a beautiful line of necK wear, plush and velvet col¬ lars, handkerchiefs, and also jewelry and ha>r goods besides various other articles too numerous to mention. We will sell low down for cash. Call and see us when in town. Yours Truly, fa Cowan&• sJYRihehardson -IP IIUJ 9*Jl®<lo9Jo3|ooqp9tvjj»niuuv pas ^nOA48|2 JOJ 0JU3 UlVJiOO V 1NJHUV3H1 3m OPIUM HABIT AND DRUNKENNESS. Positively,speedily and permanently enred by KdTro»or h el 9 ^ t 71-3 Z-lIcO RD. f F. W. OSTFER. M’C0RD& FOSTER. Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants Office and Wavehonse ou CAMPBELL Street. Between Broad & Kejnold* m-ai the store of Z. McCord, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Coneignmectf Solicited. Personal A ten'inn pivtin to Business. The Instruct one of Corsignois Promptly Obeyed. — -- --- — — r^rrrmr. W. II. HOWARD, 0. H. HOWARD, S P. WEISIGER. COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS t NO, 20 SEFNTH MTNT0$H ST, A. U Cl U O i A., GEORGIA, Con-ignments of Colior, aid o'her P-uduoe Solicited O.ders For Bagging And Ties Filled At Lowest Market Prices. U. F. HARPER and BRO. —dealers IX DECATUR STREET, CONYERS, GA. Keep always on hand a full and complete assortment of the very best NOTIONS,rHATS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, MEAT, FLOUR ETC. SUGAR, COFFEE, CONFECTIONERIES,SPICES,CANNED GOODS SUCH AS TOMATOES, MACKEREL, CONDENSED MILK, SAR¬ DINES, &C. SAUCES, PICKLES, MUSTARDS Aml in fact everything kept in This Market and other WE BUY FOR THE CASH And are able and prepared to sell goods as cheap as anybody and we guarantee to give s-uisfaction. We want all to cull and give us a 'Trial We pay the highest prices fer all country produce. We k< ep the best gtades of Tobaccos, cigars and Cigarettes, We make a specialty Of the LUCY JUNTO N Tobaco. -:o: All goods delivered free in the City, RESPECTFULLY, • U. F. HARPER BRO J. S. DA NILE DEALER IN . FERTILIZERS ETC. READ 'I IIIS TbBesiiaiheWorld ' LOOK Si-Ds CLOSELY, thecelehra Co 1 ton Presses, - IS THE - ted Birdsall, and S*w Mills, Syrup Auli man T»vl<>r Mills, Threshes, zz Engines, the Van Cotton Gins, and Winkle, Winship Portable Corn (?■ Cm and Gullett Coi and Mills, Beltings etc. ^ Best lon (Jins. C The in fact for all itidensera ami any k>nd of and the very Fin machinery that is est Threshes sibl wanted. M hen : IMPROVED TRACTION ENGINE in the South. A you want machin With „ without Bcto»1i>b dear. 10,18an413 large siinoh r of the or ‘ cry don’t fail t" Horse Power. Built by r l , eriy Jtloyee -r» r» Read t call on nim. BUSSELL & GO.j Massillon, 0. »a, tbe besi made Al'o agent tor the famous Aaiuuau Os Taylor Maciuui-ry. You eau ^ava money t>y calling 011 me. J. £>. JDANIELL. V> H GO T)TT H S! Fistula, Fisure and Rectal Ulcers. Dr. Taber, NO. 82 DECATUR STEET, ATLANTA, GA., MAKES A SPECIALTY OF THESE DISEASES, And has cured cases of forty years’ standing. Cure guaranteed. If I fail to cure you of Piles I will return your money Address, enclosing stamp, F. F. TABEK, P. 0- Box 202, Atlauta.Ga. . H J. coo: j 10 H 1 GE AND BRO t 53 South. 13road. Sti*eet Atlanta, —W’HOLESALE— Paints,Oils, Varnishes,Brushes & Window •—Headquarters for all kinds of— PAxsnrt ^ AT AT WHOLES4LF wholesale. Guaranteed equal to anything mad<*. Send for color card and prices. l k,i “ “ j!?° C “ J kee ,nJ P m ** 6,16 li,ie Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils as is ’ Headquarters for any and all Sizes Glass. F. J. Cooledge & Bro., 53 South Broad st, Atlanta, Ga, The Biggest and The Best J-j H FOR 1883. THE CO ? fi/tyeu ■eefct1, 8 PAGES- 48 C 0 I UMN 12 months for the small sum $/,2S And it and (he Atlanta Weeklj Constitution 12 months for only $ 2,00 / f!2»I Official organ City of Conye Official oran Rockdale w Of every diseription quickly and in a neat manner. THE LuWKRT PRICE. Address or call on J. N. Hale Editor, Conyers Georgia. B9i i . iiM.iliiwflffM of aFf* Va 7 / / “ of WM^eatest 1 ^! 14 KiMi! w/m <w. *, iss* miiizz rr sa dr. barter keeic