The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 16, 1883, Image 7

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THE CONYERS WEEKLY , CUTTING AFFRAY AT SNELLVILLE On last Friday night we k*aru ther > was a ternble c tttin g affray at or near Snel'Ville, in this county. ■\\’e have seen »“ !‘ eMOU who was ^ent at the right, but are uitorme i « U o’clock that night Ben Vi about 1 kins stabbed V. U. Green, seven eedit times with a pocket knife, Catkins lives in Rudcdale build county, church J lia ,i a c jut f act to a near Saellvilla. G een was on? of his work ,ueii a id \V«uins b-iriel al Green’s Imuse.—They had be-, a on friendly terms up to the difHj.iliy.— l}oth ot them were drinking and an altercation ojcurrd when Geen gmek Watkins with a barrel s ave, Watkins immediately drew his kniie and commenced cutting. Two ot the wounds received are considered dan* gerou-,. One in the breast going t iln? iiollaw and one cut begins near the back ol tlie, neck and passed around just below (he e if and-am oss Jiis Doe- H - is in a v?ry critic d con ilitiou. Watkins remlinod about there ali D jgit and we understand no effirt Was made to arrest him, and that no warrant, wai sued out u itii next eve— Di u g,_[Liwreuceville Herald. We learn that Watkms is out on a H.iiaii boud atnl that Green is much better These articles from the Covington S un : Six of the oldest men in Cmngton Iwve died within tire p .at ten tno iln?. CotisiJerjbio sick nr s« prevails all over our county. It is in >s lv tVvrr. It is said the la'<? term of Henry superior court cost the comity about $1,800. A military company has been ors ganized at Social Circle, and named the McDaniel Guards. Mrs. C. M Pieae son, ol Island Shoals, is d md Sue died at her mothers’ r< sidence in Atlanta, af--r a long and painful illness. Mr. Lonnie Scott is h tit ling a lew residence on the VVelborn bn, opposite Mr. J. A. B. S ewart’s re- id no . Co'. Emme t Worn a ok s supply of 25 pounds of powder, the necessary anuunt ot si>ot go with it, fi>’ hu'iting, 'his sea son. 'The Walton N<jw« says the ville and Walton radroiids ha-•« been consolidated, and tlie offices of the latter are to be abolished. Tne con- colidation d ies not go into i ff et mini the Gsinesville road is com pieted to Monroe, which will be about two mouths. Trie cars will then run through from Social Circle to Gainesville. Mr. B. M. Blackburn, local editor of the Madison Madisonian, was mar* fieri to Miss Nettie Martin, ot Mad ■son, on Inst Wednesday, (he 7th inst,. The Star extends its right hand,and wishes they may ever be loppy as now. A lady, while engaged in the pur suit of her domestic duties e-icon i fared a mouse in the H<>ur jair !, Ytuv, most ladies, und>-t si-ni a' - •• > ^instances, would Isav lew gumi le shrieK- and i safety . ih- V ?* pos*«-se«i 11 r- iu degree of el to ptititt Ke. P & ‘I’P tftDc; cl I (t * uor The do,, - pursuit, rhe ma ft c-i . k’Pperi dead. Tim lad, ia t • (!, d Wi! tlie stairs, acd the ihiisking m;*n, v as killed, and fearing that he ^'uld be an-sted for muider, <iis ^ ie peated, and h a .* noi been se- n si’ i t ‘ tnou*e escaped—Wrightsvilie Reorder: ^-'P to Thursday morning more n<? s '°€sitian whites had registered for e 'uunictpal election Atlanta, lltat in i s a t»ad show ng for the white hdile of that city. If municipal af* ‘here are t ba turned over to ' ra bb ih« city wdi not be fit to “U- Iq, Mr. Tom E'lirt, we regret to say is still quite si k. The t»Y h nk will he kept open until the 24th iiist—to tiurrow week Gtorgi* Ryt- at U. F. llarperABro Dried Beef. (j ibbagt&j at IT. F G >v. M.-Di'iiel I) is app > : nted Thursday, the 29ih inst, as a day of prayer sod thanksgiving. This has been year marked by an unusual number of (tread In I accidents Oil the days wh u there w--re no accidents me lis' of > Tivifs as ti by inarnges and ami aincetn.mts --f engagements. No fruit crop gro v< ban j- in thi-, reel ion Fun giapes Kv -ry fai-iu indeed e v ,iy lioum-holde* s 1 ; It 1 a tew vines io I now is i i hern on A disu iguisme i g**rt< email, «*• hves ii- .if Athens,predi"ts t- at .t, iw» tiian Iiiur yeai s |h--re wiii be a bioody war between the whites and blacks in the South. Buzivus Strickland, “th kinc the. moonshiners," was sentenced r.n impri> tor a mouth and to pav $K)U in Atlanta Tuesday. Some ot the Noriheru preachers have begun a campaign against Sun day evening c.curting, and they will b u lopped out of their boots before the war is ended. The bo\ s are rignt about il. Love is the biggest part of reiigi-m; and there is more of it in a half hour's genuine courtship than in a hundred sermons by the average Northern preacher. Let the courting tro on to the contusion of the pol iticsal priests. The dry weather is getting to be a matter ot very serious consideration among the people of this section. The wells are going dry and so are many of the creeks; cattle sheep and bogs ate suffering and many people are inconvenienced on account of toe scarcity of d nkiug water ^ lie ground is so Laid and dry that many of our farmers are prevented from planting oats and other small grain. D m’t yu wish i' would rain?—Haw kinsvilie News. Jim (Tu itnidy, ho :nu! d youiic J •»*“*'Mtteh • , D. - Lo- Ol! - h.i = lo ua b,\,' m: ? ' ..8 I-.. .-m .0 l 1 feat (he ends of justice. ■*—~ ———.yyevap..— l'\>ui ciiibleen in on° N -nv A ork fat - iiy iiiivv jo,.’ di«<i n t!i, bites o >nails. Souie <>r the-.- Jus -tin ;s going to run- dow n a Gotmr.iuuic! epioia! and ruthlessly take its iT- Macon Tclegrsnh. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS! J- S SCHOFIELD & SONS, Proprietors, Macor, Georgia. Manufacturers and Dealers n every Variety of Agricultural Machinery. Schofield's Pat . Cotton Press J, Boilers, Engines SAU , GRIST and FLOUR MILLS, SORGHO MILLS and KETTLES, Castings of livery Kind, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangars. —Agents For— Jutlb iSiriu<jL<! \ Doveruor, Nordjle And Manilla Mills. rii’s r»,eOolebrj*„d F UGHT PEERING IJOl^E LOWER. 1 - 1 . \ \ - A V.i , i vUi .1 ’ ADD Ml t Ii TO i Ii r. many excellent qual- I /lAsSlr TIES of this : Sujieiioi Machine. ■; r... It is an E-peial Favorite ot Ladies, Tail s and Others, Who use them for the many advantages thev posess over other S -wing Machines. EVERY WHITE MACHINE Warrented for 5 years. 1 5 J. D. & T F. SMITH. Yim ^ Wholesale and Retail Dealers, -4z- mm 50 Broad St., Atlanta Georgia. £sm H. P. & D. M. ALMAND, Agents Conyers, Georgia. Uni. M. Jordan | Fred C. Pope. Formerly Sibly & J. Washington, Ga JORDAN & POPE j r* otton Factors AND (^OlTl j\I GTC-llirin tS Augusta Georgia. t^T ,'nectal attention *i»en >o weights. Quick sales: prompt returns. We refer by,permission to Ur. Z. McCord, Presi dent, the National hank, Mr. T- VV. Cos erv Oresident Planters Loan and Fa tags bank, AugnstA, Oil. Messrs. John ,'L (J arks’ S<iiis. F J?:’.' r~r ■ A. P, THPfB n >3 Broad Str:- r .....ATLA <T,V, GA. \this mid P.uuicr’s Material, French and Atnei i -nn Window Glam —Agents For - Averiii Mixed Paint Company. •Us Assents For FTIK SILICATE PAINT COMPANY. Tctrify Liquid, a sure retriedx for wails, recommended bv the al Aoaith Congress and Sanitary fuetfa ( Qte of Great Brittain. uEORGE KENNON J Dealer in General (Mrs. G. Cowan’s old stand.) Commerce Street, Conyers, Ga., Keeps always on hand nice candies, canned poods, cabbage cider, •emonu'le, etc. A pond line at bottom prices. Call and see him. || 0 S 11 TE^ * m UM* W( s m -• HR ✓ STOMACH Though shaken in every Joint amtflber with (ever and ague, or ldlious remittent, the system may yet be freed Pom the malig¬ Bit¬ nant virus with Hostetler's Stomach ters. Protect the system against it with this beneficent anti-spasmodic, wliida is futhermore a itipreme remedy for B w Sr complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, deblll ity, rheumatism, kidney troubles and other ailments. Dealers For cale by all Druggists and generally. e W' E. % m spars’® ■ A 9 •e., m£\-m ecific For The Blood. ~-—- Vegetables that (bow in G ; irgiu and l -ed for \ ears by 1) . J. A. Stewart Prepare l From * Purely \ egetablc. and is be,mid any d. r bt The Best Blood Purifier That Is Now Used. * FT ..... c-»» - H r ... PHII i 11 J_jI IS f ,r notions followed. It improves the blood; hence all diseases W, will „ i.....^ •’ve .«* ^*« or kihg’s STI q’ ULCERS Old Sores Eczema Mercurial Diseases A SURE i >uevextathe of !>l fhtheria. above named diseases have been mired by lbo use < if ibis Blood Purifier. A great nian y of the STbiVAItT, Manufactured Conyeis, Ga., by SFEW Al> I A 1 O.. snper ; n'ended by Hr. <J A, at place. who has devoted thirty o. his life to ibu practice ol medicine at tins years Send your orders to STEWART. DR. M. R. Secretary Stewart A C’o., Conyers, (ait. Put in siz-s—-24 Ounce V> .tiles, »l.O0; 12 Ounce Bottles, 50 Cents. np two deductions will be made to wholesale dealers. Send in*yonr orders at oiwe. Liberal Swift Co. objecting to S. 8., and [Notk.— t\’e have changed Trade Mark from S. S. to A. Q- C. T the our threatening suit for infringement Oil their Trade Ma k of S. >S. S ] GEO R. LOMARD & CO., FoundrY AnD NcichinE AvD BoileR V/o. hS , Near THE Water Tower, 1014 to 1020 Fenwick St., J&M fctTSTA, *> .*'■ r MAKE AND SELL THF. BEST Saw Mills,Grist Mills, Cane Mills, Plantation.Machinery Engines and Boilers, Cotton Screws, Shaftinjrs, Pulleys Hangers. Journal Boxes* Mill Gear* inir, Gudveons, Turbine Mater Wheels, Gin u (iearinu, Judson s Governors. Disston’s Citcu- ■nVira-rii'fpyf-i TT~t !ar Saws and Gummers and Files, Belting an< gr; Babbitt. Metal and Brass Fitting Globe am h Kj Check Valves, 'Vhistles. Gtiages &c., Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ribs and Inj -ctors- prices. Repairing promptly done at lowest We cast e v erv dav both iron and brass, having greatly increased our capacity with ihe latest improved tools. We are running full time with ioo hands, which enables ns to till orders promptly at lowest prices. Carolina Give f us a trial before sending elsewhere. Agents for Georgia and south ir Korting's Universal Injector, the lies’ boiler feeder out.. VVoras with one lever. Wj|l work warm or cold wster an-1 will lift water. Warranted to give satisfaction. Send for circulars befo’e von buy any They are better than a pump. sept 2 S -6m Dhe “ Excelsior Stove House.” A Special invitation to merchants end the puplic generally to examine “before purchasing ,” the largest stock, of STOVES, RANGES. FURNACES HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Stampad and plain tin ware Japanned wure.Vvood and willow ware, gas fixtures Slate and iron mantles, grates, rubber hose, wr uight iron pipe for steam, gas And water. Brass goods, it,earn whistles, plumbers, materials water ciosets etc. This is th - largest and most varied stock that is kept, in tbe-Soutl:, and we mean to excell in Quantity, Quality and Price. Our stock of gas fixtures, mantels and Grates, is simply the laegest in the south. Gold bronzed and ebony chandeliers, In latest designs. We are the STOVE EMPORIUM OF THE SOUTH. /• •: I f •i-dert nromptlv at reasonable prices. \\ e are practical plumbers roofers, man.-farturers of galvanized iron cornice and -0 r-re e. -j«»er and drain pipe. Agents lor Kno-.vels : ,-.o,s. ; ■—trp & o nuT jLL T 1 i uK A A rpT 1 11 t ) A Di \ Ao a or LALr a n Torr dO Qit uD I I N A A i- \’D BEAUTIFUL CHINA ) DINNER AND TEA SET’S, VASES. fia© eitiery, Safe, castars. FORKS, SPOONS. IIALL AND LIBRARY LAMPS. -The Cheapest Goods in tho South at McBride’s China Palace f ATLANTA, GA. Merchants remember th«t th? saving on freight,,u Crock erv. Glas'ware, Sho Cases Wood ware, Tinware etc. bought from McBride I V • i- - pro it pe.,al. iy. K. LIUDE A Uo ei m Tcy i M / r . ^ Perfect Pastiy Patent Flour* Call on l .F. llAliPElUnd BUG. m J) m m m. /m Brsnan’s Best, Brand. Ladies! M Le 4 i fptr^>C.t£' X hoinp om-niuth »!• ^^*^■ yi 0*1 lafii/o. but »*cua*ol It \ nitJl ii»chc#. a nod* _ . or rhart, “■ ** It * l»dy enn cut from »n y iatbfoa plate, making (wnertn? fit wi !. h ? T± A gent* wanted. MB**. 8. K.flFMM P.W% Gy a AtfcBst. C*i»jvi» It is not a r Tart nr Model but a square of inches. B, it you cun cut am- gar¬ ment for L'dres, Genth-rtien and all Wind ■ f Children suits. (Strict atten'ion given to letters of inquiry, loch 1 (Hid truvelfng agents want d. Mrs. S. E- Sc mm* R% Gen. Agent, Conyers, Ga. MlRCiiievouB .aul;aTa^ 'To say that malaria is mischirvcnt h to put it very It is mildly. cunninV, It is deceitfiil, a'lltha rincl more treacherous, sly, and' underhanded. such It docs sly its work that in the much d£rk, of the and mis^ ii a way before it is discovered. chief is done It saps the foundations of a healthy system. It robs the blood of its vital¬ ity, demoralizes the liver, confounds the stomach, and makes the victim w ; s h p e .jgci e in lrsvTavc ^jn It IS sad toscC p eoi)Ie 3 itdo t hefrmise r v. content to be the victims of mischiev¬ ous fnalaria, ar.d thinking that noth inv can be done for them. Thcpbwvj Ol Brown’s Iron Bitters over t rl:xhicfs of malaria has been soar )Iy p roved that thcrc ]s no re ** sor anybody who can procure a boitlc of this Prince of Tonics sh suffer. Great is the power of malaria and great are its disastrous effects But greater far is the beneficent in Juence of Brown’s Iron Bitters The preparation remedy of iron in this fa >.• 01 - to family ran be taken vitnout'ruining the- teeth *or produc yt constipation andlieadadie. 1 c«B'-aum long ettfinq difrnM-.-t«f |ilnu4, f»kln n»4 expo»c*£« * id« Bonoa.—Nervous Gonorrtm-u, IPellllty, ImiMii :*»*>♦ M«r« < »«r«we urlad Wcttkmwi, trt*utr«f ^nl<iiiil«« uud utiflc ti.les. Airc< florn« MpoclMtlr ou «• \> i-rm. with eaf'* auA #urc tciBetHen. Ual! r-r w-!- !!—.H *f Quus tioufc to be answered by those de-sir Mg 4 re tuent -IriHftlm** by lu'l. \arul ’ ?. . *nn«uifferfntffr«)Bi lean Minelnlng to lUipliire.HimM - *M 1 *- ■'•tilruMw ) Ml. BCTTP, 12 .N. 8tl* s... bt. I,*f! , So ESTABLISHOVER TillHl Y V LAit®. A First-class ~MfOei*t Business School flUEGE, equal to arty N or or South. tend for U ir. . A CON. GA. W.MtKAV r » , »rw‘iprFv TTX -