The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 23, 1883, Image 2

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P-& D M Almand. % 6227314., @fl hooU §> 3JUR&AXH8. **Ho Every One > 5QyThat wants hargaiiiR will call at. H. P. & I). M. ALMAND’S 'for the next two months with the CASH. A. large stock just received pur ‘chased for cash which Tibbies us to "sell cheaper than ever before. LARGE STOcK x>{ Ladies cloaks, dolmans, Jersey Jackets etc. Jeans, calicoes, Dress goods, bleaehings. domestics and ev¬ erything you want. Boots andSfooes, of every deBcripiion cheap, from 35c r pair up Tobrcco, the beat in the market, known as Almonds Rest 60cts a pound, also Little Walter at 4oe a pound. GEOcERIEB nod everything else you want to eal lor wear kept in a first class stors, so come and get bargains while you have the chance. Remember We are needing eVery cent that bur customers owe us and we expect every oue to come forward and help ns now so when we commence the bredlt business ih 1884 we will be prepared to continence right. Re¬ member all who help us no\v will be Sure m get it in return next spring, should they need it. Remember ®ur tnotto is ILiveand Let Live, @052 @flfifld/ -H, P, & D. M. ALMAND,- 0. ii ill m fi G 0 i si S ■ ! a vrSelss Moesfttss 8®* CloBiin", Hats,'Caps Boots & Shoo? also Groceries such as Sugar, Coffe*-, Tea, Syrup, Kies Grits Meal, Oat M»al, Tobacco, Snufl etc "Wecail especial attention lo our hue of jm f'ANCYGROCER’ES & CONFECTIQNERI’S Such as vanned tomatoes, peaches, pineapples, oysters, salmon, Mack¬ erel, Sardines, eomlvtisad ini^k, jelly, pickles, candy both fancy an* stick, nuts, raisins, citron, macaroni, one spoon baking powders, Hois ford’s bread preparation, etc., etc. Our pepper and spices both ground and gr ain are the very best in t he market. usirs CT»S JU We also keep a good variety of Fresh Cr:icke r s, both plain and sweet Also the celebrated, Lustro Shoe and Slov-* Polish. A good line ot Table and Pocket cutlery, Crockery, Glass and Woodware, etc, *®"WE MAKE FINE CIGARS A SPECIALTY,“©a Our motto: Short Profits and quick Sales. Terms strictly CASH- G. W. WEA VER <£> JiliO. ay rosi AiiiUSSS »-N i Ms©#n@ ©©©ipjgiab SUPPLIES & SYIUP KETTLES, C\H GEAR. STEASV9 ENGINES. B03LERS.SAW AND GRIST NULL MACHINERY AND CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS TO ORDER IRON FENCIG (Wrought and cast > B@^”Send forcirCnlars and prieesfor all the above. Address, C D. FINDLAY, ri J H J O *) FMtoiPs: a So8- Special Attention Given To Weights And Sale?. 847 & 840 Reynolds St., Juyusta, Ga SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS! J. s SCHOFIELD It SONS’ Proprietors, Macor, Georgia. Manufacturers and Dealers n every Variety of Agricultural Machinery. Schofield’s Pat. Cotton Presses, Boilers, Fngineb SAW, GRIST and FLOUR MILLS, SCRGHO MILLS and KETTLES, Castings of Lyery Kind, Shaftings, Pulleys and Hangers. —Agents F’or— Judson’s Standard Governor, Nordyke And Marmon Mills. And the Celebrated FAUGHT DEERING HORSE POWER. —Keep constantly in stock a Full Line of— ENGINE FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, BELTING, PIPING, qoMBI NATION MONKEY WRENCHES t»U. &C, SHORE POPULAR THAN EVER, The Recent Improvements Made in The WHITE SEWI’G MACHINE 1 ADD MUCH TO THE MANY EXCELLENT Q.UAL TIES of this -SiIfii&r Superior Machine.g; a Sa It is an Espeial Favorite of Ladies, V Tailes and Others, ■ SM i Who use them for the many advantages they posess over other Sewing Machines. EVERY WHITE MACHINE VVarrented for 5 years. a J. D. A- T. F. SMITH. r \ Wholesale and Retail Dealers, ’ 50 Broad St., Atlauta Georgia. H- P- & D M. ALMAND, Agents Conyers, Georgia. y M l1 'Wi' U# - M ........« tewarts m i f.-mi m k A 6 t > o w -V >• • ■gtgggpfcggagg A Specific For The Blood Purely Vegetable. Prepare 1 From Vegetables that Grow in Georgia and Used for Years by Dr. J. A. Ste e wart and is beyond any doubt The Best Blood Purifier That Is Now Used i Cures all skin affections bv curing the blood, and beautifies the skin, giving to it new life and a smooth™-™ other medicine will that 1 have ever used. sss no AS A SPECIFIC FOR SYPHILIS W e will guarantee a cure in every vase, if direct ions are followed. It improves the blood; hence all disease that have their origin m the blwod are improved and cured. The best remedy for scaor'tfx.j, ©a eihs's »▼«., whjss »wsxajs® » ULCERS CHRONIC RHEUMATISM Old Sores Eczema Mercurial Diseases A SURE PREVENTATIVE OF DIPHTHERIA A great many of the above named diseases have been cured by the use of this Blood Purifier, Manufactured at Conyers, Ga., by S IE WART & CO., superintended by Dr. J A. STE’»¥ ART, who has devoted thirty years o. his life to the practice of medicine at this place. Send your orders to DR. M. R. STEWART, Seevetary Stewart & Co., Conyers, Ga, Put op in two sizes—24 Ounce Bottles, §1.00; 12 Ounce Battles, 50 Cents. Liberal deductions will be made to wholesale dealers. Send in your orders at ome. [Note._ We have changed our Trade Mark Irom S. S. to A. Q. C., the Swift Co. objecting to S. S., and for infringement on their Trade Ma k ot S. S. S.] GEO R. LOMARD & CO. FoundrY AnD JlachinE And BoileR Wo, kS, Near tRe Water Tower, 1014 to 102G Fmrwick St., AfSBSfA, <4A», MAKE AND SEEL THE IiEST Saw Mills,Grist Mills, Cone Mills, Plantation Mach incry Engines and Boilers, Cotton Screws, Shaftings, Pulleys Hangers, Journal Boxes, Mill Gear 1 - ing. Gudgeons, Turbine Water Wheels, Gin Circu- ___ Gearing, Judson's Governors. Disston’s KORif.wCS.UNi.VuaSAi fur Saws and Gammers and Files, Belting aai’’ Babbitt, Metal and Brass Fitting Globe and (’heck Valves, Whistles, Gusevs Sx^.Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ribs and Inj -ctors. prices. Repairing promptly done at lowest _T' We east e v ery day both iron and brass having greatlv increased our Capacity with the latest improved tools. Wearernnning full time with ioo hands, which enables ns to fill,orders promptly at lowest, prices. Give us a trial hefo-e sending elsewhere. Agents for Georgia and South Carolina f >r Korting s Universal Injector, the bob' boiler feeder out. Worss with one lever. Wju work warm or cold water arid will lift water. Warranted to give satisfaction. Send for circulars befoie you buy any other. They sire better than a pump. sept 2 S—6m Dhe “ Excelsior Stove House.” A Special invitation to merchants and the pupiic generally td examine ‘ before purchaiing the largest stock of STOVES. RANGES, PURNACES HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Stampad and plain tin ware. Japanned ware.“wood and willow ware, gas fixtures Slate and iron mantles, grates, rubber hose, wrought iron pipe for steam, gas And water. Brass goods, steam whistles, plumbers, materials warer closets etc This is th i iargest and most varied stock that is kept in the Soutfi, and we mean to excell in Quantity, Quality and Price. Onr stock of gas fixtures, mantels and Grates, is simply the laegest. imthe south. Gold bronzed and ebony chandeliers, In latest designs. We are the STOVE EMPORIUM OF THE SOUTH. fi^"Can fill all orders promptly at reasonable prices. We are practical plumbers and and gas fitters, tin and iron roofers, manufacturers of galvanized iron cornice Ornamental sheet irrn work, concrete sewer and drain pipe. Agents for Knowels Steam pumps and Macks injectors. HUNT1CUTT & BELLINGRATH, 36 a 38 PEACHTREE £ NEW AND BEAUTIFUL CHINA, DINNER AND TEA SETS, VASES. Fuu*- emtlery, Toilet Sits, ©asters, FORKS, SPOONS, HALL AND LIBRARY LAMPS. •The Cheapest Goods in the South at McBride’s China Palace, ATLANTA, GA. Merchants remember tint the saving To freight on mockery, Glassware, Sbo r Cases Wood ware, Tinware etc. bought Co. McBride is a good profit & Co.e* ty-ps-.H. Is your IJffc Worth a Dollar? it, Perhaps that seemsja high price for Is, considering and how how poor your blood your whole system is presto F eoTrle ated,debilitated, and enfeebled. have been heard to-say, unde: Wt circumstances, that they would not cHice give fi 2 toss of a copper for the between life and death. But ’hen it comes to actually drawing near the grave, a man naturally draws hack* and says he does not want to file. Life is very precious, and even fO a broken-down man it is worth jr.ving. dollar t \ One will buy a bottle c v ’rowris Iron Bitters. That one do! :U ■ -may start you cn the road froir, r.sery to recover}'. A man mus take a very mean view of himself who =s not willing to invest that much in raking one serious effort to rescue Amself from deadly debility, of and solid to ,.ep into the enjoyment health. Brown!s Iron Bitten vital foes the blood, tones the nerves, and rebuilds the system. Its work is welfknown. Invest that dollar in a bottle. 8 long Bonea,-Nervous experience^incuriug diseases of Iinpotency, the ltlood, Skiu Ortamc and VVeukneHS, Go»orrliu.*a, Syphilitic and MerettHu* tions to be ^tswered by those desiring treatment by mtij. ' YU.-sonisuffering from lLipture should send their aduressi 1 and learn something to their advantage. U U not a tniat,# iLddresa, Btfl- BUTTS, 18 N. 8Ui St., St. tools 2* ESTAMLisuiin oven thirty vearq. ^ a r irst-class IS BusinessSchod ilqual to any North or South. ■ IEGE, Send for Circulars, fre*. ON, GA. W. McKAY, • Principal. Ladies! Thl» ia the il / size. ItbTwUTicA r’.z rffgpPTlor SJ'wnli chart, but eut from ucaieof any, f ttich* *? . it a lady can d i«ar It is not a Chart or Model but a square of inches. I5y it yon can cut anv g Gen. Agent, Conyers, Ga. i Perfect Fastiy Patent Flour Call on U. F. HARfER and 0 0 Bransti 9 H csl BrahL