The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 23, 1883, Image 6

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CITY MARKET ■ -* -:0- '^plipy keep always on hand the very £ nicest freshest meats, in the way m BEEF & PORK, ■SAUSAGE, Backbone & Fib?. Also Mutton. When von want nice meats, good weights and cheap prices, above call at the City Market door Post-Office Conyers, Ga. LETTERS OF DISCHARGE. State of Georgia, Rockdale County: Whet&ss J. Ove guardian of Fannie M. Denard, having made applica¬ tion to the Court of Ordinary for a dis¬ charge from his guardianship of Fannie M. Denard, this is, therefore, to cite all hoi sons concerned to show cause why the said J. M. Overton should not he dis charged from his guardianship of Fannie M. Denanl and receive the usual letters of dismission on the first Monday in January, 1SS4. Given under my hand and official sig¬ nature, October 2d, 1883. octs 3m X). SEAMANS, Ordin’y. 'SOUTH'RN SANITARIUM THIS INSTITUTION, formely known as the Atlanta Health Institute “Water Cure,” is universally acknowl¬ edged to he the most comple'e and *tlioroughly rational and scientific es tahliahment <oc the treatment of the sick in the southern states, The f,.l lowing area few oi the manv remedial agencies employed in addition to the usual approved remedies: The celeb rated Moiiere-Thermo Elecrtic Bath, Imtiroved Roman, Turkish,Full Electric Russian Eie.ctro-Vapor, and some twenty different kinds of ELECTRIC WATER batiis. ALSO Swedish Movem< nt by ma¬ chinery, and inanua operation by trained manipulators, Massage treats ruent, etc., etc. Special attention given to the tareotment of Diseases perouliar to Invalid Ladies; also Dyspepsia, Nett-, ralgia. Rheumatism, D seases ol the Kulnevs, Liver and Bowels, Eye, Ear. Nose, Throat and Lungs. Chorine ■diseases arc p adily and permanently •cured at thisin-iitution. Aodress U. O, ROBERTSON. M.D. 134 McDonough street, Adnata, Fancy btuo wool overshirt for fall and winter, $1, at Stewart’s. CONYERS MARKET. [Corrected Weekly.] 'Cotton . . . ..... 7 to iocts Corn .... .....65 co uts. Meal .... ..... 75 cents Hay. . . . . . . $1,35 to 1, so. ran .... .....90 cents. Oats .... ..... 4 o cents. Wheat . . . .... $1, to 1,10 Flour . . . . . $6 to $8 a barel Bulkmeat. . ......9ets. Lard .... ... i2 to 14 cts. Sugars . . . . . . .8 to 13 cts. Salt.... . , . ?t,iO to $r, 25 . Cofiee . . . . . . . 12 to 30 cts. Syrup N. 0 . . . . . 60 to 80 cts. Other Syrup . . . . 5 i> to 75 cts. Peas . . . . . . . . 65 to 70 cts. Rice .... . ... 8 to lo cts. Chickens . . . . . 10 to 25 cts Butter . . . . . . . 2o to 25 cts. Kggs . . . , .......1 5 cts COUNTY 0FF1GERS Ordinary .... ... 0 . Seamans. Sheiff..... . . . A. P. Mitchel. Clerk...... . . . J. J. McCord. Tax Collector . . . . W. W. Nelms Tax Receiver . . . . Wm. T. Huson Coroder .... . . . Geo. W. Oaks. utveyor .... . . R- A. Guinn. Court 3 rd Mondays in February and An past. J. D. Stewart, judge; Emmett Worn mack, Solicitor. CITY OFFICERS. Msvor. . . . . A. M. Helms. Clerk . • • • J. R. Maddox. Marshal. . . . B. G. Wallace. Deputy M. . . . . L. •& Beliak. Overseer . . . . . J. R. Irwin. ) [• M. XV. Maddox, W Irwin. Couscilmen J R. Daniel!, Geo. Weaver J 8. J. Cowan, P. Christian. Meet Every ist. Monday CHURCHES. % First Baptist . . . . . J. M. Biitbin. Preaching...... rs • 2 d. Sundays Sunday school .... . . . 3 p. m. Methodi.-t...... . Bartow Bighatu Preaching ..... ist 3 d Sui.davs. Sunday school ... . . . , 3 p. m. Presbyterian .... . . . . H. Qnigg. Preac hing..... . . . 4 th Su: days Sunday school ... . ...... 9 am. Second Faptist......Geo. R. Moor Preachinf..... 3 rd Sundays Sunday school .... . . . 9 a. m. Primitive . . .... Isaac Banibv trenching ...... . 2d Sundays ifcii^yOUTH !j_j ~ "iHe P 1 SESSE 3 C? ml* and W 5 AN HOOK A GUtDP TO M?IA! tr WITH ''■TC.J T£? _ OUT MEDICINE. A 1 *iI VSICi.A \ or 25rear’t experience. Don't pofsou vour Kook with Drugs, but fret “Prescriptions tills tree” pml Klectrk* avoid I’d* Quarks, unci Jlmn* bugs, , which it exposes. Price 25ets. Address MiE PUBLISHER. Sox 234, Miiwa-kco. Wii. ~~ ~ Jxei*VOUS XiSliatlStS.022, Premature Decay, Doss ©£ Memory. An so-paae Cloth-bound book of wholesome Advice to Young Men, by a Regular Physician. Ct gA-W £C* A 5 TT 8 F r.W&ta G> BT E 2 oa rece.ptof two three-ceai Kt urij-,a. Address TKt HtALTH JOURNAL MILWAUKEE. W1S. ‘mimmm I mirnii FILLS u Secure Healthy action 10 the Liver and relieve all bil ......._ ... ion a troubles. Purely Vegetable; NoGripitg. Pries 23 c. All Uruggisti. FOR SALE OR RENT. A House built of select lumber, with four rooms, fireplace in each room, with stove room attached; an unfailing supply of water at the door. Good garden w hose walks a e strand¬ ed with grape vines of the best vari¬ ety, and an orchard that affords fruit from May to October. All of which is partially enclosed by a hedge of osago orange. No better home can be ound in Conyers and none more pleasantly located Having deters mined to sell if possible, parties will do well to call at this office, ceil!) tf Edgai; Jewel. K0T5CE—LAST CALL. I will, be at the following places named below: At Court gonnd, Lorain District, Monday 22d; At Honey Creek Court ground Tuesday, 2'2< 1. Wednesday, 24; b, all of this instant for tho purpose of collecting state and county taxes of Rockdale county for 1883. This is my last round. I shall ctose books on the fifteenth of November next. Those wishing to save money and trouble will do well to settle their taxes by that time. I can be fouud in Conyers on the following days o each week from this date—Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays. *v m. W. Nelms, T. C. This October 15tli, 1883. 'I HE QUEEN CITY BARBR-SHOP, :o: FRANK LYNCH Censorial in Charge. -:o: Hail cutting in the neatest and new¬ est style, Shaving, Shampoonii’g and Dyeing executed with neatness and dispatch. SYSTLocated in the Night liuiining first iloor on the left up stairs. Read This. 653 ?“We earnestly ask all who are duehis on accounts or notes to come forward at once and make settlements as we are needing the money- We have many aocounts that have been running a'long time on parties we know to be.good. but we need the money now, and|must have it. So come on and pay us ami by so doing you will greatly favor «nd t ob’i?e We are yet at our old; stand on Com¬ merce street. We[callJyour attention be¬ low to our NEW GOODS. .^SB-Thanking our customers for past fa¬ vors, we asa them to call and examine our fall and winter goods. We have on hand and are continually receiving an elegant assortment of hats, feathers ffow ers, velvets, ribbons, laces, corsets, hoops shirts, ruching, zephyr and a beautiful line of neck wear, plush and velvet col¬ lars, handkerchiefs, and also jewelry and ha : r goods besides various other articles too numerous to mention, We will sell low down for cash. Call and see us when in town. Yours Truly, P A Cowan Sr S J^Rihchai-dson •Til 'vwv.'v '-3 "5 JST’ e>jkv rruA ' 3 , TIC isajpi'- SuiAiii -ip pr,! soSsd 09 }a v.ooq pa'.tsnstin? uv pas JXCeyt eg .,oj ‘oouajoduij eonjvjd Xta r.i ‘ssou posasedisaH ‘----— “»;o tBU6U10g‘/il5rSQ0a mm u itLOVUSfa *oj exao G 5 SJX &3 v mirnmn mo opiu^ KABar AND DRUNKENNESS. DragM«Ll? d Kr»^« U LS y 8 no form of Opium. Truth „avite? investigation. Hoferencos bestm he State. For terms, pamph¬ lets and proofs, address, with three cent stamp, W. C. BELLAMY, J*. S»,. 7 1.3 Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. 2 ' McC- RD. F. w. OSTFER. M’C0RD& FOSTER. Cotton Factors arid Commission Merchants Office and Warehouse ou CAMPBELL Street,. Between Broad & Reynolds mar the store of Z. McCord, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Consignment Solicited. Personal A ten'ion given to Business. The Instructions ot Consignors Promptly Obeyed. W. II. HOWARD, C. H. HOWARD, S P. WEISIGER. ! a T 1 kJ IN r COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS > NO, 20 SEFNTH M'INTOSH ST, l AUGUSTA ) GEORGIA., l Consignments of Coftor, and other Produce Solicited. O.ders For Ragging And Ties Filled At Lowest Market Prices. mi G mn } —DEALERS IN— DECATUR STREET, CONYERS, GA. Keep always on hand a full and complete assortment of the very best MOTIONS,iHATS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, TiEAT, FLOOR ETO. SO 0AB, COFFEE, CONFECTIONERIES,SPICES, CANNED 0G0S3 SUCH AS T0SSAT3ES, MACKEREL, COMDEHSED HULK, SAB Bi?JES, &C. SAUCES, PICKLES, BIUSTABDS And in fact everything kept in This Market and ether WE BUY FOR THE CASH And are able and prepared to sell' goods as cheap as anybody and we guarantee to give satisfaction. We want all to call and give us a trial. We pay the highest prices for all country produce. We keep the best gtades of Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes, We make a specialty of.the LUCY HINTON Tobaco :o: All goods delivered free in the City, RESPECTFULLY, U.F. HARPER BRO J B Sb 111 t L L| DEALER IN MACHINERY^ FERTILIZERS ETO, Steam HEAD Engines, 'I I11S. MsliaMsfll ' LOOK Si-bs CLOSELY thecelehra Co 1 ton Presses, - is the - ted Birdsall, a»d Srw Mills, Syrup H Ault man Tavlor Miffs, Threshes, Engines, tlie Van Cotton Gins, and 5 1 : i 1 Winkle, Wittship Portable Corn and Gullett Cot Mills, Beltings etc. 1 on Gins.' The and in fact, for all Best Condensers and any knd of and the very Fin machinery that is vii/w Threshes sild *ag2r***- est anted. hen * in the South. A w t\ I IMPROVED TRACTION ENGINE you want maehin With oi* without Revcrslii* Gc«r. 10, 13 and 16 large supply of the cry don’t tail to RUSSELL Horse & Power. CO., Built Massillon, by 0. Perry Royce Read call on nim. ea, tile best made ALo agent, tor the famous Auiuuan A Taylor Macluuery. You can sava money by calling on me. J. S. JDANHELL H CD DTT H CO Fistula, Fisure and Rectal Ulcers, Dr. Taber, NO. 82 DECATUR STEET, ATLANTA, GA., MAKES A SPECIALTY OF THESE DISEASES, And has cured eases of forty years' standing. Cure guaranteed. If I failto cure you of Files I will return your money- Address, enclosing stamp, F. F. TABER, P. O Box 262, Atlanta,Ga. 1 A . u I, COO j H l j H v 53 Soul tli 13 road Street .Atlanta, —WHOLESALE— / Pain s.Oils, Varnishes,Brushes & Window Blass —Headquarters for all kinds of— p AT V1THOLESALE. Gtiarauteed equal to anything made. Send for color card and prices. |L 2 T v 'o also keep as fine line Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils as is 1 U the City, f ml are Headquarters fot any and all Sixes Glass. F, J. Cooledge & Bro., 53 South Broad st., Atlanta, Ga. The Biggest and The Best H H CD 1883. THE r—v O-i 7 /* Cv/ im lyomteii & it co \ "1 t—1 r'i CD GO 12 months for the small sum of v/ / And it and the Atlanta Weekly Constitution 12 months for onlv 2,00 / A MM Official organ City of Conyers Official oran Rockdale County MU Of every discription executed quickly and in a neat manlier. H UWKRT PRICE, Address or call on J. N. Hale Editor, ( onyers Georgia. iWdtifW 'uimeiuki h V. / Va / a palatable jorm- * V KEY. After A. I. a EOEBS tlioroug-lL Writes.— trial of the P UR If S E SA^stry, lU^Yder i IRON in use. ereatiy stating ministers TONIC, benefited that I I take and have by Pub- pleasure been its // / Tv J J LOQEY.’^sksssH' lie Speakers will find it of the greatest value jiltSilp where a Tonic is neoes* / Vi sary. I recommend it A as a reliable remedial ™ gf agent, doubted possessing un nutritive and A restorative properties. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 2, 1882, . MEDICINE »a .-^j. — CO., ^ FSBPiSSB sr ITS DR. HARTER.