The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 23, 1883, Image 7

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Trf iriiJ ^ 1 CONYERS WEEKLY] -official organ- city op conyfbs. ( JpplCIAL ORGAN OF ROCKDALE COUNTY. OUR TIEKET. For Mayor..................G. W. Clemmons Councilmen ist Waid : G. W. Weaver, r. F. Christian. “ 2d Ward. D. N. Hudson, J. W. Langford. “ 3d Ward. T. H- Bryans, Newton Hollingsworth. Georgia railroad. Georgia Railroad Co., j Office General Manager. J J AuorsTA, Sept- ist, 1S83 COMMENCING SUNDAY, 2 nd inst., the following Passenger schedule will be operated : FAST LINE. NO. 27 WEST DAILY. Lv Augusta 7 4 ° am Lv Athens 8 00 am LvConyersli- 5 °am | Ar Atlanta 1.00 pm NO. 28 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2,50 pm I Ar Athens 7 . 2 o pm Ar Cony ers 3 47 pm | Ar Augusta, 8.10 pm NO 2 EAST DAILY. NO. I WEST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 8 25 am Lv'Augustaio 30 am hv Conyers 9 5° am Lv Macon 7 05 am Ar Alliens 5 05 pm Lv Mil d’vl-9 10 am “ Wash'11 2 65 pm bv Wash n 11.20 am •* Mii’d’ve 4 49 pm Lv Athens 9 05 am Ar Macon 6 45 pm Ar Conyers 4 33 pm A r Augusta 3-55 pm Ar Atlanta 5.50 pm COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. Lv Atlanta 8 10 pm Lv’n 0.4O am f Lv Con.verS8 0o p m Lv Converse, i 5 am Ar Cov gt’118.30 pm Ar Atlanta S.ooa,n NO. 4 K 1ST DAILY. no. 3 west daily. Lv Atlanta 8.5O pm LvAugust* 9 00 pm LvCony’rsio.28 6.20 pm Ar Lv Conyers 4 6 51 am Ar Augusta am Atlanta 40 am Trains Nos. 2 , 1 , 4 add 3 will, if signaled, stop at regularity scheduled Stat.on. fC§r Train No 27 will stop and receive passengers to and from the following stations only: Be lair, Ber zelia, Harlem, Thompson, Camak, Crawfordville, Unimi Point, Greens hero, Madison, Rutledge, Social Cir¬ cle, Covington, Conyers, Stone Moun¬ tain and Decatur. These trains make close connection for ad points East' and Souihe.-is 1 , West, Souihwe-t, iNoflh anti Nerthwect., and carry Through Slce^iers between Atlanta and Charleston. fry * 1 Train No. 28 will stop at and, YeceiVe passengers to and from the following stations only: IJerzeliud Harlem, Thompson, Catnak, Craw Tordville, Union Point, Greensboro, ’Madisow, Itutfedge, Social Circle, Cov¬ ington, Convert Stonv Mountain and 1 iecatur. Connects at Augusta for a’l points East and Solti liens' JOHN W. GREEN. Gen. Man. E R. DORSET. Gen. Puss. Agt. Short Doings A. Q. C. We ha.e had some nice showers. Wood hauling is quit e lively of lae. Coroner Oaks has been quite sick for a few days. Wheat, catSaftd otfe.-r small grain arc coking spleadid 1 y. A. fresh arrival of Ke.H. QiLg lias been visiting ft is '■children in Covington this week. An endless variety of ladies’neck W^ar at Stewart’s. The cotton season is about over iaud collections also. Sirah Bernhart and other siyles ot gloves at Stewart’s. Mrs. A. M. Helms has returned from Gains ville. A few only. Picture fameis left at Stewart’s. Call early. Mr. J. E. Maddox has had his store fitted up in good style. Agent Tilley speaks of going into fancy ■Stock raising. The cigar ‘‘Town Talk,” for sale by Stewart, is a tip-top one. Cfo in and see Capt. Bill Huson’s new store. He has some very pretty pictures Your boys from 3 years to 30 , can be suited at J. A. & T. D- Stewart’s. Only a short time and we will have a new Mayor—or the old one renewed. White Irish linens at 25 ets per yd at Stewart’s. Nice for baby aprons. , t notice application t Read tlie of for new ro ad in this issue. Mr. Lsm Anderson, of Atlanta, was in town several days this week, Frank Harper has the best fl our sver sold in Conyers. Uali and get some. l)r. Bill Anderson, the wit and story-teller, was in town yes'erday. Call and that “ ex-quisite ” noi see tion department of J. A. & T. D. Stem art. Tom Almond is now boss talker and story delineator. Tom is a host, for a fact. Waste neither time nor money, but make the ot botn . calling ... best use oy early at, Stewarts. We return thanks to a number of our subscribers for settling with us week. A '^ G ' Uncle Harrison Weaver says his ini tials, G. H., don't stand for Gourd Head. soon. .’ Ml D D , , ! moved lus family !u to 12;,^ sZr “ PO,m ° D a Mr Jtr. Ph«ri« otiarles w White •. . has returned , , to Ins work on the raihoad and a Decatur street belle is sad. A new variety of stock powders “said tc work wonders,'’ Call for 11,,* uic.ed i-o.l tn t,,' uox, at , bte o warts. Judge Stewart held court here one day tliis week. No business of much im portanee was transastel. It looks now as if vve would soon have the pleasure of trying prohibition. We believe it will work we 1. liienic-st it vies of dark fall and winter prints, none lik“ them eise wheie, pist arrived, at Stewart’s Tom Armistead walked over three men, a wagon and a steam engine this week. It’s a boy and is just like its pa. The celebrated Cleveland all wool filled Jeans from 7 to 9 oZ. for boys and mens winter wear, at, Stewart’s. We were pleased to see Mr. G. W. s Knox, of Social Circle, in town this week. He is looking fine, as usual. Rev. David E. Butler, of Madison, will pi each at the Second Baptist Church for the nekt year. I!e D an able divine. Cipt. Summers, hav ing bought out the interest of Wood, is now running the restaurant in good style by himself When you want select cream chease, sausage, dried beef, apples cocoanut cabbage, onions, &c call on F,'ank Hkrper &Bro. Mr. Tom King is having Mr, Joe McLean’s building on Commerce street recovered. Mr. v/iemtnons, if elected, will make one of fine best Mayor’s Cony, rs or any other toyvn ever had. Mr. Asa Sims is doing some work for Air. Arthur Sharp this week, lie is . ar ranging for ins , . fast , stock. , There are no less than 5 00 flower pits in our town. We will have to change 6 ur name to the City of Flower I hs. Our Liberty 'Chapel correspondent is not inly a nice gentleman but a good new- sender. din, Our has clever returned young from friend, his Johnnie trip to Texas. Bar- j 1 Wo hope he has returned to stay. Tom King continues to make the- best boots and shoes to be found in the coun ty. Call and see him. Miss Moliie Woodruff, of Newton coun¬ ty, a most pleasant young ladv is speml ing some time with Miss Alice McCord, Co. VVm. Shipley can be seen «ny Sunday morning astride of h lS new ! ‘ ,lv he:;l ’ Rich Almond spend* all of his spare! time watching 8am Ooluns catch stray j chickens. Sam says meat loweiful j high. ! H.u «j & A . i icest coulteti noi'u-s t 1 he fount' i a '• • .1- . * .ad and u • in c. p- ! Armistead and Tom Lt'etV- i Clever Tom 1 make regular weekly trips to our 1 city. Like good boys, they love their old mother. It is said that Jim Tilley can be seen about 12 o’clock any of these moonshine nights sitting on his lot fence looking at his fine colt. When it comes to telling cotton annec dotes and swapping one-eyed Texas high We regret to chronicle the sad x death inaH, of the oldest little girl of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Swann, of Covington, and extend our sympathies to the bereaved parents, We dislike to sue so small an ac count as fT- 25 , but unl’ess some of our delinquents come forward we' will be compelled to do so. Since our last issue we have slain only four patent churn men. Business is get ting terrible dull in this line. We can t get along on less than one a day. We are pleased to notice the.return of Mr. Willie McKnight and Willie Sharp from Florida. They are both looking well. A party of three boys went out last i x ues ,] ay an ,i succeeded in capturing 21 j ra bbitsi Fretty good day’s work, we think, A negro stole a 25 -pound -box of to bacco from Messrs. G. W. Weaver & Bro. Tuesday night. He has been dilligently sought for but not found. Dr. J. J. N. Glenn has moved near Qak ml]j ln Newton count y, where he wil j ]j V e j n the future. We wish him i succtess in his new home. There are but few people who do not ! need a blood purifier. A. Q. C. is the I most harmless, and at tlm same time most powerful, medicine for the Dlood in the land, and can be had for about one-half the price of other similar goods. It is said by the opponents of Mayor jq e j m3 fig has been in office ior about thirteen years, and it looks like he has had the lion s share, This may be true; however, he has always made a 1 very good officer, ! Wesaw the prettest young lady of ! h»r age in the county in town last Wed I lles ^ a . v \ She is a bonnie country lass • Tf i /■ I ^ 1 - ever , was a man nta< e a special purpose us Judge b aunans. i was8ure, y m " l » ^ a » Ordimy, trttd a better oue there is not, WU,v„, ” t,mib „rn T ' ce ie» of ,1115 , kind, such as nice meats, ,;aljae< * S 0uUs! > cabbages, cheese, crack ers ’ P'‘ ckles — iu fa ct anything if» this line, call on Harper 1 & Bro. ' " 41111 ,c 1,1,1 ^ ' 1U0 s v ' l -‘ek is (he lust tux paying day. If von dou’t settle by then yo'u will have a little cost to pay with it. Sheriff Miu-hel is the most vigilant - ofheer Rockdale county ever had. N ° tV!1 tlcvr lui-s at large when it is within bis po'iver to bring him to taw. L lieu you want u good shoe, one lii.-it y in ca-i pay your money for with perf ol safely, call at D N. Hudson’s. He keeps the very best grades. Mr. J. W. Langford now has on hand the best line Of coffins and coffin hard ware ever seen in this place When you want anything ifi this line you will find it to your interest to call on him. Mr. S- J. Bolton, of Memphis, Tenn., has been here this' week on a Visit to Sheriff Mitchell and other relatives- He L an old citizen of this county, and we are glad td say he is in fine health and vxe L in his present home. The Henry County Weekly says there are Uv ° >’ oun g lalJies in McDonough who we? ' T No - 1 shoes - and atika us to make a note of it. We don't believe it. We ask the privilege of examining the feet. Yet a little while and the voice of tlie candidate will be heard in this i'And. Who like candidates. They ,' are good, , glor . wholessouled , , , , fellows, , ous. ...a always have a hearty shake and big .« smil0 » f oran< We ... regret t to chronicle , the ,, death , „ of . ,, Mrs. Ludie , Barnes, _ nee Miss ... Ludie . , Mc- .. Guire, ,, which , sad , event . took . , place . in Gainesville on last Friday. She leaves an Lifant two weeks old. We extend to p )e bereaved relatives our most sincere sympathies. Everyone should rerffember that. Dr. Brantley is here the Saturday before 1 he first Sunday in every month. Than Dr. [Jrantley there is not a cleverer or more | successful physician any whet e. It is al ways a pleasure to have him come to our city, and he has many patients whd are receiving his valuable treatment. Aside from home folks the lion. IN. Huiumond ,n . present tlie cliob*^ 11 1 this paper ior Congress, it be Concludes to make the rae u - We do not. know who v . u behH !itM , et c , ipt . Harry ck a .i excellent man, Senator -i several 01 here are spoken j j ut none are tertain. So Dr we are Hum.not,d a ,, u believe him to-.he the i ies t. man in tfiis district. . J): F. F. Tabor, -f Atlanta, the famous > !£: -peciaiis Iw- ,-eveiai patilentsiii our county. Dr. Taber is perhaps, the most success: fill physician in this rdspe t in the south or even in the United Staves, Many of his cures are marvelous, while his treatment is simple and pleasant. Prompted only by a feeling of humanity, we say to all who are unfortunate suf ferers to see him and take his treatment. His prices are reasonable and his success without a parallel. We have hoard it stated that Hon Leon. F. Livingston will he a candi (late f or C0U g reS s in tins district. We know thal Rockdale will most ce, ate and it may be that the Celone. would be willing ; to help us in . this .. line. But for the Colonels atiONg jove for that rotten htmlbug the Ags riculthral Bureau and Ins valuable(?) assistance in giving to 11s the senas torship last year, vve might him. As it is—never. Q life an excitement was raised on th<J 0 j d g efl Gregory place last M oil day. W* learn that Bob Gregory was out digging some post holes, when he struck a large rock which sounded hollow, fie dug it up, and found that it had been dug out and contained, wrapped up in leather, a considerable amount of gold. He will let no one see il, and says it is his as he found it on his own land. As it is no doubt the money of old Ben Gregory a big »ow may be ex¬ pected over it We know that there is no town where the papers work harder for the mterast of their merchants firm do the Solid South and this paper, of this place. Brothers Maddox & Irwin nevei iet slip an opportunity to say a good word to bring trade, neither do we. How well our efforts are appreciated all can see. Some of our merchants appreciate our efforts ana give us patronage, while there are others who receive the benefit of our work and give us no substantial thanis therefore. If advertising was money thrown away, we would not ask you for it, but it pays in every instance, j 'ybj™ a man advertises honestly, five ole- We learn that one of oar good ol 1 farmers, Mr. McNair, thinks we are ovposed to agriculture. Why. our 1 { / „ (e agril . uii0rt , will, bureau attach. tho eurse of our formers, that we oppose, and » defy you or nny other man in this county to show u , 1 o u <W j “ w e heard a gentleman rema-k the other day that what Coavers most need ed was six bar-rooms, billiard t-ibhs, ten pin alleys and a dancing school. These are the very things'Conyers do not need. We dare say the collections of our mer ( .[i an ts have been much better than the collections of the merchants of Coving. ton- The thousands . f dollars that have J een pa li t,r wh “ ky> l>i ! lwrd8 ’ e *°’ in Covingt:n are as so much tax, and are repn#80nted b y so many dollars in «u paid accounts and notes, while in Coil y'ers every cent has been applied to the indebtedness of our hard wording pco pie and die enormous tax of from ^25,ooo to ^30000, ftrmerly paid by them tor whisky, etc., has been removed. How any sane man can preach for whisky and other usel ss and demoralizing luxuries, claiming that they benefit a people, is a mystery fo us. Thire is nothiirj in any 8,uh talk ' On Tluirsd tv last, at tho residence of the bride’s faiher, Miss Otelia Hols j lings worth to Mr. R. S. E lis-, both of ' this Toe I county. ceremony was {.ei-l formed by Rev. J. H. Mii-Udlk , of Stone Mountain, in Ids usu il impress sive manner The bride is the ildcst daughter of Mr. R. II. Hollingsworth who has been for several years a resi dent in Decatur and its vicinity and well ,, known , . his , . ami is in t an J pining counties, having an extensive family . contuctioa and . counting many friends in different sections, all of whom well be glad to learn of her happy marriage to one of Di-Kalb’s most energetic and intelligent young men. Mr. Eliis is a son of Mr. J£. P. Ellis, who is justly accounted one of the best farmers and most substantial citizens of this or any eounty, and the younger Mr. Ellis is a worthy son ®f an honored sire. We tender our congratulations and wish for them long lift-, health, prosperity and hap piinss. -DeSalb News- PAPER MILL DOTS Little Fannie Zachry lias been sick, bill is belter. Mrs. Ada Mitchell is still confined to her bed. We hope soon to 1 sport bt .|- recovery. Mi. B. N- Mt-Knight has engaged lil,; ^iw.ces of Mr Will , Vaughn r as miller lor another year. Mr. Pink irawyer returns to his place m Lo— raine District. Willi Zachry is busily engaged = eek selling and eating the gol¬ den fruit ot Florida. The Rockdale boy honors us with weekly iimpses as lie wings his way to a southern and more congenial at mosphere. Occasionally a persistent disciple ot Seili Green may lie seen loitering back to town with a fishing rod and eriipty bait-box, the contents ot the latter having been ihrolvh out. ROCKDALE BIBLE SOCIETY The cheapest books we ever saw, read about or heard tell ot are at Mr. S. D. Night’s store, the depository of the Bibles, testaments, etc., ot the Rockdale Bible Society. Fine gib edged bibles ior $ 3 . 75 ; elegant small bibles, wi:h clasp, for Son.; a large print testament for old people, lor $ 1 35 ; small testaments tor 5 c. Hovv . any one can be vv-itliout a nice bible or beautiful testament when they can be had almost for the asking, is strange to us. Call and get one. OUR TICKET In presenting “Our Ticket” to the voters of the city of Conyers we do so at the request ot many good citizens. Mr. Clemmons, tie candidate for Mayor, is a gentleman whom we all know to be honest and upright; a good executive officer, with plenty of ability. He is not a chronic office-seeker, but a plain, quiet man and if elected w ill serve the people I faithfully and well- As to our Council - | men, a better set could not be gotten up. It is not necessary in their praise to say thing derogatorv to their opponents, , ^ ^ whom We claim a8 0 iir biends and | ^ 0 f whom are good men and perfect ; gen ,] emeil- If the administration of our munici , affiiirri are placed in th ! hands of onr candidates we know they J will do their duty. Me shall work for their success, but in a fair and open man ner. NOTICE. persons are here by prohibited . , £ rQ|n Luntinrj upon my land on yellow riyer—either at night or in tlm day. B. N- McKnight. j LIBERTY CHAPEL DOTS «v nix.u.. one., too. The farmers ate about done sowing their fall and winter crop of wheat and ° a ^ Making of syrup is over and the gin ners’work is about completed. J. N. Parker will move to his Newton county p antmiou ue.t year and cultivate a truck farm. Rev.t. N . Hill will preachat this place the first Sunday in December at 10 0 - cIock a. and Saturday before at 2 in., o’clock m. 'The singing soe'ety met at Mr. W T . S. Veal s' last Sabbath night Music was conducted by J. N. Darter and Milton Waldrop, Jr.' The debating society has rto't been re organized at t is place yet account of the inclemency di the weather. " Why cannot we reorganize our agn cultural soeretv at this place, for tfie timo f„ r pnAhfising commercial fettil i^ers will soon he at ham*. time to club togedterand get it-as cheap a s possible, as it is to the interest of every farmer. Mr. Dock Alexander Las returned from j gt rt; Some -,a Mountaiij. of the oldest inhabitants in this] neighborhood say (lie least rain hasfitllenj ^ last twelve months they ever kne "* VVells are lail 'ng fast and branches and creeks are almost dry. We hud a light shower of rain on last,' Sabbath evening, but not enough to do any good. Our singing snefety meets at Mr. A. C Hardin’s next Sabbath night. Music to b e conducted by ATr. .Milton U ahlmp. The ’adies of this vicieitv are taking great interest in fancy (or artifi csal) . ,, work. One of , .. seining . . our voting men went , a8t week . w e guess he had a .doe time, as tlie weather was very cold. A- Q- C Men of science are every day giv¬ ing 10 the world something something good and something beau Gtul, llm mechanic, the philosopher and tl, ° pHysiciaii are on the road of I m, S re£fs ’ bri,, « in « <»«t and giving to their feJow men useful machinery. valuable disooveiies in natural sci ence and healing remedies. To u-> one man l-elongs the exclusive right to investigate, invent and improve, but to all. Perhaps more patent medicines have been discovered and given to the public in the last ten th n anything else, and while many of them are worthless, many also have more or lesS virtue ; in fact, some of tlie best remedies in the land now come under this head, and among others that excellent article, A. Q C, now being put up by Slew art & Co., of this place. Dr. J. A Stewart, whose discovery it is, is a gentleman who stands h gh in his profession, and I mb been in aetive praeVice lor thirty vears. He ; s no quack, no humbug, but a high-toned, honest, reliable man. who has a l'ep utation at si die, and if tlie inedieinr which be is manufacturing was not of real merit, would never touch il. Il is composed of vegetables that grow nere in Geo gift, free from poison aud ail dangerous minerals. As a blood purifier it has nd equal, and is the best remedy ior vcrolu’a, chronic rheumatism, eczema, catarrh and many other diseases ever used. As a specific for syphilis in all its forms and stages, it is superior'to S. S. S. or any other remedy ever . discovered, aud the price is ouly one half. We say to all who are affi cted, give A. Q U. a trial and wo know that you will never 1 egret it. THE FIFTH. So fur we have not a single announce¬ ment for Congress in this district, al¬ though the names of several gentlemen have been mentioned. One or two At¬ lanta gentlemen who, at one time, it was thought, would be candidates, have, we believe, decided hot to make the race. An Emory college student witting to the Gainesville Eagle says: “J s Emory college sorely ili favor of the education of the negro? N () . While we believe our beloved president has the at , heart, we can not . agree cause with him, nor do all of the students, aa might le supposed. The liveliest discussion we have ever Heard was between the Few and Phi Gamma societies recently, subject. ‘Resolved, that the United States should furnish sufficient means to educate tlie negro.’ The Fews debated from a, standpoint, but the Phi » complete viotorj with mg alive side. We would not write this, but there are some people who-think that everybody who goes to Emory college must make a Methodist preaclier, or advocate Northern views, etc., which is false.’ LIBRARILY We want a library. We want a good, j inieresiiiia. lull and substantial library, good one. There ate a'hundred men w h 0 can easily, ; give-five dollars Maddox. $ach to htart1l . Utd have it. Brother 'J'he Weekly wifi give live dollars, what says the South? The city board of education of.-San <Dns*iHe nave determined to mine aa addition t f twenty-five feet to the school building to meet, the growing wants of the primary department, i • The.Cincinnati Commercial Gazelle piles on tlie agony in a recent wcu* di S "'port by describing the bride as kd< al Kentuckieuiie," etc., etc. NOTICE—LAST GALL. I fit the following places named below: At Court tumid, Lorain DiArkiS y * . oo,j. ’ l " if ' At 1Iow *>' < -’ reek L'ourt ground Tuesday, 2 * 2 d, V Wednesday, -Th, all of this insf iyjt or file purpose „t collecting state alld cm mty taxes i < Rockdale county for 1883 . Tii’4 is my last round. T -hall ciosc hoolca on the fifiecnth of November m xt. Those wishing fo save money and trouble will do well to settle their tuxes by that time. I can lie found j u Conyers on the following davs o e . u . tl from thmiciate -TlffiKdayo Fridays Sutmdays. mm. W. N tasrs, T. C. T'liis Cetober 15th, lsbo. FOR SALE OR RENT. A House built of select lumber, with h-nr rooms, fireplace in each room, with stove room attached; aii unfailing supply ol water at the door. Good garden whose walks a. e a Ira titl¬ ed with grape vinos of The befit vari¬ ety, and an orchard that affords fruit from May to October. All of which is partially enclosed by a hedge of osugo orange. No better home can be ound in Conyeia and nope more pleasantly located Ilavii g deters mined to sell if p ssihle, pin ties will do well to call at this office. 0Cll9tf Edgar Jewel. CITY MARKET! ■:o: ■1 r r iiey keep always on hand the very nicest freshest meats, in tlie way 01 . i BEEF & POKKi •SAUSAGE, Backbone & Also Mutton. When von want nice meats, good'weights and cheap prices; call at the City Market tiist door above l’ost-Oflice Conyers, Ca. Read Th Y OSyWe earnestly ask al 1 who are due'nR on aecortntO or notes to come forward at once and mak; settlements as we are needing the money. We have many accounts that have bee»running a lonj£ time on parties we know to be.good, but we need the money now, amidmost have ft,. So come on and pay. us'and b v so doing you will greatly favor nndmb isie. We are vet. at our old* stand on Com¬ merce street. We'calljyour attention be¬ low to our NSW GOODS. 1 ^rTIiaakinR. onr customers Dr past fa¬ »ors, wn i’.hk them to call and examiMrt our fill'and winter goods. Weluue bti hand and are continually receiving an elegant assortment of hats, feathers flow eis, velvets, ribfioee, Jaces, corsets hops shirts, ruching, zephyr and a beautiful line of neck wear, plush and velvet col lars, handkerchief*, and also jewelry and goods besides va,ions other articles too numerous to mention. We will Kelt low down for ca.-b. Call Mid see us wlun jn town . Yours Tr-jy. •f P A Cowan & S J Rihchardsnn 'I IIE QUEEN CITY BARBR-SHOP. FRANK LY^GH CoUSOrial AlfiM ill ([ IliU'jt. :o: ILdi cntiing in (be inafcA and uew e st -iy)e, Shaving, Sha-. p.-nnivg anty Dyeing executed with n .If l*t S3 ant? dispatch. ^ qsr* Licit ed in the Night budning first floor 011 tlm leh ufj stairs,