The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 23, 1883, Image 8

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A HUMAN FIRE. The Phenomenon of a Burning Aline lie. |,rated ill tlie l’iiynicnl .System. A few vears ago one of the most important coal mines iu Pennsylvania caught fire. It started slowly b it toon obtained such head¬ way that it s.n-ead through To the tlecxl greater it with por¬ tion of the entire mine. water would ex'ingu sh the fire but well nigh ruin the mine; and still the Cam >s continued to increase. At that jun ture a young man forward and suggested that all the •entrance? and vent holes of the mine be cov¬ ered fnd secured, thus shutting followed off the anl sup¬ tlie ply of air. lbs advice was flail': were finally subdued. To compare thecond.tion of this mine with many phases of the human system is most nst rai and appropri ate. “Fire in the blood” is not a mere expression, it is a most impossible serous fact. How it originates it may be to sty: but that it burns and r ages with an increbsiag fuiy, the knows. one who The is blood its victim is the only too paintuily to purify, life. It is de-igno 1 bv nature strengthen and sustain the system. It is too often made the channel transported. through Poisonous which poison acids and death through are the veins and arteries inflame coming just real the an 1 cause a fire as as one which existed in the mine. They burn and irritate, causing the brain to become weak and the nerves iin-trung; agonies they in carry tlie pains to the mu-c e. an 1 leave joints; they bring destruction instead of strength; they devastate the help, very and portions they of the b jdy that most require its hor¬ hasten form. the approach of death in been most felt by rible These things have jnuumeral le peopl > who liave been the vic¬ tims of rheumatic disorders, and the agonies they have endured confirm which this description. There is but one way by the fire in the blood can be extinguished, and that is by shutting off tno supply of these pois¬ onous acids. The 1 ctic. lithic and uric acids come into the b'ood through tlie liver and kidneys, an l they remain in (so¬ lution in the b'ood. produc’ng inflammatory rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, gout and all rheumatic fevers and affections. When they are dep .sited as gritty cry: talsin an l near the joints, they cause articular rheumatism; when in the muscles, muscular rh(u matism and lumbago; when in the tis¬ sues covering ttie nerves, sciatica; when in the face, head and nerves generally, painful; in neural¬ gia. in every dangerous rase they are Inflammatory rheu¬ most instances, and matism is likely to locate in some joint brain become chronic, or sudd: i ly attack the or heart, causing apoplexy or heart disease. 'J he fire in tlie blood be ma t lie extinguished— This only the supply must shut off. can be dune by guarding the portals to tlie blood —the kidneys and liver; and no means has ever been found for accomplishing this which -can equal Warner’s Safe Rheumatic Cure. It acts directly extinguishes u| ou the Hie seat by of controlling the disor¬ der: it fire the supply well and removing standing the of cause. H. H. Warner The known & Co. of Rochester, N. Y., the remaralible success which Warner's Safe Cure has achieved, being indorsed by no less a person¬ age than Dr. Robert A. (Sunn, dean of tlio Medical college, New York, and the fidelity with which they have carried out all their promises that to the public, ubove should be a sufficient warrant the state¬ ments are true. They, however, all rheumatic guarantee to cure ninety-five especially per cent, knowing of troubles, the demonstrated acute, of tlie full remedy well that power justifies them in and so doing. who Nothing can be fairer than this, those suffer in the future from rheumatism with such an offer before them, do so on their own responsibili¬ ty, and can blame no the one if Lving pain and untimely death are results. No Loaning Tower for Him. THE AMERICAN ENGINEER WHO WANTED TO STRAIGHTEN MATTERS AT PISA. Not long since there appeared in the American Register in Paris an adver¬ tisement of “An American engineer,” offering to undertake for the sum of 600, 000 francs to straighten and make as good as new the leaning tower of Pisa. Handed iu and paid for as an advertise¬ ment, this card was inserted in the co umns of the paper in question, as under the circumstances it could not be re¬ fused; but it was regarded as an Ameri¬ canism. Exciting a laugh from Ameri¬ cans and a characteristic shrug of tlie shoulders from Parisians, (his ambitious and laughable proposal of the American days. engineer was forgotten in a few The proposition, however, the writer hereof happens to know, was made iu all seriousness by the venerable Mr. Savage, well known on the Pacific slope as the discoverer and original owner of the since famous Savage mine, The mine passed under the control of the Bonanza firm, and Savage, with a snug fortune, went abroad to enjoy himself. He visited Pisa, and the condition of its famous leaning tower annoyed him. Something of an engineer, he devised a scheme for straightening and restoring it. considering it a public disgrace that it should be allowed to lean and go to ruin. In all seriousness lie published the advertisement alluded to above, see¬ ing in the job, if lie gaiped it, an oppor¬ tunity to pay all liis expenses while abroad; and lie could not be persuaded not to do so, and was much chagrined that us did not receive any response to his oh r, and to this day cannot under¬ stand why the people prefer the oid tower in its present condition. Nervous. - The Boston haiunlay Evening Gazette says: “A w itnan’s glove is* to her what a vest is to a man. When a man s agitated or perplexed lie attacks his • est buttons. A woman’s vestdeesu’t admit of this; but her glove is always a source of inspiratii n and She a refuge from any embarrassment. smooths on the fingers, wrinkles, rearranges looks the buttons, drags out the critically at the fit, and does a dozen little things with her glove that allay nervousness.” Saving at the spigot: Adele is a sploii" did cook, but it is evident that she can¬ not content everybody and his father. The other evening madame went into the kitchen and found the gas stove lighted. “Why, Adele, do you light your stove at this hour ?” ‘ ‘But I have iiot put it out since morning.” “Why, girl, are you crazy ?” “No; but madame is always complaining that I use too many matches.” The \V Ide, H idt‘ World. Lima, Republic of Peru.—S enor A. de La E. Delgado, L.L. D. and Counsel¬ lor Tribunal of Justice, Lima, Republic of Peru, says: “One single application of of rheu- St. Jacobs Oil cured me completely recommend matic pains in my left arm. I ed it to two of my friends, tlie Mrs. Dma Juana Garcia, widow, and Mr. D. iTer man Decker, a German gentleman. Mad¬ ame Garcia was relieved entirely by the pain-cure from terrible neuralgic pains of ten months standing. Mr. Decker was cured of inexplicable pains My brother by a single used application of the cure. species of the great remedy He for a entirely relieved paralv sis of the arm. was from his ailment by one or two applies tions, after having tried numberless other remedies without effect. A mas returned from adeiilisrs hign iy indignant, and said that the intelli¬ gent extractor had made a mistake and pulled the wrong tooth. ‘-Buthe made it all right,” he continued, “or I would have brought suit against him for dam nges," “Wliat did tlie dentist do to make it all right?” was the question put. “He didn’t charge me anything 1” A I>i vggixt’s Story. Mr. Isaac C. Chapman, druggist, New burg, N. Y., writes us: “ I liave for the past ten years sold several gross of Dr. Wm. Hall’s Balsam for the Lungs. I can say of it what I cannot say of any other medicine. I liave never heard a customer speak of it but to praise its virtue in the highest manner. I liave recommended it in a great many cases of whooping cough, with the happiest effects. I have used it in my own family for many years; in fact, always have a bottle in the medicine closet ready for use.” An injury unanswered in time grows weary of itself, and dies away in a vol¬ untary remorse. In bad dispositions capable of no restraint but fear it has a different effect—the silent digestion of one wrong provokes a second. Mr. L. Ray, 44 Nostrand avenue, life Bfcooklyn, says Dr. Elmore’s R. G. saved his ; four large bottles cured his dyspepsia, kidney and liver diseases, which six doctors had failed to help, and of which he expected to die soon. Rum.—A ccording to the New York Tribune there are only six distilleries of mm in the country and all six are in Massachusetts. Of nearly half a mil¬ lion gallons of rum exported last year the greater part went to Africa. Curbo-ltnes. Earth brings the bitterness of pairs, Yet worth the crown of peace will gain; And thousands speak in accents fine, The praises of our Garboline. Never judge by appearances. A shab¬ by old coat may contain an editor. Ladies’ and children’s boots and shoes can¬ not run over if Lyon’s Patent Heel Btiffeuers ire used._____ Pride, ill-nature and want of sense are the three grout sources of ill-man¬ ners ; without some one of these defects, no man will behave himself ill for want of experience, or what, in the language of fools, is called knowing the world.— Swift. ' _ “/ had Salt Rheum for 19 years. Four packages of Ur. Benson 1 s Skin Cure entirety cured me." — F. P. Lavelle, Merced, Cal. $1 :.t druggists._____ The memory is a treasure, to whom we the must give funds if we would draw assistance we need,—Rowe. Dr. Benson’s Celery and Chamomile Pills contain no opium, quinine or other harmful drug, ache. and are highly recommended for head¬ neural gia and nervousness. fiO cents. Whatever you dislike in another per¬ son, take care to correct iu yourself by the gent e reproof.—Sprat. Menseman’s Peptonized Beef Tonic, the only preparation of beef containing its entire nutri¬ tious properties. It contains blood-making, force-generating invaluable and life-sustaining properties; prostration, for and indigestion, all forms dyspepsia, nervous also, in all enfeebled conditions, ot general debility; result whether the of exhaustion, nervous prostration or acute diseases, patticulariy if resulting from pulmonary complaints, Caswell, Hazard & Co, Proprietors, New York. Bold by druggists. It s scarcely proper to speak of a man as possessing irregular habits when ht storms about regularly every night. On Thirty Days’ Trial. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Davis’ celebrated Electro Voltaic Belts and electric appliances on rial for thirty days, to men (young and old) who are afflicted with nervous de¬ bility, lost vitality, and kindred troubles, ration guaranteeing health speedy and complete resto¬ of and manly vigor. Ad¬ dress as above. N. B —No risk is incur¬ red, as thirty days’s trial is allowed. Too Much.—A boy in Worcester Mass., advertises that the lady who gave him a $2.50 -for gold holding piece—mistaking her horse it-for a penny can get $2.40 by applying at the Spy nfliee. There is little pleasure in the world that is true nnd sincere beside the pleas¬ ure of doing our duty and doing good ; 1 nm sure no other is comparable to this. —Tillots ' on._ Piso’a Cure will cure Coughs, Asthma, Bron chjtia and Consumption. 25 cents. The only gratification a covetous man gives his neighbors is, to let them see that he himself is as little be ter for what he lias ns they are.—Penn. _ ii; .ans“’:j:f;::-., 1: Egg: Egg ., AA -flgf—j‘E§JA:??;;‘L%Z%§:iE£iT ny. lnougn . snaken , . ESiS system m y yet b« freed from the m- lig nadt virus with Hno¬ te tt r’s Stomach Bit tors. Protect the sys . tern against it with this beneficent anti MSSSZa spasmodic, which is U Jr. fuithcmore a sup rein - reme y for liver com¬ s plaint. conftipation, yspeps ia. debi ity. eumatism, kid- and cey troubles _ other ailments. ®tom ach For sale dy all Druggists and De —-—* H ''g alers generally. ,— r . tiiSSl I. KlLjiKtti New Urnnswick* N. J< THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Relievos and cures RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, backache, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT. quinsy, swellings, SI-RAINS. Soreness. Cuts, Bruises, FROSTBITES, BCKNS. SCALD*, And allother bodily aclies and pains. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. Sold bv all Druggists and Dealers. Directions in II languages. 17 The Charles A. Vogeler Co. (Succcaser* fo A. VOGELER A €0.) Baltimore, Bid., 1. S. A ^ifooeres / J¥tlant<Z'. Gcu AN ORGANIZED BUSINESS COMMUNITY 25th YEAR. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. •r Consumption Can Be Cured! DR. WM HALL’S ums-BALSAM lures € onNiiiiiiitioii, Colds, Pneumonia, In¬ fluenza* Bronchial Difficulties, Bronchitis* lioiirseiiem, A Minna, i/oiip, Breathing \\ hooping ( oiil-Il and ali Disease** ot' tlie Organs. It soothes and beats the Ale in bran o of Hie tilings, iiillained and poisoned by the disease, ami prevents the m^bt sweats aiic tiiditness across the is chest incurable which accom e« it. Consumption not will an ma IIA 1.1 AS professional BALSAM tails. cure you, even though aid ftBSOUlTELI mil II | Loll nniro THE BEST. II O LIGHTNING SEWER ! Two thousand stitches a minute. J he 01117 absolutely first-class Sewing Machine in the world. Sent on trial. ^ Warrant ’d •> years. l\G MACH IK E OO., Chicago cr New York. Tie ifli Prize lor 1884 T° r. rea dy and will be sent free to any out e on receipt <>! a stamp > for postage. The book contains numerous lady engravings, and such valuable information as every and gentleman ought to know. This book.will also show you how to become the owner of many valuable ar teles without costing you a cent, such as Gold and Silver Watches, Clochs, Organs, Sewing Machines, all kin is »f Silver \V,r\ etc. ^^FASON ..V CO., Jfa I (i S *.s m m er S i reet, Host on. ss. A PRIZE FOB EVERYBODY. A CHOICE OF F1!Y tisMBLE PMSJMS, WOBT7.T $7.50 to $12'* 00. T v Titaiini or gentiev - n Beilins: Owr NewPnbllcfi- §d().i)0 tiou. You c m ii make OO to sell p«J Week, in addition secure a PRIZE, if you -eg w, MEW? ** 1 ia tn 1u4 St.. UbioairO % IftOfflfS/' K. G. la the quickest, pleasantest, frnrest and best remedy for kidney. X'Cv/' liver, Diseases, stomach, and only bladder reai curative and blooa ever discovered for acuta and chronio Miaica, rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, Has lumbago, sciafc vi/ dyspepsia etc. cured hope¬ less cases Bright’s disease and in 3 weeks —all forms of rheumatic disorders ra 2 to 12 weeks—relieves inflammatory ble people cured in 1 who day. had Gan tried refer in vain to hundreds everything of relia* else. druggist Purely botanic, it; harmless, if be declines and nice send to irink. for Aek it—tak« your to get to us nothing else, Elmore, A daws & Oo ., luH William st., N. Y DR. DSOSCEY’S Painless Eye Water 13 ELUEVES AT ONCE. Cures inflamed and weak JL1- Eyes m a few hours. Gives granulated NO PAIN. lids. The Price Best 25 ‘Remedy 'yottle. in the Ask world for for it. Have other. cents a DICKEY, no Proprietor, Dll . J. A. Bristcm Tknx. , TO SPECULATORS. At LINDBLOM & CO., N. G. MILLER & CO. I A 7 Ch&mbar of U Broadway, Commerce, Chicago. New York. GRAIN ft PROVISION BROKERS, Members of all Si. prominent Product Exchanges in Now York, We Chicago, Louis and Milwaukee. hare exclusive private telegraph wire between Ohk ©ago and New York. Will execute orders on Containing our iud*. ment particulars, when requested. R OBT. LINDBLOM Send for circulars A OO., Chicago. Hplljf Iron R 3 YNOLD Worlts, S ’ D. A. Mulane, Manager, T P. O. Box 169<>, New Orleans, La. Manufacturers of Reynolds’ Celebrated Platform and COTTON PRESSES, Steam, En Hand Horse Power, steam giues, Dredgebou Sugar Work, Mills, and Building Meng’s Fronts. Patenl Columns, Railings, Blacksmithing and Machine Work. ^"ORDERS SOLICITED. LADIES, Order Bridal Presents, Jewelry, Silverware, -*c., from J. P. STEVENS & CO ■i Send for Catalogue. ATLANTA, GA. m OPTICAL WONDER For and busines pleasii l^MH A NEW. W>SL9f* largmjr photographs, original, cheap lantern, cards, for projecting pictures and on curomo opaque and objects. Works like maurio. and delights nnd must ties everybody MUJUIA1 8en<l HjllPUJJ. tomnrfuil Co., Box and free 7SS, descriptive N. Y. City, cm nler N. V. HTANTEO, “ County. experienced Liberal B iok and Bible Agents it every Sala ies Paid. Address, Hating ex per ionce, P.O. Box g g., Atlanta, Ga. vD k t0 j. per day a> home. Samples wort’h~$.Tfreo. Adoress Stinson & Co.. Portland, Me. $86 A WEEK in y ur own town. Terms and $5.00 out¬ fit free. Address 11AULBTT 4- Co, Portland, Me. $72cob W :k. 812 a day at home easily made. o tfit free. A ddr’sTrue t Co. Augusta,M« /INLY V A POST ATi with your name and address / and yoo will receive a lnrge Illustrated Book free, Address Victor Printing; Co., Elizabethville, Pa. AGENTS WANTED ling machine ever invented. Wil knaaiinirrifstoi'k ■ngs. with HEEL «nn TOE complete in 2u minutes. there Itwmalsoknitagrstt' always ready variety of fancy work, forwhich the is TWOMBLY a market. Send for circular A terms to KNITTING MACHINE CO. ; . G3 1’ttEMONi Stkeet. SOSTOII. .MASS AND WHISKY HABITS CUREE IN THREE WEEKS. Fo • Pamphlets, Prpofs and Terms, stamp. W. C. B -iLAMY, Addrsss, M. in D., conli ence, with 3ct. Atlanta. Georgia. 73* Broad Stroot, ROOFING AND BRIGHT TIN, SOLDER, ZINC, SHEET METALS, WIRE, &C. HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS, STOVES, TINWARES. — tinktehs’ »ttopijie».— Lowest Rates of Freight and Quick Time. WM. SHEPHERD & CO., 128 Meeting St. Charleston, S.C. Books-Victory-Vox Populi. On which side lies the final victory in the desperate “ Battle of-the Books,” the following extracts, characteristic of tens of thousands received, signify: “lam amazed at the cheapness and excellence of by any age cr country. Thev ought to render your name your books. Your enterprise is a public beneiaction of immortal.”—G kN. J. W. Pkelps, Brattleboro, Vt. \be highest kind." Rev. Da. Shephebi), Santa Rosa. “The world's greatest benefactor to-day is John IQ. tully Aids-n, the bold and original publisher, who is succeS** ‘ ‘ I am delighted with the bocks. They are marvels of pia in-standard literature witlvn the re tch Bps p„ 2 ess, bounty mi utility. Inclosed dud &J3.C9 in everybody who cares to read.”— $t tr , Bradford, Pa. ment.”-R ev. Mason W. Pbessly, Chester, S. C. Two sets of Waverley just received. All my riends are wonder nc how 1 get such bargains. I explain, Your efforts toward extending useful information nnd these (further) orders are the result.”—H. Mt> to _ all classes are the most extraordinary yet witnessed i Lullen, Farmers’Bank, Columbia City, Ind. <w«fflaB S8saaasa sa*wii8 fmaKgafeagarwagaat ar— “ ' L.Se-an-Lvir «>(,*». - - >n olden times it was thought that evil spirits came in through cracks? and , keyholes. The generally approved way to keep them out was to plug up tne keyholes and stop the cracks with cotton. Notwithstanding these preventive measures, the evil things had their own way and often came in , as they pleased. k>o comes malaria now-a-days. We try to keep it out of the keyhole ard it comes in by the crack. We stop up the crack, and lo! it comes from a leak in the plumbing, or an opening from some neglected drain, or from c-orne unsuspected source and unguarded direction We c £ nno ~ always keep malaria out, but we can give it battle and drive its effects from our systems. If Brown’s Iron Bitters is taken in, malaria has not a ghost of a chance. Tins is the great family medi¬ cine. \ our druggist sells it, and you ought to keep a bottle in the house, An Open Secret. The fact is well understood that the MEXICAN MUS TANG LINIMENT is by far the best external known for man or beast. The reason why becomes an explain “open that secret” when we “Mustang” penetrates skin, flesh and muscle to the very bone, removing ail disease and soreness. No other lini¬ ment does this, hence none other is so largely used or does such worlds of good. ilOilte At/CillS. — “ All your own fault If you remain sick when you can Get hop bitters that never— Fail, —The weakest woman, smallest child, and sickest invalid can use hop bitters with safety and great good. —Old men tottering around from Rheu¬ matism, kidney trouble or any weakness will be almost new by using hop bitters. —My wife and daughter were made healthy by the use of hop bitters, and I rec¬ ommend them to my people.—Methodist Clergyman. A sk an y pood doctor if hop Bitters l are not i the liest family med icin. On e arth. —Malarial Fever, Ague and Biliousness will leave every neighborhood as soon as hop bitters arrive. —“ My mother drove the paralysis and neuralgia all out of her system with hop bit¬ ters.”—Ed. Oswego Sun. —Keep the kidneys healthy with hop bit¬ ters and you need not fear sickness. —Ice water is rendered harmless nnd more refreshing and reviving with hop bitters in each draught. —The vigor of youth for the aged and in¬ firm in hoi) bitters ! — “At the change of life nothing equals Hop Litters to allay all troubles iuoident Thereto.” —“ The best periodical for ladies to take monthly and from which they will receive the greatest benefit is hop bitters. —Mothers with sickly, fretful, nursing children will cure the children and benefit themselves by taking hop bitters daily. —Thousands die annually from some form of kidney disease that might have been pre¬ vented by a timely use of hop bitters. —Indigestion, weak stomach, irregular¬ ities of the bowels cannot exist when hop bitters are used. A timely * * * use of hop Bitters will keep a whole family In robust health a year at a little cost. —To produce real genuine sleep and child like repose all night, take a little hop bitters on retiring. —That indigestion or stomach gas at night, preventing rest and sleep, will disap¬ pear by using hop bitters. —Paralytic, nervous, tremulous old ladies are made perfectly quiet and sprightly by nsiri" hop bitters. isr^v riox>vi. SURGICAL INSTITUTE ■p j M m n 4i ATLANTA, GEORGIA. For the scientific treatment and correction of deformities of the human body. Ail appli¬ ances made to order, apd under the uireetioB of competent and experienced surgeons. Piles, fistula, tarrh. female diseases, private diseases, ca¬ proved ruptures, and paralysis, treated by ap¬ methods. Send statement and receive s pecial r eply.___ K. II. BOLAND, 8ec’v, t"»ES ViHF.Rf A LI USE rAfl.S. ES Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. pSd IsJ Use in lime. Sold by druggists. <S OBI'S UJS4 R fT IO NfX. i m 8.-8. CHRIST #AS fflUKRTilMESTS. S Suggestions for Decorations, Enter* n nn i fi Tilg/i tolnnenti and Glib. I.HmSIMfiN’ UMiutHlWriU Sunday-school A collection of workers suggestions in various from paru leading of lhec °fi ntrv » containing something of inter NnymmnM 25c, Will send free to any one sending u« EflTWTWNMniT -T1 a list of all the Sunday-school Superintend GI FT 9 .^1 entg in the place. DAVID a COOK. 44 Ad&ms street, Chicago, Ill. A.N. U.......... ..........Forty-Seven.— ? 8 3* flllOIIA PUMPS Cistern Pumps, Wind Mill Pumps," wietTuA for catalogue. Field Force Pump Co., Lockport, N. Y. JOHN NEAL AND COMPANY, ------WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN X NOS. 7 and 9 SOUTH BROAD STREET ATLANTA, fil Special inducements offered to DEALERS and others in all grades a 1 niture. A share of' the patronage of Rockdale and adjoining counties trnt3 solicited. Be sure and give us a trial before making your purchases. 1 THE OLD RELIBLE FIRAM OF -DEALERS IN- i RAILROAD BLOCK georgi CONYERS, Having been established for 18 yaaos, and carrying one o smallest and most complete slocks in the eoutry, we cau se.i goo => any, and we guarantee satisfaction. When you want DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND CLOTHIfiG Call on ALMAND & SON, . G- M- J in & Compaq Corner Commerce and Warehouse ' OOTTOR Sts. CONYES BWYB aai -HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF_. General Merchandise at Bottom Prices ^ - *" c suss sasssrsajE^»»»,, HeadauartersS^&ia^*.*, §13 cr^ psBmft l a J w LAN6FOBD, Carriages Wagons, Bugles, M own make. L P" WA R AM I— ED TO BE FS^ST-GIASS |N REVEV r.eepals o » J of Repairing ail grades of done Carriages, on short Wtgons notice, and Bugg <*, ?a«u. ng and Trim, 1!ll Dnii i ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRED AS GOOD AS yr SSPl have now on hand the largest and best, stock of wagons f make, bogies bargains homemade bad aim of western build that I have'ever < 1 R °' you want you better call. Alt wh > owe me f or W o+ ' nestly request to come forward and settle promptly. I need die money r<3e must have it. These who do not pay promptly will be g'vea Ti but Tlu % time. So you will please settle promptly. It should be rememberd that My establishment is HEADQUARTERS COFFINS and CASKETS of all OIDEiTAKERS grades and sizes, mm in fact everything tha and COFFIN It 1 pmv mv A is kept in a first class Undertaker. * US’COFFINS DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN CITY OR ‘ COTiVTl UM Moat Respectful^, ' i. W. LANGFORD, dsm #11® All ESTEE (2:35;;ng 51mg 281. , —~—THE MOST POPULAl-aw ZPJ‘RLMECODESE CDmEEraa‘AW ~33] THE} E WitDBMIo: . Wholsetde Smtnern Depot for ESTEY OEG-ANR. Stemwa W.bsr, Decker Brothers and Gate City PIANOS —DEPOT OF— --IMPORTERS DIRECT FROM KTROPE OK Violins, Guitars, Harmonicas Etl STRINGS, JBSTNobody AND c.m underbuy ALL KINDS us, Nobody r OF can MUSICAL undersell MERCIIAXDISj us. Estey Organ Company Atlanta Ga W.H. LEE. Agent.] oo- mi mm m fl IS » I ll i fl 9 m m mm fl inlB ai i I " A:" Iy:.: 3- EUROPE OR AMERICA! mfiml’rofluct un~0ue (;\‘cr'v1tn minimum