The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, November 30, 1883, Image 6

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i* J& D M Almand cz/ l§'Om 9 3A&MXS8 9 -Ho Every One •STThat wants bargains will call at H. P. & D. M. ALMARD’S for the next two mouths with the CASH, A large stock just received pur Chased for cash which enables us to sell cheaper than ever before. LARGE STOcK t >{ Ladies cloaks, dolmans, Jersey Jackets etc. Jeans, calicoes, Dress goods, bleaehings domestics and ev*. erything you Want. Boots and Shoes, of every description cheap, from 35c r pair up Tobrcco, the best in the market, known as A Inlands Rest OOcts a pound, also Little Walter at 4oo a pobud. GROCERIES and everything else you want, to eat or wear kept in a first class stors, to come and get bargains while you have the chance. Remember W# are needing every cent that our customers owe us and we expect every one to come forward and help mnow so when we commence the credit bn uness in 1884 we will be prepared to commence right, lie* member all who help ns now will be enre i gel it in return next spring, should they need It. Remember our motto is Live and Let Live, /. %aé wwflm/ j]? -H, P. & D. M. ALMAND,- G. i. WEAVE! IBR ■ i Con vers 0:HOC®ESSS OUT GcOQ33S 8®“ Clothing, Hats, Cap--, Boots & Snoop also Groceries such as Sagnr, Coffee, Tea, Syrup. Kice, Grits Meal, Oat, .tobacco, Snuff CiC. ■ We call especial attention to our line ot -53® FANCYGROCER’ES & CONFECTIONERS Sucli as canned temstots, readies, pineapp-es, oysters, salmon, Mack¬ erel, sardines, eonvMi&'.d mi k, jelly, pickles, candy both fancy and stick, nuts, raisins, citron, macaroni, otic spoon baking powders, Hors lord’s bread preparation, etc , etc. Our pej per and spices both ground arid graUi are the very best in the market. ©STC f JESSE A SSSJat We also keep a good variety of Fresh Crackers, both pla n and sweet Also tlie celebrated, Lusfro Shoe and Stove Polish. A good line of Tabic and Pocket cutlery, Crockery, Glass and Wood wire, etc, I»“WE MAKE FINE CIGARSA SPECIALTY,“©a Our motto: Short Profits and quick Sales. Terms Strictly CASH- G. W. WEAVER & RRO. s@;isv»s ■ esa^ia a sssssm 1 ran am as . ®f©©i?gla. SUPPLIES & SYSOP KETTLES, CSN GEAR, STEAM ENGINES BOILERS, SAW AND GRIST MUl MACHINERY AND CASTINGS OF All KINDS TO 0 R 3 ER IRON FENCIG (Wrought and cast J fiSiySend forcircnlars and pricesfor all tile above. Address, C. D. FINDLAY, H GO H o •} .. 8„8--— Special Attention Given To Weight^ And Sale)*. 847 A’ 840 Reynolds Sf., Augusta, Ga SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS! J- S SCHOFIELD & SONS. Proprietors, Macu , Georgia. Manufacturers and Dealers n every Variety of Agricultural Machinery. Schofield's Pat. Cotton Press jS, Boilers, Engines SAW, GRIST and FLOUR MILLS, SORGHO MILLS and KETTLES, Eastings of Brery Kind, Shaftings, Pulleys and Ilangeis. —Agents For— Jwdson’s Standard Governor, Nordyke And Marmon Mills. And the Celebrated FAUGHT LEERING HORSE POWER. —Keep constantly in stock a Full Line of— ENGINE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, BELTING. PIPING, NATION MONKEY WRENCHES *0. &C. MORE POPULAR THAI EVER. The Recent Improvements Made in The WHITE SEWI’G ADD MUCH TO TIIe MANY EXCELLENT QUAL TIES of this SnperiorJM.chiM.p^ig^.:^ It is au Espeial Favorite of Ladies, jSjj§|i|^|\. Tail* and Others, g§k#.j Wf _# s Who use them for the many advantages nt€| | liter posess over other Sewing Machines. EVERY WHITE MACHINE iXW Warren ted for 5 wars. § J. D. A* T F. SMITH. £ ;rv=. mmik * V Wholesale and Retail Dealers, ** -M r.agr 50 Broad St., Atlanta Georgia. r ! “ H- P. & D M. ALMAND, Agents .-toi •" • Conyers, Georgia. awMl W■ . nm 'Iol-xy ^.. -. tewart s A! As. m O. % ■& O! BK«*S ff-assn •»rt* A Specific F BC353^^339 e msmssMia Purely Vegetable. Preparei From Vegetables that Grow in Georgia and Used for Years by Dr. J. A. Stewart J and is be>oud any doubt Best Blood Purifier That Is Now Used. / The Cures aM skin afbetions bv curing the blood, and beautifies the skin, giving to it uevv life and a smoothness no other medicine will that 1 have ever used. H * H .U A JL vV will guarantee a cure in every ease if directions are followed. It improves the blood; henna all diseases e b " origin in the blood improved aiid t tired. The best remedy fob that have their are SCEOSTOA OR EatS&'S waiss iw ULOSES CHRONIC RHEUMATISM Old Sores Eczema Mercurial Diseases A SURE PREVENTATIVE OF DIPHTHERIA. A erreat many ot the above named diseases have been cured by the use of this Blood Purifier. TES" Manufactured at Conyeis, Ga., by S i'JEWART & CO. f superintended by Dr. J A, STEWART, who has devoted thirty years o, his life to the practice of medicine at this place. Send your orders to DR. M. R. STEWART, Secretary Stewart & Co., Conyers, Ga© Put up in two sizes—24 Ounce P )ttles, $1.00; 12 Ounce Bottles, 50 Cents, Liberal deductions will be made to wholesale dealers. Send in your orders at onre. [Note.—^' have changed our Trade Mark trout S.- 8. to A. Q. O.j the Swift Co. objecting to S. S„ ami e hreatening suit for infringement on their Trane Ma k of S. S. S j GEO R. LOMARD & CO *) * FoundrY AnD KadhinE AnD BoileR V/o kS Near the Water Tower, 1014 to 1026 Feswxck St., iLtratrsTCJ,., $&., MAKE AND SEEL THE BEST Saw Mills,Grist Mils, Cane Mills, Plantation Machinery Engines and Boiler*. C'tton Screws, Shaftings, Pnlleva Hangers. .T .np*al Ivuies, At 1 * I 1 1 c.u ifijr (1 nd-eons. T11 rbi 1 c filter H heels, Gin Gearing, Judson « Governors, ifissfon’s Oirou- - mmm lav Saws and (iiunuipis and Files, Belling p.nrHg »P babbitt Metal and Brass Fitting Globe Check Vulvas, )V liistles. Guaaes &c..lron ;inet *“ Brass Castings and Gin Ribs and lnj 'Ctors- prices. Repairing promptly done at lowest We cast every dav both iron,and brass, ha 1 ing greatly increased our capacitv with the latest improved tools. We are rnnnina full time wjth 100 bands, which enables us to fill orders promptly at lowest prices. Give n s a trial before sending elsewhere. Agents for Georgia and t 50 nt.l 1 Carolina f »r Korting s Universal Injector, the h «■ boiler feeder out. Works with one lever. Wflt work warm or cold water and will 1 other. lift water. They Warranted better to than give satisf'etion. Send for circulars befo’o sept28 von *,•.,• 6 m any J are a pump. Dhe “ Excelsior Stove House.” A Special invitation to merchants end the puplic generally to examine ‘ before purchaiing the largest stock of STOVES. RANGES FUBNAGES HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Stamped and plain tin ware Japanned ware,*\rood and willow ware, gas fixtures Slate and iron mantles, grates, rubber ho=e, wmnght iron pipe for steam, gas »lift water. Brass goods," >te,.m whistles, plumbers, materials warer ciosets etc. This is th >■ largest and most varied stock that, is kspt in the South, and we meat. to excel 1 in Quantity. Quality and Price. Our stock of gas fixtures, mantels and Grates, is simply the ktegest in the south. Gold bronzed and ebony chandeliers, In latest designs. We are the STOVE EMPORIUM OF THE SOUTH. ggyCan fill all orders promptly at reasonable prices. We are practical cornice plumbers and and gas litters, tin and iron rotifers, manufacturers of galvanized iron Knowels Ornamental sheet in n work, concrete sewer and drain pipe. Agents for Steam pumps and Macks injectors. HUNTiCUTT & BELLINGRATH I 36138 PEACHTREE. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL CHINA. DINNER AND TEA SETS, VASES. mm ©tttlery, fillet Sets, ©asters. FORKS, SPOONS. HALL AND LIBRARY LAMPS. •Tbe Cheapest Goods in the South at McBride’s China Palace y ATLANTA, GA. Merchants, remember th *t th -sav on freight m Crockery Glassware, Sho. Wood ware, Tin ware etc. bought from McBride & Co. q 0i€ „,31. Is your Life worth a Doha;-? Perhaps that seeuisyi high price for It, considering how poor your blood is. and how your whole system is I rost! ated,debilitated, and enfeebled jo >le have beer, heard to-say, unde: roch circumstances, that they would ne 1 t give ti 2 toss of a copper for the nice between life and death. Bu* hicn it comes to actually drawing near the grave, a man naturally draws back, and says he does not want to Tj. Life is very precious, and even to a broken-down man it is worth irving. dollar will _ buy bottle ' One a t r&wvJs Iron Bitters. That one do L. -may start you on the road frorr x .tery to recovery, A man mus tsxe a very mean view of himselCwho ;; not willing to invest that much in asking one serious effort to rescue -imself trorn deadly debility, and to .top into the enjoyment of solid health. Brown's Iron Bitters vital¬ ises the blood, tones the nerves, and rebuilds the system. Its work is well known. Invest that dollar in 9 bottle. 8 long experience in curiuir diseases of the lilooti, -XervouM iJob!Tty. Jmnot jncy. Tvitb sa,fe anrl sure remedies. Call or -rr.te ... 5 tionf to be answered by tlmsedesirtaS treriment by BW ?..*or,«uirerln K tr<im Itupture.I ii.uM »e, ItUmSalrusfcJJ cl tbrlr*"r«hJ . learn saraelblng to their mlrantage. ISreU, I>it. UCTTS. IS N. TU 8lh 1 U 1 8u V St. \KAUO. .Jw,** E£* OVER ^ .Cto.r . v First-class g ; 7 r -;,. siness School : • •• . ............ South* . ■ ; ' ., to -o 2«y North or , [ culare, Principal fret-. , JW KcKAV, - eo S3 I V: it H(i r ^^Sit^Tior P^With chart, but ascoieofinch* ft.Mou it a ladycaueatfrom ar.y U lions. plate, Ageuti making a waeg* "" to leiters of inquiry. ^«al and trave^ agents want d. Mrs.. -Kb Gen. Agent, Conyers, Ga. Perfect Pastiy Patent Flour Call U. F. HARPER and BRC on u r m r. U ’ Br nan's Bes’ Brand* <