The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, December 14, 1883, Image 2

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H.P. & D. M. AIM AMD, %fl776éé, @{m jUj®© 8Jk&<Mb288. -Ho Every One RsTUPhat wants bargains will call ai H. r. & D. M. ALMAND’S for the next two months with the CASH. A large Btock just received pur for cash which enables us to sell cheaper than ever before. LARGE STOcK of Ladies cloaks, dolmans, Jersey Jackets etc. Jeans, calicoes, Dress goods, bleaehings domestics and ev* erything you want. Bootsa nd Shoes, of every description cheap, from 3oc T pair up Tobrceo, the best in the market, known as Ainunids Rest 60c,ts a pound, also Little Walter at 4oe a pound. GROCERIES and everything else you want to eat or wear kept in a first class stors, so come and get bargains while you have the chance. Remember We are needing every cent that our customers owe us and we expect every one to come forward and help m now so when we commence lhe credit butinees in 1884 we will be prepared to commence right. Re. member all who help us now will be •ore 1 gel it in return next spring, should they need it. Remember motto is Live and Let Live / W2 &? éwizad/ -H, P, & D. M, ALMAND,- The Biggest and The BeST C/J Cj 1-j H H 1883 THE HH O* o . t/7 44 /e cwmeU /]/1('////, // CO H HH months for the small sum of / $y,2s j \ And it and the Atlanta Weekly Constitution 12 months for only /• $ 2,00 / lean O ffleial organ City of Cc-nyesr Official oran Rockdale County 7 -e &w Of every discretion quickly and in a neat m anner. mr — Tn H luwfrt price. Address or call on J. N. Hale Editor, Conyers Georgia. v HnmeiareYu. A combination of Pro¬ SF% f/i toxide of Iron, Peruvian Park and Phosphorus in a palatable form. Par / Debility tite, , Loss of of Appe¬ Vital Prostration pn Pouters it is indispensa¬ ble. BJSV.A. I- HOBBS Writee:- rthe/pORines BEV. J. L. TOWNEE, After a thoroug-h tr^al of the / Industry, Ill., sayst-* ISDN TONIC, I take pleasure been sure vTILOOB THE “I consider it in stating that I have r most excellent remedy for greatly benefited by its , a debilitated vital forces. use. ECinistera and Pub- the lie Speakers prill find it «s of the greatest value ES g-.; where a Tonic is neees- 6S 7 oary. I recommend it / as a reliable remedial |«Sr Sr-.' /> O aptent, doubtou uosssssins nutritive and un- fW ff f S'4$ restorative propertiea. 4. Zcmimtto, Ay„ Oct. 3, 1883. —***■ • ■iancit ;jr~ nxrAM2B? T23 DR. HAETSR ^TOOXCStE OO., K9I. UtSS BT.,«. LOUTS. ;j lewerrs « m an r & ! L ' ...; m m i t * • C! III I U S HI I S W Il l l II III II --- I I I ------------ ; B a ,p 3 SFJ3! mt&ssssss <f% g sEisssa jtsesmk W.i as? i or sue Ov & .aB Purely Vegetable. Prepared From Vegetables that Grow ia Gvorgia and Used for -tears by Dr. J. A. Stewar The Best Blood Purifier That Is Now Used. Cures all kin affections bv curing the blood, and beautifies the skin, giving to it Mir life and a smoothness no B medicine will that I have ever used. other A SA SPECIFIC FOR SYPHILIS J We * will will »ua guarantee a cure in every J ease, ,f directions are followed It improves the blood; hence all disease* e gin iQ lh0 b i e0(3 improved and cured, lhe best remedy for ^ haye th#ir or are SC&OS'OTvA, ©S. StSK&'S strsjt, *srsjtss s’wss.s.ssa, ULCERS CHRONIC RHEUMATISM Old Sores Eczema Mercurial Diseases A SURE PREVENTATIVE OF DIPHTHERIA ^cUye^ Ga.^hy^s'tlDVALtTT CO* use of this Blood Purifier. MaTtLtured superin.ended this place. by Dr. J A. STEWART, who ha* devoted thirty years o, his life to the practice ot medicine at Send your orders to M. R. STEWART, DR. SecveUiry the war* & Con - *W, Put in sizes—24 Ounot Bottle, $1.00; 12 Ounce B-nlcs, i* Cents up two Libra! deductions will be made to wholesale dealers. Send m your ordeis -t on*** [Note.— We have changed our Trade Mark irom S. S. to A. Q. C., the Swift Co. objecting to 8. 8., and hreateuing suit for infringement on their Trade Maik of 8. S. S.] GEO R. LOMARD & CO • > FoundrY AnD A cichiuE A?iD BoilcR 1; o, hS Near the Water Tower, 1014 to 102G Fenwick St., MAKE AND SELL THE BEST Saw Mats, Grist Mills, Cane mils, Plantation Machinery Engines and Boilers, Cotton Screws, Shaftings, Pullevs Hangers, Journal Boxes, Mill Gear ing, Gudgeons, Turbine Water Wheels, Gm Gearing, Judson s Governors, Disston h Giu.u lar Haws and Gmnmers and Files, BGting am-. MB p Babbitt Meta) and Brass Fitting Globe am gjBilliP Check Valves, Whistles, Guagea. &c., Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Bibs and In j ‘etovs Repairing promptly done at lowest prices. We cast every day both iron and brass ha'mg with the latest - fmproved increased our capacity miming full time with hands, winch enables ns to tools. Wo are 100 1 ders promptly at lowest prices. Give n B R trial before sending elsewhere o. and South Carolina _ f Kortings Univ -sal Injector, the bes Agents lor Georgia >r boiler feeder not. Worms with one levew Will work warm ot "old water an 1 will lift Warranted to give satisK-tion. Send for circulars efere yon hav any water. than septea- bin other. They are better a pmnp. Dhe “ Excelsior Stove House.” Special invitation to merchants and the puplic generally to examine • befoic p urchaiing the largest stock of STOVES, RANGES. FTJHNACES HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS «*amnad and plain tin ware Japanned ware.*wood and willow ware, gas fixtures siate and iron mantles, grates, rubber ho«e, wrought iron-pipe tor e team, gas . f ’Thbtotii .*SR»S3f'J2i3wSj«S IhMiJsIb fa'lh.sfnt*, m.i w« In latest designs. We are the STOVE EMPORIUM OF THE SOUTH. jKS“n fuuTgas an fii; all orders promptlv at reasonable prices. We are practical plumbers fitters, tin and iron roofers, manufacturers of galvanized iron cornice an Ornamental sheet ire n work, concrete sewer and dram pipe. Agents for Ivr.owels Steam pumps and Macks injectors. HUNTiCUTT & BELLINGRATH, 36138 PEACHTREE, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL CHINA DINNER AND TEA SETS, VASES. Fiae eatlery, f«Het Sets, casters. FORKS, SPOONS, HALL AND LIBRARY LAMPS l he Cheapest Goods in the South at McBride’s China I ajqce, ATLANTA. GA. Merchants remember th»t th* saving on tVeigtxt cm Crockerv, Glassware, s Wood Tinwaie, etc., bo.gbt from & Co.. a Gases, ware, McBRIDE A LG. ‘ A A TAT O ) E, VANWINKLE & CO,I MANUFACTURERS OF Cotton Gins, Feed ers & Condensers, Cottcn Presses, Oil Machinery and Saw Mills. ' y R> Ef35S r v A' ifeSiS la ! ~ L . U ”-:sm J ' : - A ‘ SAW GIN AND SELF FEEDER, Exibited bv. E. VAN WINKLE & CO., At<ihe Internati'.nal Cotton Expo s.tiou, Atlanta, Ga., 1881. Awarded for best sample, best general results in Ginning, and best constructed Ma¬ chine the first prize, $100. or gold medai. Missis* B. S. Ricks, T. M Smedcs, si; pi; W. HI. Barrows, Conneticnt, Judges, H. I. Kimball, Director Gen Also, first premium at the South Carolina Stale Fairs and the Georgia hairs. steel This Gen is an iron frame, shafts, everything of the very best material and ad gueranteed T~v mi . Y Illy :p - '■•A D UBLE SCREW PRFT?. 0 Pre«s in the wor.o. Said to be the tn Suitable for Horse, Steam an Takes but i* * ' Power. up on Ginning and Packing c-.n go * - ,am time. CO E, VAN WINKSE & , Atlanta, Ga*