The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, December 14, 1883, Image 6

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notice. APPLICATION FOR SEW ROAD. All ptoS 'll-. ;i « hereby imtil.od tbit il no good came is shown to the cons trary an order will he gran-ed l>v ilit* mjd'Tsigna 1 on the 22d day of l)o cumber, 188 $, «-*t*Mi-ddn<{ a n -vv public ro.-m, ns marked mi! by the Road t ommisSd nors appointed »hut purpose, con.iin-nc.iig at ker's Bridge, mi South Rivet. t-nd running in the direct ion of McDoii otiglt, iut-tseeling th*- C wvington and Atlanta road a- itr Mi's. Margareti 'Cook’s, running iiy j. the residences of W. 15 Parker, F. Rowan, J. 15 . «id ^ rpi,:. v M, i»,« ‘ " ’ SEAMANS, A. 4t Ordinary. Letters of Dismission, t)t jSatnnillvi .. . . . n liOL?i*VT r^prCK^ntCU -| to 04 (lie court in his petition duty and entered ou Record th..t ho has fully administered Naihanml lingers Eststc. This is therejoie to cite persons concemi-d heirs «hd creditors <<f show cuu-e if any they can why Kiid administrator should not be discharged from l,is^ administration and receive Letters < f dismis-ion on thb first Monday in March 1 Sti 4 . Dec 3 ; 1883 . O. Sc mans. ordinary Georgia Rockdslo County. To all whom it may concern: Whereas Jacolms P-1> v abminie'ralor of Mr. M. C. Petty deceased having in proper form application u> the con t of <,l ordinary for leave to sell the land belonging to ihe Estate of said deceased andMf no objection ar i made by the first Monday in January 1884 an order will be parsed granting leave !u sell said land. Deo 4 th 1883 . (). S amiinB ordinary. —.-IMK**- -IK- 71 — Georgia Rockdale County. To ah whom it may concern Whereas W ,T Turner and II A D Turner have in proper form applied tb nae for permanent letters of ad 1 - ministratiou on the estate of A A Turner late of said county deceased, anq if no valid objection is made an order will piss on the first Monday in January 1884 “vl 10 o’clock a. m granting the said W J Turner and 11 A D Turner letters of administra¬ tion on the estate of A A Termer, deeeased. 4 i This Dec. 4 th 18 ? 3 . O S -aninns, Ordinary. GEORGIA RAILROAD. Georgia Raii-eoad Co.,] Office Augusta, General Nov. Manager. 17. 1883. j COMMENCING SUNDAY, l8h inst., the following Passenger schedule will be operated. Trains run by 901b meridian time, twenty two minutes slower than Atlanta time. FAST LINE. NO. 27 WEST DAILY. Lv Augusta 7.40 am I j Lv Athens 8.05 am LvConyersl 1.58am A r Atlanta 1.00 pm NO. 28 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2 45 pm I | Ar Athens 7 .10 pm Ar Conyers 3.42 pm Ar Augusta 8.05 pm NO 2 EAST DAILY. NO. I WEST DAILY. Lv Atlanta S 25 am Lv Augustaio 30am Lv Conyers Athens 9 50 am Lv Lv Macon Mil d’vl 7 10 am Ar 5 00 pm 9 10 am “ Wash n 3 55 pm hr Wash n 11.20 urn “ Wil’d’ve 4 49 pm Lv Athens 9 05 am Ar Macon 6 45 pm Ar Conyers 4.28 pm Ar Augusta3.55 pm Ar Atlanta 5 45 pm COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. Lv Atlanta 6.10 pm Lv Cov,gt’n 5.4O am Lv ConversS.oo pm Lv onvers6 iaam Ar Cov gt’n8.3o pm Ar Atlanta 8,00 aui No. 4 E%ST DAILY. NO. 3 WEST DAILY. Lv LvCony’rsio.28 Atlanta 8.5O pm LvAngnsta 9 06 pm pm Lv Conyers 4.51 am Ar Augusta 6.10 am Ar Atlanta 6 40 am Trains N03. 2, 1, 4 and 3 will, signaled, Fiaer stop at regularly scheduled Stat..on. CSSTTiuin No 27 will stop and receive passengers to and from the following stations only: Ber zelis, CrawfordvUle, Harlem, Thompson, Camak, Union Point, Greens> boro, Covington, Madison, Rutledge, Social Cir¬ cle, Conyers, Stone Monn tain and Decatur. These trains make close conueetma for all points East and Southeas*, West, Southwest, North and Northwest, and csrrrv Through Sleepers between Atlanta and Charleston. SyST Train No. 28 will stop at and receive passengers to and from the following Thompson, stations only: Cainak, Berzelia, Harlem, Craw fordviile, Union P-iint, Greenshoro M tdison. Rutledge, Social Circle, Cov. iogtou, Conyers, Stone Mountain aud Decatur. Connects at Augusta for all poirts "East and Southeast. JOHN W. GREEN, Gen. Man. E H. DORSEY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Call and see thru “ ex-quisite ” ^on depar nn nt. of J. A. & T. I). .■it-c vart. CITY MARKET W 8 & P. 8 - SMITH. —:o: ''i'hoy j k p op aiwiivs » r. h \nd the very uicet.i freshest meats, in f life w ay oi B E E F 1C 9 - PO R K. ■SAUSAGE, Backbone & Rib?. Also Mutton. V. nen vou want meats, good weights and cheat) prices, above call at the Pity Market fiist door Post-Office Conyers. Ga. FREE! fcawwaioii BFmmzwm, pff^icripWoo of thS a fc.vori?') Piwci»Uat?» or.o In tneU.3. Oi Mitnotud »’*«1 sneeAa»rui J^eWeilto ( no w riMlrWIi for tix *cure o tXvrvtm* /pjsrsti D-l. WARD * CO., Louhimi, Ms. — El ar.d action mm Secure relieve w> the ism Healthy all Invar bil* ,ious troubles. Purely Vtjetahls; Ho C-ripic^. ?ri:5 lie. All traj2in«. PATENTS MUNN ft CO. * of the Scientific American, con tlnuo to Copyrights, net Sollcltora for intents, Owoutd, Trade Murks, For ^iie Unlte«l l.^UU's, Oanud^ I'uienla Entrland, Frunw*. free. Germany, etc. ILmU experience. Book t-bout sunt thror.srh Thirt yeuiu* Patents obtained MUNN A CO, aru noticed In the Sciknti fic A v* rrica n\ the largest, t e*t, and most widely circulated scientific paper. ?«.2<)u year. formation. Weekly. Splendid Specimen oncmvl/ips and Interestlni? In sent free. Address copy M of UJNN the Scientific Sc CO., X incr lcoti SCI EiTlHO American Office, 201 Broadway, Now York. CONYERS MARKET. [Corrected Weekly.] Cotton . . . ..... 7 to iocts Corn .... .....65 cents. Meal . . . . .....7o cents Hay .... • • • $1,3 ) to 1,50. ran .... .....90 c.tnts*. Data .... ..... 4 o cents. Wheat. . . . . • . $1. to 1,10 Ftour . . . . $6 to $8 a barel Bulkmeat. . ......9cts. Lard .... . . . i2 to 14 cts. Sugars . . . . ... 8 to 13 cts. Salt.... . . . $i,i0 to $1,25. Coffee • . . . . . . 12 to 30 cts. Syrup N. 0 . , ... 60 to 80 cts. Other Syrup . . - - 5 ° to 75 cts. Peas .... . . . .65to70cts. Rice .... . ... 8 to lo cts. Chicle-ns • • . . . 10 to cts Butter . . . . . . . ffo to 25 cts. Eggs . . . . ......loots. COUNTY OFFICER. Ordinary .... • . O Seamans. Sheiff..... . . A. P. Mitchel. Cierk..... . . J. J. McTord. Tax Collector......W. W. Nelms. Tax Receiver Wm. T. Iluson Coroder . . . . Geo. W. Oaks. u rvfeyor R- A. Guinn. Court 3rd Mondays in February and Au¬ gust. J. D. Stewart, judge; Emmett Worn mack, Solicitor. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor . . . . . - A. M. Helms. Clerk .... ■ • * J. R. Maddor. Marshal . . . . . B. G. Wallace. Deputy M. . , . . . L. S. Bellah. Overseer . . . . . . J. R. Irwin. T Nf. W. Maddox. W Irwin. Cour.cilmen J S. Daniel). Geo. Weaver J 8. J. Cowan, P. Christian. Meet.......Every ist. Monday CHURCHES First Baptist , , . . J. M. Brittain. Prrarhing . . . . 2d. undays . Sunday school . . . . . 3 p. m. Methodi-t ....... Bartow Bigham Preaching..... 1st, 3 d„Suaclays. Sunday school . . . . - . 3 p. m. Presbyterian . . . . . . • IT. Quigg Preac bing ... . . . . 4th Sundays Sunday school . . . 9 a- m. Second Paptist......Geo. R. Moor Preaching . . 3rd undays Sunday school . . . 9 a. m Primitive . . Isaac Bam by preaching . 2Sundayys When you want a good shoe, one that y >u can pay your money for with perfect safety, call at D. N. He keeps the very best grades, Fancy blue wool overshirt for fall and winter, £1, at Stew'art’s. $2,00 Will get the ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTITUTION and THECONYERS WEEKLY, one whole year! Sl, 0 t) Will get the Conyers Weekly one year when paid in advance. When sent by mail $1 25 will lie the . Address, THE WEEKLY. Conyers, C-. smses br© 8 .» OUR STOCK in FULL AND COMPLETE, Business and Dress Suits © 1 fSBeOJ»S 8 i EQUAL TO G’JSTSFil MADE 333DS AH3 AT r ROCK BOTTOM PRICES a HIRSCH BRO >N n i j 42 and 4 4 Whit ball Street, Atlanta, Ga. « fP I a H E| Spjl iron III IS n m I hmm\ Ma e on® Georgia* SUPPLIES & SYBUP UTILES, m SEAR. STEASI ENOSfJES, BOILERS.SAW ttSilf ARIL fsmmuw W CASTINGS Of All KlfdDS TO ORBES IRON FENCIG (Wrought and cast J JST'Send tor circulars and prieesfor all the above. Address, C D. FINDLAY, W. II. HOWARD, (J. II. HOWARD, S. P. WEIS 1 GEP.. W.H. HOWARD* SONS, COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 20 SEFNTH M’INTOSH ST, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Orders Consignments of Colton and other P-odnce Soiiciled For Bagging And Ties Filled At Lowest Market Prices. DTT H C -A —1 H Fistula, Fisure and Rectal Ulcara Dr. Taber » NO. 32 DECATUR STEET, ATLANTA, GA., MAKS A SPECIALTY OF THESE DISEASES. And has coed cases of for'v years' standing. > Cure guaranteed. If I fail to cure you of Files I will return your money Address, rAflEii, enclosing stamp, F, F. P. O. U jX.M' 2 , Atlanta.Ga. mi POPULAR THAI EVER. The Ileot-nt luij rovements Made in The WHITE SEWI’G MAOHINE ! ADD MUCH TO TIDv f" * MANY EXCELLENT QUAL- • *. T1ES ofthii . 1 Superior Machine. -- ; n;- It is an Espeial Favorite of Ladies, Tailos and Others, Who use them for the many ndvantag "If they posess over other Sewing Machines EVSEY WHITE MAGE INE YVarrented for 5 years. J. D. & T. F. SMITH. Wholesale and Retail Dealers, 1 50 Broad St., Atlanta Georgia. H- P. & D M. ALMAND, A 2 ?nts Conyers, Georgia. u H H --S< 8- Special Attention Given To Weights And Sales. 847 & 849 Reynolds St., Augusta, Ga , H J. C 00 LEDGE AND BRO 53 SouCli Broad Street Atlanta, —V\ HOLt&AUP*— Paints .Oils, Var nishes,Brushes & Window Hlass —Headquarters for all kinds of— HSX 35 B WAmtB $ AT WHOLESALE. Guaranteed equal to anything made. Send for color card and prices. o a ; so keep a- tine line Machine, Engine and Cylinder Oils as is kept in the City, and are Headquarters for any and all Sixes Glass. F J. Coo edge 3 s Bro., 33 South Broad st., At'anta,Ga. 1 W. WEAVER & HftT __... Con vers Q OQIO & * &EQG3SE22B& \ 5 SST I 1® FANCYGRGGER’ES &C0NFECTIGNERI J $ ' Sue!, us canned tomatoes peaches, pineapples, oysters, salmon, Murk ere suck, ? sardines, nuts, raisons, condensed citron, mi macaroni, k, .felly, one pickles, baking candy both ft IS ov Cnd ford’s bread preparation, etc. Our spoon powders ’.,iK H, and etc., pepper and both gram are the very best in the market ° mwm tmEs & tm&& We also keep a aroed variety of Fresh Crackers, both plain and Also the celebrated, Lustro Shoe and Stove Polish. swear Table and Pocket A good 'ine I cutlery, Crockery, Glass and Woodware * etc °» mrm make fine cigars a specialty,^ Our motto: Short Profits and quick Sales- Term* Strictly CASH- G. W WE A VER d> isjfo. S.DANIELL, DEALER IN IMHIS’th FEBT5LIZEBS ETC. Steam READ Engines, THIS. MiliiMdi w ' lOOK;Cl(J8ELT -sells the celebra¬ j Cotton Presses, -IS THE- f? ted Birdsall, and 3 - w Mills, Syvnp Auli man Tavlnr Mills, Threshes, Engines, the Van Cotton Gins, and Winkle, Winship Portable 0 o r n and Gullett Lit¬ Mills, Beltings etc. ton Gins. The and in fact for all Best Condensers and any kind ot and the v-ry Fin machinery tliat is cst Threshes gild wanted. hen 1 IMPROVED TRACTION ENGINE in the South; A you warn nmchin With without Reveralnc Ge*r. 'M'lv ofll'H ery don’t tail to or Horne Power. Built by 10,18 and 16 t*IT\ lipad 1 Xv »V(*6 call on nim. BUSSELL & CO*| M a ssil lon^ 0 * rnapiu A!-o agent, tor the famous Auitman tfc Taylor Machinery, Y’ou ,-an .-ava money by calling on me. J A. DANIELL SCHOFIELD’S IRONWORKS! J' S S0BCFIELD iu S0^S> Proprietors, Mac m, Georgia Manufactn.ers and Dealers n every Variety of Agricultural Machinery. Schofield's Pat. CottonPress.s, Boilers, Engines SA 1 V, GIU8Tand FLOUR MILT/?, SORGHO MTLLS and KETI’LHfj, Cuttings of hvtjrj. Kind, Shaftings, Pulleys and Ilangeis. —Agents For— Jndson’s Standaid Governor, Nordyke And Marmon Mills. ENGINE FITTI GS, BRASS GOODS, BELTING. PIPING, OO^I NATION MONKEY W RENGHE3 otC. AC, 2 ‘ McC-. RD. RYTut-TfEli'. M'C0RD& FOSTER, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants Office and Warehonse on CAMPBELL Street. Between Broad & Reynolds near the/tore of Z. McCord, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA i Ccnsir menu Solicited. Personal A'tentioii given to Business. TI10 Instruct’ons of Consignois Promptly Obeyed. Trrr II. F. HARPER and B —DEALERS IN— DECATUR STREET, CONYERS, GA. Keep always on hand a fall and complete assortment of the very best NOTIONS, Mm, HARDWARE; ORDSKERY, MEAT, FLOUR ETC. SUGAR, COFFEE, G0NFEGTI0?JERIES,SPICES,CANNED GOOBS SUCH AS TOMATOES, MACKEREL, CONDENSED MILK, SAR¬ DINES, &C, SAUCES, PICKLES, BUSTARDS And in fact everything kept in This Market and othei WE BUY FOR THE CASH able and prepared to sell goods cheap as anybo< y we And are as call and trial. ^ guarantee to give satisfaction. We w ant all to give us We pay the highest prieesfor all country produce. We make a We keep the best fades of Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes, specialty of;the LUCY HINTON Tobaeo .....— the City, f All goods delivered free in RESPECTFULLY, HARPER BRO. U.F.