The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, December 14, 1883, Image 7

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^ "vx; fcONYERS WEEKLY ■ suspended work, be cause H/l ofthe dry weather. been in large acreage has sown 4 rrollcon ” ty *beat<nC» * have been - very destrue est fires ; the turpentine farms. five Jpon’t n good advice get chunk,” is the the Darien Gazette gives its road which ers- Woollen Mills, of Haber. Tbe Sonque excellent article m county, m ake an “3 reported in Coffee county. t . w0 ]f is probably a wild dog, with aheep It instincts. jjlJing weuty-eight deaths in S?— There were t vsKinah last week. There were only four in Macon. The Berrien County News is decided’y favorable to the Macon and Florida Air* ion® railroad. An encouraging report is made con nerninl the small grain that was sown in ibe early part of the fall. Sunday’s Columbus Times reports three distinct cutting scrapes. This is ba( j for that usually quiet city. | L The rice planters are getting ready for nril „ C rop. The failures of the past I* * rL forgotten *, in the midst of the hopes 1 ^ ie M„ W*C. Tompkins „ , . has assumed ... edi torial charge of the Wrightville Recorder The writer extends him The r.ght hand of fellowship People in Dougherty county haul v.a terirom the artesian wells of Albany, 3m for those wells there would be dan , „ er 0 f A water famine in that section. 6 Storey, of the Americas Re¬ Brother corder, would have caught a possum fot deponent but for the dry weather- W a jail that neighborly, and return thanks, It Berrien County News says that die irmtsmen are enjoying a va> iety of game j asi now. Ducks, squirrels and tafkovs are plentiful, while fish are caU ght in abundance.” The News and Advertiser has a sharp editor, and he makes this confession : •'To ‘play possum’ ou the average ‘bet-* ter half’is n. g„ but if you come the ‘mouse’ business she will give in readi iy.” The number of tax delinquents in the State is large. Considering this fact and the further fact that most property is as sessed at not more ran a 1 s la ue, it is surprising ttat —I mm* meet (he expenses of the State is collect ed. Carro 1 Free Press: ‘‘Old Uncle Ishara Hicks, living a few miles east of Carrol ton. is over 80 years of age, yet he plowed in, on last Saturday, o*er an acre <,f wheat, and got done before night. This shows that Cat roll county has not only old men, but vigorous old men. The Middle Georgia ^Timcs says, •It j speaking of land in Upson county: time it is surprising to us, at the same <s true, that in Upson county i e■ eaper than and oornty we know of in Middle Georgia, and parties wishing to invest in real estate will find that tlmv will save money bo coining to old Upson, the one of the very best counties m State.’’ Conyers. Ga., Dec. 3, 1883. « City Counci’ met and was called to or¬ der by A. M. Helms. Mayor. * Fud board of Alderman present, ex¬ cept S* J- Cowan. Minutes of last meeting read and con¬ firmed. Street Com., reports the streets in good order. The Cemetery Com., reports that noth ing has been done on the Cemetery since last meeting, but would order it worked out the first of next week. Finance Com., reports received and approvod. Majors report received and adopted The Clerk had no report to make. Marshall, Tax Collector and Deputy Marshal s report received and approved. Treasurer’s report was received and adopted. Street Overseer bad no written report, and was excused. On motion, for this meeting with orders to have one at the next. On motion no ordinance will be sus¬ pended during the Christmas holidays, but the use of FIRE WORKS will be permitted on Christmas Eve Night, (be¬ ginning at S and ending at 11 o’clock, Chris mas day mght.) Ou motion, Esquire McCord was aK lowed a credit on his bill of costs for bis city tax, and the collector to receipt for the same. On motion the question of paying the subpeenas of those attending the City Council cases was deferred till next meeting. On motion ii was agreed that Mr. J H. Bentley be relieved of street duty. On motion ail the matters of ’-euamer atiyer were put off till next meeting. Oa motion, Coaudi auj. urxied to meet first >i in January 1884. at 2 o’clock i J . M. -Mayor reported imposed fine ■ • $ 2 co Fia. Com., report approved 53 voueners........... .) 7 i U - J Sijfii report collected fines . • 9 00 Tax collector report collected tax 379 °4 Treasurer report Gen. Funds, Dr. 398 m Bal. Dea- Funds on hand . ■ . 226 19 Scree' funds Dr ..... • ■ 117 48 1 *' Or....... . 38 Bal. Street on hau l ... 02 iO Bal. st. and Gan lands on iiacd 3°8 2g A. >1. HELMS, Mayor. JOHN MADDOX, Cierk. Cost ess, Ga., Not. 5th, iS83. ('ity Council met according to previous adjournment, and there not being a q no . rum present, they adj rnrned to me t ; Thursday evening, Nov. Gth, 1883, at 4 o’clock. A. M. HELMS, Mavor. JOHN MADDOX, Clerk. 1 Conyers, Ga , Nov. 6th, 1SS3. City Council met according to ad¬ journment. and was called to order by Mayor A. M. Helms Present full board of Alderman. Minutes of last meeting read and ap¬ proved. Street committee’s report received and adopted. Cemetery committee made no aeport., but stated that the street Overseer had not reached there yet. Finance committee’s report received ai >d adopted. REPORT OF OFFICERS. Mayo, ’s report received and adopted • Clera made no report. Marshal s reports received and adopt¬ eu. I Street Overseer's report adopted: Treasurers report icceived and adopt*. ed. Moti ° n macle an<1 ****** that the City Councl1 pay half the expense of putting np a lamp and post in front of Mr. Jeff Hu son s house near railroad crossing. Amendment, That the same be put Rear the raHroad cr0Sfji , where he 8treet coinmittee may tbmk h /or the &imil to bear th@ expeil8e . O i motion it was agreed that, the Council buy and put a lamp near raii road moving, n sir Mr Alfred Taylor’s. T he vote tied and the Mayor decided in favor of putting up the lamp. i>u motion the Council directed the Mayor to manage the election, with power pj aot no j j. 0 1>ay them over one dollar per day. On motion one half the fine imposed upon Mr. D. F. Joikc* whs remitted. The ordinance of Mr. J. S Daniel read and the sense of the body being taken he withdrew this ordinance. On motion the Council again took up the head of new business. On motion it was agreed that the C™ nc 'd consider the question weather die license issued to the Jones Brothers should b# revoked or not. On motion tt was agreed that the Mayoa appoint a couiniitttee of three to act wdtii himself te investigate the mat ter and to call the Council together soon. The Mayor appointed ” lltese a Idermen* Wi ,„ a „ win , j. Co „„ ,, F ; Christian to meet Thursday evening at’ 4 o’clock. A. M. HELMS, Mayor. JOHN MADDOX Clerk. MAYOR’S REPORT FOR 00 T. Total fines imposed......$ 18 00 MARSHALS REPORT FOR OCTOBER Total fines collected......$ 4 00 i Total tax collected......$175 13 Finance Committee's Report foe Oct. I ot«l vouchers approved . . . .$9580 Treasurer’s BrpjRt for October. To amount received Gen. fnnds $ 183 i3 By amount paid out .... $ IC9 55 Balance down 10 58 Funds. To balance down..... . . . $ .65 78 To amount street overseer . . . 68 80 Total, $ i 24 58 Bv amount paid out $ 26 3o By balance down....... 98 28 Balance General funds............... 5 10 58 Balance (Street funds............... 98 28 Total Balance $ 108 86 Street Overseer’s, Report. Total amount collected .... $ 236 45 Paid Treasurer....... 22 3 35 Commission.......... 11 82 Balance due by Street Overseer 1 28 $ 236 45 Conyers Ga., Nov. 8th, t883. City Council met according to call, and was called to order by Mayor Helms Aldermen present. R. F. Christian, CL W. Weaver, J. 8. Daniel and Willis Ir¬ win- The investigation of the matter of re¬ voking the license of the Jones Brothers was taken np, and gone through with. On motion the investigation of the matter of revoking Mr. J. H. Smith’s li¬ cense was taken up. Moved and carried that the case of Mr. J. H. Smith’s be dismissed Moved that the license of the Jones Brothers was revoked. Moved and carried that the Council elect a street overseer to fill the expired term of J. R. Irwin who resigned. J. E. Maddox was elec,ed street over¬ seer for the unexpire-t time. No other business the Council ad¬ journed. A M. HELMS, Mayor JOHN MADDQX, uierk. LETTERS OF DISCHARGE. ; State of Georgia, Rockdale County: , WheifcasJ. >1.Overton reton, guardian ot, Fannie M. De.nard, having made applies tion to t h Court of Ordinary for a di •harge from his guardianship of lannie M. Denard, this ia, therefore, ,0 cite all nelsons concerned to show cause why t j, e j, yj. Overton should not be an ■ {r>jm hig ^ uai jiaaship of Fannie ! if. Denard and receive the usual letters,, of dismission <>n the fii’st Monday Jaiuif:Ti 1^4* | Given under my hand and official sig- j nature, October 2d, 1603. eel5 3in O. SEAMANS, Ord in’y. BEAD ! Hapeville, Ga., Nov. 17 , iSSj, Dr. F. F. Taber :—I will briefly state some of tlie trials through which I have recently passed. Last November I look a violent cold, which settled on vital organs, and seemed to be wearing my life away. Consumption being he¬ reditary in my,family, i was always ap ptehenditig its attack. The violent cough, pain in my side, night sweats and ces¬ sation of menstruation confirmed my fears. And as I told you in our first interview, I knew I had consumption For two or three months I consulted on physician, and relied upon highly re commended patent medicines, which afforded me 110 relief, Finally, 1 yield'd to my husband’s entreaties, and consulted you. You remember I told you that I felt like my‘ days were numbered” and I had almost despaired. You kindly coneen ted to treat my case. And I cannot find language to express my astonishment and pleasure at (he insult. Soon the cough ieft me. Lie pain in inv side had ceased—“ night sweats” gone—all in fco short a time licit I asked you magical power had those "little pellets,” which were so small, yet so poweifub In three months this treat chanye took place. Since then nature lias mo,ed on in the ‘‘even tenor of her way” and 1 am in better health than in years past You can use this us you wish, and if I can induce (by this true any woman in a similar condition to do as I have done—consult out good T-—in stead of patent medicines, 1 will feel that I iiave done right. Wishiu * y° u ;i and I am gratefully yours, Mrs. A. L. C- Hurst. P- S.—-My husband joins unt ;n gratitude to ."by \ ou for the great n afforded him your <Yo.Umc»t of its catarrh of the turn itn * consequent dyspepsia, and for giving mo back to him, almost from tli« grave. Mrs. A, L. U. II. Atlanta, November 17, 1883. Dn, Taber* I came down to-day to have my eyes examined. 1 am so sorry I missed seeing you, I am I improving test; have not been Doubled at all since my treatment, I leei so thankful lor what \ou have done me. Your friend. Mrs. Whet.chel. ( ainesvill?, Ga. Montgomery, Ala., } November 4, 1 ) Da. F. F. Taseu, M. I). Pear L'octoi: It is whh gratitude beyond my feeble wotds to < xpress that I write to tell you how much Item-fit I have derived from your treatment for asthma, a disease with which I have suffered for eighteen years without being able to find more titan tem¬ porary relief for a <ew days to have it return in full force if I should dare to blow my comet Since v»jii began treating rm>, two months, I bav • not had the first symptom of the dreade trouble of my life, and I can Mow my cornet as strong as I ever did, and I have increased in weight, and my friends all notice my marked improvement, and as for myself, why, I shall never cease to thank \on and the kind Providence that directed me to you. I must say also that Mr Houston is improving rapidly, and is loud it: his praise ot you, and I tee! that I am w< 11 . Very gratefully, etc,, James Turner Union Depot Hole/, Montgomery Ala. Flowery Branch, Hall Co,, Ga., ) October 31, 1883. $ Dr. F. F. Taber, Allan'a, Ga : Dear Bit*—For yea s that dire disease—p l<*s grew upon mo. I suffered and knew no remedy. Al most anything ihat promised relief whs used, out without real benefi'. By accident, as it were, I heard of you as treating this disease. I at once began correspondence, and soon thereafter put myself under your treatment. After a few rnohihs t)i> tmciit from which 1 lost not a from my business, eet myself to b 4 cured V>i ulujo?t 1:ke a r :ew man ft •r work. truly Rev. R. L. (Jamplull Principal Fiowery Branch Hi ■ ! AcoUfTA, 'j*. 9 October 15, 1883. ( 1 Iara happy to cr able to tel! to &L I from pil< rt'at 1 have been soundly enn-d the tskilliul treatment ot 1 • . F. Taber, 01 Atlanta, after iorty years of intunst suffering and great expense. Dr. Taber will be in Augusta soon, tor the express purpose of pues, and I «iU checrully recom, mend the Doctor’s skill in the treal ment ot all rectal disease. Res pee fully, A. J. Davis, Formerly of Ga. L. II. Car Shops, 10 the run jo. Augl-ta. On) December, 6, 1882 j This is to certify that I have been - a Mift’.-rer from hemorrhoids tor ten years, and tor five years 0! that time suffered intensely, and having seen Dr. Tibet’s advertisement, cubed 0.1 him at ike Globe h<>tei, in Angutta and extrnim i.chgnt . , T have , to my a been cured, an I have not lost, any dme from my oc upation, and 1 .t<T vise those who are victims ot ribs dweave to consud Dr. .aher it they widi to get well, and I know Dt. 1’aoer can and will cure them, W. F. COHBETT. ---- —mMM* *c»w-— XVill l.e sold before the court, house door it) the town of Cony rs svithin the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January 18S4. at j.ublick cry. the following d, scribed properly 1. > one p eve land ,uH , ]> T? m , dl> , * . tin on now ! 'nekdale ;t:t<l , Scld ,., . county. to cvrdsii. • ' l< say ■ 1 ° li '“ nc0l ' B ’ or !l ' ss and bounded as toiio vs, on the north by the lands of Mrs M J Grtthnin, > n the so.nth by a pot 01 t-i" .* e i *oug place, on thecas’, by Thomas White, j -»d on the •-v ( . s i by itte Leo Long a»d Mr El nd w hwvon JS G ahum ajw resides, levied on ts the property of .1 N Siinonton to satisfy issued from the Justice court ot the 47Cth dist. g m of Rockdale county in favor ot Thus I*. Stewart & Go,, v s J N Simonton. Property point¬ ed out by defend ttti,. Parties in pcs* session notified. Levy made by S II Wood, L G and reiimud to me, this the 26 day of Nov. lsS >. A P Mitchell, ShflF. XVill be sold before the court lions door in j he the town or of corners on the first Tuesday in January 1383, at public out cry within the legel hours of sale tne following described propertt to wit, One tract of land said *10 contain (100 one hundred acres more or less ii being the place where defendant, George A clot feller now lives beitg in the 10th dis’rict of originally Henry rtr*w Rockdale cun-y y <J«, \ and bound.-d as follows, Urn north , by .T T , II T Hollingswot TT ... on i, on the south by Mat Tucker on die east by the lands of J:>bi) McNair and and on the wert bv the lands of Mrs .......*, «» twa hundred and three, and levied on as the property of George a c ot fi lter to satisfy a fi fa issued from the 561 st dis rict G M, in favor of Gltddeu& curtis v s G A lotteiter,C property pointed out by defendant and the parties in possession notified as the law directs. Levy made by J W Sorrows L c and leturned to me This Nov- 28th 1883- a P Mitchell'. EXECUTORS BALE. By viiture of authority granted me in a will of James D. Lteli lute ( f Rockdale county deceased, I will sell to the highest bidder at public out* cry [before the court house door in the town of Conyers, Ga., on the first Tuesday in January next 1884 within the legal hours of sale the fo lowing property fo wit: forty six (46) acres of land, more or less, it being it the 4!h district of riginally Walton county, now Kockuale county laying and being in the east and of fractional part of lot of land number (34!) three hundred and forty one. with about (20 twenty acres cleared, and the most of, the balance of said land being forest land I common thin land. Also at t ho same | time and place (40) forty aces more or! less in the north east corner of lot ot land number (3o8j three hundred and eight lung and being in the 16th district of ariginally Henry now Rockdale county , oil which is land with a creek , " running through 1I10 !l\no. . T it is vetv ! . , r f ! croud hind. Sold . , , for . the bOMOU, the Oi r U.nd ct<»rs C* tliC ^aui *J.iWCP t rv J/. hoil’ 4 -' ere-. Stc dccc , , his . the 2/ __ <Lt.v OI ,c s\o\ \r 1 ; r-GQ ( .Tnckson Executor. H^vous Eaiaaiiri ic-ts, Premature Decay, Xtoss €ii Memory. Ah 8f>-psa^ hOfiV. -.f V G: IC’-OTHv Advice to Yoi heguhtT Phvsicijtu. .. t f sgs«T two TK£ HEALTH JSUflNAL KILW^UKEE. ISIS - -■ . *.V. i*\ or South. P lUJU.LCiC, f' < i ■■ i «* * i rev*lavs, free. ✓ y gwtf ■■ 4/.* Wi jw r. , ; A CO N, C \. J W.WeKAY, Principal. The PrEiZHTT!*?! ■Ji . ..• Jrv.. Sedentary and studious men some ^es become prostrated before ^ they w u< TUose who £ Clid time in close mentrl work and neg lect to take cnouyh or-xrcke often find their stomachs to do the wor fc of digestion. IU liver be comes torpid The bowels act ir regularly. The brain refuses tc serve as it once did. T’reir preaching becomes a fuiiure, and there is a stare of general misery. S.a many mints ^ave keen restored to health by the use 01 Drown iron Litters that the clergy generally are speaking to their friends of this medicine as the very best tonic and restorer they know of. It restores thin and watery blood to _ condition by Ur, pro; r ton ing invigorating it up with the purest and most science has proparatinn made. of iron that ever It is pleas ant to take, and arts immediately with the happiest results not only cn the parsons, but cn other folks aswe]1> 3 ♦** 'hl*Ct.£ni' Q Guam** & Alt iM-'D 2 i A «irta!a euro for K*>n?OUS A OebDlftv, fServinai Weak* teiwiiferar' naftfti Isnpot«nsK>. and Ih*'J U)usui.u*n><w So. v. n,y r&jnviag pvvxtice fis? 2il ftili ir-jasr til «,i? KSBS8£3!WS&»a3S OFMIIS Etf&BiT ANH DHOTTKEinfESS. no for'v cl Opium. Truth imvites luvesllKati on. tteferonces ba*Mn he State, i’or ternw, pempb lets aud proofs, address, with three cent stamp. *'i5 THE MORAL OF IT. We may moralize as much as wt please about pain; but the fact is, that wc don’t like it v/hile it hsts, earned by rheumat i sni) ? 0 ut. disordered livery weak nerves, irregular kidneys, bad blood, or anything else that is just the the reverse of what it should be, sooner it is out of the system the happier we are. Whether pain is the result of imprudence punishment or cl acci¬ for dent, or is sent as a our sins, may be a nice question for the philosophers to argue; but peo¬ ple who are suffering want first to be rid of the pain, after which those who are fond of argument may argue the matter to their hearts’ content. Above all theory, argument, and philosophy, comes the delightful fact that Brown’s Iron Bitters drives pain away, Sufferers run no risk in crying this medicine, the only com¬ pound containing iron which carries no mischief with it. T hose who have used it will tell you so; and you can fry for yourself by buying a bottle of the nearest druggist. » MiSCiiilOVOut, .u.AifilT!W\ To suy that rnr. js ?Hisc?i.C7 CiZ& h to put it very mildly. ItisaUtha end more P. 13 cunning, deceitful, ( :reac ] lcroU3) s ly, and underhanded. It does its work in the dark, and ir such a s!y way that much of the mis chief is done before it is discovered. ^.‘nfSSSolrifivS Py demoralises the liver, confounds j the victim the si-O.uach, and makes wish he were in Ills crave. It is sad to see people si t down in their misery, content to be the victims of rnischiev ous malaria, ar.d thinking that noth ing cau be done for them. The povs of Brown’s Iron Bitters over thr mischiefs of malaria has been so art ply proved that there is no reano: why anybody who can procure a bottle of this Prince of Tonics sin"' suffer. Great is the power of malaria and great are its disastrous effects. But greater far is the beneficent in¬ fluence of Brown’s Iron Bitters, The preparation of iron in this favor te family remedy can be taken witnoufruining the teeth or produc¬ ing constipation and headache. 1 RMKi8 jmt'tf zmm f ’- «r$ cbii*-‘t-ifiMj Hvif v iv,,*,o ' wX' ./.tt. iu i ASTIlLt fiEMED' .......... ■uf.tM . .... • * :.. •si ;ft. Urii.l W ti UC1L US ;;’u. Bill I'll The Item* Inly is |.IK up in . N.<. I (Inrti • n: * is - ’A. Sn.'l lew >!) ••(( tu t*( : . >•. cur*;, 1: !**»v iu sever*: t * > , 1 : *,*>. ;* vdustin^ tlm:e numtLsj, Hunt 1 ) in.lit If i.lii a*.|'Tii, Dir,-, Uo" • !,t» I>1 h^ iicreit. :.ry rt*r). H«>\. I'h.. ; .it- cri UihoH.- • j-.iui 1 D. cl.*', sent utalci VIGO A ■^TESTED CURE FOB. Wt E«T«PE M Agg #1 Ing in favor au<i reputation v/lille its numerous competitors have invariably tailed. Tlie direct application of tills remedy to ti»e seat of the disease makes its specific influence felt ■without delay. The natural functions of the human orjranism are restored. The animatlitp ele meats of life v/liOr’i have been wasted are Riven back. The buoyant enengy of the brain and muscu Elremrth lar system with renders rapidity. the patient cheerful; he gains NXCKVOUS DEKILITY, organic weakness, and numerous obscure diseases, baflting the skill ol best free physicians, indulgence, result and for youthful brain indiscretion, work. too > over >0 not temporize while such enemies lurk in •v. Take a remedy tJiat has cured thou I Iocs not interfere with you attention r cause s<v.'pf'vc anv I’amit'iLt pain or giving inconvenience* J Str t- /‘ nafomtcaTV W/t ’ * v ,il co/ivinre the nif>Rt sceptical cv,n bo - r*:. f >r. d to perfect perfect nmnLood, and M ’J : lue duties Ties ot or UK iif n . same same at as if if r^ver never effected. effected. 3 . . r :r. i>> anv oiio. iiomotly Bold ONLY by tho ’ ftrr»S!SYCO.BPC chemists. .■10 f. i 5 (h. St. 8 T. LOUIS. MO. Ci'i5as‘.i:’rtnataWBtW.tVfM!!*S7 »si/in >' v.|i'4 “cZZ *°0 'HJHSnSnd 3Mt s./. J ,-y *9S&(Mi'v.t 11 ‘sXtut .!!:m,j .tl.fO.1JN l»ltt ,,«..onUJ JSS a 4J„ ‘ I'll!* 5j'"';j Si'll *s\X,IJA> -■<> 1 11*4 ■ - i..;J IjllAt aufl/fes JUOV ! ■ “ y$. SOOHUVW pue C-.SS 5 G 3 S!.»i v ‘I 1 A-i liLUUIifWIHli OWENS HOTEL Formerly Crae House, J M OWENS, w VV FjIhO) fAUI PROPRITR Ai i i\ Newly fitted up. Table supplied with the best the market affords. Free Hacks meet all trains. A trial is all I ask. COVINGTON ...GEORGIA fonmciy^lblyisl Fred B. Pope, Washington Ga. vUnuAil ? r% r\ Aft? && fft nrtnp rurtt C otton Factors AND Com Merchants , waste. ...............................Georgia. _ IW’Speeial attention riven 'o weights, Quick sales: prompt returns. We refer by permission to Hr. Z. McCord Presi dent the National bank, Mr. 1 W. Cos c .y Oresident Planters l.< *n *, d Sa bank, AugnstA. Oa. Messrs. John Ai. C’tuks’ Sinns, „ Broad Street „ ATLAh . I A, GA. . 13 ......... Albts and Painter's Material. French and American Windo w Glass etc. —Agents For— Avc-rill Mixed Paint Company. Ala-' Agents For niF SILICATE PAINT COMPANY. Petrify Liquid, a sure remedy for damp walls, recommended bv the Internation ill Aeatth Congress and (Sanitary Insti” T,ute of Great Brittain. i u tn GRGE KENNON, Dealer in Qfjnenil •“ Merchandise, (Mrs. G. Cowan’s old stand.) Commerce Street, Conyers, t«»., Keeps a'ways on hand nice candies, cunnod iiuxG, I'abhage imttoiu cider, emnnade, etc. A good lineal prices. Call and see him. a iSifUi W 1 CtLICllAXff 63 %. % MJ V Iy _■ Y sfflKSj Li riSmm I mm* 9 i®s < HE lAif 5TOSIACH jo E Though shaken tn every Joint and finer with fever and ague, or lelioua remittent, the system may yet be freed from the malig¬ nant virus willi Hoetetter’s Stomach fit¬ ters. Protect the system against it with this beneficent anti-spasmodic, which is futhermore a supreme remedy for liver complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, deblli ity, rheumatism, kidney troubles and other ailments. Dealers For sale by all Druggists and 1 generally. FOR SALE, One of the most valuable lots in the eitv. In the very center of the business portion. Situate on the corner of cen¬ ter and Commerce streets and fronting the railroad. Known as the old Dan 8<>ot’ lot. It is a capital business lot and no mistake For terms, part cnlars &e., e.ali on John H. Almand atJ. H. Ahnand & (ion’s store. 6 (j, m 6 Perfect Pastiy P.tontFlour Call on U. F. HAUPER and BRC. m m m. m ( m m Branan’j E Brand. / s* M ES39SS2S f s n -[ >! *1 •? ...ii-aL. /v p"| B-*.// / / J y -- »■ L- ,<4 • { \\ 4 \ \i j is Scala lb* ff-UU •; Wi >_ ZUrU ixtiog g_J \ \F\y one-ninth Ha nrtl ar*,,n) size. ]: it not a mod or cl.» tt, but a actAc of inches. Wil> Krj- ' It i- n t a Cluirt ib-PO hut a square of inches. Bv it you can cut any ar*r rnent for L-diea, Geut.icincn and a 1 kin 1 r,f Children suits. Stru t Mention given to ie'ters of inquiry. i>cc ! and traveling agents want d. Mrs *. E. Sukuxks, Gen. Agent, Conyers, Ga.