Newspaper Page Text
thecon. ;ersw .:kly
The Valuk of Advertising.— News
r advertising otters such facilities
Rad dressing w#uld all be classes, likely to from be attract- which
c . ist0 mers
e j t j, a t it is now recognized by business
having faith in their own ware as
the best of ail possible salesmen—one
who never s eeps and is never weary—
who goes eariy and late—who accosts
the ui erebant in Ids shop, the lawyer in
1 office, the student in his study, the
, b the fire side—can
]ti\ated woman at
cU thousand places and
be in a at once,
B peak to a million people by saying to
each one the right thing in the best
ntoM the Women s Christian temperance
The Women’s National Christian Tern
perhnte Union have appointed the 23rd
„f December as a day of thanksgiving
and prayer to God for the rapid advance¬
ment oi the temperance cause through¬
out the world. The progress has been
g o marvelous of what was considered a
few years ago a ‘ forlorn hope’’ that God
has surely been in it. working upon the
hearts and consciences of men and wo
men, fttsd. stirring them up to duty, and
to the performance of Hia will.
‘•The morning light is breaking,
The darkness disappears,
The sous of earth are waking
To penitential tears.
‘■Each breeze that sweeps the ocean
Brings tidings from afar
Of earth’s remotest nations
Prepared for Zion’s war. 1 ’
And tue light that is breaking is so
full of ‘‘promise” to the wretched and
hopeless, to the captive and gin burden¬
ed, to the helpless and dufenseless, and
to the suffering and perishing, as to ap¬
pear almost like the second coming of
the Star of Bethlehem !
Let God’s people, then, everywhere
take courage, and rejoicing with thanks¬
giving, helu along in the work.
We call our own State especially to
return thanks for the glorious victories
gained, and the good benefits received !
Our sister States are looking toward us
with interest and for example, God grant
that we inay Bet them a liable one of a
speedy and lasting reformation !
The day set apart is the anniversary
of the woman’s temperance movement
in our country, and as it falls upon Suit
day the ministers throughout the States
are ret [nested to preash a gospel tem¬
perance sermon on the morning of the
23rd, and the people requested to hate
t@mpera.nce mass meetings in the after¬
noon or at night, at which collections
shall be taken as a thanks offering to the
cause and donated to the Woman’s Tem¬
perance Christian Union to he»p thorn in
their work.
The funds will be used mostly in the
distribution of temperance literature for
the purpose of arousing and keeping
alive the interest upon the subject.
Many good people may be willing to
help ns who are opposed to ‘ total ab
stienee” and ‘'prohibition.” We hope
they may help us. And to them we
most earnestly ask the question that, if
the original •‘hies*-ing’’ has been turned
(through misuse and adulteration) into
the most blighting enrse to the human
race, and is so recklesdy destroying
souls that are so precious in the world
to come, as to keep two kingdoms
(heaven and hell) at constant warfare for
the possession of them, then is it not
right to beg God’s deliverance from such
an evil, and to do all we can to banish it
from our midst-?
If we are wYong in our work, may God
pardon it and ‘ bring it to nothing,” If
right, may He bless and direct and pros¬
per !
To those who are opposed to us, we
claim leniency for the sake of our mo¬
tive and the good hoped for. To those
in sympathy with us, we ask their pray¬
ers and their encouraging help. And as
the 23rd of December is a day set apart
for this especial purpose we hope the ef¬
forts be made in our behalf throughout
the entire State.
We beg that * temperance people” es¬
pecially will exert themselves to make
arrangements for the occasion.
Mrs. W. C. Silby,
Augusta, Ga.
State President, W. C. T U.
Miss M. H. Stokes,
Secretary, Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs. M. A. McCalla,
Treasurer, Atlanta, Ga.
Care McCalla Bros.
“Turn the calf loose,” demanded a
white man of a negro who had invaded
his premises, “What are you doing here,
anyhow? I’ll have you arrested for try¬
ing to steal that calf, you rascal.”
“Whose tryin’ ter steal a calf?”
‘•You are, and I’ll have you sent to
“I ain’t been tryin’ ter steal a calf,
boss. Yistedy while I was a walkin’
along de street out dar, dat ole cow slip¬
ped up on me an’ boosed me an tore my
clothes wrid her horns. I tole her I was
gwine ter hab ’venge, an’ je»’ now I
come ober heah and cotch her calf ter
make her sorry fur de way she had
treated me. I wan't studyin’ ’bout steal
leg de blame calf, but lent me te’l yer, I
eln’t a gwine ter let no cow run ober me.
h rmn Canada 55,674 cattle and
113,725 sheep have been exported
this year.
One hundred thousnii] cattle hate
Corne east th s year over the Union
Pacific railroad.
Over 17,000 carcass' s of mutton in
a frozen condition were recently at,
Manchester, Eng a d, from South
Allowing twelve quarts of m;lk to
the pound, a New York dairyman
says tlutt at three and one-half cents
per quart milk is- more profitable
lhau butter at 28 cents per pound.
The M divine Lodge Index say's
ihai cows with their calves are bring
mg $36 to $J0, dry cows $20, and
yearlings $20 to $22 each. This in
dicates a strong feeling in the trade
in stock cattle ou the plains.
Have the hen house so constructed
that no dtafts can enter io afflict the
fowls with roup, colds, etc. Always
keep the house clean, have it warm
in winter, and to do this have glass
sash put in its south front.
The Posoti creamery, iu Wiscon¬
sin, shipped during their run of six
months an average of 35 tubs of buts
tar each week, an aggregate ©f over I
25 tons for the season. They have
been able to pay their patrons from
15 10 22 cents a gage for their cream.
Poultry , . should
raisers not over-1 !
look the fact , that , tliore . mangy mi
turkeys. , _ Inere has .1 been
raising not j
a time lor years that they have not
been in good demand and at fair j
prices. If you are raising chickens ,
for market, keep also turkeys ; they
will pay.
Of the short horns offered for sale
by Dr J. P, Forsyth & Son, near
Franklin, Iud , November 27th, the
Indiana Fanner says that the prices
realized were no way proportionate
to tbs value •! the animals, and the
lucky pul-chasers may congratulate
themselves on getting some first-class
st0e k al i ow figures. Tne highest re%
ceived was $105, but the average
was bu f $73.
Th? Pioneer cheese factory in Port
Washington, Wisconsin, hasa reooid
for a season of 51230 pounds of
cheese and 976 pounds of hatter. Ten
sales of cheese were made at satisfac*.
lory prices and two sales of butter at
an average price of 27| cents a pound
The proprietress. Mrs. Mary E Eokle
did uot commence the manufacture of
butter until the latter part of the sea¬
Those who have charge of fine
stock going West are sometimes
guilty of shameful neglect. Notions
ago forty fine cattle were put into
box cars no cattle cars having been at
hand at the time, and when the cars
weie opened just before tiie train
started it was found that the animals
were nearly suflocated. A little more
delay would have caused the death of
the entire consignment.
The Wyoming Stock Growers’ As¬
sociation is making earnest efforts to
stop the stealing of cattle. For this
purpose it employs a number ol in¬
spectors and detectives, some oi
whom ate stationed at the great cat
lie shipping points to watch for
brands belonging to members of the
association. Any person who owns
even one cow, or who intends to soon*
become a stock owner, can become a
member by paying a membership fee
of $15, annual dues of $10 and an
annual assessment of one cent per
head for the cattle be owns.
The Baltimore Green Mountain Cem
fery has a most romantic history. Fifty
years ago it was the happy home of the
Oliver family, which consisted of the
father and two ohildren, son and daugh¬
ter. The daughter, who was a beautiful
girl had many suitors, but to all did she
say nay, rave one, a poor young man. of
whom her father disapproved, and whom
he had forbidden her to see. He had
also taken an oath that if he caught the
young man on the grounds he would
shoot him. But true love not only
laughs at bolts and bars, but at shot guns
as well. One evening the young lady,
having agreed to meet her lover at the
foot of the lane, donned a suit of her
brother’s clothes, hoping thereby to es¬
cape detection, and sallied forth. Hei
keen eyed father caught sight of her as
she marched boldly along, and, thinking
he recognized in the trespasser the young
man who had been forbidden the grounds
raise! his gun and fired. The feminine
shriek which pierced the air revealed to
him what he had done. His daughter
was dead befoie he reached her side
»nd from that day the father bee one a
wanderer on the free of earth. lie to<>k
Ins son and wc-tn abroad, leaving Ids
propei tv in the hands of an agent with
orders to seil the homestead for a cem¬
etery. Xu a short time t },ti city purchae
ed all the grounds and tli? body of ihe
murdered giil was the hist o, e to be
Luried there.
A young man who went to the laic
war began his first letter to his - went
heart after this fashion : My Dear
Julia— Whenever lam temp ed to
do wrong, I think of you, and say,
‘G.-t thee behind me, Satan ’
1 he sacrifices some women make
for fasiiion ate marvellous. There is
a story told of a young matron who,
hearing that a lisp of her teeth ex
trncted so that she could shine as a
conversational lisper.
An old bachelor reading of a young
Fwmg been made crazv by a
sudden kiss crus i! v r marked •
Ibimph • Crazy for more, maybe,
vvais a ,m ‘ an 1 Uin<f, girls,
Johnny, said the teacher, a lie cm
be acted as well as toid. Now ii
ycur father were to put sand in his
sugar and sell it he won d he acting
a lie and doing very wrong. Tine's
what mother told him, said Johnny,
impetuously, and he said he didn’t
An Aloany girl has three tongues.
Nature never muses a mistake. Sue
knows . Albany ,, girl would ,,
an never
through . , talking . with .,
gel . one.
hen Henry was courting Sarah,
he used to boast that lie had boss girl;
now that ho ^is married, ho finds he
bas a boss wife, hut he nevera men¬
tions it
A barn footed little hoy stepped on
a bee, and soon after said to b *
mother : Ma, I didn’t know that
bets had splinters in their tails !
Will be sold before the court house
door in ihe town of Conyers within
the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday tn January 1884. at publick
cry, ihe following described property
IO wit; ooe pece land
lying and being in the 4th distict
ofarigiually Walton now Rockda’o
county, and said to contain (481) forty
eight and one half acers, tn re or less
and bounded as follows, on ihe north
by the lands of Mrs S J Graham,- on
the south by a part ot the Lee Long
place, or. the east by Thomas White,
-nd on 'he west by the Lee Long and
Mr E R Camp, the land whereon J S
G ahsin now resides, levied on as the
property of J N Simonfcon to satisfy
issued from the Justice court of the
476th (list- g m of Rockdale connty
in favor ot Thos D. Stewart & Co„
v s >J N Simonton. Property point*
ed out by defendant.. Parties in pos¬
session notified- Levy made by S 11
Wood, L C and return'd to me, this
the 26 day of Nov, 188'L
A P Mitchell; Shff.
Will be sold before the cou:t hous
door iu the the town or of conyers on
the first Tuesday in January 1383,
at public out cry within the lege]
hours ot sale tne following described
property to wit, One tract of land
said Jto contain (100 one hundred
acres more or less it being the placp
where defendant, George a clotfelfer
now lives beirg in the 16th dis'rict
of originally Henry now Rockdale
coun'y Ga, and bounded as follows,
on the north by J II Hollingsworth,
on the south by Mat. Tucker on the
east by the lands of J ?hn McNair and
and on the west by the lands of Mis
Leftwioh, known as lot number 203
twa bundled and three, and levied
on as the property of George A <Yot>
felter to satisfy a fi fa issued from
the 561 st d:s rict G M, in favor of
Ql,dden& curtis v w G a lotfelter.C
ert j nl(Jf ] on j. m, defendant
and the parties in possession notified
as the law directs. Levy made by J
W Sorrows L c and returned to me
5 This Nov- 2Sl b 1S83- a P Mitchell
Si ff-
State of Georgia, Rockdale County:
WheteasJ. M.Overton reton, guardian of
Fannie M. Denard, having made applica
tion to Ihe Court of Ordinary for a die
charge M. Denard, from this his guardianship is, therefore, of cite Fannie all
oetsons concerned to show cause why
the said J. M. Overton should not be dis
charged from his guardianship of Fannie
M. Denard and receive the usual letters
of dismission on the first Monday in
January, 1884.
Given under(my handjand official sig¬
nature, October 2d, 1883.
octj 3m 0. SEAMANS, Ordin’y.
I W (Mil iPll
.-Mi;-; 1 -
pit ill
a -a:
Perfert Pam y I’mcnt Flour
Call on U. I“. HARPER and BRC.
/ / o a m m /
Rranan’s B st Brand.
n i
i , V . )
8®"I am prepared to do all kind of shoe
work. Making, sewed or pegged, mend
ing. I fill ad orders, ana do all work
neatly, promptly, durably and cheaply,
fine work a specialty. Give me your
work and I insure sansfaction. I keep
also a fine line of hand and machine
made harness, bridles, bits, catches, col¬
lars buckles etc-, infact, everything con¬
nected with harness. My work is the
best, my prices the bottom. Call and see
me. sep. 2I 31110s.
estray; sale
Wid be sold on the Freehold of j. W.
Ilamolton on Monday the 10 of Novem¬
ber next at 10 Oclock A. M. on Red Cow
with horns. Medium size about nine or
ten yga('s)old marked with a crop and
slit in each year sold as a stray this
Oct 3o 1883.
A. P. Mitcbcl Sh/t
1 By Dr B M Wooley
HISKY Atlanta, Ga.
DririkinGlNo pain. No loss of
CURE, j time from business.
Cures the rl scaso and destroys afi taste
for stimul nts. Book of pai Oculars sent
sent, to any address fiee. Office at 65
Whitehall street.
known as the Atlanta Health Institute
‘•Water(Jure,” is universally ncknowl
edged to be the most complete and
thoroughly rational and scientific es
tablishment G>r the treatment ot the
sick in the southern states. The fol>
lowing area few ot the mauv remedial
agencies employed in addition to
th« u-mal approved remedies: The
celebrated JVIoliore-Tliertno Elecrtic
Bath, Improved Turkisl,,Fnl! Electric
Russian Roman, Electro-Vapor, and
some twenty difierent kinds of
ALSO Swedish Movenu nt by ma
ehinery, and manua operation by
tiained manipulators, Mussagtq treats
| ment, etc., etc. the
Special attention given to
tareottnent of Diseases percnliar to
Invalid Ladies; also Dyspepsia, Neus
talgia. Rheumatism, Diseases ol the
Kulnevs. Liver and Bowels. Eye, Ear.
Nose, Throat and Lungs Choriifo
diseases are r adily and
cured at thisin-nitmion. Address
134 McDonough street, Atlnata.
By vitture of authority granted me in
a fwfll of James D. Ltefl late of Rockdale
county deceased, I will sell to the highest
bidder at public out* cry before the
court house door in the town of Conyers,
G»., (in the first Tuesday in January
next 1884 within the letral hours of sale
the fo lowing property fo wit: forty six
(46) acres of land, more or less, it being
it the 4th distric of Walt •
county, now Rockdale county lay i. g
and being in the east and of fractional
part of lot of land _ftftmVre* 134!) three
hundred and forty one, with about (20
twenty acres cleared, and the most of
the balance of said land being forest lan 1
-common thin land, also at the same
time and place (40) forty aces more or
less in the north east corner of lot ot land
number (3o8) three ~ r ndred And eight
lying ' and being ' in 1 zr © lGth riistrict of
ariginally . . Henry Rockdale
all Oi wuicn IS iurest 1 land , Willi . , creek
runnng tnrougn 1 tne 1 land. , 1 It t
IS veiv
good land. Sold for the benefit of
heirs and credosef the -aid James D.
Stell deceased 'his the 27 day of Nov
1883 , James a Jackson Executor.
A First-class
Busin ess Sc hool
Equal to any North or South.
Send for Circulars, free.
ACON, GA. \V. McKAY, - Principal.
The Preacher’s iluiei Habits.
Sedentary' and studious men some¬
times become prostrated before they
knew it. Those who spend much
time in close mental work and neg
lect to take enough txcrcisc often
find their stomachs to do the
work of digestion. The liver be¬
comes torpid. The bowels act ir¬
regularly. The brain refuses tc
serve as it o/lcc did. Their preaching
becomes a failure, and there is a st
of general misery', bo many'- minis¬
ters have been restore.: to health by
the use of DrowaV, Iron Bitters that
the clergy generally are speaking to
their friends of this medicine as the
very best tonic and restorer. they
know ofi 11 restores thin and watery
blood to its proper condition by r ton¬
ing^ invigorating it up with preparation the purest and iron most
of that
science has ever made. It is pi cas
ant to take, and acts immediately
with the happiest results, not only
on the parsons, bet cn other folks
as well. 3
’wflfflg’ $M®nr TRsarmn
A rjrtrtr. enro for Rarvom
Debility, Seminal Weak
The Befliptssur nose, 'A iu 6iYipoter>co, practice .'or etc. £5 seal
end snill'<l h6oliot£0pacs3 sny jiving roll d
lectionsJ'orscU'-trentiiicnr, ijent free. ..Jires.
SB. T. V/IIIIMa 43 P S, V..,ti,- A. KvreGcc, Sir
^ »•*•> <•««-..,up. i «
ft j;li|S A ,y & hr}?. HAhi»;S' PAS1ILLF. F.CMED
v , outtg JiuM :>))d uiin !■' * !»•» >1.111*1
Bl; , ........ v ..*rv.MH n<‘l P' G m
' DA 1
quh •liOotfii. $$
The Remedy is j.irt tip in ouxes . .1 Ui
tio. 2 (enough to etiivt licet am a curt*, u j 1 “s.« '» sev re
(Listing three mount: 1 tbs), y.i. Sunt by until '* plain \v:ap|u*rk
Direction,. Tyr Tsln tg nr, ,onptciy earl, tint. I'limplllet doer)
J ‘ip«r this din ease me 1 mode of uur*. sunt sualed on ajij iGm'.iur
We may moralize as much as tvt
please about, pain; but the fact is,
that we don’t like it while it lasts,
and that we want to get rid of it as
soon as w can, Whether caused by
rheumatism, gout, disordered liver,
weak nerves, irregular kidneys, bad
blood, or anything else that is just
the reverse of what it should be, the
sooner it is out of the system the
happier we are. Whether pain is
the result of imprudence or of acci¬
dent, or is sent as a punishment for
our sins, may be a nice question for
the philosopher to argue; but peo¬
ple who are suffering want first to be
rid of the pain, after which those
who are fond of argument may argue
the matter to their hearts’ content.
Above all theory, argument, and
philosophy, comes the delightful drives fact
that Brown’s Iron Bitters
pain awa}-. Sufferers run no risk in
trying this medicine, the only com¬
pound containing iron which carries
no mischief with it. Those who have
used it will tell you so; and you can
try for yourself by buying a bottle
0 f the nearest druggist. *
'To say that malariais misehievcvss
fo to put it very mildly. Itisalltha.
and more It is cunning, deceitful,
treacherous, sly, and underhanded,
It-does its work in the dark, and ir
such a sly way that much of the mis
chief is done before it is discovered,
It saps the foundations ol a healthv
system. It robs the blood of its vital
ity, demoralizes the liver, confounds
the stomach, and makes the victim
wish he were in his grave. It is sad
to see peoplesitdown in their rnisery
content to be the victims of mischiev
ous nia l a n a> ai ffl thinking that noth
; n f°B <y Can be done for them. Thepowa
c RO wN’s Iron Bitters Over the
mischiefs of malaria has been so ar.
ply proved that there is no reasoi
why anybody who can procure a
bottle o f this Prince of Tonics sh:’’
3u ffl er> Great is the power of malaria
anc j g rea t are its disastrous effects.. in-^
B u t greater far is the beneficent
(j uence G f Brown’s Iron Bitters '*
The preparation of iron in this favor
ite family remedy can be taken
tvifho'at'ruining the teeth ‘or produc
cig consiipatietv and headache. 1
^YOUTHandMAKHOM _____________
**" 17 “* v -------
my T? V A OUT VU VStCIAN MEDICINE. or 25y«ar*.
—experience*. D<»irt poisoi
vourBV Hook 8 t*»r w ith avoid Drups, hut. cel
\ \ tips «inc 1 Qi teks.
‘‘Prescriptions iree” and FlerlrU* Hell ifniu
bujrs, which it exposes. Price* 25o I*. Addrcs
^HE PUBLISHER. Box 234, Milwaukee. Wi*
y cure ''SK&. am.. FC>i v
foy use in thousands
FOR of cases. Founded on
its^Tr^rc™u>l ii»vi has' been^row^
n ttt*rs r mvwiabi?
i"e^f 1 ™. i tb“ra deBili^Y, r fdn ep!lt ‘ e “ tclleerl ' ,U: ** e * alns
NERVOUS organic wealcaess. and
numerous obscure diseases, baflling the skill of
best physicians, result for youthful Indiscretion,
too free indulgence, and ov«r brain work,
Do not temporize while such enemies lurk In
your system. Take a remedy that has cured tliou
sands, and does not interfere with you attention
Sci.t free to anyone. Itemsdv sold ONLY by tho '
308N, loth. St. ST. LOUIS. MO.
Cue ltoati’:tr6s25cati3.‘.vc toes ftoirtaclf
OWENS HOTEL.. Formerly C. .' e House,
Newly fitted up. Table supplied, witii
the best the market a/lords. Free Hacks
meet nil trains, a trial is all 1 ask.
COVINGTON ....................GEORGIA
dm. M. Jordan J Fred R. Pope.
'Vumerly t^ilily »% j. Washington Ga.
U otton Factors
Com Merchants
Vugusla ........ ..........Georgia.
'rsyuSpecial altetifion riven <o wfeig'ds.
2 tick sales: prompt returns. We refcf
v permission to Mr. Z. McCord, Presi
lent the National hank, Mr. T- W. Cos
•ry Oresident rianteis Li hi ml f.':t
ngs bank, Augnsta, Oa. Messrs. Jolin
J. C arks’ Sons.
- ------ TP*# '
13 Buoad S+HEBT......... ATLANTA, GA.
Atists and Painter’s Material,
French and American Window Glass Ptfc.
—Agents For —
Averiil Miked Paint Corapahy.
Also A-cnts For
walls, Petrify recommended Liquid, a sure reined v for damp
bv the Internation
il Aealth Congress and .Sanitary Infati
tute of Great Brittain:
Dealer l/i
(Mrs. G. Cowan's old stand.)
Commerce Street, Conyers, da.;
Keeps a 1 ways on hand nice candies,'
canned roods, cabbage eider, lemonade,
etc A good line fit bOttorti prices; Galr
and see’ hint.
CELtBfi; A3
m ft
Hi m r , A I
V 1
Thfcuglh Shaken In every^olnt and fiber wlrff
fever and ague, or tedious remittent, mallv- thW
Bystem may yet be freed from the
nsnt virus with Hostettcr’s Stomach lilt,
ters. Protect the system aicainat it with
(his beneficent anti-spasmodic, which i it
futhormore a supreme remedy for liver
complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, dthlll
ity, rheumatism, kidney troubles and
Other ailments. Dealers
For sale by ail Druprpista and
Is your Lift! Worth a Dollfc?
it, Perhaps that seetnSp high prici fo'
‘a considering and how poor your Blood
how your whole system is
f prosti ated,debilitated,and enfeebled
?o .-le have been heard to-cay, unde:
' ocL circumstances, that they would
ir t give id * toss of a copper for the
l oice lx..ween life and death. Pu‘
-Ki*. it comes to actually drawing,
tear thegrav'e, (t than naturally draws
>ack, and says In does not Want to
’.e. Life is very precious, and even
3 a broken-down man it is worth
ving. ■ bottle '
One dollar will buy a t
fawn's Iron Bitters. That one do
■ -may start you on the road front
1 scry to recovery. A man roue
ajee r* very mean view of himself who
. asking willing serious to invest effort that much in
one to rescut?
mself into from deadly debility, of and tc
ep the enjoyment solid
eaith. Brown’s Iren Bitters vital
■es the blood, tones the nerves, and
ebuilds the system. Its work is
. ell known. Invest that dolk.r in £
.ottle. 8
He® is tha?
Msffic Scale.
^ bcinpr oue-ninth Its
actual It 11 not a mod*
« t or rhar*. toca^c of i nekes,
rith it a lady ctu «ut from wy fpshion 1
plate, making it Oxrtcr* ft elfei*
lions. Agcute waaietL, UUft. ?. Wc:RlWMRUA
Cea. istu'u Couy«(».
.I* II”!' 4 “n? rlU 'UN*'’ '?* * T* r *
TMU ?’ ’ «' ! ki "'«
of Children SUltK. Mrit-t attention giver?
to ,e ' ter8 of inquiry. Lons' c.d to. vnli^.g
agents want d. Mrs «. K. Si ii-itR-y
Gen. /-“gent, Conyers, Ga'.