The Conyers weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 18??-1888, September 28, 1888, Image 2

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f THE WEEKLY O'KELLEY & MADDOX, -EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS • 1.39 PER ANNUM. ttv* ConyArt Pont OQ!c» •s t«cond class mall matter. Advertising rates made known on Demand* Jab Work Neatly and Promptly Executed. THE RED BANDANA! FOR PRESIDENT, GROVER CLEVELAND of New York. 0 ^ Fou Vice-President. ALELN G. THURMAN* of Ohio. Fou Congressman-, JOHN D. STEWART, of Gridin. For Governor. JOHN 8. GORDON. For State Senator: HO'f JA3 R LYLE, Of Oconee county. For Representative: A C- HirCALLi Personal. As stated some time ago we ex¬ pect next week to publish this pa¬ per as our own in every respect. We hope that all who have patron¬ ized the Weekly up to the present will continue their patronage. To those who have not heietofore sub¬ scribed for the paper we wish to say we most earnestly desire you to subscribe, promising to give you in return a readable paper. IVc will try to avoid claiming for ourselves every desirable quality, and for the paper that it is the only one in the land that tells the truth and lias the public good in view; but such as our experience, age and other advantages enable 11s to do for the good of the whole people, that is what we mean to do to the best of our ability as public servants. The subscription price of the pa¬ per will now be $1.00 per year. It is our determination to greatly im¬ prove the paper both in matter and print as soon as wc can get in mate rial ami arrange ourselves properly for business. The name of the paper will be changed to the Conyers Banner and be all Lome print. We further mean to refit the office for job work so that we can compete with any office in that line. Now is the time to subscribe. Come out and vote next Wednes¬ day, Oct. 3. Remember that next Wednesday is election day. The Augusta Exposition lias been postponed to open Nov. 8th and close Dec. loth. Tins change was necessary on account of quarantine interruptions and damages by re¬ cent rains. It is stated that Capt. Henry Jackson and his son, Tom Gobi) Jackson, are going to New York to live, where the former has been ten¬ dered the attorneyship for a large insurance company at- a handsome salary. ______ The election fur governor, state house officers, state senators and representatives, will occur next Wednesday. There will also be a vote as to the ratification of the amendment of Paragraph 1 of *ec. 2, Art. 6 of the Constitution. Prof. Richard A. Proctor, the great English astronomer and author, is dead. He was, perhaps, more widely known than any other living st-i< ntist The Savannah Nows has the pleasure of printing his six last articles written for new spa per publication. CAIN, ELLIOTT £ GROSSLY The Disorganizers of High Prices. In our advertisement we shall hold to the principle that facts speak louder than noisy assertions and that the simple truth can be told with¬ out a good recollection. DON'T FORGET US ON SHOES! You will find our immense long table loaded down with white goods colored plaid and striped wash goods, light weight summer woolen dress goods and hundreds of other useful goods for family purposes in short ends, Wc are going to close them out at about half their value. Printed and Figured Lawns and Batiste, Of every style are marked off. We shall bo going to market soon and before wc do we want to close out every yard of these goods, We know what it takes to close out as many lawns and batiste as wc have on hand, but we have got the nerve and have made up our minds and we are going to let them go. Big Stock of Shoes Ghaep. THE STEWART BEOS. LARGE STOCK. - To be closed out at once, final marked down sale on Monday morn¬ ing this entire stock will be placed on sale at figures which will astound you. Amaze The Buyer. Every item a bargain before for you. the This stock will melt low prices which have been plac¬ ed upon every article, Parasols and Ombrolars SHIRTS, CUFFS. CULLARS Sieves in! aadkerchiefs with Hosiery Lovers of Ices Gloves, collars, cuffs, parasols nearly given away to close out. UNRIVALED IN BEAUTY Mens bats at less than New York cost. We are bound to sell them 3,000 Dollars Worth of Clothing that we are bound to close cut. 250 PAIRS of Shoes at 75 cents—cost one dollars and fifty to one seventy. Somebody will get Bargains 50 bolts of ginghams at 8 1-2 eta per pard. 50 bolts of calico at 5 cts per yard. 100 pairs of hose at 10 ots—worth 15 and 20 cts. 100 pairs at 15 cts—worth 25. 100 pairs at 20 cts—worth 30. 100 pairs at 25 cts—worth 40. All these bargains and more too, 500 shirts from 50 cts to $1—worth 75 cts to $1.50. 500 scarfs at from 10 cts to 50 cts—worth 25 to 75 cts. Goods on time to good parties. Olio, Elliott 4 Crossly i i Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, • The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever sores, Tetter, chap¬ ped hands, Chilblains -Corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction. or money refunded Price 52cts per box. For sale by DR. W. II. LEE & SON, SPECTACLES. M e have recently increased our stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses and now have over $500 worth. We can suit any one both in quality and price. Our prices range from 25 cents per-pair to $12 per pair. We have a large .assort¬ ment of common glasses and peb¬ ble glasses, Steel frames, brass frames, composition frames, nickel frames, silver frames and gold frames. Having recently purchased a fine optimeter we are prepared to test the eyes and fit them properly with glasses. Call and examine our stock and prices. You will certainly bt pleased. Dr. W. II. Lee & Son. Mixed Paints, If you wish to paint your house, buggy, wagon or furniture you will save money 1 y buying our ready Mixed Paints These paints are ready for use and any one can apply them, We also keep a largo stock of \A bite head, Brushes, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Putty. Dr. W, II. Lee & Son. ICE COLD Soda Water, Lemonade Milk Shakes, Ginger Ale, Moxie, Peach Cider Orange Cider, Ice, Lemons Confectioneries, Tobacco, jCigars, etc., for sale by Dr. W. IT. Lee ifc Son. T. J.King, Maker of Boots and Shoes and Har¬ ness. SHOP ON COMMERCE AND RAILROAD STREETS. Is prepared to execute promptly and neatly all kinds of Boot, Shoe, and Harness work. Prices guaran¬ teed and work as good as the best. I keep the very best stock in the market and consequently do good reliable work. Fine shoes and durable harness a pecialty. All kinds of repairing done with dispatch. T. J. KING, Conyers, Ga., Feb. 1st, 188S. J. S. DANIEL CONYFRS-- GEORGIA FIRE AM) LIFE INSURANCE. Fire aud death are s'ire and con¬ stant visitors. Be ready. Delay sdange c i f. v Bring your job work to the Weekly office. Atlanta prices da Heated and work guarentcod. Fay your subscription the first time you are in town. When you want first-class shoe or harness work e ,11 on T. J. Kixg iCv’FV -IK'S*- —-- WM. J- ALBERT, Attorney At La tv. 2 1-2 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga Prompt attent.on given to all busi ness. If. lu a country noted for beauty end health. Course of study. 10 Branches. Medical and 3Law Courses preparatory to I a. li students at University OtftSSiCftL AND MIILiTARV of Y&. last session. Ealf session $35. No extras. Address DB. J. J. SEAMANS. DENTIST. OFFICE 3 WHITEHEAD HOUSE f ’TYfirs, Qa.» John H. Almand. LANGM Jxjd J. ALMAND & EXCHANGE BROKERS Will keep on hand a well a sorted stock of general merchai dise which they will sell at t> sonnble prices. Also r BUY and SELL EXCHANGE. DISCOUNT APPROVED CHECjf pi, RECEIVE MONEY ON DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO SIGHT. Store cotton and make liberal cash advances * buy city and county script. ou * Also, will Call on them they will be pleased to serve you in their line. Rockdale Nursery, A CHOICE SELECTION OF FRUIT ;TREES AND GRACE VINES. All the heading Varieties. Best adapted to this clima’e. Propa¬ gated and for sale t my Nursery, one and a ball mitre east of Con;, ers, La ad . . My tree 5 this year o< are the finest and best grown o. any l -aie ever put m-on the nnoket. Jesse M. Vk elborn. Conyers, Ga., Jan 1888. A- J- & G A, Black —LUMBfiK DEALERS— CONYBRL GA. We have lumber- of all knds. Sell at mills or deliver, Terms reasonable. Now located at Hen ry Wilson’s in Sheffield, All or dors will be promptly filled. A, J. & G. A. Black. Conyers, Ga. Jan, 18, 1888. HENRY SCOTT* An Old Experienced Barber la Conyers. Henry Scott, a noted Atlanta barber, is now running a barber shop in the old stand in Lawson hotel. He is prepared to dress the hair in the latest styles. Sharp ra¬ zors, clean towels, and a full outfit always on hand to accommodate customers. Give him a trial and be convinced that Henry Scott is in point of fact a neat barber. OEOR&iA wmkB Stone Mountain Route, GEoaoiA Haiuwi i) Co.. } Office (J.-nerai .Manager. AcuP'-ta M\v. i2, 188S COMMENCING fcUNDAY. 33 . bust, rbe following Passenger schedule will lie operated. Trains run by 901 h meridian FAST LI N E. NO. 27 Went DAILY. Lv Augusta 9 45 am | Lv Athena 7-45 nm ArConjers 11 57 am | Ar Atianto iCO pin NO. 28 EAST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 2 42 pm l Ar Athens 7 40 pm Ar Conyers 340 pm | Ar Augusta 8 10 pin SO 2 EAST DA I LY NO WEST DAILY. Lv Atlanta 8 -Ooam | Lv Angustai 0 . 35 am Lv Conyers 9 19 am | Lv Macon 7-i° am Vr Athens 5.20 pm | Lv Mil d’vi o 19 am ArWa’sh ’11 5 20 pm | LvWash’n il. 2 oam ArMild’ve 4.11 pm | Lv Athens 9°0 am r Macon 0.00 pra j Ar Conyers 4 24 pm Ar Augusta 3 30 pm | Ar Atlanta 5 40 pm COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION. Lv Atlanta 6.20 pin | LvCov’gt’n 5.40 am L'.Conyers 8.07 pm j Lv Conyers 6.12 am LvC’vt’ng 8.35 pm | Ar Atlanta 7-55 am NO. 4 EA=T DAILY' NO, 3 EAST DAILY < AugllStal i.oo pm < Ar Augusta 6.40 am j Ar S ' 3 -) &G 1 Train Nos. 27 and 2 • top mid recieve passengers to and from the following stations or:!}': totvn, Harlem, Hearing Thomson, Norwood, Barnett onion Foin:. Greensboro, Ma lison Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington. Conyers, Litho.nia, - Q to: e tain and Decauu Train N >. 1 eou n ec<s for ad poin*s West and North West. Train No. 2 connects for C iiarl- ston and all points and Fret Sctith No. 21, for all points*West Wes’, No. 28 for Charles ton and Savanmh. No. 3 for points '■Vest an4 North West. No * for Charleston, Savannah find all points East. E. DO'USE' * },•>. Manager. R. O - . P ?s Agent •JOE W. WHITE O r> Ira Pass Agi J AS. A. -- Foi Lemonade, Ice cream, Soda Water, Cigars, Candies, can goods. aud almost everything in the con fectionery line. Call and sec him when you want iinvlliing cool to ilrink r, freshment' 1 . Attention i $100 to SGG Per Ministers and Book c e j| “THE KINO OF GLORY,, written; 'the most history chermhiglife cf cHiJ fiction. a Sells at sight more interesting 1* £M to .nearly family. nearly, One agent lias sold ami<J ed 15oo copies since Jan ijd < , ]efiS t „an four months ScoresoUti time, he . p or fra . JQEm selling from 50 to loo eopie per 4 Exclusive Territory <iven. Do not fl iPend 9 outs for fcli. outfit at once i 3 ing Territory desired, but do not ait too reach. Fall instructions free « outfit. Address SOUTHWESTERN Nashville Pt’B.HOuj TsdiiJ N. B. Oldest House in tiie South. I, sr gl of Subscription Books and family Bibled 022 BIN A li rs ‘ NdrjiJi ................. LETTERS OF lUSMRSiOX. Whrreas J. N. Glenn ns .. iininisirJ his] Thomas N. Hammock represents by tion that he has fully dischaneed a ;i | l]( J as such .administrator and asks that heM charged from his said trust. ThesesreJ fore to cite nr.d require all persons iv.jJ to show cause on the first Monday )„ J nest siiratnst the granites of thediFctJ prayed for. This the third day of May 1SR8. 0. Sf<ua,v Ortlinj TO DEBTORS AND CBEDITO1I8: Those havlnff eliilms iwmlnst flic rstat* W, Mr.ildox will present them proper estotl to in'*, a:vl thiso mlehted to the tiite. must come furword anil tellle ths i by Nov. 1st. John H. Ar,suw, AiIih. of N. W Vsihlox’ ontato,| Conyers, Ga.. Ausr.lOtb W-8. Office in J. J Langford's store. CITATION. OF.OI?<7T t, JJoefcfTnlo county— To all whom it mny concern: Whores#J TV. ff. Almand, Maddox, administrator of the estate ad of] deceased, has indue form to the court of Ordinary for ienve to dwJ F*l| land Ndon.einsr to the estate of said and if nr. jrcod cause be shown to the coni leave rvitl he rraidiil on the first Mciaj October n^Tt. This filth dey of August Jftfv 8 . 0. SWUM OrdiM F.O \ D NOTICE. GEORGIA, Rochdale county— To nil " bom it may concern: All pets* terestod arc hereby notified that if no| cause be f ho h o to Ihc contrary an order he (minted by the court of Ordinnryoi 1st day October 1888 ettablishine a chanj the public road nearMeKniFht'* hridjc, i monclng on the hill* some two hundred J on the east side of south river hy tiirnii the right in going towards the rirn-awlfl ing- the bmnch and turning down the t* running along on the hillside and entcrinj old road near the east end of the bridge I t a nee, of tiro hundred yards, This Aug-, filth 1888. O. Ska** Ordii DR. MOFFETT’S C409 r > I i S3 FEMALE MEDICINE! By g-ivingtcncto and stremrtbenlni? i corrects a’l irregnlarltiesand annoylngW! 1 makes cheerfal the despondent, d<*pre«* Ask your Urngs*Bt. } w. m f , fe. i r' •»**r?JSSSSS 7 »wt»» a*m.nyio<auiy,.m.j* «iwiny'^iroS SE^*SSS5SSgS^ A44k« GBO. STISSOS * C»., BO* «**> 0 ,, „ iM o Loan hV CflIl |D S property either * bounty haying can c ity or to sell or rent hands swid I will * in my b’ l° r l en P er cent ' ^ „', Bt ■'* e ' y. 5.