Newspaper Page Text
• 1.25 PER ANNUM.
Bnkoredat the Conyers Port Office
as second class mail matter.
Advertising rates msde kn.wnon
jeb Work Neatly and Promptly
Last Monday we took full control
bflhis paper. The connection of
the former proprietor ceased in ev¬
ery way at that time It is true
ho wove", that we have his warmest
and truest friendship together with
his broad and uncompromising
pood will.
It is our purpose to supply this
ofiicc with a new outfit from begin*
ning to end so soon as it can possi¬
bly be done, The name of the pa¬
per from next neck will tloat to the
breeze as the Rockdale Banner. 8o
far as in us lie:- we propose to make
the Banner a representithf p per.
such a paper as will :p
wants and meet (In • • t-i ir.d
this verr/ tiirifty and
Fyr this issue we ask a charitable
criticism inasmuch as we have been
taxed very heavily fixing up some
necessary office business. But for
the future we propose to let the
Banner wave and float proudly, and
our sweeping invitation is to one
and all: rally around the Banner,
This week wc send the mail to
all the regular subscribers of the
Wkeki.y, hoping that they all, with,
out exception, will continue their
patronage. However, if some
should be disposed to discontinue
their subscription we would like to
be informed of their desire, in per¬
son or through the mail.
To those who have not been sub¬
scriber) we would urge upon you
to become so at once, promising
in return to furnish you with a
neat, newsy and readable paper.
A northern firm is making ar¬
rangements for the purchase of the
old ice works, and intend to supply
the citizens of Athens with plenty
of ice.
Congressman Tumor of Georgia
is going to New York to assist the
democrats in their campaign. Mr.
Turner is one of tho foremost men
in congress. He is thoroughly
equipped for effective campaign
woik in New York or anywhere.
A Georgia daily advertises as a
great feature for its Sunday issue
articles on “Is marriage a failure?
and Is death painless? with inter¬
views with a number of experts.”
In this day of divorces experts in
marriage are easy enough to find,
hut experts in death, we should
think, are rather rare.
Up to September 1 the immigrant
arrivals in this countiy this year
were 392,937 ns against 362,839 for
the same period last year. If this
rate is kept up for the rest of the
year the number of new inhabitants this source will foot up nearly
600,000. Certainly the United
States have not ceased to be an
asylum and a refuge.
The negroes of Randolph county
held a mass meeting in the court
house last Saturday and nominated
Prof. L. S. Ingram of Shellraan for
the legislature. He was born the
property of Hon. A. H. Stevens,
and by him was educated, ne is a
negro of intelligence and of good
character. He has been teaching
n Randolph county several years.
The Veterinary Medical Associ¬
ation of the United States was in
session in New York, last week.
It was stated before the association
that 25 per cent of the cows in
Northern States were affected with
tubirulfsis, ami that 80 per cent,
consumption, was contracted
Ihe use of milk from diseased
This is a new idea that deatii
jn a glass of milk.
, T i If iii m on t>f“COtt*c ja
mercial center The trade of i i ■
city is said to lie rapidly increasing
Mr Blaine is said to !« in robust
health. It is expected that he will
live out Ill's term if he is elected
President this veat Mr. Harrison.
of Indian, is running for
thing or other on the Blaine ticket
It is said that eight-tenths of the
newspapers of the country are for
Cleveland and Thurman. If this is
true, it means that the democratic
ticket will he elected by a big ma¬
.Several parties in Lexington re
port that on Tuesday night at
10 o'clock .hey felt .. (hook
of earthquake very distinctly.
Tiiere was only one and a small
shake and there were Hut a great
many who felt it.
T)>» y« E»»™ ol China
to he niariled on the tweiltl -fourth
day of the first moon in 1889, and
the event will cost the national
treasury $2,500,000.
Murat Halstead grows maudlin
over the situation, lie declares
that “General Harrison has eaten
his way lovingly into the core of
the republican heart.” Rats !
^ contemporary says lawyers arc
noted for losing their patience,
IGw about doctors?
The sue: a > in Worth
nest for years j
3 C itndar and \YValllCT j f
oreeasts for 1889, by Rev. iri j)
Hicks, with explai aiions of the
‘‘Great Jovian Period,” upon which
our Planet is now entering, mailed
to any address, on receipt of a two
cent postage stamp. Write plainly
your name, Post Office, and state
The Dr. J. H. McLean Medicine Co.,
St. Louis, Mo.
Are you restless at night, and
harassed by a bad couah? Use
Dr. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung
Balm,it will secure you sound sleep,
and cflect a prompt and radical
If yon suffer pricking pains on
moving the eyes, or- cannot bear
bright light, and find your sight
weak and failing, you should
promptly use Dr. Eye J. Salve. II. McLean’s
Strengthening 25 cents
a box.
When nature falters and requires
help, recruit her enfeebled energies
with Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strength¬
ening Cordial and Blood Purifier.
$1.00 per bottle.
The sale of the perishable prop¬
erty of N. W. Maddox, deceased
embracing horses, mules, cattle,
wagons, buggy, harness, plantation
tools, corn, fodder, shucks, etc.,
will lake place on the first Satur¬
day in October next (6th day) at
his Into residence. Terms cash,
sale. Everybody invited to attend the
John II. Almand, Adnr
Conyers, Ga.. Aug. 27th 18S8.
Syrup of Figs
Is nature’s own true laxative. It
is tho most easily taken, and the
most effective remedy known to
Cleanse the System when Bilious
or Costive; to dispel Headaches,
Colds, and Fevers ; to Cure Habit¬
ual Constipation, Indigestion, Files,
etc. Manufactured only by the
California Fig Syrup Company-,
San Francisco, Cal. For sale by
Dr W. H. Lee & Son. *
I will be in Conyers the first Sat¬
urday in every month, patients
wishing to see me will find me at
the hotel or at Dr. Lee’s drug store -
Du. L. G. Brantley
The Delightful Liquid Laxative.
and Syrup of Figs is a most agreeable it
valuable family remedy, as
is easily taken by old and young
and is prompt and effective in cur¬
ing Habitual Constipatation and
the many ills depending on a weak
or inactive condition of the Kid¬
neys, Liver, and Bowels. It acts
gently, strengthens the organs on
which it acts, and awakens them to
a healthy activity. For sale hv Dr.
W. H. I^e & Son.
GEORGIA, Hockilalo county—
To whom it may concern: Whereas Eli I,.
McDauieU has in proper form mafic applica¬
tion to tho court of Ordinary for permanent
letters of afimintetration on tbe ; state of R.
J. Shipley, late of said county deceased, and l
will pass upon said application on the first
Monday in November, 1888. Given under my
hand and official signature. This Oet. 1st 1888.
O. Seamans,
GEORGIA, llockdak eounty—
To all whom it may concern: Whereas Jo
sephE. , Wethcrford, , administrator of Francis
M. Wethcrford lareof said couuty deceased,
having in proper form applied to the court of
Ordinary for Iwixc ta ssU the land belonging
estate or «ud deccascdjand said
“ “ thc Mm " Uly iu
! Thissept, ?rtii isss.
I O, Ska m ans,
f*f Or
dinary «*l RockdaL county "ill be e»l<l on
Bret Tuesday in November 1888 between legal
sale hours "the following described tract or
‘ Henly
TO< inty. known as the wuium Moore place,
containing one hundred and sixty acres me re
or teas, and adjoining lands of Alex- Farmer.
quarrjpf in tb? 6 tat% about arty acres being
covered with a bald rock of the finest variety
of granite. A. M.
Admr of Wm. Moore, deceased.
Oct. 2,1888.
By virtue of an order from tbc court of Or
dinary of Rockdale ecu nty will be sold on the
first Tuesday in November 1883 at the -urt
house door in said county between legal gale
hours the following described real estate be
resiflwl at tbetime of hiS(Jf - at h, the same be
j ns j n the city of Conyers, 16thdistrict of orig
inallyHeniy now Rockdale county, part of
lot 239 bounded on the north by Ga, R. It,, east
by lands of J, H. Alnmnd, sr., south by O.
improved. This tract of land to be sold sub¬
ject to a collateral deed held by John H. Al¬
mand to secure the payment of a debt of six
hundred and forty-four dollars, and tie said
John H. Almandagrees upon payment of his
debt to make quit claim or such o‘hcr titles,
In addition to administrators deed:, as mny be
necessary to (lie purchaser. Also at the same
time and place parts of lots Nos. 238 and 211 in
16th district originally Henry now Rockdale
county, known as tbo Zachry place, contain¬
ing one hundred and fifty acres more or less,
adjoining lands on south by A. Whitaker, east
by A. J. Smith, west by Josiah James and
north by L. F. Scott. Also the east half of
lot No. 11C in 11th district of originally Henry
now Rockdale county, containing one hundred
'ii... and one-quarter acres more or less and
known as the W. 1. Maddox place.
Tutto* rDsh with Into # per rent;
051 re,ri ^ !1, ^ r ' or all if desire*! by pur. |
chaser.. J.H. -\!,-.SAM),
.vJnir X. W. Maddox, dec.
Oct. 2. 1888,
STATE of Georgia, Rockdale county—
Whereas T. J. Trcadwel', guardian of llulah
Hill, having appiied to the court of Ordinary
of said county for a discharge from his gunr
iansbip of Buluh Hill; this is therefore to cite
all persons concerned to show cause why the
said T. J. Treadwell shoulttl'not be dismissed
from the guardlanshlo of Bulah Hill and re¬
ceive the usual letters of dismission ou Ihe
first Monday in January 1889.
O. Sejm a ns.
3m Ordinary.
To all whom it may concern: Whereas B. F.
Moon having in duo form applied to the court
of Ordinary for letters of administration on
the estate of Mrs, Charlotte A.? Moon, late of
said city deceased, and I will pass upon the
6«mc on the first Monday in November 1888.
Given under my hand and official signature
Sept. 20,11188. O. Seamans,
We will sell nt public outcry before the court
house door in Conyers, Rockdale county, nt
II o'clock a. in. on the first Tuesday in Novem¬
ber next two houses and ots in Conyers, one
being the house and lot where Joel H, Gay re¬
sided at his death, the other being that on the
east side of above lot und bounded on its east
side by G, V. Elliott's lot. Said two lots being
well improved, with good wells of water. Al¬
so one open lot in said town fronting on Cen¬
ter street, and bounded on the north-east by
G, W. Cain lot and H. P. & D, M, Almand lot
on south west. Also one hundred and seven¬
ty-two undone-half acres of land more or less.
Same being parts of lots Nog, 248 and 262 In the
sixteenth district of 6ttid county. Same ad¬
joining lands of W. J. Mitchell and others, and
lying some three miles north-west of Conyors
which lots or farm Is well improved, with
good dwelling and out houses, well timbered,
quantities of granite, etc. Said property sold
by consent of legatees under tho wlil of said
Joel H. Gay as belonging to his estate for a
division. Terra, one-half of purchase ptice
of each Jot cash. The other half of same due
November first 1889 with interest thereon from
date at 8 per cent, and bonds for titlc-s. This
property may be bought at private snle before
the above time, Hayden C. Gay,
Reuscca E. Gay,
Sept. 20, 1888, Executor?.
STATE OF GEORGIA, Rockdale county—By
virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary
of said county will be sold before the court
house door in the city of Conyers said county
on the first Tuesday in November next be¬
tween the lawful hours of sale the following
property to-wit: Fifty-nlne and three-fourth
(• r '9?f) acres of land being part of lot number
two hundred and forty-two (242) and bounded
on the north by Mrs. White, on the east by the
place whereon John F. Harris now lives, ou
the south by the Keagin land and on the west
by Granade land. Also, ninety-four acres (94)
being parts or lots Nos. 267 and 268, bounded
en the north by Gently land, on the east by
the dower of Mrs. S, E. Harris, on the south
by oue hundred and eleven (111*0 acres being
part of lot No. 268 now occupied by tenant of
E. C. Granade, on the west by Mrs. White land,
the Reagin land and the fifty-nine and three
fourth acres above described. Also 111*4
acres of land being part of lot No. 268 bounded
on the north by dower of Mrs. S. E. Harris,
east by said dower and Almand land, south
by Reagin, and Huff’s land and west by Rea¬
gin land. Also one share of the capital stock
of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Com¬
pany, as the property of the estate or E. D,
Harris late of said county deceased. Sold for
itie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. Terms cash,
James C, Barton,
John F. Harris,
By virtue of an order of the court of Ordi
nary of Rockdale couuty will be sold nt pub¬
lic outcry before the court house in the city of
Conyers, tbe first Tuesday in November,
w ithin the legal hours of sale the
lowing pro pert}-; to wit: Twenty^acres of land
J tying- in tbe 11th distaict of originally Henry
now Rockdale county, part of Lot No. 136
j 1 bound the West on the by North N. J. an* Bowen East by j. o. Mann.
on and on the North
j by John ;Crawlcy. Sold as the property of
Robert E Bolton and Carrie J, Carrie J Rni
f ” r the purpose of making division
I With 5»id Robert K and Carrie J. Bolton
1 wards. J.G, Mann, Guardian. Terms of sale
i wish. J. G, Manx.
Sept. 27th 18!G. Guardian.
Bucklen’s Aral a Salve,
The l>e$t salve in the world for
CtUS . OTUlsCs, sores, ulcers, Salt
gheum Fever sores. Tetter, chap
pcd hands, Chilblains -Corns, and
a q ? kin eruptions, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect sat
isfaction. or money refunded
Price 52cts per box. For sale by
DR. W. H. LEE & SON.
\ V
'-'ll ^ CqpbLM
We have recently increased our
stock of Spectacles and Eye
Glasses and now have over $500
worth. We can suit any one both
in quality and price. Our prices
range from 25 cents per pair to $12
per pair. We have a large assort¬
ment of common glasses and peb¬
ble glasses. Steel frames, brass
frames, composition frames, nickel
frames, silver frames and gold
Having recently purchased a fine
optimeter we are prepared to test
the eyes and fit them properly with
Call and examine our stock and
prices. You will certainly be
Da. W. H. Lee ife Son.
Mixed Paints,
If you wish to paint your house,
buergy, wagon or furniture you will
save money 1 y buying our ready
Mixed Paints.
These paints are ready for use
and any one can apply them, We
also keep a large stock of White
Lead, Brushes, Oils, Varnishes,
Glass and Putty.
Du. W. H. Lee & Son,
Soda Water, Lemonade, Milk
Shakes, Ginger Ale, Moxie, Peach
Cider Orange Cider, Ice, Lemons
Confectioneries, Tobacco, .Cigars,
etc,, for sale by
Dr. W. II. Lee & Son.
Stone Mountain Route,
Georgia Railroad Co.. 1
Office General Manager. |
Augusta, Sept. 29,1888,
the following Passenger schedule will he
operated. Trains run by 901 h meridian
NO. 27 West DAILY.
Lv Augusta 9 45 ant I Lv Athens 7 45 am
ArConyera 11 57*m | Ar Atlanto i00 pm
Lv Atlanta 2.4‘i pm I Ar Athens 7 4° pm
Ar ConjerB 340 pm | Ar Augusta 8 i5 pm
Lv Atlanta ».0o am 1 Lv AugnstmO 45am
Lv Conyers 9-19 am ( Lv Macon 7- 10 am
Ar Athens 5.20 pm | Lv Mil d’v: o 19 am
ArVVa’sh’n 5.2O pm | Lv Wash’ll 11.20 am
ArMiid’ve 4.11 pm [ Lv Athens 9°0 am
Ar Macon G.C0 ptn j Ar Confers 4,24 pm
Ar Augusta 3 3-3 pm | Ar Atlanta 5.40 pm
Lv Atlanta 6.20 pm | Lv Cov’gt’n 5.4O am
LvConvers 8.07 pm | Lv Conyers 7-5-3 6.12 am
LvC'vt’ng 8.35 pm | Ar Atlanta am
Lv Atlanta 1115 pm | Lv AngustMli.oo pm
LvCony’rs 12. 39am | Lv Conyers 5 07am
Ar Augusta 6.40 am | Ar Atlanta 6 3O am
Ly Union Point 54-3m j Arr Alliens 94O in
Lv Atnens 6 I5 a m I Ar UuionPointS45ru
Daily except Sunday.
Traiii Nos. 27 and 28 will stop at
and recieve passengers to and from
the following stations only : Grove
town, Harlem* Hearing Thomson,
Norwood, Barnett Crawfordville
Union Poir.:. Greensboro, Madison
Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington,
Conyers, Lithonia, -^tone Moun¬
tain and Decatui
Train No. 1 eon^ecis for a'l poin’s
West and North West. Train No. 2
connects for Charleston and all points
East No. 27, for all points West
and^South West, No. 28 for Charles¬
ton and Savannah. No. 3 for points for
West and North West. No 4
Charleston, Savannah And all points
JOHN W. GREEN. Ger. Manager.
E. R. DORSEY, G’n. P*ss Agent
JOE W. WHITE Gen Tra Pass Agt
For Lemonade, , , Ice Cream, Soda _ ,
! !
Water " ^ L1 ° ar -> Candies < ~ anu!e -’ cat! can «OOds
! ADd almost everything in the con
I fectioriery , line. ,
Call and See 111 til when you Want
anything ,, - cool , * to drink t • 1 or any ro-
1 fresliments.
Big Deductions)
leres ■ in & RcKairht I
The knock down and tear-up of high prices, and regulators of l ow
Our Dry-Goods beautiful Department and
Is complete. Wc always keep a well selected line of
dress goods and notions.
Our Shoe Department,
Is full find c< mpVie We Dive the Largest and most attractive line of
Gents and Ladies fine shoes ever brought to Conyers. Don’t fail to
see us and get our prices on shoes.
Our Clothing Department, clothing
Is just beautiful, the most attractive line of you ever look- 1
ed through. We are making a specialty of clothing this season. We
have the latest styles and can give you any style and quality you may
want and our price will certainly astonish you.
Amazes The Buyer.
Don’t forget us on hots. We are the leaders in hats, -tnd can lit
you in size, style and price. We have a big stock, over 350 different
styles. A*ou can certainly get suited by looking at our stock.
Grand opening of Fall and Winter wraps, the latest styles and
something new. Wc have a big stock of ladies wraps and can give
you any rtyle ami price.
Of Gents Furnishing Goods
We have a beautiful and well selected stock of gents furnishing
goods. Come to see us at Hotel block.
250 barrels of flour bought befoie the rise. Call and see us, ffe
will give you the advantage of rise in flour. Bran we keop a full
stock. Hay, oats, coan, etc. We sell water ground meal er we will give
one bushel of meal for a bushel of corn. Come to see us befoie you
buy your groceries.
Our Hardware Department
We have every thing in this department you may call for. Don’t
stand back but come and see us before you buy.
We make jewelry a specialty. We keep every thing that is kept in a
jewelry store. We keep a good line of gents and ladies gold watches
and nothing but what we can guarantee.
The Disorganizers of 'High
Pierc„, Cain McKnight will guarantee every pair of shoes sold for
one dollar and a half to be worth two doliais. Don't fail to examine
our stock betore buying.
8,000 Dollars
Of attractions unpresedeiited. Prices never heard of in the history
of the dry goods trade in Conyers. Visit the Hotel block before you
We Shingles have hand Here. sell
on all the lime. The No. 1 shingles which wf Jean
you cheaper than yon can buy them in any market. We also make
Ladd’s lime commodity in our business.
Pierce, Cain. M’Knight I