The Solid South. (Conyers, Ga.) 1883-1892, November 14, 1885, Image 2

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SOLID SOL TI • JOHN R MADDOX, Editor. --NOV. 14, 18 So. THANKSGIVING DAY. The people of this county should observe thanksgiving day, as For re quested by the president. the ad¬ twenty-four years or more imperfectly ministration has been so unit unjustly managed that we of the south had iittle or no inclination to bow to the band raised to crush us. Since tilings have taken an agree sble and healthy change, we think it proper to observe the day. From wars without and rumors of wars within, we, as a people and na¬ tion, have been singularly maned free. No alarming panic has our relations or weakened our credit. Our inter-state and inter national relations have been pleasant and pieaccable. No enidetnic of disease has isited \ our borders in blighting teemed power. with rich The earth lias and bounteous crops. No sweeping floods have rolled away our princely wealth. Our homes have been visited with substantial blessings. Our every effort crowned with brilliant and lasting success. it is supremely im¬ In view of this, portant and just that we should apart one day in tiie year to national thanksgiving. It is believed bv many that At¬ lanta will go dry on the 25th inst. The Scotchmen as a body, in At¬ lanta, met and endorsed prohibi lion. Capt. Harry Jackson made a rousing big prohibition speech in Atlanta Monday night. Last Tuesday Hancock stepped in¬ to the prohibition column by a majority of 87. Still they come. How will you vole if we have only the two candidate, Stewart and Ham¬ mond? The Covington Enterprise is very earnest in its advocacy of Major Pace as Judge Stewart’s successor to the judicial bench. General Toombs is slowly dying He at h’s home in Washington, Ga. grows weaker, every day’ and cannot remain on earth much longer. Revs. Sam Jones and Small have located in Atlanta with their can vas arbor to light dramshops, evils and the devil. To Grover Cleveland: Turn the rascals out by or before the 2(ith inst., so the south can properly oh serve thanksgiving day. How can one be thankful while the rascals are retained? II Atlanta goes dry it will be a painful session to the next geneial assembly. But it will be felicitous to the tax payers. Ko let her go dry. Rev. Sam Jones n tied $1,000 from his revival trip to Birmingham, Ala. His eo laborer, Sam Small, made $400. In this the laborer was worthy of his hire. The Journal is making a gallant fight for prohibition in Atlanta. It is one of the live- t dailies iii Geor gia. It is conceded on all hands that whiskey is the curse of the world. If this be t rue, why do some people, fairly intelligent, wish to perpetuate the sale of so minions stuff? Rev. Dr. Woodrow, of evolution fame, was robbed of his valuable gold watch in Atlanta on Monday night, while en route from Hunts¬ ville to Columbia. Monday night an Atlanta police¬ man tackled a burglar on the roof the National Hotel. Several wore exchanged at close but the burglar escaped after ings bullet through the cheek of policeman. Julius L. Brmvn, the son of daddy, is writing some anti-prohibition articles in the stitution. Ob, give us better or give us a rest. Mr. Rufus Cruse lias at last cured the Deputy U. S. of this district, lie was well dorsed and highly make good aud will donbtles a ficer.—Covington Enterprise. The basement floor ot the new main story is now ready to be put Mr. Horn says he expects to ready to put the roof on by the of next year. We have many firings to be of in our county. As a county, area tails far short of an average wit her sisters. But to. p.l>glvs-S enterprise in every movement general interest, pe.taming or indirectly to her people, she taken the front position, ihe law anu icuipcrsuce were first adopted by this Bulb have been tried and iu no We know a young etlitior who would make some woman a mighty goo I husband.—Covington Enter pi iso. We object to being criticise i d ir. any such manner. We will let the Enterprise know when we want such puffs. Gapt. Harry Jackson is too manly to pose as a chronic officeseeker. He will make it warm for his oppo¬ nents if he enters the next race. It is claimed by his enemies that the last race weakened him. This is all a mistake. The vast assembly at the First Baptist church last Wednesday night at this place clearly showed how our people stand on the temper ance question. It may he remarked that the prohibition movement, agita¬ now sweeping the state, was first ted successfully in Rockdale. The advocates at the outset were few, but with a practical test of the law they have increased until the entire coun¬ ty stands up to the law as one man. FROM SMYRNA Mrs. Lou Tucker has been very sick, but she is improving enjoyable rapidly. There was an candy tiie pulling at Mr, Dave Clotfelter’s other night All had a good time. Mrs. Berlha.Hollingsworth is very feeble. She has erysipelas. A'pie-Shts.’joii-Seffor'irB Who rpoort to Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, experience speedier and more complete relief than they can hope to do by the use of qui¬ nine. This well authenticated fact is of Itself sufficient to have established a high reputa¬ tion for the, Bitters. But the article is not a specific merely for the various forms of ma¬ laria! disease, it endows the system with a degree of vigor, and reforms its irregularities witli a certainty that constitutes its best defence against disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, specially ri fe where the atmosphere Fever and and water billions are miasma tainted. ague, remittent, dumb ague and ague cake are remedied and pre¬ vented by it,and Italso removes dyspepsia, constipation, medicine on tin*, rheumatism, first indication &c. that Take the this tem is of order, and rest assured .hat sys¬ out you will he grateful for the hint. Miraculous Escape. W. W. Reed, druggist, of Win¬ chester, Ind., writes; ‘‘One of my customers, Mrs. Louisa Dike, Bar tonia. Randolph county, Ind., was a long sufferer with Consumption, and was given up to die by her phy¬ sicians. She heard of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, and began buying it of me. In six month’s time she walked to this city, a distance of six miles, and is now so much improved she has quit using it. She feds she owes her life to it.” Free Trial Bottles at Dr. W. H. Lee’s drug store. Photographs, Ferrotypes Or any kind of a picture you may want. Water colored, ink or crayon. A $75 picture for only $15. My plate pictures arc exquisit—that is what the ladies all say. They can only be appreciated by being seen. Come and see, r.o matter whether you want pictures or not. Remem¬ ber my stay is not long. While in Conyers I will teach Photography either amature application. or professionally. Term given upon J. II. Kuhns, Photographer. Do not allow worms to cheat your children out of their living, Shri ner’s Indian Vermifuge will destroy these miserable pests, and give the little fellows new armors for the bat tie of life. All persons due us, either by note or account, will please call and set tie for we are compelled to have money. S. J, Richardson & Cowan. Legal Warning. All persons are prohibited from hunting, fishing or otherwise tres¬ passing upon my premises, near Ebe nezer church. John. I. Rosser. TO MY CUSTOMERS. All indebted to me are urged to come forward and settle up at once as I am absolutely in need of tiie money. IV. Y..A LMAND. Conyers, Ga., Nov. Gth 1885. CLINGNSAN’S TOBACCO ■jy? meurwa a t t r i fJESFIEDSES the theme. Great“: 50 Medical family ought Diuoveri‘eof to without them. THE CLiSGMAH TOBSCCO (jiHIHEET ptmpw ^ bju. eri.e ooeu.. « wn? . sor«< THE CLIKG’IAM TOBACCO CAKE NVrrifiN OWN KF.JILDY. t wrest all .Uaihanclw Wound*. Caw, Bonn Bt:rL**s, Folnus. har.crff ulcers Erj^i{Kd<ie, Sore Boils, Eyes, c -.iok Soro Tbroat Bui.;' 1 as.Corns. JSearidgis Rlu-uroattsra, Or hi’.is l»»mi it?ios*.«iatic Gout ».’• ids, Couchs, BrvM'.ohitis. Milk !<<%' Snake aa i IX < lmtnttac Si«ngs ot lasts'ts Ac, In tsu-t s’Jtsys c.\\ loCAl sad lufiMamctii*n tsv-m whatever cuu^e. Brice 25 vih. THE CUNCMAW TGSACCO PLASTER iTi-paretl taroiilinc Id lit? mitS^U a alirir ami Fai-.s, it » mvxiv.iti?. pHrt* id <•«». .ocr d.^t for ,l. s . . w th. CLIKGMfi TOBACCO CURE CO. DURHAM, N. C., U. S. A. ■! & flu made some of the 30.02%, Won derful Caron on retard. I A. ‘ ‘ .x. - Saved Ills life. Mr. I). I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., says he was, for many years, badly afflicted with Phthisic, also Diabetes, the pains were almost unendurable and would sometimes almost throw him into convulsions. He tried Electric Bitters and got re¬ from first bottle ami after taking six bottles, was entirely cured and had gained positively in flesh believes eighteen lie pounds. ,uid Kays he •„ have died, had it not been for the re¬ lief afforded by Electric Bitters Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Dr. W. IT. Lee. SPECIAL NOTICE! All who are indebted to myself or Mrs. A. M. Lee will confer a great favor by calling immediately and settling, as we are needing all that is due us to meet our obligations. Du. W. H. Lee. Conyers, Ga., Oct. 23. 1885. TO MY CUSTOMERS! You will find me at the old Post office on the corner, and ready to re¬ ceive your cotton for guano bought of me. Come early and settle and save trouble. D. M. Parker. WANTED! Two thousand pounds of hides Will pay the highest market price. W. V. Almano. If you are suffering from any of the diseases peculiar to woman, will Bradfield’s Female Regulator cure you. Try it. and Send for our Treatise on “Health Happiness of Woman,” mailed free. Bradfiklu Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Decree of the Court. A A Thomason, Bill for account etc. in vs. Rockdale superior George 8 others.’ Phil-f court, verdict & decree lips, and Aug. adj’d term 1385, In pursuance of a decree of tiie court, in tiie above stated cause, I will sell at public outcry, before tiie court house door in the city of Conyers within Tuesday the legal hours of sale, on the first in January, 1886, the following describ¬ ed property, to-wit: A tract or parcel land in said county containing one hun¬ dred acres more or less, being in parts the 4th of lots Nos 315, 324 and 325, district of originally Walton, now Rock¬ dale county. Bounded on the west by land lately owned by Joel Smith; south by Thomas A White; north by Big Haynes creek; east by lands lately being own¬ ed by Caleb A. Blake, and the land on which Mrs. Elizabeth F. Phil¬ lips and her children reside. Kaid land advertised for sale in obedince to the de¬ cree of the court in tiie above stated bill of complaints etc., in said ease of A. A. ’Thomason vs. Charity E., George S., Mary E., Elizabeth F. jr., Arrington 1)., and Lnvestus Phillips, defendants, chil¬ dren of said Mrs. Elizabeth F, Phillips. The proceeds of said sale to be distribut ed as directed and ordered in said decree. Terms of sale cash. Purchasers to be given possession on compliance with said terms. This November ’5th 1885 A P MlTCill LI,, Sheriff. Deputy ADMINISTRATOR SALE. On the 1st. Tuesday in January, 1886, the dwelling house and lot of Mrs. N. C. McLean, (dec*d) in the city of Conyers, on McDonough street, will he sold before the court house door. The lot contains one acre of land. The house lias four large rooms. The place has asplen did well of water, good garden, or chard, and the place is undci good repair. Also, at the same time and place will be sold the plantation, 135 acres of land, more or less, belonging to tiie same estate, lying iu Honey Creek district, known as the Ephraim McLean farm. The plantation well watered, has about 30 acres creek bottom land; about 25 of original forest land, all the ble land is in a fine state of tion, and is remarkably The terms for the dwelling farm will be one half cash and remainder due next fall with Joseph S. Mclean. Conyers, Ga,, Nov. 4th 1SS5. FAY YOUR TAX. The tax books are now open for collection of state anil county taxes Rockdale county for the year 1S85. THEY WILL CLOSE NOVEMIIKK 21ST. I therefore respectfully ask each tax er to take due notice and pay bis tax or before that time. 1 will be in Conyers every and the first Tuesday in each and as often as possible for Office the in ience of the tax payers. rear of D. N. Hudson’s store. 1 will attend the precincts Oct. 5th, as Sheffield—Monday 12th. Oct. 22d, Thursday November Lorraine—Wednesday Oct. 7th, nesday Oet. 28th, Tuesday Oct. 10th. Honey Creek—Thursday Oct. Thursday Oct. 29tli, Wednesday 11th. Hoping that all will pay their promptly, I am very respectfully, M. Lamik Wood, T. C. Rockdale co. Conyers, Ga., Sept. 23d, 1885. Dr. J. G. Westmoreland Cures Piles without the knife, or hot iron, without pain, and in than a week, perfectly Cancer and and other Female diseases, application, and treated his special Nasal Catarrh, and sumption, Asthma, special model of Bronchitis is bv bis halation. 55k, S, Broad st., Atlanta, IT WILL PAY You ii you propose going West or North-West, to write me. I represent the Short Line. F. D. BUSH, D. r. A.. Atlanta, Ga J. S. McLEAN, -MANUFACTURER OF fie mi ait noi mass J And everything in the Harness line. Made of the best materials and the WORKMANSHIP FIRST CLASS. Keep always in stock a full line of the Best Bust fill irafe Li CCD Blankets, and anything yon need in the harness lines at Astonishing Low Prices! Scots Slices Iv£ads to order. Any kind of a boot or shoe you want made to suit you. jgSF*All kinds of repairing done at reasonable rates_j|pJJ J. S. McLean Commerce and Railroad streets, Conyers, Ga. MILLimi! P. A. COWAN & RICHARDSON Return thanks to their friends for past favors and ask you to call and Examine our New Stock of Millf.neRY, THE CHEAPEST THAT WE HAVE EVER BROUGHT TO the CITY! WE HAVE A LARGE LOT OF NEW STYLE Eats, Emit!, Fl if ii, Fl®, Em, Wilis, ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF Ladies’ and Misses’ Hose Jersey Gloves from 35 cents up; Velvet Ribbon from 5 to 35 cents per yard; Laces from 1 to 50 cents; Velveteen from 50 cents to $1.65; Plumes from 15 cents to $5; Handkerchiefs from 5 to 50 cents each; and EVERYTHING in the MillineRY Line! CALL ANT) SEE US, P. A. COWAN A RICHARDSON. CASH! Quick sales and Shari Profits. STRICTLY CASH' FR iu m §i I? - 7 We are receiving _ new goods every day, bought at a bargain and to be sold in the same way. Any tiling 1 von want from a pocket knife to a fine suit of clothes, tress gooas “3 in endless variety and styles. Call and exam ine our immense stock G. M. Jones & Co G. W. WEAVES & BEG. NIGHT'S CORNER ARE OFFERING SPECIAL -BY THEIR SPOT CASH SYSTEM. -KEEP A FULL LINE OF mm iiiMEs, AND GROCERIES. -HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOE tx3r IIPrccL'ULc <r*s Ci ii See Til. ??%ng mg as @333? 33 Pafifigg. s» 95”,; ‘ ‘ 4 2'“ "“ '5 5 "' ' mfiwfin ~ v»:.‘,‘, m», ,;{-?4«Lé"‘ “affix Q&M/{fv W $1” )1 , "i . x 4:. _..» 1J1 " vfmaw; h'" K 11'1““. :41? 1% +2 {y f’ ,, 1'fi:-:%::}v54;3‘ .w J >7 uluA Rnptnros insLuHUy relieved by Fry’s cel— nhmle‘v! LI'IIHH. ‘ ’Hn- «mly 'J‘x‘uss giving an upward and} inward prvss‘um szmu- us lumiing; .L'upi'um up with lhchuml. No px'msmm- 0:1 the hm'l‘. 30111855!) Straps to clmfin :F'irs't, premium and mmlnls award (I:11‘.(,‘im:i1nmmi cxpmi— Lcu,‘ Lion 13%. For sale by Dr. Wm. 11. ‘lJonym's, G31. J. ii. in MANUFACTURER 0 R Buggies and Wagon CONYERS, GEORGIA, I am well prepared to do all ki t Having employed , 8 rel . ri raige painter I.can do anything this line in the i“ost satisfacti manner. Fine Buggies, I have on hand a splendid lot fine buggies of ray own make- a the western buggy—will sell ch Also keep splendid line e a of w ago which I will sell low down. Coffins and Casket? ker’s T keep goods, a splendid consisting line of nndcJ Caskets and Hatdware, of ‘Coil and will j remarkably close. Farm Blaeksmithinl All kind of blacksmitkingdoii reasonable prices. All work is guaranteed to v perfect satisfaction. J. w. languor lMi W 0m m I I Y COMPRISES 4 PREPARATION LITER, HEART & M J TQ^TXC, For Torpid Liver and KVkp»L 1 Palpitation. BLO0B PURIFIES, i'wj For Scrofula and Blood BRAIN TONIC, For Epileptic Fits and MIXTTJRl Convulsij DIARRHEA Manufactured For Diarrhea, Dysentery, 55 South ncj Bn at St., Atlanta, Ga. For sale by j DR. W. Ii. LEE, Conyers, Gcoij A. J. STROM, j CONYERS, GEORGIA. All kind of repairing on watches, cli or any kind of Jewelry, done in . the of 'stvie at reasonable rates. Orai. the old Post-office. Give „ me a trial be convinced that I do first-eto « A J. St BOS. BEWARE OF iii STATION Mmim - StarFastea fester tom a The Eousekeener’s Ffl^j A3K FOR, a^dtakenoo thS Sold by (he Grocery Trade Do you kiio’ _that-- Clink # Lorillard’s 1 ' PLUG TOBACCO^ Hose with red Tin Tag: Clippm? rs. and * Chewing; Navy .Tp. Brown and Yellow considers and cheapest, quality Go to Dr. Lee’s tobacco. Drug < 1L 'j ri fine smoking - a bacco, cigars, and snuff