The Solid South. (Conyers, Ga.) 1883-1892, January 16, 1886, Image 2

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e SOLID BOUT Si. ■*T-r~t -i JOHN R SUDSOX. IMilor. Kl'aW; JAN. Iff. ti. ; SATl i- i ' of t*U< iu 1 U tor- ?■ tic-ttoi *■ Tbe oldest inhabit: id ’ i: ' never f acen such wrntbe. Tbe blizzard this vrerk lias kr.-H’U ed all tl.c melody out of Use sunny couth. Bal’Weather on trnnijis nwi home less duties, hut for i.iie wicked tlm fnturs is still promn ing. If the gubet natoi iui t ;ice lies lie tween Bjvcou_ and McDaniell, how will this eontatv go. This [hlis/.z.nfd must he a paiiti .eian—it stands on loth sides of feneg; at the same lime. “Kihs tilt) baity while you can, .• warifles a poet. Thants, we wait till she is 1 <» and list ourclnm CCS. “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy'-’ is«H beautiful and nice, hut ft ddesn’t apply to the distribuiiou of postoffiees. It>'is passing strange that, this county sUivuld suppot t a whisky l’u vorihg cohgressmi<n when it ItoanU •uch temperance airs. Th-me things human nature is puorted to esaggeraU-—the length of a firfh; lltosize of a stt»k<-, and the condition of the weather. Gol. James I’-uo, of Goviiutton has been appoint'd ton | dtion in iin Interior Dcpai-imenl by Scctvtaty I.atna-r. lit* will move his L-tmily to Washington. ----- Where is “the great eonstituiionnl lawyer,” MviihU? Thi ■ g>-iitlem-:>i is the distinguished TenuesKCtui who melted around so energetically for Congressman Hninmond. Tito wen (her is too icy at present to discuss politi- H, 1 ,lit if will he i> cold dnt wiien in August, us tho saying goes, NiTvion eountvT distif’ guished son gets left for governor. It will please he borne in inim thnt WaUpn county is ilu> political in.i-uhator,i>f 1 jis senatui iul ilialriot Ami, also, keep i( he* It in your memory 11 ni) she mother^, no had ‘‘gfe f f* In our polili' ttl w.iifar** we dyn-uniL object seriously to tho use ot halTs. They tuvenliroh ton o n-cl¬ ous, and Ifeyrnd this, they’ art* oo nt teriv surprising. Wh.y. to he sure, they will kill a man and bury him before lie is exactly dead. Don’t gentleman, don’t. The county poorhonsc was burned nt Sparta Monday- night The in ipates all escaped, but saved next to nothiug. There, is no iinformal ion ha to tlie cause of the disaster, but it is probable, that it was careless hand¬ ling of li re. The voters of this county should make up their minds as to who is the mo d, “acceptable” man to represent this senatorial distrk-i. Bear in mind that t!n« eounty will be hopored with furnishing I'm sen ator this year, provided an accepta¬ ble man is presented to the convc-n tion. The pcK ilb Chronb-lo rises up and mnarks solemnly; “Mvnatthas nr*, and will not. net the dupe for anybody.” If this is tbe lad in the ease we are proud to hear it, But in 2>S84, didn't he'spraddle wideb¬ . and dishonorably to subserve the end of an ungrateful second rate pol¬ itician? The’Wnlton News flies back at ns with this startling query, “What have we done?” The News is deeid edlv funny, If Col. Napier lind passed over this wav, some lorn weeks ago, and w-unos'-d the des¬ tructive effects of one of its oditori hIs, senatorially-speaking, the i;nos tion would have presented ilselfin this form: “What the deuce is it we have not done?” Mynntt and llaunnond, with a few ealty tears, did the work in thi, county. Capt. Jackson, just stilii* at age of the game, it will he iTfrtMn • be rod. “toted Isis own skillet” The laugh comes in here When the dis tribution of a pns! office came round to the terrfn! brethren, Hammond never forgot to “tote his own skillet." Now we laugh. Gen. Toombs’ residence at Wash ington has been closed. No eoneltt aion has been reached os yet by tnemWrs of tiie family a* to what ditjimition will bo mode of t!ie place. It ii 3 genera! w'-di that some member oft he family wi ! \ soon ocupv it. If Rockdale county desires tbe next Senator she will do well to steer clear of getting up a row among her own favorste sons who are aspiring to tbe jmsit ion. Rockdale delegates must be solid Convention for one man when she goes to the else her chances are doomed.—Covington Sitcrprisc. 1 S„ IP Port BounerV fatuous trotk-r. avill in to In-nt otlebia tod record of 2:08i next spring. S. iiit’iinhsjn , , . . IS on tnc liu-nMtff, < iv ;if .< ; n < ami seam < s :e ar.d_ It*'•<*<!. ! The Lcii'-v.-rs sn haunt | of cappings vith (lll ( !ttj ^ trot.ldc. Tl» .-■-■■ ■ o. ;n-w< p:i;. r, e-. )<’•*> . i! • ^ > *ii:tk f t!,, h ic. > he t-as • T)t<-y hJvc: i/.r - ior n ntan to start a paper, promising ••f- i) uf.oii subscribers, big advertise moots, etc.” Horace (jrc< Sy otter- said in conver¬ sation: “Any man with mote than a million is a nuisance.” “Don’t he : fool, my dear,” tv-nton strated a husband to l; is wife, j. who was letting he jaw swing loose n ’holm-eze. won’t, Mr. Jenk¬ ins, 1 won’t,” site answered; “peo p ! e won't know its apart if I did.’ ; lie went right down town. Th«re are eight limes as ninny ; bow legged nun as women. so it is said. The Georgia Match Factory at GaincKulle lias failed and gone into the hands of a receiver. The Dia mond Match Company, the officers say, put the price of matches down mo low ns to cause them to run at a loss, in order to freeze them out, that it might con tin tie its monopoly. They say it lum done every other ri¬ val that way. A writer says ' hat “trnvet elevates the people.” It. certainly does, if the boiler on the ves-ie on which they are travt Hng explodes. But it is mighty unhealthy. The Senate committee has report¬ ed favorably a bill to prohibit tbe Ik 8 . Me,i(fl from carrying newspa or other publications, containing lot tery advertisments. “How on earth do you manage to gel along :-<> well? I thought that only « few years ago von was head nnd c-o-h in debt.” “Oh, those were old debts; 1 never pay old debts.” •‘But your new ones?” “I let them get old.” Ex Governor Ilenj. Conley died :tt ilia residence in Atlanta, on Sun¬ day morning last, the 10 th instant, aged nearly 7J years. His remains were carried to Augusta for inter un-nt. It will be remembered that when Gov. Bullock absconded, Mr. Goniiy, who was then President of the Georgia Senate, succeeded to the office of Governor, which lie held un til Gov. Smit h was ek-eied. Seventy Days Trance. A Sleeping Beauty Awakos and Telia a Strange Story. Goi.umbus, Neb., Jan, 12 —News has just reached In ure from a farm house several miles north that Min¬ nie Din liner, Nebraska’s sleeping beauty, recovered consciousness Sun¬ day, Jan. 3, the seventieth day of her hystem cataleptic trance sleep. The roads luive been impassable un lilt ihepicseul time, and lhe news of her recovery could not be rel ieved be¬ fore. The girl fell into revived tbe trance Oct. from which she has now “(i hist. During the long interval she has lain to i ll appearance a life lc-s Icing', with the exception of re -pir.tiou an i pcIxHtbin. When Miss Di -diner awoke, her mind was appar¬ ently clear ami unimpaired and her appetite and general feelings good, bin her area s and legs were para¬ lyzed. She says she was conscious during the whole time of her pro ti acted trance, but t hough she oxer ;o,j her utmost evince her conscious¬ ness. she could uot move a single muscle. She says she had no pliisi eal pain until the fortieth day of her sleep, when (he ele. iTu- battery was applied. Since then she has suffer ed a thousand agonies of body, and at times it seemed ns if her mind would give way under tho strain, and she now complains of physical sufferings in suscq ueme of the shock to her system. The doctor in atten uuuee says, however, that she will recover in a short time, and will also regain full use of her lintbs. Most Excellent. J, J. Atkins, Chief of police, Knox ville, Tenn., writes: “My family and 1 are beneficiaries if your most ex .•client medicine. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; have found it to he nil that you claim for it. desire to testify to its virture. My frh-nds to whom I have recoin mended it, praise it at every oppor (unity.” Discovery for Dr. King’s New Consumption is guuranteeod to cure Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Aslhaina, Croup and ail effect ions of the throat and Lungs. W. Trial Bottles Free at Dr. II. Lev's Ding store. Large bottle cost ll.OO. To bring he: ’th and happiness to suffering woman, is the mission of BiadtieSd’s Female Regulator. Try it and be convinced. Si nd for our Treatise on “Health and Uappii.ess of Woman,’' loaded tree. i.u-UiHixi) Ktot i -v iok Co.. Atlanta, Ga. All persona due us, cither by note or account, will please call ami set j tie for we are compelled to have money. S. J. Rioii.v kc-aox jr Cos-tv, Kli Eli i'J’F SA LES. •n.I,l« ! »l,ll,.f»r,,te ™,:,l ooorin tbe ritv of Conyers on the i f]r ^j f . p,,i ,., i;nT) wiUihi *»,«• j,.y,j hours -f ^Ac, «>• the big: ,e■' bi-bi if'- / '•■ ' d f rf . ''V CC j ,.. f .-, v -- i . Uroilwtx t'<<i burgi ; i. f;i j«d on a- 'ho proper 1 ) ©fT. E. «'r».;n ax to pathfv a ti fa. in favor of fie'-rpo T. ; \v. Glwitou. trtincfnrrop. versus h Brt-Jnax atul hy J. defenilant M. Zaolirv. ami parting Property in pointed out notiii'-i!. 'i’hia Dec. HI, 183*>. iiossns.-iot) —— At the game time and place the follow ingdc<enbe'l property w-wtt: A part of b*nd lot no_ TiO in the lmh ..i-uu-t of orbrlnnlly Henry and now l.oekdak* con 'tv containing one eumliv., su.d foi tv ar-res. inure or h- g ami hoimned a. Mlowe: On tliojontb by iel ovv•river on tin-(‘O't by land lot? no. •••> 1 in game distriet, on the’north by landst lamed now tiy Misses Kittie and Fannie Carr, being ]<Il no. S.‘{9, on the we-t by hind lot no. H28, in said district. Laud levied on us the prone ft v of 15. F. Carr toiutigfy urn: fi fa issued by W. IV. Yelms, tax eoilee tor, against B F Carr for state and coun¬ ty tax for the year W84 •, also one. fi fa is¬ sued by M fj tVood. fax collector, against Mir-s Kittie and Fannie Carr, present claimants, for state ami county tax for the year 1885. Property pointed out hy li fa. Parties in jtossession notified. Le¬ vy made by T II Erjans, i. and re¬ turned to me. This 2d day of Jan. IbtSO \V. Ii. Sf. Austin, FlierUf. SHEUIFF’S SALES. ’*'v r 11,1, be sold before, tbe court bouse ’ ' door in the cit.V of' Conyers on the first, Tuesday in February U>zii. between tiie Icau! boars of i-ole, to the bigbest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-vvit: Track or lOtii parcel of land lying and being in t ne district of oviginaily Henry now liockdale coun¬ ty, being lot No. 142. containing two hundred two am! one half acres, and bounded ns follows: South by Tom Hai¬ Tims. ley, oust by A she, try Veal, north by 11. Hardin, and vest, Ig binds of said J. F. Hardin, (deceased), and W. T. Charta, being the [dace whereon the Fid.’.). F. Hardin resided at Ids death: also ;t part of lot No. 14ii. being in the UHh district of orlgintdJy Henry now Hockdale county, eonta-ning eigbty-!;ve th< su rert, and bounded as follows: On HOU ft, by W. T. Cltaiin, on the west ’ey aforesaid mentioned lot of land No. 112. on tbe north by Brooks To.-ey. on the west by Wcrren Head, being the lands described in deed recorded ir. book “H” page 413. Dee. htii, iS65, in clerk’s oilier sitperior court <d’ Rockdale count) , and described in li fa. hercinattei mention t‘d and referred to .is p-.ivt of the descrip¬ tion in said levy, (except the sixty-five acres claimed by Mrs. Ann T. Hardin, widow of said John F. Hardin, as dow¬ er). Siiid land levied on as (he. property of the estate of John F. Hardin, (dee’d), to satisfy an execution i. riied from Inc superior court of said county in favor ot H.P. A I). M. Almaud against Thomas H. Hardin as administrator of tbe estate of John F. Hardin, (defeated), to be re¬ covered of the goods ami chatties, lends and tenements cf raid estate, and espe¬ cial))* of the lands herein (.escribed and referred to. This December l/lh, Db.». A. Mnciisi.r.. Deputy Sheriff. Aclministraiior’H Sale. 1 will sell before tbe court house door in the city of Conyers Rm-kikde county, Gcorgt:t, on the tii-st Tuesday in Febru¬ ary next, one hundred and seventy-five acres of land, more or less, in said coun¬ ty ; same being in one body and bounded as follows: On the north and west by the i rank Sigman place, on the east by lands of K. II. Baker and Mrs. Miller, on the south-east liy lands of Mrs. Miller and southwest by lands of R. U.Cannin. it being (be place iviiereon Mrs. Elizabeth Lacey lived a great number of years lie fore her death . 'l'ln 1 s;i!iie lo he sold as tin* property of the estate of said Eliza¬ beth' for the of her purpose and of paying di¬ the indebtedness estate a vision among her heirs. Sold by order of the court of Ordinary of said county, erms of sale, one-half cash, the other alfdue 1st day of November nex: « id small notes, good security and interest from day of sale. Titles to he made upon payment of entire purchase money Jan. Ist lStiG. Thomas .1. Day, Administrator. 1UU f ipUjci lkiiJ Ifni] Ulililliilis! Those are the words cf Mr. David Carr, of IVKalb county, employed in tendering hr testimony. READ WHAT HE SAYS. “Eight years ago, while, living in Cow¬ eta eounty, my wife, a strong, liealtl-y woman, strained herself from ovcrlCti g and brought, on what physicians Being termed ‘falling of the womb.’ compli¬ cated with other female troubles, she was reduced at the time l speak of, to almost a shadow. 1 had tried all die I physicians and nearly all tbe patent mod- | ionics 1 could hear of, hut she did not improve at all; kept getting worse, and in a lit of desperation, she decided to try another patent medicine, and, luckily for her, it was BRADFIELD’S REGULATOR. In one week’s time she was relieved, and by cent ined use of it she w as cured sound and well. She has since become the mother ;fl'ter of two strong, healthy children. Now, a lapse of five years of unin¬ terrupted health, by hev imprudence in lifting, she lias brought on the old trouble again, but. strange it as with it may seem, she does not look upon that sense of loathing and horror as. might be expect¬ ed, for she says it will not take vour em edy long to cure Ur, and w hen 1 sug¬ gested getting a physician, she. indig¬ nantly replied that as long as she eonhl GET BRADHEUTS FEMALE REGULATOR She needed no doctor, lmiing saved her I life once sh.e knew it would cure her now. Gratefully yours. Diviu Cvsui.” Edwardvtlle, Ga., Jan. 20, 1 S« 5 . i Send for our Treatise on Female Dis¬ eases mailed free. Address, ■ IlKADFiELD ii lulLatok Co.. Atlanta Ga. "For Sale m DR. AV. II. LEE, Druggist, j CONYERS. GEORGIA. El KCI/.iODFNTIS: T-.JT «*»<'»£ 'A n ! ' n I havetlus Li) s0 1 ’ D • *■ H ' Mc * • R!ec-t’-o<kn t , Donald the right painless to use ,j. f ur the < G*-, in the tc>v n of Conyers. U-c- is mv autliOiiz-.-i ag-iff to Up* «Tme M ' ;;; Vl | *>■« I' 10 ' 1, " ni1 "^' r I kef > a fuli line ot spectacles and i . *„ 8{ ,jt iny customers both j 1 ‘ ui quality .. aLl . p .... LM.. . • li. T l. . j . Buckieii’s Arnica Salve, ; .y V r^valt'itUun!! Fe ^ OJ Tctf r auiptMtl Hatelg, Chil . ( . . ./..pi^tv r , irns !in ,i a !I skin Eruptions, ,, cures Filer, or tm pay re p pt cr, I:l ; a!!t.! to give perfect , )r 1K „„,. J V refunded. Pr&e , , >0I> V Bille !v Dr. W. H. 1 1A , ‘ r - Di.J. €i. Westiiioreland rlutes Files whuont the knife, ligature in less or hot iron, without, pain, and than a week, perfectly and permanently. ulcers Female diseases. Cancer and other treated Ids special a-pnUeaticm. and Con¬ sumption, Eioncldtis Asthma, is bv hi- Na-al special ( model at:u-rh,^and of In¬ halation. i*5jJ 8. Broad st., Atlant--, Ua. Mixed Fitints. Dr. W. II. Lee has a iarge lot of mixed paints of all coins, 'lids paint is ready- for use and can by put on bv anyone whether lie be a paint e r or not. Call and get a sample card of colors free. % hj i i • PILLS Y KAfa g US 2 - Tha Uroatest T-Tt- s'i Yr£m!& , cf the Ago! tkYG'^TOhtiG CP A TORPID LIVES ’3.-r.*at't:i$i r.fpe, iiiiV7str.co9T.Ws, fv.iatn tii» tsc.r.J, n :!i a ttaji ssesausa In iiia loirfe .. Tata vs.-lei- tb# ctmau’rT*. t .• .-•••'*- ■ ciKliMT, vrilli err-Jed, I :Mn s cciii.saot baity Ii r i i si;, •Mr of £ c.ju c, ?,o vr svlrJ: *, vraa a i'ccV-.f' of b.*es;:i-r vsee.'ed *i;iae, \V«ai ;Bcs* 5 1 .. j ■ af - i'i i>la tssi-J'.tjf ai ibo i. . .t!. it i/.s beforasho ere-', Ili-afiac'-.o «vo2- (•■* ; >--/!.' iter: !,• - r V'.-.'b fit:as «ri >uu*, fits, -ir iotarfd C’iiiiO, wsfi f..;*••• at s&H' •TCTT’S Fi ZsS--Ji are *:ipe-.: , ?Jty adapted to e aU, cua itoso etfeeis sufferer. each a c; hiif<e of ieaibir e s to astonish the They iweroaxa I’ao Ai>»vt»t*.i'nrt ea«» the 1 'tie to Oil TJesiu.tiiun Toole ib» Action sr-wm .« »aos»j-ie?>ed»«r'l by their Kiools on l.,e ... i ro«t'.-; 2 xns,xz«uuSc-v -Y. i.^>v,r9ci4.fs,iiciain*w’o«jojrf»«t I -. i.j■ -j. -2 1*1'vata^wxfir or .'vj .. ■ mi. wm Him cbs.«:a<l to a Gi.ay Hr- 1 < ov TFamtBss eppUeauen Or/>:>»Y i,u*et hy a sbigio urtfarat co!or,aot« os tillsDrE.’, ft imparts belli a bv l'raggists. Or Cc»t.bvext»r«. ton l-ccclptiof M'»«V ii. York. &y;, -*4 ■firinmtw VLN-N i'3 T/#R m : '4 - r SWl*'?k$ I® m «!;«I * .oC=„ M 2 - Ml PI V I A m fiffi KS ;M if i OUR PREMIUM. We oiler Cleveland and his net, a Ivnutifn! picture for every home, as a ptc-iimnn with the Solid Su:;t.h for one year's suhseription. The picture is large sue and hand sonic y finished. They can be had at this oli’ce. Dr. W. H. Li e’s, G. W. Weaver A B o’s, and at tile Post oilh-e. where subscription will he t-a ken, Pii-tutv without paper25 cents, wi;h Solid South $1.25. Just reel ived a large lot of gener¬ al line of merchandise, and don’t in¬ tend to he undersold. Call and ex¬ amine my goods. G. P. Ei.liott. A ! v\ ho wish bargains tall on S'. J. Riebntdson & Cowan. They are selling at. cost. IW-1SMi l Best Toned Stiiiip in the m ,1 -'4 Trcr'.d. Evei ’7 siring wacTanted. (Xo String soid r.t Estnil. in Xusieal Merchandise, Music S 3 lioscs & BrassLaudlnstruments. 43 balden Ist.e, Ne* lark. Bxko Foa CilAI-OQVS. The CoiiiediTale or&rau D HY—-./// // a fi J A'-De/; V\ Mil V» ti A I i ci-K'.UV'-. ..-■ --rTT if-! K '*-.iAil - - i • : A’ ! 5% «,7 - r - • - .-yU. L'-' - A: AND SOLID SOTO 82.50 FOE 12 MONTHS FI i i IT! h 4-T * 1 DiiilU/iii ) 4 11 .Yi 1 | A ] -0 Q T\] m - iiiJaiiJ DRY goods, SHOES, etc. at U. E. UAI:J I It & EEC’S. Call and see ft* IIc^vv line of canned goods etc. now in : STOCK.Cht-noer 5 than ever Before, at U. F. 11A HEER & EDO’S. _ - T VCl ■* - a • 4. 1 1IC8 111 ,-*.*-* <->u-r C till Cl V O UARFH! *'lntO?- ...^AiSS i, n dat° S 1 1 a Harper & Bug’s. Pa id Em pi oymeiit can alwavs he secured ,bv you. if you are tnontus, a competent at SHORTHAND v\ i-iter This yon in a v become in a few very utto expense. W /n’orinir the KBOUTHAND INSTITUTE at Louisville. Ky or NashviU,, Te'nn. "while Shorthand and Typewriting elaitns^onr sole atfention, out m indents eau m-eive the very best tuition ’.n i ra.. .«Aa.j,-J . i, ABITfl. METIG and BOOK KEEPING at grmaly reduced ntv*. If von e atmo , come to us WE OAK TEACH iOC Bt MAIL Ah 1 GOEOLfril. Svid for Circulars to Professor H. A. HALE, PriacMial h north and Iasti. lute. Address hi.n either at Nashville, Tmn. or Louisville, Ky. whi^ ever is tho mo 3 t convenient point for yourself. j. S. McLEAN, y MANUFACTURES OF--- 1?!?TP fM i)dbtl PEPPY nvf! mi WJPnf rubuh IHPWO? BMumofi, And everything in the Harness line. Made of the best materials and th* WORKMANSHIP FIRST CLASS. Keep always in stock a full line of the Roil LOul iudliOui), WflM h kipi) } UpppoBiufr LiuUyiimM 2. L 8 Ml* Blankets, and anything you need in the harness lines at Astonishing Lo\ /V IT Prices! •O----— man l»__ i s**\ >***> - ^ 'C 4 ys Ww “v**! Jtim P-Oi. u”i SE 9 k»«a Case’ -RCwO 3' 3 wiv4i ad® loonier. Any kind of a hoot or shoe yon want made to suit van j jgsgJPAIl kinds of repairing done at reasonable rfeten 09 J. S. McLean, Commerce and Railroad streets, Conyer*, Gn. _ m w m % . kk i ii m i Id 6ft 1 i i! P. A, GO WAIT & SIGHARDSOH !l Return thanks to their fricxn’a for past favors and ask you to cal! Examine our New Stock of MilleneRIB H THE CHEAPEST THAT YvE HAVE EVER BROU CUT TO tLsCITl*,, LARGE It WE HAVE A LOT OF NEW STYLE m&fy PiUJlRpU byBSBsrgj FI 1 m rm, )\ r / ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF .1 1 * i: 9 and Misses’ Hose JK..J aaies H Jersey Gloves from 35 cents tip; L Velvet Ribbon from 5 to 35 cents per yard; he Laces from 1 to 50cents; Velveteen from 50 cents to $1.05; Plumes from 15 cents to $5; Ci Handkerchiefs from 5 to 50 cents each; and EVERYTHING in the MillikeRY Lins ili II! CALL AND SEE US, P. A. COWAN & RICHARDSON- C: STRICTLY CASH! c/5 ?» pa —w ( o TV I'Tjj zn cd oo O >> STRICTLY CAS$ erP %*&&■*’* t fgZ3 m b ... 1 ^■1 _ i .,.nH ( CS . . G. W. WEAVER & BE0. ---NIGHT’S CORNER ARE OFFERING SPECIAL -T^ md in ’ 3 .A yAeu "ESr^- baste W A. wci&t ssa* 'i BY THEIR SPOT CASH S TGWI i ij KEEP A FULL LINE OF WW, BHHS --and GROCERIES. -HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOE- c ™ “l"! W~i» GS Poll Utlil O/pF li C'nn t)0u ^PIsQ1T1 ilioiil. N