The Solid South. (Conyers, Ga.) 1883-1892, January 30, 1886, Image 1

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iid. gSCCLtll Saturday by t’uo jslied every COMPANY. ®J PDBLiSHISS h Ed. jladtlox. I proprietors. if ffin * subsSwios. 2b. $1 sar 05 mlHs 35 % i icn copy free. [SHINGTON NEWS. Ltsasdeefubiioansoau ; CUB FOR WQBK. yard’s death Oauses a nniet Q Week In Social Circte Shikgt° s , D.'C.,Jan.2fi,’bfi. lawmakers on Capitol Hill liad before them this week miscellaneous matter ami minor measures. It would I difficult to state what ques |j fto e :e not touched those upon that by tsit-in have mention [iscussed. In the senate silver L the chief subject of debate, f t he house, there has been a If almost everything. l president lost no time in af his signature to the Sueces ill. This measure is thought if me to lie far from perfect, jt will serve for the present to [uncertainty U in the event of of the president, and it ve assurance that the admin on of the government will cou iuider thepnrty to which the [confided it, for the full term br years. The measure will ply always be known by the [of the “Hoar hilt,” but it was, (th, |al a conception of Attorney original Garland, and was JiDed and presented by him. Lot passage, it was afterward fed by Senator Hoar, of Massa Its, and taken hia name. Ire is an interesting contro now between the ariministra nd the senate in regard to the nsion of federal officials. The llican senators caucused on the it and decided to* ask for pa¬ iring on removals and ap nents The president in cd the cabinet officers to send ppors, The republican SOIKl orrather, sorue'of their mana Edraunds, Hoar, Morrill and 8 were not satisfied with the nation contained in these doc its, and forthwith put ou their wint. They got all they asked nt they want 1 more and confess fit there was an error in the .of the request, for information, [or ich Edmund lie made a long speech took the ground that incentive branch of the govern Icould and should be made to ih all of the information in its Ission and the reasons touching hpension of officials. Senator ■bury, a democrat from Dela I replied in defense of the ad Itration, holding that the senate |oright (for to inquire into the rea suspension. The partisan or from Vermont became still positive, and said he was in I of bringing the members of the | if et necessary, Before the senate commit¬ to ascertain the . . r i:i '-‘ on upon which suspensions f p e<?Q that ill; he i(le. He further gave would oppose the eon Ikon of the successor of every Neel official, unless the admin i i would at least say there b information in its possession PS on them. p democratic senators caucused Sard to the course thej- should i e towards the president’s ap ®ents. They had special ref te^oivkat the republican sens 'a 11 ** demand in the way of in tion *ca..nges concerning made the by reasons the for Je presi K ea eral sentiment ex ed in c “ ucus Wj that . is the pres ° U ^ sustaine d in ever t >UrSe ma take. hand ' Is ^ Mr. averse to anything hav tea the appearance ►five of bringing * treasure He to.bear npon con ;• Mu ia ewfi” not S {embersofh' lre ctly, ,H° c upon ” rt jhjy towers- r e_ , ls own party. of the When S ca « Nplied W ° Uld haVC lhem purown pi*,*?'. iuZTl 0 a8 ** to discre wIi at ' F L- and j) i ■'oer. a quiet one in Sf'4 1 I n ssa ril«S Up i fe c. I ) C r I I .? 0 a fea3 TRUTH, JUSTICE AND PROGRESS FOREVER. Vol. 4. CONYERS, GEORGIA, JANUARY 30, 1880. No. 2 the official. social world of the eapi . , r,.,.......... - .....K.,........ 2 . that of the secre¬ tary of state, Miss Cleveland conn tenminded her tri weekly receptions and none of the cabinet ladies re¬ ceived. The second state dinner of the season was held at the white house, however, on Thursday even ing. It was given to the diplomatic corps. The invitations having been issued a week ago, Secretary Bayard specially requested the president that it should not he postponed, Commissioner Sparks of the Land c>Hl ( *c Holds the awful tenor of his way against the land thieves out west. He has never been Jn the least perturbed by the threats of as sassinaticn lie has received from per¬ sons to whom he has refused land patents. There is probably more indignation against him in Dakota than any other locality. The com¬ missioner has just expressed his in¬ flexibility in a letter sent to that ter¬ ritory. lie said: “I do not propose to confirm fraudulent entries, and I do progose to find out those which are honest and to separate them from those which arc found to be othor. wise.” The way to wealth i» as P lai » the way to market. It depends chiefly on two words, industry and frugality; that is. waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both. Without industry and frugality nothing will do, and with them, everything. Moody and Sankey are booked for an appearance in Savannah in March. Mr. Hammond will have the naming of a postmaster at G rlfiin next month. Only two applications are filed, one republican, T. W. Thurmond, the present incumbent, wfio has a large petition asking that he bo retained. The democratic applicant is M. O. Bowdoin, who is a relative of Mr. Hammond by marriage. It is stated, on good authority, that the republi¬ can will go. Brother Talmagc lectured in New York the other night on the “Absur dities of Evolution.” In conclud¬ ing he said “the human race started with men ten feet high and capable of living- over 800 years. Now we pee young men evolved from Europe¬ an travel with spiked shoes, noovrr coat, a swinging stoop gait, a sin gle eyeglass and countenances weak¬ ly imitating English imbecility. Isn’t this evolution backward?” There were several dudes in the audience, upon whom many eyes were turned by the desorption. It seems that Mr. Talmage’s doctrine is that the monkey evolved from man, and not man from monkey. Two doctors were disputing by the bedside of a man during his illness. “I tell you the liver is dis¬ eased,” said one. “Nonsense! noth¬ ing* of the kind. It is the spleen, said the other. “Very well, we shall see who is right at the post mortem ex¬ amination.” Hearing which the pa *ient became real mad and got up and dressed himself. He began to improve from that time and hasn't known a eic *k day since. A man calling himself Fitzgerald, who has been about Elberton for the last two or three weeks advocating negro equality, offered an insult to a lady about some business transac¬ tion. Friday the enraged husband of the lady met tbe man in the post office, and without any ceremony commenced trailing him with a whip staff. Others joined iu with cow¬ hides and buggy whips and gave him a thorough drubbing. After it was over he was furnished with an escort to conduct him out of town um,or a plom,se t0 - Col. Edmund Richardson, a lead ing cotton merchant of New Orleans and the richest man South died last w «ck. IIe owned nineteen cotton Dentations in Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi, covering fifty thousand acres. lie was worth from $10,000,0000 to $15,000,000. I HOW TO GET ALCisG. i Don’t stop to tell stories in busi¬ . ness hours. If you have a place of business, be found there when wanted. Ko man can get rich when sitting around stores and saloons. Never “fool” in business matters. Have order, system, regularity,and also promptness. Do not meddle with business j r ou know nothing of. Do not kick every one in your path. More miles can be made in a day by going steadily than by stopping. Pay as you go. A man of honor respects his word as he does his bond. Help others when you can, but never , give what you cannot afford to, simply because it is fashionable. Learn to say no. No necessity of snapping it out dog-fashion, but say it firmly and respectfully. Use \ our brains, rather than those of others. Learn to think and act for your self. Keep ahead rather than behind tbe times. Young man, cut this out and if there be anv * fallacy in the argument lcl U(J know it> A contemporary w ho does ;y>t re¬ alize that every woman is the archi¬ tect of her fortune, wants the girls to advertise for proposals when they desire to build up homes. If the discharge from the bladder is light colored, and demands fre¬ quent attention, especially at night you have reason to suspect an un¬ healthy condition of the Kidneys, use Dr. J. II. McLenans llomoco pliatic Liver and Kidney Balm. For sale by Drs. Stewart and Lee. Jan. 30, 3 m. Representative George D. Wise, of Virginia, and Representive Boutelkq ol Maine, had a rather spicy debate in tire House Friday relative to al leged removal of Federal inscriptions at the Norfolk navy yard. It is not probable that Mr. Boutelle will care to stir up the Virginia Congressman again soon. P. F. Lawshe, whose paper—the Southron—was burned out in the re cent Gainesville fire, has found out that all the names on the book are not good for the money. He urges them to come up and pay what they owe, at the same time asking other papers to “please copy in behalf of a brother journalist in a tight place.” W. H. Stephenson has purchased the Hartwell Sun. J. II. Magill re¬ mains as editor. It- is said that in Taylor county there i3 a justice of the Peace who acts as judge, jury and administra tor. Not long ago he tried a case of divorce between two colored people. He put the ease to trial as a judge and decided that both parties were entitled to a divorce as a jury, and proceeded to administer on the ef¬ fects of the parties, giving the wo man her share and the man Iris. It is presumed also that his little fee came along towards the last. A very loquacious lady, calling one day to see her physician, talked on and on with such volubility that tbe lather could not get in a word edgeways. Growing impatient he at length told her to put out her tongue which she did. lie then said: “Now please keep it there until you have heard what I have got to say to you.” Several years ago a certain clerk in Eatonton, being drunk, went into cellar of the store to •*“» .<**•»<* ff: At proprietor chaiged mm up five dol lars for storage and lost time. An other merchant, on a like occasion, made a similar charge against his clerk. The next day the clerk was sober, and at night he went to the ledger and credited his account with j live dollars for being sober one day. j PATEKTS GEA35TED. Patents granted to citizens of the southern states on Jan. 19, 188b, and reported . expressly for the Souu South by A !. A, Snow & Co., patent lawyers, opposite U. S. Patent Of¬ fice, Washington, D. C. J. C. Await, Stewart’s Mills, Tex. Colton sweep; G. H. Aylsworth, Jacksonville, Fla.Summer fan; R. G. Hassell, Leesburg, Va. Sash fastener; I). Bromley, Carrollton, Ivy. Car brake ; M.A. Cutter, Galveston, Tex, Sasli holder; R. R. Enerson, Pilot Oaky Ky. Churn motor; D. Giles, Chattannooga, Tenu. Pipe testing machine; T. IT. Hester, Troy, Miss. Churn; W F. Kireher, Covington, Ky. Grapple; T. Martin, Sturm’s Mills, W. Va., Washing machine; A. McNab, Big Creek, Tenn. Tobac co fertilizer dropper; A. McKaib, Cumberland, Md. Lathe; J. W. Per sohn, McKinney, Tex. Churn; J. J, Philbrick, Birmingham, Ala. Barrel making machine; J. Schmid New Orleans, La, Railway station indica¬ tor; A. Stewart, Iiivesville, W. Va. Key board; R. IV. Traylor, Rich - mond, Va., Journal board. Aarrangemeuts for the erection of the Third Christian Church in Au gusta have been completed, and the structure will probably go up w ithin a short time. The ground has been secured in the neighborhood of the orphan asylum, and convenient to the street car line. Sixty feet of the bridge across South river, at Panola, fell in on the night of the 19th. No one was on it. A man on horseback had just gone off. Travelers were put to a great deal of inconvenience, no bridge be¬ ing nearer than three miles. Col. It. M. Clarke is constructing a ford but if the river rises it cannot be used. Commissioner Henderson has planted a bed of tobacco seed at the Department of Agriculture for ex perimcntal purposes. There are in the South Georgia Conference 213 preachers and over 39,000 church members, 451 Sunday schools, 2,800 teachers and over 21, 000 scholars. A negro lias been elected Mayor of LaPpyette, Walker county, Georgia. This was done in a joking spirit, because the charter of that town had been changed against the protest of its citizens. We fear the joke has been carried too far and the people of LaFayette will realize it too soon. In the past year the richest Amer¬ ican merchant, II. B. Cliaflin, the riches American railroad man, W. II. Vanderbilt, and the richest Amcri .can planter, Edmond Richardson, died. It is notable that not one of the three died in his bed. One dropped dead at bi3 desk; another in his hall, and the other in the street. This forces the suggestion, says the Constitution, that iho over¬ work of accumulating and maintain vital ing a vast fortune, snapped the chord for each of the millionaires. Gladstone, serene and steadfast at 80, and Vanderbilt tumbling dead from his chair, contrasts tbe sensi¬ ble English life with the wasteful haste of Americans. If, by some sudden convulsion of nature everybody in the world should be killed, except one man and woman, most of the arts would be destroyed, but the male members of the generations that would spring from this pair would leave the doors open at the wrong time, and the females would wear bangs. There are customs ingrafted upon humanity that only can be eradicated by the utter annihilation of the human race.—Macon Tele¬ graph. For horses or other Animals, Dr. J. H. McLern s Volcanic Oil Lini £oi es, Cuts, or an special disease. It js a specific Nervous for Rheumatism, Ncu ralgia and Pains, which im mediately yieldU, its magic influ ®“JtTons it relaxes Contracted Mus c i CS) renews elasticity limbs. in stiff joints ? nj shriveled For sale by Drs. Stewart and Lee. 3 m. LOVE POE NEWSPAPERS. The. following from some paper so well expresses our ideas that wo think the space it. occupies will be well used. In it may be seen some thing of that intangible thing called good will, which so many have often tried to define; “The strong attachment of sub¬ scribers to a well-conducted news¬ paper is fully confirmed by all pub lishers. ‘Stop my paper,’ words of dread to beginners in business, lose their terror after a paper has been established a few years. So long as a paper pursues a just, honorable and judicious course, meeting the wants of its customers in all respects the ties of friendship between the subscribers aud the papers are as hard to break by an ouside third par¬ ty as tbe link which binds old friends in business of social life. Occasional defects and errors in a newspaper are overlooked by those who have become attached to it through its perusal for years. They sometimes become dissatisfied with on account of something which Isas slipped into its columns, and may stop taking it; but the absence of the familiar sheet at their homes and offices for a few weeks becomes an insui portable privation, and they take it again, and possibly apol ogize for having stopped it. No friendship on earth is more constant than that contracted by the reader for a journal which makes an earn est effort to merit its continued sup¬ port. Hence, a conscientiously con ducted paper becomes a favorite in the family.” L. S. Means, of Oxford, has brought suit in Bibb Superior Court through his attorney’, B. H. Hill of Atlanta, against the Macon Tele¬ graph for $10,000 T he suit is based on some article published in that pa per last summer, which ho claims was libelous. Dr. J. If. McLean’s Celebrated Catarrh Powder will cure Catarrh, Cold in the Head, Ozena, and sores up the nostrils. With this littlc’in venlion —a bent glass tube—which will be in every box hereafter, you can blow the Catarrh Power up and on the inflamed mucous membrane. If you blow to hard and some of the Powder goes down your throat, will do no harm. For sale by Drs. Lee and Stewart. 3 in. Rev. J. S. Lamar preached in tbe Christian Church in Griffin Sunday. Sam Jones says it requires less sense to criticise than to do anything else. Rev. J. A. Muuday has been called to the pastorate of the Baptist church at Douglassville. Moody and Sankey have been in¬ vited by all denominations, to visit Macon in the spring when they come South. Much* complaint exist in Ogle¬ thorpe county over the jumping of contracts by the negroes. An election on the liquor question will be held in Pulaski county on the 18th of February. A Kentucky mob lynched a crazy negro. All crazy people who have sense enough to go about murdering folks ought to fall iu with Judge Lynch, The Georgia press Association meets in Macon May 5tli. “Sim shut the door with a bang,” says a novelist. Here then is at last is a use for the bang. Greenesboro has a matrimonial club. The young men pay five dol¬ lars initiation fee and one dollar monthly as dues. When a member marries he gets one hundred dol¬ lars. Of the true woman, Scnex says: Her eye light is soul-light; her lip speech is heart-speech. La«y-{ trying on shoes): “Is that shoe a i, boy V” Boy (new to the business.) * No, mum: its a three, and tight for you at that. gos raoifli -giOF ALL KIND DONFltS* NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. ~ D ££*=?** ADVKRTISiNG RATES MADE KNOWN ON DEMAND Bay for advertisements is, always due after the first insertion, unless otherwise contracted for. Guaranteed positions 20 per cent extra. Entered jvosnd’leO' up second-class mail mailer. TEE PRESIDENT OOMIIG SOUTH. Free id eat Cleveland in conversa¬ tion with Mr. (’. II. Jones, proprie¬ tor of the Jacksonville (Fla.) Tiinc-s Union, stated that it is his intention so soon as he is able to take time from his official duties, to make « trip south, visiting a number of the principal cities and points of inter¬ est. He said lie mu h desired to ac¬ cept the invitation to Atlanta some time since, but was dot-erred by tho fact that he could not at that time extend his trip to other points as de¬ sired, lie expresses great interest in the south and its prospects, and desires to see for himself its many features ofinteie t. The man who does not intend to pay his debts need not howl about legal tender dollars. The new city directory of Atlanta makes up for that town the grand to¬ tal of 00,000 inhabitants. This is good—very good. Capt. Evan P. Howell, of tho Con¬ stitution, accompanied by his fami¬ ly, has gone to Cuba on a visit for health and pleasure. Studying the prevalent craze: Po¬ liceman—“You have been standing here for an hour. Move on.” Ab¬ sentminded chess player—“Beg par don, sir; it’s your move.” To tell a falsehood is like the cut of a sabre: for, though the wound may heal, the sear of it will remain. Covington has seven barrooms, three of them being in one building. There are no licensed barrooms out side the city, however. They are going down to dinner: He—May I sit on your right hand?” She—“Oh, I think you had hotter take a chair.” He did. The winter wheat plant in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Mis¬ souri, Kansas and Maryland was examined, and the testimony is to the effect that very 1 i ttlc damage will result from the extreme weather of the past ten days. The plant was covered with snow in all tho states mentioned, and the blizzard could not roach it except only in a few lo¬ calities. Teacher: ‘What is an engineer?* Boy No. 1; ‘A man who works an engine. Teacher: What is a pion¬ eer?’ Boy No. 2; ‘That man that works that piano.’ “1 consider him a bold, arrogant man.” “Yes, I know ho is now, but he won’t be very long.” “And, why not, I should like to know?” “He is to be married next week.” Jones—“Can you always tell a fool?’’ Brown—“I flic doesn’t ask too much. What ‘would you like to know?” A man with long hair and pants tucked in boots may be either a Tex¬ as cowboy, a quack doctor or a po¬ et. A Tennessee boy Las been born with his hands behind him. Nature at last has prov ided a defense for tho small boy. An Eastern physician has publish¬ ed a work telling how to prevent scars. A treatise on minding one’s business most likely. A lady of the warrior district of Bibb county, and who, by the way, is the postmistress there, has fine black hair that when braided measures ex¬ actly 5 feet. The name of the thermoneter man was Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit. The winds blow his horn for him and his . invention proves truer than any prophet of old. Henry Ebert, No. 1344 N. 16th street. Si. Louis, Mo., says: J called to tell you that the bottle of Tar Wine Lung Balm which I bought of yon is the best remedy in the world for croup. My little girl four years old, had a very bad attack, and wo despaired of her life, but two doses of Tar Wine Lung Balm made her all right. I would not take $100 for the good it done and her. Lee. For sale by Drs. Stewart 3 m. If you cannot lick a man be leni¬ ent with his faults.