The Solid South. (Conyers, Ga.) 1883-1892, December 19, 1891, Image 1

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' A 1 ♦ r % i \ A < jy dumber 47. little 9 a “ JS ife adacb from the rfKS pofl« » s lbe Hj,J ..AtkefcW’ 10 Ike bos°m our ' Hied v*itb grief t unspe«J<a at the knowledge jt we rejoice in tweeter life on e arth and bap ! Lee into Heaven. the best child I ever knew, totatogtef* ffa3 she years lbe Savior with a devotion that and stamped her l£rwith the image of Chinn messed more of the Christian | d practiced more of the £B it p-'.;fuestkn aw know; person kind Uy privilege and to for Gearing, Igfljpg, L gentle enduring, r ied and L ,j voiding, she illustrated even in her tender L {Pc sweet character of a Btwer of Christ. She knew ^ to entertain unkind feelings? Uiheiardibat smote her, led to return good for evl b spotless as falling slow, ia L&s not her thief cbaracteris jewas a bttleCbi isiian heroine: h the Holy Spirit f-he adorned hiBsd Christ by divine intui p ter delight to help her [wait on her father, cheer, End do little tarns of kind; > s lose around her, and to bestow little sisters and brothers and [ all the Irate, confections and ills she herself had received; fecn-irg out of her little warm parr, expressions of tendgrest P for all who came about her. Fas ever ready to give the pre F others, and enjoyed most poics she thus afforded, veri pvitie impulse the lrmh of hi of 1 , 1 which says’, “It is P L hied to be a “li 'tie .i' mother in her work, how she- loved to ■ ‘its, sweep fhe floor, he dost. pat things in Wpefiorm every other task • whtiu and strength was F,and how she rejoiced to Wilier praise her for her i gladly done. ri 0i A ffiat after 35 -periejsee and be led bv my m the more c .unselfish' uas been kw 36 .. >. we Hy^ of , T , / ^ ^ e k°‘ 11 , th e ‘ r r-iipa 4 fire, ° and delieht° 0 u r W ^ U t‘ i: fo &ud fl a ^ 8 t Nod, » raar\r« wvh the ****»» to eroiTu T - , Daist q 6 Lotd j btaF ATiiEit. “EQUAL RIGHTS TO ALL AND SPECIAL PRIVILEGES TO NONE.” Conyers, Georgia, Saturday, Dee., 19. 1891- CO VNTY ALLIANCE MELTING. The county alliance will meet with the lodges in Sheffield on Thursday the 9th of January. The meeting will beheld at Bethel church. In the f orencon there will be public speck¬ ing by prominent alliancemen. After dinner the county Alliance will meet and transact whatever business may coma before it, All are invited to at tend, andespecialy the ladies. A magnificent dinner will be served at noon, W. L. Peek, president. A M. Meelvany, secetary. The following resolutions were un¬ animously adopted by the Volunteers at a call meeting Friday night. Resolved 1st, That it is with the kiost profound regret that we are called upon to accept the resignation of Capt G. W. Weaver; feeling that the company will sustain an irrepara¬ ble loss and one which we would wish, if possible, to avert. We feel at the same time that Capt. Weaver would not ask the campany to release him could it be avoided, and that the interests of the company will suffer unless all do their utmost to prevent Resolved 2nd, That every mem¬ ber of the Conyers Volunteers enter* fainsj the kindest of feelings for Capt. Weaver, and wishes him the success ha so richly deserves in whatever be may undertake. Resolved 3d, That in parting with Capri Weaver as our leader, we have given up a worfby and efficient officer and one in whom we could, at ell times, and under any Circumstances, lace implicit confidence. Taking the leadership of the company when is. had almost disbanded through luke¬ warmness of i*s officers, he has, with the co operation of his brother offi eers, brought it up to its present high standard—the company being now the equal if not the superior, of any company (excepting those oi the larger cities) in the state. Resolved 4th, That your commit r3 ffiry' to express the company in as forci ble knguagd as they would wish, but will ask that the will pass for deed. Resolved 5tb, That a page in Miou^dBodk be devoted to Capt. Weaver s record.. When elected from rank -, dates of resignation, and iba a' copy • of these be engrossed and presented to Capt. Weaver, end that The Solid ! and the Rockdale Banner be reques ed to publish the same. E. Geo. H. P. AlmaNT>, Tj lley, ) .-Com. A. D. 02 G ECB3-A VOLUNTEI- 8 .—Washington, Go.. Dec. 1(.>, 1891. ORDER) f An election will be held ciunty i-, , n he cit of Conyers m gia, on the 23rd day of December 1891. between the tours of O’clock p. 41. and 9:30 o’clock p. m. for a Captain to command Co. G. 3rd Regiment Georgia Volunteers, Said election to be held under the superintendence ’of two or more jus ticca ot the Peace or Freeholders, or one Justice and one Freeholder oi &ai< l County, or any two or more Of* fleers of Volunteers not connected Company, who will traas the returns thereof through this office to the Governor. W. F. Jones, Georgia Cotnmandiag Volunteers." 3rd Regiment R. J. Guinn, Adjutant. POPULATION OF GEORGIA. ' CENSUS BEPORT. The population of the* State as returned in 1880 was 1,542 180, while in 1890 a population of 1,837,353 is returned, an in¬ crease of 295,173, oi* 19.14 per cent. Of the one hundred and ebirty-seven counties in the State, only nineteen show de¬ creases, most of which are ve¬ ry slight. The following comi¬ ties show increases of more than 100 per cent: Coffee, Dodge, Glynn, Irwin, Ware and Wil¬ cox. Science comes to the front in the manufacture of grindstones The best now made are com¬ posed of a mixture of pulveri¬ sed quartz, powdered flint, pow pered emery and rubber. They out w.ear by many years any natural stone. A good autharity states thot fully 20 per oent. of the coffee consumed in the United States is “bogus.” The same authority says that for this counterfeit coffee the {[people atm ally pay ,$13,000,006. The .product is mixed with a sufficient quantity of the genuine article to deceive the con sumer. It is not right that the pub lie endure such imposition, Enter prise ®n this direction is to be con dunned. If the manufacture of cof* fee beans ia legitimate Tt should be condemned. If the manufacture of coffee beans is legitimate it should lx? sold under a brand, which will give the op)tion in its use. It cannot he called artificial cofiee for it partakes of the nature of the true coffee bean only the resemblance, and has nothing in common with the. genuine berry until by contact it steals a portion of the coffee flavor. Many sections of ilia South are largo consumers of this spurious article, and it is to the inter¬ est of the people to see that they what they pay for, or else pay the value of the article abtafned. This is the time of year when the majority of people are thinking hard how to make a limited purse gratify the promptings of a generous heart. Christmas is au annual puz zler. How Many Cats? “If 300 cats can kill 3Q0 rat s in 300 day?, how many cats will it- take ■old'! 1 R -iriOJhvff A fine l ®ned Up ’uDo will be given by THE QUEEN lo the first person answering the above problem cor reoily; a logan t old watch will given to lho second 'correct an SWH ' ; a Csma draDtr Mt . W,H ... be . « ! iv en for the third coirect answer, elegant silk dress pattern will oe giy cm for she fourth correct answer, and many other valuable prizes, all of which will be announced in the noxt issue of The Quoen. As the object of offering these prizes is to attract attention to our popular family mag aziue, each peison answering must enclose six U. S. 2 cent stamps tor sample number containing full par¬ ticulars. Send to day. You may secure a valuable prize. $10 in gold will be pa ; d for the best original problem to be published in a future number. Addsess THE CANADI AN QUEEN, Toronto, Can. BIS OFFENSE. He sat shivering on a bench in the park at II oclock last night and when a policeman came along he spoke to him. “What is it?” asked the offi cer. “Are you the policeman on this beat?” I “I ain’t on any other, am I?” “I don’t know,” shivered the man, “but will you do me a fa¬ vor?” “What is it?” “Run me in.” “What for?” “For the night,” and he smil¬ ed a wan, weary smile. “Are you a criminal?” “No, not quite; but I’ve com¬ mitted an offense.” “What is it?” “It isn’t an offense against the law, but against society.” “Well, what is it? Out with it,” and the officer took him by the arm. “Don’t shake me,” he pleaded. My offense is poverty. I’m so poor I can’t buy a night’s lodg iug.” The officer ran him in but did it very kindly. Call at our drugstore and get a Grier’s Almanac for 1892, a nice calendar and examine our large stock of Christmas goods. Du. W. H. Lee A. Son. Just arrived at G. P. EUiotf/s a fine lot of clothing. Get you a suit for the winter while you can get the pick. Dickson P, Johnson,! Libel for in De Di¬ vs. vorce, E izabeth Johnson) Ka:b Superior Court August adjourned Term 1391 It appearing to the court by the ra turn of the sheriff in the above case, that the defendant does not reside in said county, and it further appearing i hat she does net reside in thif|«. st< te It is ordered and adjudged by the court ’hat sere! ■ be perfected on the defendant by publication of this ei¬ der twice a month for two months bo fore the next term of this court in The Solid South a newspaper pub iished in Conyers Georgia. Rockdale County. A C Perky Atforaey for petitioner. Granted by; the Court. Richard H Gaik, Judge S. C. St Mfc C. A true extract fr< the minutes -of Deka 1) Superior Court—Book “I' page 407. H. H Bubgees! c. s. c Dickson P. Johnson i Libel for <Ii vs. y c vorce ‘ filed to Edzibe'h John bom >A< jgust 1891. Dekalb Superior Court. To Eliza!) i.i*J O bnson—you are hereby commanded to be and appear the superior c> •t of Dekalb conn ty C irgia, which sits on the second Monday in Febuary Plaintiff 1882 then there to answer in the above stated case. Witness the Hon. Rich ard H Clark Judge of the superior court of said county. This Decern her 18th 1891. H. H. Bukges.s, C. S. C Just as we go to press we learn that Mr- Ira Maddox was married last Thursday night, but we failed to learn |the par¬ ticulars Mrs. W. V . Almand has been quite sick for the last two weeks, but we are glad to state that slie is now improving very fast, 600 best matches for 5 cents at Bailej”. <k Co. Price per Year, SLOG NOTICE. * Cenyers, Ga, Dec. 1, 1801. The firm of Ogletree & Step!; cm,on lias this day been desolved by mutual conseet, J. C. Stephenson having purchased tLe entire interest of A. J. Ogletree, thereby becoming responsL ble for all liablities and assets of said firm. A. J. Ogletrgc, m J. C. Stephen son. I hereby truly thank my friends and customers for their liberal patron¬ age in the past and hope for a contin¬ uance of the same. Very Respectfully, J. C. Stephenson. NOTICE. Conyers, Ga., Dee 1, 1891. I W 7 e have this day entered into par¬ tnership, Chas. G. Turner buying one-half enteresfc in the business of J. C. Stephenson, 'formerly 3; nown as Ogletree & Stephenson. The busi¬ ness will be continued under the firm nemo of Stephenson & Turner, who expect to be oble to stipdly the de¬ mands of the people in general mer¬ chandise as cheap as any other house in town. Trusting a liberal patrona¬ ge from the people we remain, Yours obediently, J C. Stephenson, C. G. TiltiNEH. Christmas "goods for young and bid, largo and small, just arrived from New York, largest and most handsome stock over brought to Conyers, We bought cheap arid will sell' cheap, no trouble to sho w goods, call early and avoid the Christ¬ mas .crowd. 1 hi W. H. Lee' & Son. Mis. F,mine Rein ,on is quite sick at present, but wo hope that she may soon be up again Miss Bertie v. irupee is visiting in the city Horny Austin is at home to B pend the holidays A prophetic woman of Kan ::'. safs .-id of the woilft will er D is afk on at 5 a C jfc an early dinner - car for’ that day. The A : Grand Jr r Cited - sifisatum | •< indicting iber of prominent citizens, tor '} v in fal.-'e registration in th< • ,ec lion. A bid was also fours ainst Banker John H. J.. T (o’ a rung :n the I'ofteso j case t at be 1 ;iot 1 ' was i 1 J \ t OAN YOU EAT m ss &'< «*> t jfOCH m I uvi gorates tbs stomach a ILfit * ji ‘° J uou proper! id all s nair null t Efi H t SC ID. NOTICE! will as wc are compel !od to ioxve the muuey. We must ad up the bcsriices of uy Air. nat h- what !i ‘ ie li “' old company a ojce. Please come and s*R.tie n. Fa-UMSHS Co*opsrai\ O’. fffhh Fin-j’CplG ““h^thrvat ures. Diphtheria oi Sore when other . :euiedi<«i have Failed. For sa.eby L>r Lee & icn ‘ Coa;> crs ’ (ra ' Rcrd the admmistrat w in this issue. Buy yoiu family grot.eries from Osborn.