Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, April 16, 1892, Image 3

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n c 1 A n\\ , c-~ j the was !'S. ... , , i k a. P. Cam UTS loaded G.W. & IA has bees oM te m and Chif styles of dress trim - mu 8 L ' Dr- Covv Ifileaton is is at | health feed beautiful line of a I dress goo ds at Cains, Cains si<x of dress goods tar. he trettiest stock of fancy tin Conyers, just receiv Erects. [ Downs, of Cora, is lessons from Mrs. T. ST wers, showers of goocis 8 of dollars at Summers always glad to see friend Toni j-viug l j come to Banal in an L of gold we come to fewer of bargains, Sum utnhflla month, also the l the month of young and keven prices at Sum pi very low and tender. [efthe opinion that I work on Center Lave to be improved ji oman loves a bargain b don't say 7 ’ Yes I [i : , die pricer at Summers Mj* remarkably reason ring the high grade of terry r ant a nice suit go to tide with sorrow the Go .f dter of Bed p P was of a brother of Mr. r oar town. He |asd four children. pdrilling twice a week, pa good show at the py afternoon Mr. Ught. of Greensboro r t0 °ne of our most lyouDg ladies, Miss r e - > a ' j Die residence N mother, the riev. ^officiating. theirs. May D Stewart is here on Natives. per pas here and family of f Sunday. 011 a visit r%fiolds hasg real p premises. psby P' Sunday, of McDon er r Vl ei >«iers of At pea er. down ou a visit I, ^■eiiurchevery 1 : a ^ers meets Tues-, 4rs ' ocloek. Ujiiard, Pres. SS , Sec. i Tfi oi C f ourcerrespyn, r and praise, possible for e. VL ^plaint : •■‘Q. tO " a 01 the.se pa thi Y‘j- SO kiioii i -mg i ffi m fhmm i « j]>’-ei>»r«l to licentiate promptly rent FIVE YEAH LOANS ON p, r rAjt.us cash Con 5— 7 ij.-fire YriO for mv se; vires a M , per cent.. which will for cover Aw •!'expense except $10 or $ 10 muctof Tide. }'k-H«5 call on or write C. F. N. BARKER, «o°' J Qould Building, Atlanta, Ga. „ CUT 0 TF m Hai.ks Weekly:—H urrah for De moeracy! Bur; ah for Livingston! Hurrah for riAim s tv eekly ! Hur rah for Halo! So long as there is an old soldier in the laud; so leng as Southern pride find southern man¬ hood dwells in this fair land of ours; so long as our fair women and pa¬ triotic Itttle ones breath this pure air of freedom, there will be voices raised against any and every attempt to destroy the grand champion of our every cause—pure old democracy. There will be voices to cry out against ike dastardly attempts to Africanize our country and subordinate white supremacy to negro rule, There will be voices to cry out against the rob¬ bing of our people to enrich yankee soldiers, the despoiiers of our homes and the haters of our institutions. Stand by our colors; tell the truth and spare not. We are with you and will be to the end. Silas. FROM HONEY CREEK. Hale’s Weekly:— Hurrah for Hale’s Weekly aad its brave editor I Would that every paper and every editor in the land had 30 much back bosie and fairness and the dark c’oud of deception and third pavtjism would soon pass from over our fair land. Go on with the good woik you are now doing and our people will ever bless you. Tta women of the county are oil your si,Jo and they are always for what is noblest and best in politics as everything elso send you ten name?, subsenoers ku vour paper, L L and will send veu more “ soon. Fiiisx Base. OAK (PRO YE HEWS. Picnicks, ckiggers, .-nakcA and liz Miss Mary Hamilton, after spend' several days with friends in this returned to her kome in Sunday. Messrs Iiufe Alinand and Will Park, two handsome young men of visited in this community Sun Mr, James Ragsdale, of Oak Hill Oak Grove a visit Sunday. Does anyone know why Henry looked so sad Sunday ? Mr. 'Will Goode and lady, of Oak Yale visited their parents Mr. and Mrs Zaek Almond, Sunday, Mr. David Marr, of Lithonia was of Mr. William Beattie Sunday Several young men from your city the O, G L.8. Saturday Miss Ida Almond, a beauMful this lady of your city vi-itecl in community Saturday night. Mr. Will Hamilton spent several lays with his parents in Atlanta last week. liev. Mr. Defoe preached an able at Oak Grove Sunday night Mr. June Stephenson, of Evans ville attended the O. G. L. Society Saturday eve. Miss Fannie May A!maud o r Cm vers was guest of Mss Jessie Mc¬ Daniel Wednesday night. Miss Susie White who has been very sick we are glad to learn is im¬ proving. The O G L Society met ou last Saturday Mr. night a 5 the r--.-id-nee of W. F. McDuffie', the p-ogram was quite an interesting one and was excellently carried out. Liu'LJE I 0 §§ oo e o © © © 'Aga F ill R; •' Vsirld; TH^'glS A -IT tsYL Izi cf reernifing FT’wmnrtr heal >ii fa <V. .ore Q o LOi L 13 O N • L\r Q I.. li’-erriTciitcri-, t. l-tc hpactnclie, paprUi, fiatnbccc. artbnrc, Litious •gjl colic, tronUIss emr oi' the bovreli the ttieir shin, cura. atrtoUQ cfT.'f ’ i aro mcrvclou-:. They catiiarpc. arc a V | r - ij/ r.-ctive Very as well as a geittie take. I’riee, \ff s;r.ali aaii easy to 2.JC. Office, 39 H 41 Park Place, 1. JLvT money v_y 1 j_J JL , J. P. Tilley is prepared io lead money on improve farms in Uockda'e aad Newton counties on five years time ftf the low rate of six per cent per annum. See him. HEAR OUR PRICES. Bedford cord 8 1 2c Victor cloth 12 1 2c Pine apple Tissue 12 1 2c Bengal Tissue 12 12c Calico 3 l-2c Ball thread le Spool thread 4o. Gen is high life collars The nicest line of gents neck wear ia Conyers. Two hundred pairs ladies shoes at cost. Millinery at your own price. Respct. J. S. Al in and SPECIAL NOTICE. Tlie notes and accounts belonging to the estate of J. W. Langford deceased have been placed in the hands of A. M. Helms for collection. Parties must come forward at once and make settle¬ ments or said notes and accounts will be sued, as the estate must be settled up. Bespct, 4t J J. Langford, admr. PILE--! PILES! ITCHING PILES. Sym turns—Moisture; intense itching by and stinging; most at night; worse scratching. If allowed to continue tu¬ mors f.-rm, which often blee 1 and ulcer at ,J , becoming very sere. Swayne’s Oint¬ ment stops the itching and bleeding heals ulceration, and in mo.-t cases re¬ moves the tumors. At druggists, & or 8on, by mail, for 50 c ents. Dr. Swayne Philadelphia.. Pa. t. , 1—6m New Iot of b ‘"' p l»™gs and mat resses at fl P & D M Alinand & Co. Good shingles at H. P. & D M Aim and & Go’s at $1.50 per thousand. Hay, Bran and Com at H. F. &D ^ A Inland & Go’s. ______ V' h .ve a speedy and positive cure for .J ie> G u bHILOH’8 CATARRH TIF. : OY. A nasal injector free wih Lottie Use it if you desire health t breath. Price fOc. bold by Li h. l ee. & son. SHEFFIELD SPLITTERS. Hales Weekly:— There’s but little of interest OYer*here ibis weak T he heavy rains have done much damage to lands and thrown our farmers a little behind. Wheat and oats looking fine, corn up and we have a tine prospect for a good fruit crop. Politics have been discussed con¬ siderably', of late, by our people and we are proud to say that every class are in favor of remaining with the Democracy. They are in favor of fighting our battles together as friends as broth era. We afi applaud the honest, open f‘-aries3 stand you havo taken and know that there is one man, at least, that will not deceive ihe people and will fight their Hatties fairly and bravely. If there is anything that you de¬ sire that lies in the power of the true yeomanrv of old Sheffield, all you've got to do is to say the word. D. (We thank our bright correspon¬ dent. for Lis kind offer. We want the good will and respect of the noble men and fair women of Sheffield— that we will appreciate abve all else. Ed > Capfc. !0 M. Carter, engineer in charge of the government improve men 3 in Georgia, was in Macon Tuesday in conference with Messrs. Rogers aud Harris of the Oemulgee committee. Oemulgee river improve in.-ntH will go forward at once. An .her appropriation of t 825,000 granted . by for , this , . nas !*een congress vear s work on the Oemulgee, and this moneey wih , be availab-.e ., , , wittun a t few wo ks. Capt. Carter's dredge ? Iboat \g is wi . ,U run twen , . y miles , of Macon, annn now aud the river ia clear to that point. Th. «. *25,000 appropriation wi« alio -' the drtdging to be completed to Macon, which will ire dona before Sop*. 1. New lot of fresh raackrel in kits at fJ p fc jy M A mac J k Co. New lot of opera ties at II. F. & M Alinand & Co. SmofwjGs iMm «HH| Ml 03STE} Both the method and results when and Syrup refreshing of Pigs is taken; it is pleasant to the taste, and acts gently Liver and yet promptly on the Kidneys, Bowels, cleanses the sys aches w:n effectually, and fevers dispels colds, head¬ and cures habitual constipation. only remedy Syrup of Figs is the of its kind ever pro¬ duced, pleasing to the taste and ac¬ ceptable action to the stomach, prompt in its and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared agreeable only from the most healthy and substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular Byrne remedy of Figs known. is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug¬ gists. Any have reliable band druggist will who may not it on pro¬ cure it promptly for any one whe wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SVRUP CO. 5/1 N FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, NX THE ONLY ONE EVER PRINTED. Can You Find the Word ? There is a 3-ineh display advertise¬ ment in this paper, this week, which has no iwo words alike except one word. The same is tr> r e of each new one ap¬ pearing e ch week from the Dr. Harter Medicine Co. This house places a “ Cre-c«mt”on everything they make and publish. Look for it, send them the name of the word, and they will return Book, Beautiful Lithographs or Sam¬ ples Free. THE BEST AUTHORITIES, Such as Dr. Dio Lewis, Prof. Gnus, and others agree that catarrh is no local but a constitutiodal decease. It therefore re¬ quires a constitutional remedy like Hoods Sarsaparilla, which eff'ectualy and permanently cures catarrh. Thous¬ ands praise it. “Row to Cure All SkinDiseases.” Simply apply ‘ ;dlA thiE.- OI N l MENT.” No internal medicine eruptions required, Cures to!ter, eczema, itch, all on the lace, hands, nose, Ac., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Rs great be ding and curative powers a'e pocse.-sed by no other icmedy. Ask your druggist f><r Swayne’s Oikxment. Oct. 9, ’til—Omo. HO USE FOR SALT. A good five room house cn the South side of the railroad, near Oakland Sem¬ inary, known as the hale house is offer¬ ed for sale by Air. J, J. bangcord ad¬ ministrator of the estate of J. *V Langford, deceased- If you want a nice quiet hom e cheap, call on him at Alinand & Langford store, Conyers Ga. He has also a fine, now double seated buggy for sale at a bargain, Call and see it. the ladies. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which the ladies may use the ifornia liquid Jaxitive Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their fav¬ orite remedy. To get the true and gen uiue article, look for the name of California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package. Consumption Cured. An oil physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, ail Bronchitis. Catairh, Asthma and throat arid Lung Affections, also a tive and radical cure for Nervous lity and ail Nervous Complaints, having tested its wonderful powers in thousands of cases, has felt make it known to his . his dutv follow. to this ing Actuated by and a desire to relieve human suffering, Iwill send free of charge, to all vrhode sire it this recipe, in German, or English, with full reetions for paring ann using. Set by mail by dressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Noyes, 620 Powers’ Block, Rochester. N, i to may There is more Catan h in »his of the country than all other pur together, and until the last years was supposed to lie incurable. !■ a erreat many vears doctors preuneed d local it a local di-ea-e, constantly and prescrib fading remedies, and by pronounced cur0 w -, tll t oi a ; treatment, incurable. Science has proven to be a constitutional disease, and fore rcqu -, r ., s CO nstitmiotial treatment. Hall’s < atarrh Cure, manufactured b v F, J. Cbeyney & Co., Toledo, Ohio ’ i constitutional on the lh e o;i y cure in doses ket It ia taken internally VbSKi',S-e c f the system. They offer one Iminlr • Address, F, J, Cheney a Co, Toledo, Hold by druggists, 75c. Osborn has just received a lot of caiidieF, apples : nd the prettiest line of all kinds in town. iViILilvj w r & O s $ ‘i’-v I • H T"1 1 H 3 JL T tm (■ a 1.-1 s-F? A DIE PI A N ON p . MNDOiiOANrt, MARBTTa , AND 28, 80 AND 32 N. IMU.U) STllH&TB* ATLANTA, GEORGIA* --a-, _ Messrs. Miles A Etiif show in their magnificent Piano Pal¬ by far the most complete and best line of Pianos and Or¬ to be found in the South, consisting of such well known time-tried instruments us the' fIAZELTON LUOS., LEHR BROS. JAMES U. STARR A. L. CLOSE, PEASE & CO, the celebrated Packard Organs, - '=f~* fcp'-' - . * Those contemplating the purchase of a piano or organ are to ’nvestigate both the quality oi the instruments, the and terms and it it will bo found that their prices are 20 per cent, lower, the lasting and tonal qualities eonsid that are offered by any other first-class house, I? wifi mahing to invesfigafc Puis, and may be die means of say $25.00 or 50 dollars, . < • 20 ______ MILES & STIFF, 2T MARIETTA AND 28, 30 AND 32 N. BROAD STREETS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA* R. Li. GUFFIN, Representative. GEORGIA 4 OH, WHAT A COUGH. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps if the -ure approach of that Ask more terrible disease Consumption. yourselves if you cm afford for the sate of saving SCO to run the isle and do , from nothing for it. We Know ex pcri<me that Shiloh’s ff l Y.' vl explains . c ff ro your cough It lieverfail. Ihm why more than a Miliimv Buttles ’'.ere s , ld the imt y ft r. It relieves croup and w h 00 pinv C uu;;li at once. Mothers, do not be without it. Lor lame hack, side or c i,, s t uae Shiloh’s Porous Piaster, Sold by Dr. W II. Lee & •'on. EYE GLASSES ‘V'-'V riiL' tw • tu CRYSTAL LENSES m \ il Quality TRRDS Firtt MARK. an A AlrtyB W Tc- m CRN F- INn " '• C f ■ ' r. N T ''' 'u • mm G. W. WEAVER * has the exclusive sale of tln-sc ted glases in GEOGIA. „ COHYEB3 - - - RELLAM & MOOltE, The only manufacturing Opticians in the South. Ail int q Ge cgia. gjG*~ Fed filers are not supplied the famous glassea.net supplied patent mkdioines. 2 f JNM? ONLY TRUE pc?; -*3 BlV nroNiG WUl ■S£S8««S*SSS» purify 3SI.OOD, reflate M V appetite, ’viaorr.ryoutli. restore ?>ynpopeja, licalth end & liKllKestioa, that tlrea fee t i:; ^absotatsl y eradicated. brain Mind fcrlyliteae increased, 1, power bone3, nerves, mus¬ ipsinrzfSr FT"* WUWTWI wHdmp enfrerinsr C’.Uiar a, rife, to cles, speedy their from receive sex, compiainta enre. U3in£lt.l>nit nc l Kctnrn* 7 force, pe _____________ Coffiploxion* rose bloom on cUeeku* ocsiutlfies Bold everywhere. All genuine ecoHs bear “Crescent. ” beau us2 cent stamp for 32-page pamphlet. C0.,St. Louis, No. BB, HART£8 MS83CIKE Con To We liave opened a firs' class Blacksmith and repair shop in rear of the Hotel and near the Livery Stables, ann are prepared to do your work in first class order, at shoeing able prices. Horse a specialty. All work warranted try us. Respecttuily, 1 L. T. Frkill & BUY AT HOME! If you want a Cook Store of any kind of Tinware, GO TO in i mm They buy direct from the actory and by buying frond them you save the Middba Man’s profit. They make theif fin ware and yunrantep it. Ly patronizing them you help frl Sill ng ills Isitt; You can get of them all kin<3i of repairs f^r stoves; if not rn stock will order them direct for you from factory. They keep also ! I Piping, and will sell at as IoW prices as Atlanta. We do our own work which enables us to sell lower than those who pay clerk hire. Come and‘see us is all f?e ask. Respectfully, JOHNSON & ALMANO. *t£ SPECTACLES. fT. H l Dr. W H. Lee A-Sou have ft f«f control of A. K. Ilawkes spectacles at Conyers, no other firm can se« hem. WM. B0LLMANN, Spectacles, watches, clocls, •JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. No. 10 Whitehall Street, At’anta, G*.