Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, May 21, 1892, Image 3

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jljewj ***** nur P ll ~ (o /-AfWh and co»“ •„ n 9 l Al :=v 00 ^ 'our pap er | enlarge week. ■ rest Everybody ■« ■nd bear him I actual cost “ i, but I am selling r a Come I cents a pair- bar ou will miss a v t, Street. want the best and that can be cream Dr. M. buyers, go to -5, Grier Dunn will n and he is far supe boly »else in Conyers ice cream or any re ink. alysome crank steps ,rs his paper stopped ,fight the third party , re is little difference g of boycotting and [ es of the Anarchists , sympathy for either care a fig for the of those who hold irinciples. ndition Can Be Worse, I favorite arguments ad Lj those who have strayed pa: v is this “The Ljtasuot [o done aDy thirty- two years we o*n nothing in God’s session are mortgaged line; we are oppressed rs; we are iu as bad a re could well be;, our not be worsted and we ftange.'’ ! mighty well on first lisa lerlv sophistical argu fallacious. Lit that teh condition g classes of the Southis cue at presut Every Land no wel-informed it nt emphatically deny that the Democratic (i done’anything for the *ople, and will show hat their condition can Oise if they go into the third party. patic party has been [ thirty-two years. It pads tied; it has never P !, 1 the Government perforeit is not re ®gk law upon the since that date. 'Otunatances no rea ii) charge the unjusi <» then upon the Dem feion farmers be in the ranks of ! emoeracy means—not rjkiid ppublicanism partyi-m. to but N that power mean. It means r^otof the Fore : ‘hnaiUon of the tarifi ■“g^raeut o! the pension 'kmonetizatior congress, °fthe Go Bremen f frfthe ^ey kings Wo! the 6 toilling S those will |K s Sowh .9 » iSmt JV^J.then* jl v -5 ^ wound s Castoria. MONEY j p. Tillcv is prepared to lend money on improve farms in Roclcda’e and Newton counties on five years time at the low rate of six per cent per annum. See him. IN CITY OF MEXICO. Probably the oldest person on earth is to be found in the outskirts of this city. Jesus Campeche lives in a hut with his greatgreat-grandson, who is a full grown man. Campeche came originally from Spain, where he was borndin 1738, which would make him now 154 years old. He has the appearance of being about 90 years old and is fairly active for an old man. He shows papers to bear out his as eertions as to age and birth, and the man with whom he is living says there is no doubt as to the relation he bears to the old man. Campeche says that he has never known a day’s sick¬ ness in his life He says he remembers coming to this country when he was 25 years old as a soldier, and that was long before the war of the Revolution in the United States. The old man’s memo ry is good, and he tells of things which took place the last century as if they had occured last year iustead of over 100 years ago. In fact he remembers things 75 and 100 years ago better than he does thoes of recen occurrrence. The papers which he carries to prove his assertions are the copies of a church register in valli dolie, Spain, showing his date of birth and that of his baptism. The papers are undoutedly genuine, as far as the dates are concerned, and the only thiug to be determinod is whether they are rightfully his or not. The eyeglasses which pinch the nose are certainly dangerous. A case recently occurred iu St. Louis of at man who died of cancer of the nose caused by the pressure of his eye¬ glasses. He noticed that on each side of liiB nose, where the spring of the brought the clamps agains the flesh, a persistent red spot ap¬ peared, but thought nothing of it A year or so ago the right side of his nose became sore, a small sopt turned browD, and in three months he had a well develoded cancer, which in Uixic ate away his nose, the whole m -me eye, and finally penetrated the braiu and caused death. Spectacles, handsome, says an expert, are not so nor stylish, but are far safer to persons compelled to the habitual use of artificial aid to the sight. It is reported on undoubted and un impeachable authority that white men—leaders in the people’s party-in a neighboring county, scour the neigh borhood with wagons, buggies and other vehicles, iu search of negro voters to carry them to their meeting A white man and a negro riding side by side (the white man beseeching the negro to ride with him) to ;a political meeting is indeed a sickening specta¬ cle . And yet this is what the leaders of the great reform party are doing. Men, with Auglo-Saxon blood cours¬ ing through your veins, can you sup¬ port such a party?—Athens Bauner. A Western editor is said to have hit upon a plan to keep subscriptions paid up that takes the cake. Every time delinquent subscriber is mentioned in his paper his name is inverted 1 For example: John Jones and wife are spending a few days in Chicago Every other subscriber understands what it means, and there is a grand rush to get right side up again. SPECIAL NOTICE. The notes and accounts belonging to the estate of J. W. Langford deceased have been placed in the hands of A. M. Helms for collection. Parties must come forward at once and make settle¬ ments or said notes and accounts wilt be sued, as the estate must be settled up. Bcspct, J J. Langford, admr NOTICE. Sat I will be in GON TER- the fir t rday in each month. Pandit -'ring see me will find me at the Drug ^ ua ot Dr. W. H LEE & SON. Dr. L. G. BRAN i LEY. The people's remedy for the cure if Cough*,Colds 1 Asthma, Hoarsened Bronchitis, Croup, Influenza, Whoop¬ ing Cou<*b, Incipient Consumption’ is Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup’ the old reliable. Pries 25 cte. It’s a Lie. There are men in this county who have asserted that we are against the intereot of the farmers and the working people of this county. We defy any man to give one sound reason why we should be. Are not the farmers and other working men our patrons ? They receive the results of our labor and we re¬ ceive in return the results of theirs, and if there is a man in this county who will say that we have not always made a fair exchmge we do not know his name. We would destroy every type and break every wheel of our press before we would knowingly print that which would work to the injury of our brothers and their wives and their little and man. we care not who he is, who asserts that we would, is a liar of the deepest dye. We love our people and we are will¬ ing to work for their interest. We hold as wrong and viscous the attempts which are being made to array one class against another, that a few demagogs may secure office, and for ihe cowardly traitors who are mak¬ ing these attempts we have no words of praise. We have not, and have never had a word of censure for the common honest people; we know that they are honest in what they do, but for the infamous demagogs who are trying to lead them astray we have the utmost contempt and Hatred. It would be better for our people and the 'future hap¬ piness of their children had they never been born than to fall in¬ to the power of such an infernal gang. ST orKpehik I ^ & ; ifcftvpvaG IN ITS WORST FORM Benton, Laf. Co., Wis., Dec. ’88. Rev. J. C. Bergen vouches for the following: James Rooney, who was suffering from vitus Dance in its worst form for about one and a fourth years, was treated by several physicians with out effect; twobott ! es of Easter Koenig’s Nerve Tonic cured him. Toussaint, Ohio, Oct. 25 1890. I used Pastor Koenig’s Nerve Tonic for a lady 26 years old; every two or three weeks she had a serious attacK of iailing sickness, accompanied with head¬ ache and was driven to madness; she was sent once to an insane asylum. The doctors could not relieve her; 1 began with one bottle of your medicine;ashe had taken three-quarters of it, and she wrote to me a few days ago: “Ihe medicine helps me much; I think anoth¬ bottle will cure me, ” er Hamedin. Rev. Abmand i—A Valuable Book on Nervous Diseases sent free to any address, _ and patients can also obtain r |_ r Lt poor medicine free or charge. this This remedy has been prepared by the Keverend KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, 911. Sold by Drugsdsts at ®1 per Bottle. 6 for 95. I«rge81ze,Sl.75. 6 Bottles for SB. J, W. CARTER, Next door to Dr. W. H. Lee’s Drug stoie on Pai’road street, is propaird to make the best shoes and boots and ao all kinds of repairing and harness work and charge the lowestjprrces. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, haring had placed in his hands by un Fast India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, and all Bronchitis, Catatrh, Asthma throat and Lung Affections, a JP®fU Debi¬ tive and radical cure for Nervous lity and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative poweis in thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to Ins suftei fnr fellow. Actuated relieve human by this suffering, motive and a desire to all whode Iwi.i s nd free of charge, to sire it this recipe, in German, Trench or English, with full rections for pre¬ paring ami using. Set by mail by ad die sing with stamp, naming tins paper. \V. A. Noyes, 820 Powers’ Block, Rochester, N, Y to may 9- 92. • Almand k Langford are anx loUi for your shoe trade. Flint Aliance of Newton passed a resolution endorsing. Col R. T. Nesbit for Com mis sionej of Agncultur. SOTICE TO DEBTORS AM CMT<RS tlie All estate persons tf S, having- H. Anderson, tlemands against late of Eocki'ale county, descased, are 1 ovehy notified to render in their dec ands to the undersigned indebted according to law; and a 1 persons to said estate are required to make imroed'ato payment. This May 4th., 1892. John H. Aljia.ni>, Admr. S. H. Anderson, deceased. Cie To Attentoin We have opened a first class Blacksmith and repair shop in rear ol the Hotel and near the Livery Stables, and are prepared to do your work in first class order, at shoeing reason¬ able prices. Horse a specialty. All work warranted try us. Respectfully, Co. L. T. Friuli, k J J. SEAMANS DENTIST Conyers Georgia. THE THIRD PARTY IN HE NINTH We attended a meeting ot th district executive committee at Gain es ville last week and saw representative men from eleven out of the seventeen counties in the district. The repoit from all sections of the district is that the third party is on the vripne. At the outset a great mauy good Democrats were induced to join this movememut upon the idea that it was the naturul successor of the Al¬ liance, but as they investigate its origin and p'atform of principles, and the leaders who are attempting to boom it in this State, they are chang ing their mind ane coming back to the “house of theii fathers. Iu many counties in this district it has no strength at all. The fight is squarely ou between the Democrats and Reyublicans. In other counties the Alliance ers have refused to co operate with this new movemedt because they c a n see no necessity for a new party and believe that a division of the Demo v - crats will only lead to strife and the success of Republicsi > * • >u the laigo negro counties of th- < o. The Democracy is h g thoroughly organized, and will ady for the campaign. There are itb.ies involved that demand the careful consideration of every good citizen, and especially every Democrat, and as the truth breaks in upon them many of the men who have been misled will return to the fold. SHILOH’S CATARRH REMEDA Y g arvelous cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria Canker month, and Headache, W ith each bottle there is an ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treat¬ ment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 50. Sold by Dr. W. H Lee & Son. FOR SALE—A dwelling house on Deoatur street, 5 rooms, good wate For sale cheap. Apply to T- A. Elliott. BEST OF ALL To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, w hen the Springtime comes, use the true and per¬ fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents; the large size-fl. Try it and be pleased. Manufactured by the California Fig syrup Co. oniy. A HARD CORNER, The age of 30 is a hard comer for a wo¬ man to turn, and 35 is still harder. She feels that she is fast leaving her youth behind her. But there is no reason why woman should be fade 1 and passe at 35 a of the or even at 45. The chief cause early fading of American woman is found in the fact that many of taem suffer from some form of female weakness or disease which robs the face of its bloom, draws dark circles about the eyes, brings early wrinkles and sallowness, and stamps the face and figure with signs of ill-health. Dr, Pierce’s Favorite Prescriptson will all these troubles, will bring back cure the and the lost bloom, and remove pains ailments which make woman grow old before their time. Guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case, or price!$1.00; refunded; Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. I Is! nl Hi mg; m m & k'Wtt 3 Hi it notwitii-standing the truth of this ohl saw, a man wiio is soon parted from his money is not nee essarily a tool, This will he obvious when you learu how. A WISE MAE Can part with his money and become richer than he was before. HOW Enqire at Summers, The Racket Peole. No such bargains ever shown in Conyers before. Plenty of Salesman to Serve you. You will wonder tiien buy and be rich. We move Monday week. Summers Bros. MU.LINEUY JVfiss Kmn |a fjiley -HAH A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF NEW MILLNERY- Embracing 1 everything that is wanted by ladies, misses children or infants. Beautiful line of hats, caps, plumes, flow¬ ers and all other kinds of trimmings ; ribbons, laces, velvets, velveteens etc, etc. When you want anything in the millnery line call on her and you can get the newest and best and the owest CENTER prices. STREET, CONYERS, GA. - i dky goods, notions, CLOTHING EOT. NQW FOR 1892 ! Hlrqqnd <$•• Langford ---CARRY A FINE LINE OF GENERAL MDSE.. .,*23 They return thanks to their many custom ' rs of ihe past nd can say to than tl at il.ty aie jitjai < < 1o again fell • ad goo ds < Ii gat’s inns. ( jj 11 nd fee them. Almand & Langford, Cmyers, Ga. MEW DISCOVERY ^CSIDEOT In compounding washing afterward a solution it a was part discovered was accidently that apiiled the hair on was the hand com and on removed. We at Gnce put this wonderful preparation, onthe oietely great has been the demand that we are now introducing market and so world under the of Queen’s it throughout the name IT 18 PERFECTLY HARMLESS r*KO * * * * * m SO SIMPLE ANY CHI D CAM USE IT. wvmm m sealed from observation). Send money or stamps by letter boneat with and full raieht forv.»r n P n evP try >v word tt ponden-e strictly confidential. This advertisement is s ^ M< j contains. We in vlte yon to deal with ns and ycrnwllt And everytlUne a* L.. ftT|. O Yoo e*B as: