Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, May 28, 1892, Image 3

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ji il! stop f ur pa¬ 10 tf to them, and f# Credit- dll *** - aa cheap at p res ‘ care L f° r Pitcher’s Castoria. cry telling U P and sure 1 L ^ fpr nandbriogyour Pitcher’s Castoria. ( ‘VagoodP^- J.C t=3 rebuilt^ '■•ni all right lk is n°' v excepti° n of the aw k kr it- Pitcher’s Castoria. i Cry for and vo®' P renU ises clean J ’“court p 9 l Bilioainess,WJ.C dol took .in one adav monfi u g- blood Cleanse the JilltefCoieS by taking of cotton TV.TV.C jLional bale nre y cgetable gff** Of allimpu tism,Cancer, Scrof any poison* o on Sunday. jniflck, we ga' 1 ® her Castoria, she cried tor Castoria, .yvAiss. she clung to Castoria, LffiHren, she gave them Castoria, bis being greatly pa I by our people, te chain of certificates verify smeofDr. Bull’s Cougn Syrup lirds are bringing forth lie ones. I heed the warning. The signal I the Hire approach of that Bile disease Consumption. Ask lifyou can afford the for risk the sake do po, to run and p it. We snow from ex pt Shiloh’s fcure will cure p, It never fail. This explains I than a Million Bottles were 1st year. It relieves croup and [tough at Lor once. Mothers, do put it. lame back, side P- Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. t.W, H. Lee & Son. [apples, salt and the col )w going hand in hand sIA AND LIVER COM PLAINT. with the small sum of 75c. jr-eif complaints, of every if symtoin of these [Koreand you think so get a bofle ,oi pr, every bot le has a pit, use accordingly and if pV“ATS?S^ pffls are now Rework on the roads ?5J) ^O-VSU.mptjon V ivhav ‘ho CURE. Jr* ' 1 0 k ? Medicine mo* ve ev e r ° 1 flTa tiablvcu ethp S ° f1 ’ a ; r Wors ’ cases ill m#*- 111 ^ , le curfc while of .goutap withfmf araiieii the l | R n ; ^TaSSLfi baa been sol,i mce its first dlei ” Uaran - v °u have Ir ‘ e ' ne can . a r . to try it w e earnest tt:un «are 10c ’ 50c fteSiiiloh’s re ’ Cbesr or to' b p l ot p* Pla > st W ”• Lee k tins r for wi w mter use ce. . a tariff f 0P leiitaF tothinei Veniie ° " Kl! iS, use braises. Nice rains over the county. Fishing has been all the go for the last few days. A Beau of 1829. When grandpa went a-wcoing, He wore a satin vest, A trail of running roses Embroidered on the breast, The pattern of his trousers, His linen, white and fine, Were all the latest fashion in eighteen twenty-nine, Grandpa was a fine-looking young fellow then, so the old ladies say, and he is a fine-looking old gentleman now, For the past score of years he has been a fi rm believer in the merits of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. “It reuwsd m v youth,” he frequently says. It is the only bloodpurifier and liver invigora tor guaranteed to benefit or cure ormoney promptly refunded. It cures liver disease dyspepsia, scrofulous soars, skin erup¬ tions, and all disaases of the blood. For lingering coughs and consumption (which is lung-scrofula in its early stages) it is an unparalleled remedy. Third Party i 4 ? about dead in Rockdale county. the only ONE ever printed. Can You Find the Word ? There is a 3-inch display advertise¬ ment in this paper, this week, which has no nvo words alike except one word. The same is br> r e of each new one ap¬ pearing etch week lroai the Dr. Harter .uedicine Co. This house places a “ Cre-cent” on everything they make and publish. Look tor it, send them the name of tiie word, and they will return Book, Beautiful Lithographs or Sam¬ ples free. ______ lades are unfor r unate, because the higher they rise in bodlyi society the weaker they find themselves Risley’s Philotoken controls the nerves, aids nature in her various functions, and thus combats with many ills of woman¬ kind successfully. If your druggist has not got it he will order it for you for $1 s bottle, from Chas. F. Bisley, Vv hole sale Druggist, 62 Cortlandt St., -New York. Send for a descriptive pamphlet with, directions and certificates from many ladies who have used it and can’t say enough in favor of hisley’s Philoto¬ ken. PILES! PILES! ITCHING PILES.. Symtoms—Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching, if allowed to continue tu¬ mors form, Avhich often bleed and ulcer¬ ate, becoming very sere. Swayne’s Oint MENT stops the itching and bleeding heals ulceration, and in most cases re¬ moves the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 c ents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. Pa. t. , 1—3 a HELLO SAM 1 Where you goiug ? I am going to Atlanta. I wish you would step into the old reliable Dave Stinhermer and buy me a gallen of Pickens county sweet mash corn, here is $2.00 to Jpay for it. Remember the place, No. 40, Wall street right opposite the depot, wait a minute, here is another dollar for a bottle Horse Shoe rye, it will cure the grippe, .or any bad cold. Don’t forget No., 40 Wall Street, opposite the depot, Atlanta Georgia. Con To Attentam We have opened a first class Blacksmith and repair shop in rear of the Hotel and near the Livery Stables, and are prepared to do your work in lirst class order, at reason¬ able prices. Horse shoeing a specialty. All work warranted try us. Respecttully, L. T. Frrill & Co. SHILOH’S CATARRH REM ED AY 3 arvelous cure for .Catarrh. Dipther ih Canker mouth, and Headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious injector for the more successful treat¬ ment of these complaints without charge. Price 50. Sold by Dr. W. Lee & Son. J J. SEAMANS DENTIST Conyers Georgia! J, W. CARTER, Next door to Dr. W. H. Lee’s Drue state on Rai road street, is pripaird make the best shoes and boots and ao kinds of repairing and harness work charge the lovve Tprrees, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. HOUSE FOR SALE. A good five room house on the South side of the railroad, near Oakland Sem¬ inary, known as the Hale house is offer¬ ed for sale by Mr. J, J. T-angford ad¬ ministrator of the estate of J. l.angford, deceased. If you want nice quiet home cheap, call on him at Almand & Langford store, Conyers Ga. He has also a fine, new double seated buggy for sale at a bargain, Call and see it. CITATION TO SELL LAND OEORGGIA, Rockdale county. To All Whom It may concern: Whereas W. T. Huson, ado of Mrs. Ann T. Aycock, late of county, deceased, has in due form plied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging said to the estate of deseased, and application wills heard on the first Monday O. in June, Seamans. fo-t. Ordinary LEITERS ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA ROCKDALE CO. To All Whom It May Concern : Whereas J. C. Barton, has in due form, applied to the court of Ordinary for let¬ ters of administration on the estate of Mr. N. A. Carr, ate of said county, de¬ seased, and I will pass upon said appli¬ cation on the first Monday in June, 1S92. O. Seamans, fo-t. Ordinary. CITATION FOR DISMISSION GEORGIA, Rockdale County. Whereas J. S. Granade, Administra¬ tor of the Estate of H. J. Granade, rep¬ resents to the court in record his petition duely filed and entered on that he has fully Administered H. J. Granade’s Es¬ tate, this is therefore to cite all persons, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if they can, why said Administrator not be discharged from the Ad¬ and receive Letters of Dis¬ on the first Monday in July, 1892 3—m. G. Seamans, Ordinary. CONTRACT TO BUILD PILLARS. SEND IN YOUR BIES. Will be let to the lowest bidder on the day of June, 1892, at 10 o’clock a. the building of the rock pillars at the MoKnight bridge place on South river, sealed proposals, and no bid av. 11 he and considered unless it is in sealed up. I reserve the right reject any bid or all of the bids if 1 to do so. And it is understood who ever takes the contract will be required to give a bond with good secur¬ in the sum of fifteen hundred dollar’s for the full and purfect perfor¬ of the work to be done on and in building said pillars. This May 4tli 1892. O. Seamans, fo-t. Ordinary. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons having demands against the estate of S. H. Anderson, late of Rockdale county, deseased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law; and all persons indebted to said estate are rebuired to make immediate payment This May 4th., 1892. John H. Almand, Admr. S. H. Anderson, deceased. SPECIAL I NOTICE Tlie notes and accounts belonging to the estate of J. W. Langford deceased have been placed in the hands of A. M. Helms for collection. Parties must come forward at once and make settle¬ ments or said notes and accounts will be sued, as tlie estate must be settled up. Respct, J J. Langford, admr Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catairh. Affections, Asthma and all throat and Lung also a posi¬ tive and radical cure for Nervous Debi¬ lity and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested thousands its wonderloj curative powers in of cas*-s, has felt it his duty to make Actuated it known to his suffer¬ ing fellow. by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, Iwill send free of charge, to all whode sire English, it this recipe, full in German, French or with rections for pre¬ paring ann using. Set by mail by ad¬ dressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Noyes, 820 Powers’ Block, Rochester, N, 1. to may 9-’92. BEST OF ALL 1 To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Springtime eomef-, use the true and feet remedy, Syrup of Figs. One will answer for all the family and only 50 cents; the large size $1. Try and be pleased. Manufactured by California Fig syrup Co. only. “How to Cura All Skin Diseases.” Simply apply \SWAYNE’- OlNT MENT.” No internal medicine Cures tetter, eczema, it h, alt on the face, hands, nose, Ac., the skin clear, white and healthy. great healing and curative powera possessed by no other remedy. your druggist for Ointment. Oct. 9 , ’al— 6 mo. Manufactory. Baltimore, Md. Washington, D.C. 213 W. German Street. Cor, 7th & A. Sr’s. EISMAN BROS. OnePrice .} Clothiers, Taylors, Hatters, F urn i slier s. 15 & 17 WhiteM Street Attala, Ga NO BRANCH HOUSE IN THIS CITY. =rj OME ©OMFORP ABLE Made IRON almost entirely and WROUGHT of MALE i STEEL. Every Range guaranteed per¬ m □□ fect in manufacture and working I qualities. Economy in fuel and abundant - r.' - supply of hot water for all purpo¬ . r ses. vv ■ MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE i 8 ItaflihsEasje Cc. ST. LOUIS, MO. Examine the “ Home Comfort ” before purchasing a stove. Sold only by sample by our authorized traveling salesmen. MILES & STIFF, HIGhH GTTA DE PI AJSTOS A 1 ST ID OB GAIN'S, 21 MARETTA, AND 28, 30 AND 32 N. BROAD STREET ATLANTA, M GEORGJAi Messrs. Miles & Stiff show in their magnificent Piano Par¬ lor by far the most complete and best line of Pianos and Or¬ gans to be found in the South, consisting of'such well known nd time-tried instruments us the HAZELTON BROS., BEHR BROS., JAMES U. STARR A. B. CLOSE, PEASE & CO., And the celebrated Packard Organs, —-— - Those contemplating the purchase of a piano or organ are invited to ‘nvestigate both the quality of the instruments, the price, and terms and it it will be found that their prices are fully 20 per cent, lower, the lasting and tonal qualities consid ered, that are offered by any other first-class house, It will cost nothing to investigate this, and may be the means of sav ing $25.00 or 50 dollars. MILES & STIFF, 21 MARIETTA AND 28, 30 AND 32 N. BROAD STREETS* ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 22 . K- 1 , GLTJK'FIISr, [Representative* CONYERS, GEORGIA ■ * BIRHUNDNAM business ofTers a thorough hnoinees training for the leafit 00LLE0E outlay it« of time and money. Kookkeejiiji*c in all brancbeB: Penman ship (plain and ornamen tal,) HhorHiand, etc., taught in the moet * No* * : practical and comrr'-bcnRi to manner. ^^ , bo<iR^ aBawMaMnM , ^ 1 ©f study new and or/gtnwi, combining theory witu practice. Address L AMOS WARD, Pres’t, BIRMINGHAM, ALL.,