Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, June 04, 1892, Image 6

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Jlalc‘5 'SHcrUIg. J. N. HALE, Editor. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THEIALLIANCE You hear men on the street saying “I am a democrat an old Jeffersonian and don’t you forget it ask them if they will abide the action of Democratic party, support the nominees and ihey say, “if they nominate a certain man I won’t. Aint no Ocala in me.” True demo¬ crat, support the nominee if he suits—won’t support him "if he does not. Who ever heard of Jefferson refusing to support the [nominee? They are fine Jeffers mian democrats! Bosh. No man in Georgia has been more true to democracy than our able Congressman Hon. L. F. Livingston, No man has done more or is doing more for democracy now than he. It is because of his fidelity to democ¬ racy and its principles that the third party people are working war upon. They think if they think if they can keep him from being nominated they can split the Alliance and defeat democracy. They will fail. THE GIDEONITES. It is said that there is an oath bound band inside of the Alliance in this state working in the inter¬ est of the Third party. It is known as “Gideon’s Band,” and is said to consist of only a few members from each county. As only those who lapped water were allowed by the Lord to go with Gideon of old, so in imitation of them as nearly as convenient the new Gideonites, it is said, loll their tongues as a sign of mutual recognition. It is further said that, while they may have no pitchers to break, they expect nevertheless 'to work secretly until a certain time, and then blow such a blast and make such a demonstration of strength as will throw the dem¬ ocrats into utter confusion. In this county, so far, the democrat¬ ic party in this state is about as completely asleep as were the Midianites of old. We have not observed any lol¬ ling of tongues iu this county; but from the untiring efforts that some of the Third party leaders of this county are making secret¬ ly to weaken the Democratic par¬ ty, there must be several Gideon¬ ites in Rockdale. Perhaps if the democrats of this county will watch closely, they may catch some of them lolling their tongues. We call the atteution of the de¬ mocrats of this couuty to a Mr. Massey of Sheffield district who is making great efforts to get the colored people of this couuty to go into the wild Third party •scheme. A few days ago some colored men from Mr. Massey's district were in town and laugh¬ ing about the efforts being made to fool them off into this new par¬ ty and said they “were gwine to stick to de same ole publican party.” Now, the colored people have perfect right to do just as they please; but if they take our ad¬ vice, they wit! avo'.d all entan¬ glements with the new-fangled “‘People's party.” J. W. CARTER, Next t’oor to Dr. W. H. Le«’s Drag pioro iai Railroa l ptieet, is prepaird to lit! ke tl e i e t sLo.ss :in>i 1>> o-s and ao all ki .Is ot it- a ri ••• nod ' i.raess work anil guamuiee luc A •j: A for Infants and Children* “Castor!* is bo well adapted to children that Cast or la cure* Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, known to me.” H. A. Archie, M. D., Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di¬ Ill So. Oxford Brooklyn, N. Y. Without gestion, St, injurious medication. Th* Cintau* Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. ROOM, ROOM- * 25,000 Dollars T^Tortlr of FURNITURE TO BE PARLOR, BEDROOM, KITCHEN and DINING ROOM Furniture, Reed and Rattan Goods, Picture Easels, Ladies’ Desks, Book Cases, Baby Carriages, Mattresses, Bed Springs, Pillows, Wardrobes, Folding Beds, Lawn Benches and Chairs All these goods must be sold by June 1st. as 1 intend to make alteration in my store, and must make room for same. 77 Whitehall Street, 64 S. Broad Street, Atlanta, GeorGia CHEAHE3T FURNITURE MAN IN,THE SOUTH. 185&.I make terms to sup all purchasers. MILES & STIFF, HIGH GRADE PIAJNTOS lAISTD organs. 21 MARETTA, AND 28, 30 AND 32 N. BROAD STREET ATLANTA, GEORGIA. (Cp^ - Messrs. Miles & Stiff show in their magnificent Piano Par¬ lor by far the most complete and best line of Pianos and Or¬ gans to be found in the South, consisting of k such well known nd time-tried instruments as the HAZELTON BROS., BEHR BROS.. JAMES U. STARR A. B. CLOSE, PEASE & CO., And the celebrated Packard C>rgans, Those contemplating the purchase of a piano or organ are invited to investigate both the quality of the instruments, the price, and terms and it it will be found that their prices are fully 20 per cent, lower, the lasting and tonal qualities consid ered, that are offered by any other first-class house, If will cost nothing to investigate this, and may be the means of sav¬ ing $25.00 or 50 dollars. i MILES & STIFF, 21 MARIETTA AND 28, 30 AND 32 N. BROAD STREETS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA R. J-j. OUPFIlSr, ’Representative. CONYERS, GEORGIA fr- ■KUQMflT'" \ wmm Bugsy Company t ei i I iAT-Hef joc. A 6 uuii Bi-lh v Price A i'U.ii'iu. t r:i? Si-tinus V^|| ; Piano oi St . y ; •’ ; v . '■ T\ • ,4 ohi% Cincinnati -few hiiixk y SHOES. A*k BIT agents for W. Ii. place Dooglai Shoe*. If not for sale In your ask your dealer to send for catalogue* secure the agency, and get them for you. jy TAKE NO .SUBSTITUTE. Tj, \-rjZ-: HI Aj ■ tea (p FOR ®f PBR % QS> WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTpEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET? It is a seamlesg shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy, and because ice make more shoes of this grade than ang other manufacturer, it equals hand sewed shoes costing from $4.00 to $5.00. the 00 Genuine offered Hand-sewed, for $5.00; equals finest French calf shoe ever imported shoes which cost from $8.00 to $12.00. »p*t» 00 Hand-Sewed comfortable Welt and durable. Shoe, fine The calf, best stylish, offered this price; grad shoe ever at same e as eus tom-made shoes costing from $6.00 to $9.00. 90 C*# 50 Police Shoe; Farmers, Railroad Hen , and Letter Carriers all wear them; soles, fine calf, seamless, smooth inside, will heavy three exten¬ sion edge. 50 One pair calf; wear better a shoe year. offered Sfei fine no ever at this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. iPmim 25 and 82.00 and Workingman’s durable. shoes are very strong Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make. Q D nve U 8 ) 82.00 and 81.75 school shoes are theTr J worn by the Increasing boys everywhere; sales show. they sell on merits, as the I kid ndiae U Ivv 83.00 Hand-sewed shoe, best Dongola, verystyiisb; equals French Imported- shoes costing 82.00 from $4.00 and to 81.75 $6.00. Ladies’ 2.50, Dongola. Stylish shoe for Misses are the best fine and durable. Caution.— See that W. L. Deuglas’ name and prise are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, Mass. pa^o^ r : 0 \y v>; ; i= m m & -, ?■-: o J L IN ITS WORST FORM. Rev. Benton, J. C. Laf. Co., vouches Wis., Dec. ’88. Bergen for the following: James Rooney, who was suffering from vitus Dance in its worst form for about one and a fourth years, was treated by several physicians with¬ out Nerve effect; Tonic two bottles of Paster Koenig’s cured him. Toussaint, Ohio, Oct. 25 1890. I used Pastor Koenig’s Nerve Tonic for a lady 26 years old; every two or three weeks she had a serious attacK. of ache railing and sickness, accompanied with head¬ was driven to madness; she w as sent once to an insane asvlum. The doctors could not relieve her; 1 began with one bottle of rour medicine;astie had taken three-quarters of it, and she wrote to me a few days aaro: “ i he medicine helps me much; I think anoth¬ er bottle will care me, ” Rev. Ahmand Hamblin. MACHINERY, ETC SAWMILLS -$160 TO $000. Enpies and Boilers TO SUIT. 100 IN STOCK. Large Stock of PULLEYS, IBelti3n.Gr ’ —and— SUPPLIES. Lombard & Co., Augusta it phSm 'V W4- y fe-; I Sn j jad jjI I ‘mi m I .A I MX W a vJ Caveats, and Trade-51 arks obtained, and all Pat¬ ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Office is Opposite U. S Patent Office, and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip¬ tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. A Our fee not due till patent is secured. Pamphlet, of actual “How to Obtain Patents,” with names clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposits Patent Office, Washington. D. C. AIra l“>*nri -■A r A i A Or N the I 5r iron *=c r<«t e H r ^teflg agaS»ISa^ — -j °n~cl%ek^\,SSua^ g£^«^ TOse SS^-ttaSSg bloom c DB. HARTER MEDICINE C(Ls i^^ ^ spectacles^tcT^^ 5 ^ PERFecTtol ui V uist auJit 7 Tint ai i k :\ v-:. k--~— Hal :/ . -j, Gr. W. WEAVES has the exclusive sale of these celebn ted glases in KELLAM - & - MOORE - GEOfili Peddlers are not supplied witW fa no as glasses. BUSINESS COLLEGE. - r.y . l/OO/ Y S * i /// s'r y Cottm ATLANTA, GA. - - 24th YEAR 1 An established business school. Bk'* keeping and Shorthand taught bj J teachers. Tonsands of studr good r-aying positions, Term mod Students received dailys Sendioj WATCHES, JEWELKY, EXcT j WM. BOLLMANN, Spectacles, watches, cloch i JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. No. 10 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, G* LAW CARD. Attorney At Law, In the Night building first room on ^ ett, up stairs. CONYERS - - G A. WHISKY, WINES, ETC. BANK PLACE AND Mill, Under Gato City Bank, Cor. Ala. and Pryor Sts., Atlanta, k\ FINE OLD PENNSYLVANIA RYE A» UCKY SOUR HASH WHIS- I KIES A SPECIALTY, reported and Domestic Cigars. NO. J P- ’Buckale w Proprietor because LADES the ARE higher UNFORI'UMJ they rise in s 0 ®!? the weaker they find themselves w : Risley’s Philotoken controls the nerves aids nature in her various functions,» thus combats with many ills of vo ' kind successfully. If your druggis tor* w ot got it he will order it for you CO bottle, from Liras. F. Risley, " sale Druggist, 62 Cortlandt 8t., - York. Send for a descriptive parW with directions and certificates many ladies who have used it ana 1 say enough in favor of ttisley s Phi owl keu _J No one uuibtb taut Dr. SagesCatarA Remedy cures all Catarrh, whether disease be recent or of long standing, because the makers ofitelineetbeirfoi* in it with a $10) guarantee, which a a mere uewsbaper guarantee, moment is but°n when j \ niK ...oment. That prove that its makers cau't curu J | The reason for their iaiih is ,t u-- ^ Sage’s remedy has proved itself ier °j for ninety-nine out of one en¬ in the Head, au d the of Catarrh oci^ Dispensary Meddical Ass afford to take the risk of J ou one hundredth. New lot of dress goods t H- ^ r cents per yard up a m. Almand &G° b -