Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, June 04, 1892, Image 8

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Jink's iikcklg. J. N. HALE, Editor. OFFICIAL ORCAN OF THE COUNTY. OFFICIAL ORCAN OF THEIALLIANCE Maj. Jos. A. Hill s Letter. * * * * Destroy Democ¬ racy, as your leaders urge, and you destroy the only safeguard qf the people against class leg¬ islation, against centralization, against unjust tariff, against bayonet directed ballots, against discriminating taxes, force bills and all the horror’s of recon¬ struction. * * * * Will you stand idly by and see Democracy destroyed ? Then you are a recreant to your past and false to dear old Geor¬ gia. * * * * Who are the leaders of this assumptions party, this party of great swelling words and silly acts, of mighty promises and beggarly deeds? What single man of note is with them ? What do you know of them ? What possible chance have they of carrying out their specious promises^? If you cannot get your rights in the Democratic party what utter futility to hope for itfin this small party of congruous elements, {with ers without cohesion and no rea son for its existence. What do Georgia want, they have the Governor; both Houses of the Legislature; ever Georgia member of Con¬ gress voted for free coinage. There is not a puolic officer in Georgia who is in anyway hos¬ tile to the farmers or the Alli¬ ance. What more can you have; will you cast this aside at the command of aliens and join a party whose platform ignores the odious and oppressive tariff; is silent about force bills and all that is valuable to the South and makes couspicious the pay¬ ing of large bounties to men al¬ ready doubly piid- I have great respect for the true Northern soldiers- they were brave and gallant men, but never were soldiers more fully rewarded; they were victorious, that true men, is reward enough. They were well fed, well clothed, well cared for in sickness and when wouiuUd; they received large bounties upon inlistnient, and millions have been bestowed upon them since the war, why vastly increase taxation to ben¬ efit petted darlings of a grateful repuplic, when the great bulk cf that taxation must be borne by the long-suffering Southern farmer, Pause, fellow citizens, before you burden yourselves and your innocent children with enormous taxation. What do our misguided and oxcided friends of the Watson Simpson party mean by ‘peaca bly if we can, forcibly if we must. Force what kind, force by whom, against remedies and rights maintained by the peace¬ ful thought potent ballot. How do they propose to ‘ raise hell ’ and who is to plant, tend and reap this direful crop ? Who wants it when raised and gath¬ ered ? Better let that alone, friends. It is easier to stir up pandemonium than to quiet it. Justice is always violent to the party offending, for every man is innocent in his own eyes. The Fourth Party. Carrollton, May 13.—Carroll comes to the front with another new party to be called the Fourth paty or “ Simon Pures.” Hon. Jack Kelley of Jthis place is chairman for the county. Here is the platform of the new or Fourth partv: 1. We are in favor of a gov¬ ernment for the people jand by the people—equal rights to all and special priviledges to none. 2. We propose, when we get in power, to have establish¬ ed a United States bank in ev¬ ery militia district in each coun¬ ty in every state in the union, with a capital of $500,000 in each bank, at the expense of the general government. 3. Every white male [citizen shall be authorized to draw any amount to suit his purpose with¬ out interest or security of any kind. 4. The taxes of the general and state government being burdensome to the people, we propose to repeal all taxes of whatever nature. The courts, both civil and criminal, we believe to be great drawbacks to the general wel¬ fare of the working class of the people, hence we propose to abolish them. 6. We propose to have built at the expense of the general government a railroad furnish¬ ed with palace coaches to every town and village in the United States, with free transportation to the public. After the adoption of the above platform without a dis¬ senting voice the following res¬ olution was adopted: Resolved, That for the pur¬ pose of paying the Union sol¬ diers back pensions and defray¬ ing the expenses of this cam¬ paign, the treasurer be author¬ ized to solicit membership, charging $5.00 each. The Colored Convention Madison Baptist Sunday School Convention met with Macedonia Baptist church at Conyers, Gra., May 27, 1892, with L. A. Tanks president in. the chair. Services opened with singing and prayer by T. H. Gadson. In the permanent organiza¬ tion, Rev. W. H. Tuggle was elected president; J. A. Love, secretary. The object of the Convention is to do Missionary and Educa¬ tional work. The intention of the organization is to build a High School at Social Circle, Ga., at a cost of $1,500. The citizens of Conyers cover ed themselves with glory that will long live in the minds and memory of the delegates that attended the Convention. The thanks of the whole Convention are hereby tendered for all hos¬ pitalities shown. least On Sunday there was at 1000 persons in attendance, and everything passed off very quitely. T. H. Gadson. Abvices of Suu<la> fioiu Melbourne Australia state that nn r.p*m boat, in which fifteen members ot a foo bub team were being taken across the Bay of Port Phillip by two fisher¬ men has been found bottom up, and and all are supposed to have been drowned. The boat contained 15 persons, alt told. One body has been found. The others are be¬ ing search'd for. BUY AT HOME! 3 f you want a Cook Stove or any kind of Tinware, -GOTO ran a Mi’s They buy direct from the r actory and by buying from them you save the Middle Man’s profit. They make their Tinware and guarantee it. By patronizing them you help to Bit 1 ; iHffl Mustrj You can get of them all kinds of repairs for stoves; if not in stock will order them direct for you from factory. They keep also Biflii Btfiirs Si Eidait: Piping, and will sell at as low prices as Atlanta. We do our own work which enables us to sell lower than those who pay clerk hire, Come and see us is all we ask. Respectfully, JOHNSON k ALMAND V #1HK Awii X m PISIl y> iNV; ■ * V mt Ti m J \ J \ * A amis! ». as :■ - HKW SHOPS OF DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO. Lhm 1*1 Capacity 4 Q 0 Machines per Day FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO. dattojt, r. r-mce, na. Y i 11 r i mack iues in stock wk. they can be seen, or^ve can send them to your homes. Respectfully Wl CAIN. G. & A. P Con rer s, > '- 5 p. FILE'.! PILES! IfCHlN’G PILES. Syuitims—Moisture; intense itching by and stinging; ruoit at night; worse scratching. If allowed to bleed continue and ulcer¬ tu¬ mors form, which often Oint¬ ate, becoming very sere. Sw ay.ve’s ment stops the it-'hiug and bleeding heals ulceration, aDd in mo st case* re¬ moves the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayuc x Son, Philadelphia. Pa. t. . i—6 n OF /\ wben?Sfkrtn-div* fortable. Su«wwfui fail, lili hook* fir -cXtfrce. Addrva I. N1SCOX, 863 CnM>v. >« T«L mAmm wwf zi:\ v j . FirifrT-CL,A^:S i;V X^\ i * r -C r j> LIGHTUST, STKONGH 3 T .A..^ , easiest 2:12 :::g vehicle uj • 7 - -— A- EARTH. ^ \ B 033 IES A ss;o sees, 7 / 1 NT^yfe^V*— pvjsTft?.^ 1- amd \ ^HpnTx SUTUIUYJ \ '■ m; V Oi this fMfe&lXAk/ --- / i y e^EIK'Gr. Si AAseocx a mis &»»?:.*-r Sole Profr:etor»' c« -^alsyi • m twin CttKAO* 000 9$ For Catalogue and Prices, write the Manufacturers Austin, Tomlinson & Webster Mfg, , ... tw y^r The w is i'yl£S MhiCn Wt EASY moms * -x- 19 +(- -x‘ ea 96 PRACTiCAL No. 165. STAR GEAR SPINDLE BODY. KATUBAL -WOOD FINISH, OR I’AINTED. Built on Honor, Entirely different from Cheap Wes Work. Live Dealers wanted. Territory given. KI fi CINflAN^ S ^CMBilGE MB SLEISH BUILDERS SPNO FOR FULL r * t* i OCUES. SUW«V A MTOM. N. tOV£LL Dl&mown CYCLES. !M f, £:!ii Tires, STRICTLY kc. 3 8, Ladies’ Cushion Til §cs.oo HIGH GRADE. $95.00 !’o. 2, Oc:bicD Tires, Ko. 4, Gcnysrtibls Solid III $ 05.03 $S 5.00 Ea. 3, laSes’ Soil i Tires 1 b Ho. 4,0, “ Min Ik GUR $S 5 .CO $ 95.00 Cb££b Tires <\\ I// m Iv No better lYsmsisl ACE fi^wB 'mt. /; machine made ALL TAIl'VL Yj] any price. interclKiL': KPRSx m Bisvcls Satalopih m.' MLmLzL- > u $ 85.00 _ 1 *^ ■ L-~ ' $85.00 JOHN IP. LOVELL ALEtMS CO, - MANUFACTURERS, BOSTON, MASS. Send lit cents lit stamps far our iOQ pig* (Uvstated UllflgMf <rt liSes, IcwUeri^ MEW SOXSSffiS^fiSS'JSSiSt^ DISCOVERY 6 y*fi|l a. „ Mi r. S 1 it throughout the world under the name of Queen s au _ ( IT IS PERFECTLY SO SIMPLE HARMLESS ANY CHILDCAU>» AllO T’rusl zss^-r-- mz Lay the hair o^er and appiy the mixture for » ’, VnoriW ®’ 1 ■ajy- hair disappears as if by magic withoui the shs’iite lion ev«i applied or ever afterward. It is unlike anvot!,tri . , wDtCM fora like purpose. Thousands of LA 1 * 1 „.,. a its c<r, a Wfe. W&: 1 ) with U KNTI. hair on KM their EN FACE. who do NECK not arpreciatef. and > .“'f.® ‘'i^ “Ticb ro nttelra **» * . fina a pricel.?ss boon tu Queen’s Anti-I lit “ ,rl an “ *; Trice of Trade Mark. with sharing, by renderine its future grow Queen s Anti-Hairit»e fl. per boitle, sent in safety mailing boxes P' D iainlf. ^ f rout observationi. Send monev or stamps bv letter with lull rddressvcri 1 - ^ n every 7 I»ndence strictly confidential. This advertisement is honest and straight CBt tiii.«« contains. We Addre-ss invite yon QUEEN to deal with CHEMICAL us and vou CO., will 174 find Race everylhing Street, as retv.e^ert g-*o fcraM 0 V* SPECUL-J?** injury to any purchaser. Every b«>ttle Bottle* * rua ^*'’" n . s Ar*i" 1 -' 'tTodue* and sell among their their frtend. friends 25 25 .lowre Bottle i Of-' *1 a DHESS, l^rnrds be-t - Agcg S v mrm i i ©O THE BEST moms t * * FOR THE BEST lOOKIBB 4\ V I TIE STRONGEST BUILT This is a spe¬ Ever before offered. F cial offer. We ****** a sell them at ( ^Rubbe fT< tnis price te ; .- * troduce them, Eliptic Spr ,n| regular price is piano Sod $ 75 . 00 . # u P hols ter g faie ^ a fine WE ARE * cloth,or lea 1 WHOLESALE If preferred' MANUFAC? Three ° r f # ^ bow to P« Elther ^ishCorn' 1 1 r rnm mun C K \ \ / / i