Newspaper Page Text
Whereas ,T 8. O.ranftde, Administra¬
te- of the'E-t»te of H T . Granade,
resent* to the .court in his petition du.olv
Hr-dand entered on record that has
frilly Aflmimsfure^ J. n-ruTiaaos Rs
fate, this jo therefore to cite alt persons,
kindred arid creditors, to show cause,
any thev a' whv said A
should not, he discharged from the Ad
ministration and receive betters of Bis
missies ov the first Mondav in T„ly, 5802
2 m . O St avans, Ordinary.
v cmTirirnnjn -,K, T o »TfTfTnf) TTTfV ’
Will he sold before the Honrt House
door in'"o mrs. Rockdale c nufv Da.
wit'in the leg-d Imiv- of *a'e on the ft st.
r nes’av in Jnly, 1«W, *?t. puh'ic out, erv,
the followin'? described propertv to wit:
ninety one and five eights dll 5-8). acres
of land, more or les-, Ivins "nd being in
tfie fonr+h district of - rminalb- Vewrton
now e 0 kdfdecounty, and hei g a part
of 'an 1 lot Wo. 217 a- d bo-’"ded ns fol¬
lows: ' the Worth hv th lan's of S||
sail f ' y; on the '-'ast 1v the 'and of
p T Porn:6" the out hv the ’amis of
" T Ti. Horn and on the West hr the
lands . of T, J. Mmand, Guar ! iau for J.
if p Porn, A. A. ft rn and W 0 Aimaml,
t evi“d on as the nronertv o p I. J R, ”'n
hv virtu* of and to satisfy fi Justice court
fi fas issued from the Histiee court of
the 475 district G. AT., in favor of G. M
Bain vs. T .T. Horn, and fausfered to L.
t Mrnaml Property pointed out hy
T„ .1. Almarid, notified. plaintiff in IVvy fi f», made t;a’1ies by
i T i possession Sheriff, This M
w H AT Austin, a v
KOO XV TT. A! Austin,
’ Sheriff
'• jnnwvppn pnp arUrniTAWHP.
OHORGOTA, Rochdale count,v.
To Ml Whom ft, mav concern
Whereas: W. AT Richardson having
'n due form applied to the court of Or¬
dinary for the guardianship of person
and propertv of Boon Henderson, (col.)
of sni<l county, notice r i« hereby given
that his application will Tie heard at ray
office on the first Monday in July next.
(riven under my baud and
nature this Jan 1st. 18'.i2.
O Seamans.
fo-t. Ordinary
v.'rnr v .
Wo have been moving r is
week and are unable to get out
' We will make up for
^ tim< , a f, this,
HTf fTTflM J ! Ff] J}^I ' I T.ANH.
GEOK'JJ To TA im BoOKOA^h W H<v* T t vTav OO. Oonoekn :
Whereas, John H. Alraand adminis
t vat or of 8. H. A nderaon Deceased has
m due form applied to the court, of Or
dinary for leave to sell the land belong¬
ing to the Estate of said deceased and
said application will he heard on the
first. Mondav iriyluly next This Tune
the 1st 18P2.
O Seamans,
fo-t.. Ordinary.
ATOfion <fn pi) npFWPS
Ml persons having demands against
the "spate of S TT. Anderson late of
Rockdale county, deseased, are herein
notified to render in th-ir demands to
the undersigned accord ”g to law; ami
all persons indebted to s-ii I estate are
rehnired to make i >n nsdiate. mvivm’
This May 4th., 1»92.
John H. Aumand,
8. TT. Anpehson, deceased.
Next door to Dr. W. H. Lee’s Drug
shoe on Railroad street, is prepaird to
make the best, shoes and boots and ao nil
kinds of repairing and harness work and
guarantee the lowest .prices.
j jpPAMAN^
!luv'iuo r
Conyers Georgia.
We have a large line of Black la
ces. G W & A. P. Cains