Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, June 18, 1892, Image 5

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oo^l f is pi' e l J ared to lend j. p. T jllc - r in Rockdale im farms &oney ° n counties five years on of six per cent L ei ' shall eat. if you work you weather has been de The lightful- continue to bud Candidates .a 0 d to bloom Conyers Vocal Club con The make good music. .Jnues to Nice ripe peaches are being enjoyed by some of our citizens. Crop prospects were never .better at this time of the year. The rains have made the hearts of our farmers glad. The heavy rams did some damage the lands. Hr. Joe Alrnand has gone £ 0 keeping house. Hrs H. Y. McCord visited At¬ lauta this week. 4 few latest style Straw Hats t cost at G. W. & A. 1 • Cains. , a Read notice of Mallary Bros .£ c0 in this issue. Mr. B. F. Booth, of Logans ville o-ave us a pleasant call this ) & ! week. Mr. Tom Shiply, of Atlanta, is here on a visit to his sister, Mrs. E- L. McDaniell. jemes Johnsing continues to <lo go good writing for the Ban ner. Fishing continues to be pop¬ ular with a large'number of our people Summers Brothers will move into their beautiful new store rooms J une 25th. Gardens have been greatly revived by the recent rains, and the vegetarians all happy. Seminary boys defeated the Itstitute boys in a spirited game -of ball the other day. Quite a number of our peo pie attended Oxford commence meat last week. Gardens have been greatly revived by the recent rains and the vegetarians are happy. Messrs Walter Adair and John Hollingsworth have dis¬ posed of their Atlanta business. The little baby boy of Mr. Ben Wallis, of Augusta, was buried here on the fifth inst. Street overseer Jones has been doing some good work on our streets. Young men you can get a Bargain iu gents half hose at G. W. & A. P. Cains. Eevery man should be a can¬ didate at some stage of life. It makes him more liberal and more social. Wheat cutting is about over. The yield has been good—the only trouble there was too lit¬ tle planted. We notice that center street property owners are a little slow about tearing down old awnings. There will be a pic nic at Evans Mill in DeKalb county “the 17th. inst. The public invi¬ ted. Mr. v\ r ash Cain spent week up in Gwinett county nad a g x>d time with friends. TO TOO rums: I a n prepared to negotiate per cent FIVE YEAR LOANS Farms. I charge for my services a cash mission of 5 per cent., which will all expense oxcept $10 or $15 for stract of Title. Please call on or to C. P. N. BARKER, Room 32. Gould Building, Atlanta Ga Miss Ora Bradwell, the ac¬ complished daughter of com missioner Bradwell, visited Miss Lula Guinn last week.) Hons. Henry L. Graves and T, J. Speer, of Newton, are can¬ didates for the state Senate, we are for them. Ladies If you want fans cheaper than you ever saw them call and see them at G. W. & A. P- Cains. Misses Launa and Lela Camp and Gladys Thompson, visited Miss Mamie Stewart during commencement. Oar clever citizen Mr. H. Y. McCord has heen appointed one of the financial board of the Oxford loan fund. It is with sorrow we chroni¬ cle the death of the loving wife of Mr Geo. M. Napier, of the Walton News. Miss Annie Meaders, of the Conyers Institute, left yester¬ day for her horn. 3 in Gainesville, her many friends regret to see her leave. Base ball is now interesting both old young. You can can see the little tot and the old gray heads all handling the ball and the bat. Messrs A. D. Summers & Bros., will sell the celebrated Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Ma¬ th ne. See the advertisement iu this paper. We welcome our handsome young friend Johny Alrnand home from South Carolina. He says he lias enough of that state. By accident our clever young friend, Mr. Greenoerry Bryans, who is one Jof the best young engineers on the Georgia road, was quite painfully hurt with a hammer a few nights ago. There is not a teacher in Geor¬ gia with a better record than Prof. Robert Guinn of Conyers. The business and profrssional man sent out from Conyers and taught by him are the equal of any in lhe country. Conyers among other things should feel proud of her minis¬ ters. They are all able, honest, clever conservative gentlemen, preaching the truth as they be¬ lieve and living lives of sober¬ ness and uprightness. We have a beautiful new sewing machine of the latest improvement and best make that we will exchange for an old one to use in our office. If you have an old machine and want a new one for it call at our office. Mr. John H. Alrnand has pur¬ chased the building 011 the eor ner of Decatur and Center streets, under the Masonic Hal aud will greatly improve it put¬ ting in a fine ffire and burglar proof vault. He willl t open some time in the early fall, a bank and will be in position to be of great help to our commercial, mechanical and farming inter Cot Dan Hudson is at home from cer. Oakland Seminary closes June 30th. Miss Julia Stewart is visiting tives here. Miss Aume Ethridge is here on visit to friends and relatives. Miss Allice Sappington is visiting relatives here. Mr. Dave Almand's new residence is going on to completion rapidly. Miss Carrie Davis, of Covington, is visiting her sister Mr. A. J Summers Miss Eva Havgood is spending the week here with relatives. Miss Maud Lee, of Covington, is Mrs. Dr. Fretweil. Parasols and slippers for pleasure at Summers’.J Mr. T. J. AlmaucT, we are sorry to has been very sick ^for the last W days. Airs. J. F. Alrnand, who lias been sick, we are glad to hear, is now better. Miss Claud Lee, of Covington, who ias been visiting friends here, has home. Joe White wears crape around hi abdomend. ” Say, wonder gif he that thing to meeting ? The prettiest Thing ill lace— the girl. The nicest bargains lace—those offered by Summers. Mrs. J. A. Farmer, of CovingtoD, here oa a visit to her father, Mr. J. Farmer. We regret to chronicle the death of Rufus Christain. He was a excellent citizen. Prof. Perry gave a pleasant recep¬ to his students Thursday even Mrs. J. W. Lmgford has returned a visit to relatives and friends in aud Wilks. The sermon of Dr. J. M. Brittaiu Atlanta, delivered at the Methodist Iasi, Sabbath was a grand one. Miss Levancia Davidson is stoping with htr sister, Mrs. W. N. Mc night. Col. L. L. Polk, president of the is dead. An able man has and the Alliance cause suffers. Col. Frank Davis, of Newton, was in to see us this week Frank has many friends here who would be glad ij see him Commissioner. Tfie boys will go to the encamp ment at Griffin iu great shape. Their Captain is one of the best in the state and his boys all like him. Friend G. P. Elliott is building a handsome store house at Lithoni*. The people of that thriving little town will find him a good citizen.| Dr. J. A. Stewart delivered an mirable address and laid the corner stone of the new academy and mason¬ ic building at Lithouia last Friday, Do you wear niuht-shirta? Try Summers A Bro—-that i-, those ibey are offering for |75 cents, that proverbially convenient packet. “My sore ran iu tbe night, and soul refused to be comforted. “ Poor fellow! of course it did. Pi he couldu t get Solvation Oil. O 11 I 3 25 cts.” It' “ boycotts ” this paper anyone will be for telling the truth. If one will lind in it that which is n< true we will never iisue am the cqiy. Read the announcements of H m Geo. Hi Iyer and L. F for Congress in this iisne of our per. They are both running as ocrats; are both men of ability worth; ti ue Georgians and fully tified with the people. Remember *y oua g men have a large line of Scarfs that we are going sell at cost. G. W. & A. P. THE ANUAL TION. The annual Fourth of celebration and Sunday picnic at Oak Hill will be Saturday, July the 2nd, Efforts are being made to derit one of unusual and pleasure. Everybody ally invited to come aiid well filled baskests. There be singing and speaking, recita¬ tions, etc. J. w. King, ohm. MARRIED , At the residence of Mr. John Lee, at Paper Mill, Wednesday evening, June 15, 1892, Mr. Rufus Hale am! Miss Yoner Puckett were united in the holy bonds of matrimoby, Her. J. F. Wallis officiating. We extend congratulations. BRICK! BRICK'! BRICK!! When you want brick, remember that Stepheimon & Turner can furn¬ ish you as good brick as can be had in the State iat less figures than any one can deliver them to you iu Con- and they cud furnish them in any quantity from one brick to one million bricks. Call on them before you buy your brick. THE TRUE LAXATIVE PRINCI¬ PLE Of the plants used in manufacturing the pleasant remedy, Syrup of Figs, has a permanently beniticial effect on the human system, while the cheap vegetable extracts and mineral solu tions usually sold as medicines, are permanently injurious. Being well informed, you will use the true rem¬ edy only. Manufactured by the Cal * ifornia Fig Syiup Co. We have a very large stock of gents over shirts we will sell at a very low cost. G. W. & A. P. cairn Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. Uncertainty may attend business venturers and enterprises; but it nev¬ er att*nls the prompt administra¬ tion of Dr. Baida Cmgh Syrup Price 25 cents. We heard, the other day, a man say sn-e ingiy, “ O, that s only n sentiment. ” Sentiment is about all the people of the South had left 25 years aao. If we are robbed of That we are poor indeed For BlM Bladder, Biasness, W.ff.C V> ! t publish this wetk the announce ineut of Mr. Andrew Smith for the Legislature. Mr. Smith is one of the best citizens of our county; he is able he is hooes', he is tbou'gbly idenii tied wit h the interests of our peop'e He is a true Democrat—believing hat to be the will of the people and hut alone is the guide of Democracy Wea^WorflConstitotioDS^W.W.C Miss Hattie Jones, the young lady who took the leading part in The Chimes of Normandy as performed by he Atlauta Club Friday night at DeGives, formerly lived here and is a daughter of C »>. Bill Jones and a sister of Mis. Beau Hudson We all remember her as an unusually sweet and wight little one. The Constiiut.on in speaking of the per foimance says: “Miss Hattie Jones, the Sevpolette was a most surprise. Is was scarcely able that an ami lure could sing musij with so much zest, Her act ing was refined, and the speaking her lints natural and lively. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Jess Weaver their little babe, the pride of life, Saturday. Jesus plucked the rose bud ou earth to blossom in Heaven. May you meet loved one in Heaven. THE COMMENCEMENT§ The commencement exercises of our Institute, which began last Tuesday with the examina¬ tions. In every department the students proved to have been well trained and taught and made both teachers and pat¬ rons feel proud of them. The commencement exercise proper consisted of speeches, recitations and essays all of which were well delivered and highly appreciated by the large number present from abroad and at home. Prof. Smith of La Grange de¬ livered the literary address. It was short and not up to the standard. The board, old and new, have aud are working hard to make the school a benefit and a bless-* ing to our town and it is to be hoped that they will succeed under the present management We are promised a good school —one of the best in the coun¬ try—and we t ince?ely hope that the promise will be fuil filled, for nothing helps a town good and its people mori than a School Let differences be laid aside and all pull for the good of' our children and our town. Prof. Perry was unanimous¬ ly elected Principal of the Con¬ yers Institute. Prof. Perry is a g )od citizen and has given sat¬ isfaction to the patrons of the* Institute this year. Miss Margarett Brown, of New— na li, Mies Annie Thompson, of Va-» Mrs. W. P. Perry, were elected assist hints. If you will call on W, V. Alrnand you can have your carriage work done in the ia test best, and most fashionable »t”le an I colors, You can have renewiug, reparing and upholstering of all kinds of fi r -imre done in the most ele¬ gant manner. You can have your luacksmithing done in the very best manner, tLe finest horse sheer in the conn y—All at the veiy lowest prices. Respectfully, Alrnand. W. Y. The race for ordinary will be warm and interesting. There will he several good men in the rat e and we are bound to have a goou ordinary. KO TICE. The for giving in your taxes soon expire. Come forward once and give in. R. L. Hudson, T. R., R. C. We publish this week the card of Col. J. C. Barton for Ordinary. Col. Barton is an old citizen of our county has always worked for its welfare morally, financially, intilectua’ly end every other way. He is a thorough business man—well qualified for the the position h - asks. He has many friends who will } ush hie claims. A MILLION FRIENDS. A friend in n <-d is a 'riend indeed, end not less than one million peopi© have found just such a lriend in Dr. King’s New Discovery for Onfmnip-* tion, Coughs, and Colds—I have never used this Great < cu ih Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs- Each bottle is guarante - 1 ta do all that i* daime or nu iev will b 9 refunded. Trial bottle.-, fix: at Dr W. H. Lae & Son's Dru ; store, Lirge bottles 5 c. a d G-tU