Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, July 09, 1892, Image 4

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lliilysMcclvly. J. N. HALE, Editob. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THEIALLIANCE Anno uncbmknts:— f'or Congress, ten idollart!’, for State Senator, seven dollars; for County Offices, five dollars. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOB CONGRESS. Hon. L. F. Livingston, of Newton -county. Hon George Hillyer, of Fulton coun ■•ty. FOB REPKEBKNTATITE Mr. Andrew J. Smith is a Candidate 'for the lower house of the State Legis¬ lature, subject to the Democratic nomi¬ nation. candidate for Dr J A Stewart is a the Legislature subject to the Democrat¬ ic nomination. __ FOR ORDINARY. James C Barton will ask the support of the votors of the people of Rockdale for the office of Ordinary. To the voteis of Rockdale County:—— I hereby announce my self as a candt date for election to the Ordinary s office 1 feel under many obligations lor the kindness shown me heretofore and hope you will continue I he same favor. I will pledge myself to serve the people to the best of my ability. O. Seamans. THE SOLID SOUTH. Col. Larry Gantt, ex-editor of the Southern Alliance Farmer, and now editor of the Columbia (S. C. Register, writes as follows on the above subject: ‘Democracy’ in our Southern States has a higher and more im¬ portant meaning than even the platform and principles of the party. It means the;political su¬ premacy of the white race and the rule of the Anglo-Saxon. It was the rallying cry by which our people were marshalled when the power of the alien, Jthe renegade and the negro was overthrown, it is the bugle bast that has col¬ lected into an irresistable and conquering band the white voters in every political campaign since the sun of the Confederacy went down at Appomattox. So long as the Democratic party liolds togeth er we cannot desert it for any other political organization, except by a spontaneous and overwhelming¬ ly unanimous consent of the rul¬ ing class. The Northeu and the the Western States can afford to -experiment with new parties, but we Of the South, with tl*e large negro element in oUr midst, can¬ not afford to divide or take'clian ces. We have too much nt stake __the demoralization of our only source of labor; the peace and se¬ curity of our families imperiled; the prosperity and upbuilding of cur section retarded; our publie treasuries jeopardized; and the re-enactment of all the horrors of the reconstruction period. The man or men who seek to cast a political fire-brand into the ranks of our white voters and scatter them in warring political factions, is nothing less than a public enemy, and will be so held and so considered. The people for a time may be led astray, but reason aud patriotism will quick¬ ly reassert their sway, and the banner of organized Democracy and white supremacy aud rule wave triumphant iu every South¬ ern State. When our voters see the danger of negro rule confront them, and kuow that it can only be averted by the whites stand¬ ing shoulder to shoulder, you see them return to their allegi¬ ance. Iu every campaign you will see ambitious and designing tnen seek to place an entering wedge iuto the ranks, and isolated in¬ stances sud for a short season they succeed. But it is ouly foi a time. The people soon realize their danger aud see through the motives of these political dLtur bed, aud they are sw. pt out of power and iuto political oivseini *y* ROOM, ROOM- 25,000 Dollars TTT'ortii. o± furniture to be PARLOR, BEDROOM, KITCHEN and DINING ROOM Furniture, Peed and Rattan Goods, Picture Easels, Ladies^ Desks, Book Cases, Baby Carriages, Mattresses, Bed Springs, Pillows, Wardrobes, Folding Beds, Lavm Benches and Chairs All these goods must be sold by June 1st. as 1 intend to make alteration in my store, and must make room for same. ■T 77 Whitehall Street, 64 S. Broad Street, Atlanta, GeorGia. CHEAHEST FURNITURE MAN IN THE SOUTH. make terms to suB all purchasers. NUFACTORY. BaLTIMOKK, Md. Washinon, D C 213 VV. German Street. Cob, 7th A hi. St’s EISEMAN EROS v. I V. ! :V ONE PRICE m Clothiers, Taylors, Hatters, Mr F urnishers. 15 & 17 WMteball Street, Atlanta, Ga NO BRANCH HOUSE IN THIS CITY. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FIJNTE YvTflSl^EIES, 32 Peachtree St. ATLANTT, > GA 0 HEW DISCOVERY In cornpt><in;li>,; ,, rolutim, a pan on the ham; wnvn wosbimr au.-rw.vd icwas diucuvctvd that the hair was eom «rd'^L;as'^T« throughout the world under it the name ot Queen’s Anti-Hairine. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND ' ■z <r SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAr: USE IT. Lay the hair over and apply the mixture for a ' mmutes. and the i yOtr hair disappears as if by magic without the allghtc~.'pr nor injurv when WjJ applied or ever afterward. It isunllke nrx other pi natation ever us«*d W -*5 with fora like hair purpose. thrir FA Thousands CE, of LA I) I If S w ?io f - ve been annoyed r I on KECK and A /IMS attest its ir.erita. (> I.NTI. 1' Hr.X who do not appreciates beard or hair on their neck, find a priceless boon tn Queen’s Ant»-I?i.iriue which does aw ay _— with Shaviug, V’ff __r* Antl-Hairine a r „ by rendering its future growth an nt; impoesibillty sealta i °re nomohsinrvutian'). Uep ? s . Pend II. per bottle, stamps sent in by safety letter mailing with full bores addrear p-stage written paid ph»ir.ty. by cs (Securely Correa ilrb. 1 '? wwittdentlal. Thi* money or it nv " invite advertisement is honest ard straight forward ir. every word c yon to deal with us and von will find everything sa rep, eaented Get this out and smd t -day. - yddress QUEEN CHEMICAL CO., 174 Racw Street, UkClNNATI, O You can rwof-r your letter at «r> Post OOee to insure iw safe deliv. ry. We wil l pay Sr.OO for a*y caaa ! MWiluratirilij!!' -yory to any pn-chaser. Every bottle guaranteed. mm -radaee • «4f.K uf, DBjSS. hI| among IS yarAa their t»e- trstaU -■ ’t S6 Bottle* •^t*-— <f r-rTl—'n-1ri,nr'~ QurenV A^ti-Hairina. j Et vr..* order. Qwou oi. <: CosuJsctyM, t< .IgiSti. « Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps if the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. afford Ask yourselves if you can for the sake of saving 50o , to run the risk and do nothing for it. We Know from ex¬ perience that Shiloh’s Cure will cure your cough. Itneverfail. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves croup and whooping cough at Lor once. Mothers, do not be without it. lame back, side or chest use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Sold by Dr. W. H. Lee & Son. The friends of Hon. Samuel H Brodnax of Walton county, insist upon him making the race for the legislature again, and have an nouned him a candidate. Mr. Broduax’s numerous friends in Rockdale hope to see him re¬ elected. J, W. CARTER, Next door to Dr. W. H. Lee’s Drug stoi e on Railroad street, is prepaird to make the best shoes and boots and ao all kinds of repairing and harness work and guarantee the lowestjprrces. wr b ■ ■ t? C H WILD E R R Y 1 X V ■! ivaimns S 1 I ?! vecic: •: Z v L'-S l 'fi V, i • - “O' - RELIEVES all Stomach Distress. REMOVES Nausea, Sense of Fullness, Cokomtioh, Pan. REVIVES Failing ENERGY. RESTORES Normal Circulated, and Wabks to To* Tax, ML HARTER MCMCMt 90 *. 6 £ Cftll*, Mfe - SHOES. Aak my agents far W. L. Dougina aak stiioeo. If not for aalo for tn catalosae, yotir place roar tko dealer ta scad aeeare mgener, and set them for you. I** TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. .JEI all m 1 7* I ; & Jr QS> WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax; thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish of and easy, and because we make more chocs this grade than shoes any other from manufacturer, it equals hand sewed costing $4.00 to $5.00. fie 00 shoe Genuine offered Hand-sewed, for $5.00; equals the finest Freu«t calf ever Imported fiA 00 shoes Hand-Sewed which cost from Welt $8.(X>to Shoe, $12.00. line calf, «P"fra stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe tom-made ever offered costing at this from price; same grade as cus¬ shoes $6.00 to $9.00. S3 50 and Police Letter Carriers Shoes Farmers, all them: Railroad fine calf, Hen ■ wear seamless, edge. smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten¬ sion One pair will wear ayear. <39 AS A 50 flue calf; no better trial will shoe ever offered at am n this price; one convince thoso v. ho want a shoe for comfort and service, fin «Pm> 25 and 82.00 and Workincriiian’s durable. shoes are very strong Those who have, given them a trial will wear no other make. £3 lEP'LSJF rw'UieJ 9 82.00 and 81.75 school shoes are worn by the boys everywhere; thc-ysell on their merits, as the increasing sales show. I laCSU SStfl iac I <3 9 83.00 Hand-sewed shoe, best Imported costing Dongola, very stylish; equals French Ladies’ shoes from $4.iw to $ 6 . 00 . 2.50, 82.00 and 81.75 shoe for Hisses are the best fine Dongola. Stylish and durable. Caution.—See that W. L. Deuglas’ name and price are stamped VV. on L. the DOUGLAS, bottom of Erockton, each shoe. Maes. HELLO ISAM, Where you going ? I am going to Atlanta. I ■wish you would step into the o'd re’iable'.Dave Steinheimer and buy me a gallon of Pickens county sweet mash corn, here, is $2.00 to [pay for it. Hemember the place, No. 40, Walljstreet right opposite the depot,) wait a minute, here is another dollar for a bottle Horse Shoe rve, it will enre the grippe, [or any bad eold. Don’t forget, No., 40 Wall "'treet. opposite the depot, Atlanta Georgia. GOffiB TO AUllOlU We liave opened a ftr.-'f class Blacksmith and repair shop in rear oi the Hotel and near !he Livery Stables, and are prepared to do vonr work in first class order, at reason able prices. FTorse shoeing a specialty. A!i work warranted try us. Respectfully, L. T, F*ri3 t A One ft up eau One ft e( ] One W a *Wan,l Twor”* 6 '^ At OSLER’f m lfn, ' \ 1 63 85 . S. B road, Washington, JwstFroiH^ a8h . EPpg.l ^ COCOA If. f. It If you will call oi\ Almand y°« eaa have’ carnage test best, work and done (ashij in J et"le most ani colors, You have renewing; reparino furniture upholstering done of in all the k4 gant You most manner. can | your blaeksmithing best donein very manner, the | horse shoer in the count f at the very lowest prices, Respectfully W. V. Ahnsi DT«;U tn». AddrcM #. itiatoi, eu MANHOt. Hew Lost! How Ret ’Hi s|l orm/f£ V, Ai KIOW SEMVPMSSERYAT10K. THYSELF. A Anwitii Or Gold Medal PBIZB ESSAY on NEBVOtl PHYSICAL tDKBIWIY, VITALITY, ERBOBS YOUTH, EXHAUSTED l «Ut; 185 invaluable aealid. pnvcnptm. Otlj fie oy mall, double Dmnptiw us with endorsements mppi tKtH a S of the Press and voluntary cured testimonials of. the byniB. » Kipatl Consultation INVIOlXBUE in person or SECRECY «4C meat. Boston. Mass. Instttnte to J®1 The Peabody Medical tators, but no equal. — IfrralA- Belf-Wtod* The Soienee of Life, than or 8aa j treasure more valuable NEBVOl’S ni to every WEAK and aa, » be STRONG .— Medical Morning Noon 1 Nigi i Good all the time. It re#| 1 the languor of morning) ® [ tains the energies of noon, # the weariness of uight. Hires’S delicious, sparkling, Don’t be deceived if a of is “just Lrgcr vrofit. good telis ti>f y'S *L 1 ^^^ •• as — , is as good as the genuine ,■■1111 Anor rc 1 _ •» i" work for M. , Bee ret. Ott»r< »«t v<m? AW-SSS U.IIait-r* *' j* ~r ,. p so. .1,0 V* thsmtsltof 3m<,Bthrwwr watt-*® >■ S9Sts’'mm5irs'tJS :tsl, * i Ei su ®33| NOTICE- costi#-*;' > 5i l wit! w to moutli. ^ urtlay in each ‘ fcc me will find SOVv^J. . - ° r TV. II LBE& ^ - G Liu L.