Newspaper Page Text
nETSOD aiai0I ‘ E '
;r£‘ t triumph SCIENCE.
MEDICAL ^TtHE remark
ONE most
ncn ABS of DESCRtB -D BY
.... TtFCORO
IHE 1 cartful perusal.
(Detroit 2s ew?.) •
be ioe h ort r S P aga 1 ^fSnfcha 1 the
ir f unr-r k $sof sufficient report it im- to
readers to that
slice to “Sable * 0 important then
ofcnT.. attention at the
ttra The - -ted following is the paragraph in
Sion: ■ g.yortbrop, . t or Jon 38 years qy j one d of the
c 00( war aver
known mer ” osed to be dying last
,who T lnmtor p or creeping
of ° ataxia, of life and
J>z h work“t secured a ne w lease
. s The disease
rnea f his store. incurable,
been supposed to be
fj’anrt « hWs condition is greatly the im
looks now as if grave
D k cb t P tfme Mr^Northrop has steadily
f\ t this miraculous change had
IW- Tf° U ”!?, m W a very Pills simple for Pale remedy Peo
dDr " iVffiiams’ askS Pink Mr. Northrop
When ' about it
verified the statement, and not
but he had taken pains suffering to
one WtlO was
rra “- manner when he heard of any
fS fi« had » remedy tried everything that he harl he
II nf after he relief. He had been
■ loce to give him who did all
e “ of the alleviate best physicians this terrible malady,
Sul to any friend avail. in He Lockport, had given N. Y., up
when a of a person there who
e him of the case circumstances by
Mil mred in similar Pale People
ams’ Pink Pills for
Inerson cured at Lockport had
L,t his information respecting article
Williams’ Id Pink Pills from an
in the Hamilton, Ont., Times,
ase was called “The Hamilton Miracle’'
■aM the story of a man in that city who,
almost incredible suffering, was pro
mi by the most eminent disabled. physicians He to
, ur able and permanently of dollars in all sorts of
Dent hundreds only to be told
nient and appliances hope for him, and in
nd that there was no
cure was impossible. The person ai
L to (Mr John Marshall, of 25 Little
L St Hamilton, Ont,,) was a raern
f iftev the Royal Templars of Temperance,
having been incurable pronounced by the perma- physi
[y disabled paid the and $1000 disability insurance
r Li was
by the order for its members in
fca-es, For years Mr. Marshall had been
ly lit helpless, around his and house was barely with able the to aid drag of
ihes. His agonies were almost unbear
hnd life was a burden to him, when at
| relief came. Some mouths after
I bad been P a ’d the disability
ibeheardof Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
Kras induced to try them. The result
■pramIons; almost from the outset an
Kvement Kistheman was noticed, and in a few
Bas whom medical experts had
iMUvable, was going about the
Bealthierand Bad stronger than before. Mr.
was so well known in Hamilton
mil tiie city newspapers wrote up his
ierfui recovery in detail, and it was
■ I as before stated, that Mr. Northrop
into possession of the information that
‘\‘*"‘[“1'UP was asked what was claimed
"= “Ulul-sl‘lul remedy,and repliedfihat
WSW; that the proprietors claim 15
“WW: Lundel‘ and nerve restorer;
3m», in a condensed form all the ele
>:‘:~;.-=w‘.' LU eunuu one meal, restore
.-M Ildt'ves an! drive out; disease. .18
"”91 b? the proprietors that Pml; Bills
1mm ”'33 Paralysis. rheumatism, scxatica,
of the heart, headache, and 'all
“33 Decaliar to females, loss of appetite. i
”Q “51859195511955. loss of memory, and
.‘1‘3‘sofvitalforee, gefi‘rsal‘is'iug from overwork. mental 1
2‘1”“): etc. ‘
to say," said Mr. Northropt ‘fthat
3““? much faith in patent mellcmes,
Emma: say too much in favor of Dr.
1137‘ piaxm Him Bills. The proprietorahow
that thev are not a patent: med
mflle .}“ém}'>cientific 551159 in -Whici1 that term is used,
iy'fi“ preparation, the re
“5 careful sbuiy and experi
9" “1'3 part of the proprietors, am} the
.‘Vi‘Te successfully used in private
:9 for Fears before being,r placed
2931‘ l' *1 sale. Mr. Northrop
:9“? rt’s‘fittllere that he is a living- ex
is nothing; to e 80 uai these
j;“3,1‘~ :9» our: for nerve diseases. inquiry
“3‘ 11 Dr. ll than_these pills were 1115111
@1315», ‘7‘“ Williams’ Medicme (40.,
N. Y., anl Brockville, Out,
:9 Pl; are sol-l in boxes (never in holy;
7333991”, :9. at 5’) cents a box, an'l may
UT: .wlliazns’ :2“ vlrurzists or direcc by mail
ii‘r’f‘T‘t’i Medicine Co..from either
TfIM’N-“I’ies The price at: which thesa
£311 a course of treatment
‘f‘wfig‘. CJillpar‘atively otha‘ inexpensive. as
ff’rit- Mi; remeiies or medical
:‘3395 case is one of the most re—
”fifth "33>“. (UH anla; it; is one right
2):?” not a thousani miles
rt: “”411 ""623“? verified. Mr. North
.7133“ known to the people of
“‘3 says he is only too glad to
' 11;.“ "’373 mfii‘velous he considers good wrought; in his
it his-dutvrb_0\
help all who are si ml!any behalf afflicted by any
word he can say in of the wond< erfot
efficacy of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.
A Boston man wants to exhibit a sky
cycle at the World's fair. A skycycle
comes under the head of flying machines.
The Wisconsin World’s fair building
will have a $5,000 grand staircase, the
donation of the Morgan company, one of
the best known Aims of the state.
The board of trade and citizens of
Fargo, N. D., have undertaken to raise
$30,000 to supplement the state’s World’s
fair appropriation of $25,000.
Butterflies to the number of 150,000
will fie shown in the Pennsylvania ex¬
hibit at the World’s fair. The collection
is said to be the most complete and finest
in the world.
It is estimated that the thirty-five rail¬
roads which enter Chicago will expend
$110,000,000 in increasing and improv¬
ing their equipment and facilities and for
transporting World’s fair visitors
Costa Rica’s pavillion at the World’s
fair will be surrounded by gardens orna¬
mented by a profusion of tropical plants,
and in the galleries of the pavillion will
be placed more than three thousand beau¬
tiful birds, many of which have very gor¬
geous plumage.
Conspicuous in the shoe and leather
exhibit at the World’s fair will be the
display made by Lynn, Mass. Lynn is
flie largest shoe producing centre in Uie
United States, fully seventy-five and per¬
haps one hundred of the shoe manufact¬
urers of th'-.t city will furnish exhibits.
They are acting in harmony in the mat
Thomas Cook & Son of London, the
well known tourists’ agents, have notified
the transportation department of the
World’s fair that they intend to make an
exhibit of means of transportation inclu¬
ding the following: Norwegian carriole,
Norwegian sleigh, Lapland dog sleigh,
Irish car,Neapolitan cart,Turkish caique, and
Palestine encampment, camel saddle
harness, elephant with howdah, Bombay
bullock cart, catamaran, Chinese palan¬
quin, Japanese jinriksha,antique English
sedan chairs, old English traveling char¬
iot, models of dahabeahs and Nile steam¬
ers, models of boats and also to show
models of various Egyptian temples.
Of General Interest.
Japan’s theology has eight hells.
Alabama negroes have $20,000,000.
Manitoba is the prize wheat section.
There is a moth insurance company.
Our street railways employ 70,764 men.
Helena has a gold brick worth $150,
000 .
More than 18,000,000 men stand ready
for the battle in Europe.
A Missouri man ate eleven dishes of ice
cream and did not die until a week af
Mr. McNutt’s Speech.
Among the famous men of Vicksburg
before the war, one of the most promi
nent was a Mr. McNutt. individual Two qualities
marked him out as an type.
The first was his personal cowardice.
Still more individual was his power of
setting aside in his own favor those
prejudices of the public mind which
would have crushed any other man. He
was at one time a candidate for United
States senator. The opposing candidate Mc
was General Quitmau. In a speech under
Nutt Said: “Fellow citizens, I
stand that General Quitman is now in
the eastern counties reviewing his militia,
and that he says when he meets me he
intends to whip me. Now I tell him, at
this far off distance, that if he whips me
it will be because he can outrun me, for
I have a great horror for the barbarous
practice of personal violence.”
Such a speech from any other man
would have Won him the contempt of his
listeners, but it was McNutt, and people
laughed and applauded.—"Recollections
of Mississippi.”
An Early Display of Fireworks.
A very fine display of fireworks was let
ofi from a magnificent building in the
Green park, London, in November, 1748,
to celebrate the peace of Aix-la—Chappelle. is
The next fine display history records
the elegant one they had in Paris, on of May the
31, 1770, in honor of the marriage
Dauphin, who was Louis XVI in embryo.
The French, in their intense enjoyment,
got up such a fine crowd and had such an
elegant panic that nearly 1,000 persons pushed
were killed. Some of them were
into the river, and some died of shock
and suffocation in the crowd—New York
Evening Sun.
Supply and Demand.
Peddler—“Auy tins, ma’ma?”
HouSekeeper (indignantly)—“Those have all
tins you sold me last week gone
to Peddler—“Yes’m. pieces.” I [knew - you'd
want some more by this time.”——-New
, York Weekly.
‘ _____,_.___.._.
i } Little Girl—“How old are you?” do I
Miss Antiquea‘q—eruhow old
look?” reflection)—“’Bout
‘ i Little Girl (after
a hundered.”
Pay of Fourth Class Postmasters.
A postoffice starts in the fourth class,
and in the beginning the postmaster gets
all the money there is for his trouble and
responsibility. by law His compensation is fixed
upon the basis of all collected
box rents, commission on the stamps he
handles, sales of waste paper and dead
newspapers or other printed matter and
twine. The rate is 100 per cent, per
quarter on the first $50; 60 per cent on
the next $100; 50 percent, on the next
$200, and 40 per-cent on all the balance
up to a certain limit. Tint is, he may
not receive more-than $250 per quarter,
exclusive of commissions on money order
business. u »
When a fourth class postmaster receives
$1,000 a year the receipts of his office
must be at least $1,800. At the close of
the fiscal year ending June 30. 1891,
there were 64,329 postoffices, of which
3,041 were presidential offices and 01, —
288 belonged to the fourth class. At
44,263 of these the receipts werq less
than fifty dollars a quarter, and were
consequently absorbed by the postmas¬
ters’ pay.—Kate Field’s Washington.
He’ll Bear Watching.
Mrs. Bilkins—“I am afraid little
Johnnie intends to play truant this after¬
noon and creep under the circus tent.”
Sir. Bilkins—“Why?”
Sirs. Bilkins—“At lunch he didn’t
talk about anything but his lessons.”—
Street & Smith’s Good News.
Leonard Wnitton, of Brighton, Ont.,
is classed as the biggest man in Canada.
He weighs 469 pounds. Ten years ago
he weighed but 150 pounds.
Shut Tour Ears
To the representations of unscrupulous deal¬
ers who tell you that their bogus nostrums and
local bitters are identical with or akin to
Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. Such statements
are false. Ask for, and insist upon having,
the genuine article, which is a well ascer¬
tain'd remedy for malaria, dyspepsia, liver
complaint, the infirmities rheumatism, kidney disorder and
incident to age
A German biologist says that the two sides
of the face are never alike
Many persons are Droken down rrom over¬
work or household cares. Brown’s Iron Bit¬
ters rebuilds the bile, system, aids digestion, re¬
moves excess of ana cures malaria. A
splendid tonic for women and children.
The plumes in the helmets of the French
dragoons are made of human hair.
The article, “A Detroit Miracle,” taken from
a Detroit paper, is quite interesting merchants reading.
It tells how one of the best known
of that citv suddenly appeared lease of at life, his business when it
with supposed apparently that a new he sick
was was a very man.
It is estimated that there are now 6,335
postmistresses in this country.
'Hie Only One Ever Printed.
There is a 3-incli display advertisement in
this paper, this week, which has no two words
alike except one word. The same is true of
each new one appearing each week, from The
Dr. Harter Medicine Co. house places a
“Crescent” on everything they make and
publish - Look for it, send them the name
of the word and they will return you book,
Ladxfs neeuing a tonic, or children who
want Bitters. building It up, should take Brown’s Iron
Indigestion. is Biliousness pleasant to take, cures Malaria,
makes the Blood and Liver Complaints
rich and pure.
A German scientist holds that ail diamonds
come from meteors.
HALL’S CATARRH CURE is a liquid and
is taken internally, and acts directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials, free. Sold by Druggists-
75c. F- J. CHENEY A CO., Pruprs., Toleao, O
Mr. Darius Waterhouse, Chattanooga, Tenn.,
says: It cost but little to try Bradycrotine,
and a trial is all that is necessary to convince
the doubting thousands that it will cure head¬
ache.” All druggists, fifty cents.
If dropsy after a good night’s sleep there is
Beecham’s indigestion and stomach disorder which
Pills will cure.
2 jShvl
m A >y fThsa /
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently Liver yet promptly on the Kidneys,
and Bowels, cleanses the sys¬
aches tem effectually, and fevers dispels and colds, head¬
cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only duced, remedy pleasing of its kind ever and pro¬
to the taste ac¬
its ceptable to the stomach, beneficial prompt in
action and truly in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, commend its
many excellent qualities it
to all and have made it the most
popular Syrup remedy of Figs known. is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug¬
gists. Any have reliable hand druggist will who
may not it on pro¬
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. L)o not accept any
y >
self I'l‘ ungl ISA liunily DUTY to you net own tho your- best , , I.
vs_.luo_lor your money. Econo— ' I x :3»
mac chasing In \V. your L. footwear Douglas bg hoes, pur- . 3 FOB
which represent the best value
foFHDI'ICC? naked, as thousands GENTLEMEN.
w: testi y.
73.775???“ " .-, A xenuinoaewod shoe, that will not rip, fine calf, snuimvss,
/,§;:5 , .. smooth lnsiuo, ilvxihle, mum comfortablmstyllsh and durable than
. Zak,» ., other shim ovur sold at, the price. Equals custom made shoes
{g : 91/ I, . any costing fromfii 10.635.
.;-jj;~,;/,q»'—'~-.:_,:_.,=,2-:-:.. , ‘ $4 and $3.") lliiiid-nowed, fine calf shorts. The most styilsh L‘qlln.‘
733%? , " -.. . cue-Ly and durable sham cvur sold at (hoiscpricos. They
3/ > «‘33:. fine imported shmn-ivcnsting from 5:3 to $12. and :il) othvm wh.
53.34;???.,‘.**j'.r§z?“','vy,f” $3 50 l'oiiim Slime, “'Ul‘ll by farmers
65%; , ,, :.;_ ll wzmt a, good lit-(ivy (:4111', three Huh-«l, lliill‘flf‘lrin edgu moo,
3%.: ,' 5,; msy to walk in, (“11] will lump the [not dry and warm.
”57:: \ igfiifyVigl $2 5011931“) (Jul!) and $2 “'orkinuim'n's Slime:
'3. 5 II whl flux “\(il'u wear (or this mum-y than any «Mn 1‘ make.
3% E _: Hpfllfifii, 2, ,‘f‘MX ’ :1? They are ninth for Sl'l‘Vle‘. this out. The increasing halos bliow than, “ark—
, (/14 Inxmmi have found
; 35%;?! W’Qj, BOY$, £311 and Youllm’ $1.75 School Shown are
gram”? Worn by tho boys even/whore. This mom. service.
x’ able shor-g 9mm at, them prices. 1 -."e\vm ‘- ‘ C .."‘....'i , g l Q” an: I Q L75
”$1 4U: LA E a L '3‘ vi) (,7: '1 E33 Hum DIEHHL‘R :i'm iiuiuJof -, .. Um hl‘hL ._ Don:
f 3" :~‘.hm;s [or Slylhh,
“313] ’éfifl’é'” . " ‘QV gala or firm Calf, as (lcsirvd. 'i'm-y are equals w-ry iuudo (:om'
“up; “3‘,“ §A’S\§\“ \‘\\".‘,X\\ I'ortahheundihn‘ahlo. The $3 shut} who Wish (Z‘IISUHII It)
Viv“: 5...! ‘43:. :\~\: “meg 43],},';“’; from $1 tn $0. Iinriing Latin-f} HHS out. econo
. " \ x§1§§ $;\\\‘\\§\“‘;IN\\§\\\\\M w“§"r:,j:2,uv .. \w” 111120 (1A1"1‘)()y,_}igw;irm,f in “Mr Immglns' f'JUU‘Vl‘ul‘ 11mm: w,- and ownerssii‘us‘iitutlngshmggwlth. [.‘10Iirll'1:HJi'lII|il‘ll (ill bottom.
\‘(c~"l‘1'-‘ \\ "iPM:Y4!"3é‘3.\*.1\\2':‘e.\,\\fix‘fi}out Such \V. gubqituilons 1.. (me fri’inllllh'nt and MI duct to prosccnv
ASK FOR w' L' DOUGLAS , SHOES' (ion by MW for obtaining numby kind. midi i' m} (z YTOU'KWI'EL ml width
If not for sale in your place Ht‘nd dim-rt m Ii‘uclory, aiming (ind size uc-m-rul n
wanted. Pustfluu trm‘. “'ill [gives t-xr-lnyivn null: lo HIIINE (li‘flll'l‘fi Mann. mer
when: l have no agents. \Vritc for Catalogue. W. L. Douglas, Brockwu.
' r4 ‘. '4“ _ A . , ., A . 4'4“”; .. a, , 411 ‘1‘. than}. , g ‘1 ,
Vfi/‘W/ For Ladle. 3nd Cents. Olx styles ,
‘K‘W KJQ/l/L In Pneumatic Cushion and sand Tires. ’
§Mfgg 71x3“); ' ’ lu—qzké‘ ' TubingJdjustabh Diamond including Frame, Pedlls. Sue! Suspension Ball Bearings Drop Forgingu, Saddle. to a” running Stool parts, L , L .
‘ . (flmngl/l" H '- 3 I] V Send lone Silica}? 8 of cents Gun, HIGH in 199°" Inlpn GRADE for Revolvgs, our in loo-gage Every porflngflfiooda, illustrated Particular. eith- etc. -‘
”q“. “u...“ nu. h , 4’
‘7'” > P. LOVELL ARMS co.,mrs.,147 Washington 31., aosron, “83-
and people ‘
Connumpllve- Auth
who hue we“ )unu or ‘
~ ml. would use P1501 Cure for
Consumption. It has cured
‘ thou-um“. It. In! not taint. .
ed one. It. I: not. bad to take. ,
cough syrup. '
m- the beat
Bold OVerywhere. 15¢.
I 3*
• :
with Enamels, and „ Paints , „ which stain , .
the The hands, Rising injure the Stove iron, Polish and burn is Brilliant, o!F. Odor¬
less, Durable,and the consumer pays for no tin
or glass package with every purchase.
/■V *—• V. —•
„ ^ i - i * -
_ijfsvv. >. A
F L'jj
_ _
1 |T
Fall Term begins September 22.
Spring; Term begins January 21.
YER 125 hoarders, 20 teachers and office r%
Full University Curriculum. Five distinct
courses, three of which load to the degree of
M. A., B. A..end B. L. Special attention to Mu¬
sic and Art. Thorough study framed Business with Course, view
The scheme of is a or
offering to young women such facilities for ob¬
taining a liberal education Universities. as are enjoyed Hand¬ by
young men at the best school
somest and most complete edifice in the
South. All tiie rooms, halls and stairways boarders. car¬
peted. Accommodations for 400 ventila¬
Smead’s improved system of heat and
tion. Lighted with gas and electricity. Abundance Hot of
and cold water throughout. Parlors, library, read¬
bathrooms and closets.
ing rooms and gymnasium conveniently Eight locat¬
ed. Cash cost of building lights, $80,000. fuel, servant’s acres at¬
of campus. Board, months, $04.50; tuition,
tendance, etc., five
$25.00. Send for catalogue to Ala.
UEV. I,. I). BASS, I). !»., Florence,
r ,
It Strengthens the Weak, Quiets th®
Nerves, Relieves Monthly
Suffering and Cures
CHATTANOOGA FED. CO., Chattanooga, Tenn,
Dr.S.C. Parsons,
Blood Purifier,
Cures Syphilis, Iteh, Hu¬
mors, Swellings, mutism,Pimples, Skill Dig
eases, Rheu
m Scrofula. Malaria. Catarrh,
% (W:d Fevers, Liver and Kidney
Uiseases, Old Sores, Erupt¬
ions anil all disorders result¬
ing f rom impure blood.
’Oofloooooooooouo000.000.00.00”: glPANS TABULES regulaw.
. , e 300mb, lxver and bowelm.
. {Juriry the blood. are safe and at.
. v‘. actual. The best gen”? family.
0 Q§ fl, auedlcixie knpwn Ifjox- Bx iouartessi.
. 4N6 5 ‘onsn fieadacheflzearxumJnss: atlon. ‘spe ,ia, ‘rm
. Breath.
0 of yrnw, Meats} Depressiumo
O leplesl, Snilnw.
0 ' Pal u lexion. Digestion, Tired Feeling and.
‘ Com dame lmygux‘e.
:cverg symgtom or stomach, resulting liver from mtg-mugs:
.hloo , or; aflure by the Personglgl or
.to perform their proffer functions. .lialter. ven to .
anvereatingarebene oewzhmeal. Pflce,by CHEM: majl ted bytakmzfaTABl lgross 2:1bottl215c. xx. ML.
. dress THE RIPANS ,AL 00.,10 Spruce profit. st.
0 Ooooooounmcouoooooowuvm Agent! Wanted; EIGIITY per cent .
A. N. U... . .....Thzrty-we. ‘92.