Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, August 06, 1892, Image 4
J. N. HALE, Editor. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THEIALLIANCE* ~~Announcements :—For Congress, ten dollars; for State Senator, seven dollars ; for County Offices, five dollars. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR CONGRESS. Hon. L. F. Livingston, of Newton county. FOR REPRESENTAT1TE Mr. Andrew J. Smith is a Candidate for the lower house of the State Legis¬ lature, subject to the Democratic nomi¬ nation. candidate for Pr. .1 A Stewart is a the Legislature subject to the Democrat¬ _ FOR ORDINARY. James C Barton will ask the support of the voters of the people of Rockdale for the office of Ordinary. To the voteis of Rockdale County — I hereby announce my self as a candi¬ date for election to the Ordinary’s office 1 feel under many obligations lor the kindness shown me heretofore and hope you will continue the same favor. I will itled (, e myself to serve the people to the best of my ability. O. Seamans. NO TICE TO LIU ENDS. Mr. G. I*. Elliott formerly of the firm of G. P. Elliott, Con¬ yers, Ga., wishes to thank all of his old friends and custom Civs for their past favors and patronage, and inform them that hd has just enterrd into his new and elegant store room in Lithonia where he can be found with the new firm of G. P. Elliott Son *Y Co. and would be more than glad to have any and all of his old frier ds cal 1 and see him. The new firm now preposes to double the a mount of stock carr ed by the old firm of G, P, Elliott. Any one having barter to dispose of will find i t largely to their in¬ terest t‘-» call on him as Litho iiiu is the best market for bar¬ ter on /lie Georgia P railroad. To the Atlanta Journal: Liy Ingston is safe—shake. To the esteemed Herald: Our unde Lon got thei'ej why should we not celebrate? Northen will be elected gov ener of Georgia by GO,000 ma jority is our opinion. Col Sam Talliaforro, of Ful¬ ton has been nominated for congress by the third party. Jones, the Democratic nomi nee for Ooverner of Alabama, defeated Kolb the third party and pension candidate, by a hout 30 or 40,000. Sam Small failed to secure the Third Party nomination congress. He can now sing that familiar old hymn; My name’s Sam and 1 don’t give a <1 n etc. The Democratic mass meet ing in Walton county last ‘ urday , said . , to , , have been at is tenfied by over 2000 people. Walton county will poll a very light third party vote. Col. U. C Post in speakiiigof the Quitman row says: Of course 1 do not suppose the ,, gentlemen . whom , we ex peeled to meet in joint discus sum are m any way responsi¬ ble for any portion of the out¬ rage of the day or night. I am still of l..e opinion that they are gentleman far above such things. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. By virtnre of an order issued from the court of Ordinary of Rockdale county on the 1st Monday in July 1H)2 will he sold before the court hou-e door in Conyers, Rockdale county, on the first Tuesday in November 1892, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder all of the following described property to vit: One tract or pa ret 1 of land con¬ taining ( 151 ) one hundred and fifty one acres, more or less, b ing part of land lots number 34 f and 347. lying and be¬ ing in the 10th district of originally Newton, row Rockdale county, and bounded as follows; On the north by the other lands of S. H. Anderson de¬ ceased, on the south and east by the public raod leading from Conyers to Gee’s Mill and on the west by the lands of Nelson Overbay . This tract of land is place.” known and There recognized it as the good, “ home sub¬ is on one stantial. 6 room frame dwelling, well built and arranged, all necessary out buildings, stables, barns, gin house e’c., fine in good orchard condition, of choice splendidly fruit etc,, watered, etc. Forty acres of this place is in original forest. This farm is in a high state of cultivation and is known in this sale as farm number one. ALSO, At the same time and place there will be sold the following described proper¬ ty to wit: (151) one hundred and fifty one acres of land, more or less, being parts of lots number 341 and 347, lying and being in the Kith district of original iy Newton now Rockdale county, and bounded as follows: On the North by Miss Florilta Carr and others’ on the east by the public road leading from the town of conyers to Gee’s Mill; on the south by the lands described above in farm known as farm number one; on the This west by the lands of Nelson Overbay. farm is also m n very high state of cultivation. T ere is on it two tenant louses, good water, orchards etc. Twen¬ ty five acres in woods and ten acres or more in good bottom land. This place is known in the advertisement and sale as farm number 2. ALSO, At the faint 1 time and place there will be sold the following described property to wit: ( 82 ) Eighty land two acres, more or less being part of lo t No. 36(> and lying and being in the B5th district of originally bounded Newton now Rockdale coun¬ ty and as follows: On the north by the lands of Messrs IV lor and Mom on the east by the lands of the Misses Overton; the on thesoutn by the lands of Hargrove estate and on the we.-t by the public road leading from the town of Conyers to Gee’s Mill. The farm was formerly a part of the Abijali Overbay place, has two settlements; line water, two good orchards etc., and is a'so in a fine state of cultivation. This farm is cnown in the advertisement and sale as farm numbea 3. ALSO, At ti e fame time and place will be sold the following described property to wit: (114) one hundred and fourteen acres of land more or less, being jmrtsof land lots No’s. 867 and 368, lying and be ing in the 16lh district of originally New ton now Rockdale county and bchUicM as follows: On the north by the lands of Mrs. S. E. Summers; on the ea t bv the and lands Dr. formerly owned (lie by James Guffin Means; on sooth the' by the .Gads of J. M. Zackry and on west by the lands of J . H. Smith and the Hargrove estate. 1 here is oix fhi J place at.out 10 acres of fine pine forest; of cultiva- al-o fine farm in a splendid state lion and is where John O'lean now lives. This farm is kno~n In tlie sale snd ad¬ vertisement a* farm numb r 4. All of the above described property sold as the property of 8. H. Anderson deceased for 1 he purpose of paying the 1 debts against the esta’e a - ul for the 'pur¬ pose of distribution among I ho Loirs of said estate . Terms of sale &'"e as follow-; One third cash; one third to be paid the first d iy of November 1893; one third to b pain the first day of November 1>94. Eight per cent interest from ilate of sale will be charged on all defored payments. Bonds for titles will be given purchasers It is optional with purchasers to par all cash or pay balance at any time before due. This July 30 1893. J. H. Almand, Admr. S. H. Anderson, deceased. All the above lands lay about, 3A miles south east of Conyers. i m ■ How Lost! How Regained I ■HdmNCEl MS WOF ,.v WE jsiY’f## Goldnia ne itvoYsal! 1 physical, debility, f.rkors of § “f t «- hKf MSEND f of the Press nnd voluntary cured. * ii/xo, HUYr. testimonials of the Expert • treat¬ Consultation in person or by mail. and CER ment. JNVIOLAt LK SECRECY ^LT'iVab^y ScienceoT^LifefoUsor Medical Institute has many imi. ‘“The than gold. rre *' rvation, 'd it now. is A treasure more valuable r mruto weak and xekvoc** m.v '■ «v«rv Medical Ilev 'ed. be STRONG .— . t»«»a Ur 4**J, Write fee «f »rt»ofk BROWN’S IRON OUTERS Cures Indigos.non. RiUousnv». l..yspo|*ia. Mala, ria. Nertousuesa. and General lk-bility. rhysi ciam rocommand iu All dualorv soli it. Gonuiua tMtinda aark and crenaad re* llaa« »* w rappm. MALLARY BROS & CO MACON, GA. DROP US A LINE AND GET ESTIMATES ON GINS, PRESSES, BOILERS, SAW & GRIST OP. ANYTHING IN THE 2 v£a,clAirAer 3 r I_iln.e. A POSTAL CARD TO US MIGHT SAVE YOU CON SIDERABLE MONEY. TRY IT. Mailarv Bio’s & Co • > Macon. G-a. tt®k,Mention this paper when you write. ROOM, ROOM- 25,000 Dollars "Woxtla- o± •'FURNITURE TO B E PARLOR, BEDROOM, KITCHEN and DINING ROOM Furniture, Reed and Rattan Goods, Picture Easels, Ladies Desks, Book Cases, Baby Carriages, Mattresses, Bed Springs, Pillows, Wardrobes, Folding Beds, Lawn Benches and Chairs All these goods must be sold by June 1st. as 1 intend to make alteration in my store, and must make room for same. 77 Whitehall Street, 64 S. Broad Street, Atlanta, Georcia. CHEAHEST FURNITURE MAN IN THE SOUTH. 13^1 make terms to sui^ all purchasers. NUFACTORY. BALTIMORE, Md, Washinon, d c 213 W. German Street. Cor, 7th & E. St’s ONE PRICE ill Clothiers, Taylors, Hatters 9 F uniishers e CJ1 & 1 ? llteli SM, Atlanta J NO BRANCH HOUSE IN THIS CITY. POTTS i POTTS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FljVE WF[ISljKIES, 32 Peachtiee St. ATLANTT, G A. m ?sew aisoowEHY BH e® In and compounding washing afterward a solution it a part discovered was accidently that spilled on the band on was the hair was com. ■eW ' \ pletei.v removed. We at once put this w ndertul preparation, on the 4 * market and so great has been the demand that we are now introdueing it throughout the world under the name of Queen’s Auti-Eairiue IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS ANO ***-*» ■ SO SISVIPLE ANY CHILD CAS! USE IT. Ijty the hair over and apply the mixture for a ; »w minutes, and the -as*, .-w- hair disappears as if by magic without the slighte-* pr nor injury vfLt-n applied or ever afterward. It isunlike a:iy other p. paiation e-v'er psr-d | -f for a like purpose. Thousands of LAD) .'S wbob've been annoyed with hair on their FA CE. NECK and A IMS aucst its merits. ! — v. ! K I.-NTI. K ME?* wiio do not 8f juxTifitpe cr luiir on their DPck, , find a priceless boon in Queen’s Ant »-I T ..ii ine ^hich does away PrlMwifOnl^ mwoi ieen s Antl-H Al^rk. irlne tl. with Shaving, bottle, sent by in rendering safety mailing its future l>oxrs. grow th an paid ut: 'r by impossibility (securely per us Rend money or stamps by letter with full address written plainly. Corres ’ word it j u , . - ----—ial. Thi« advertisement is honest and straight forward in every " e tn y, . ^ y n to dt'al with ns and you will find everything as ren ^«ented. Gut this out and a PUEEN CHEMICAL CO.. 174 Race Street, v.lr»CI*NATI, O You can offaTlurl* r rXi h* ' Injorr ^ <>rt 'dffloe to any to insure (Uirckaser. ite safe delivi-ry. Kvery bottle IVc will cuaranteed. |>ny g.-.OO for any case * tro d we and DBMS, aeli amen* their fnenda 3C Bottle* if taaean 1 * Anti-Hajrfna, «1. S a SILX order.' 15 yard* be«-. silk Rates ^»nw BotUa as4 « M M—, fr— —a! with Ora* laliT/ « Oar- — ta $12 Burem^^S One One Bedstead One Washstand One Center Table “<-w& 1 WO Cane Seat rt • At OSLER's If you will call oa Almand y°u have Vouf y can carriage work done in the test best and most fashionable st"le and colors, Y niI have renewing, reparin can upholstering s an j of all kinds furniture done in the most ] gant manner. You e e ' iilaeksirnthing can l iavt your done in the very best manner, the lirn,, horse shoer in the county—in at the lowest prices, J very Respectfully W. Y. Almand. DEA F mllil § »« SHOES. Ask my fSVM agents for W. L. noUBla»^£T~ &Kr sawter-yg agency, and get them lor you. £ 3 T TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE, jq fa* TOR 1 1*2 YJ ■ FOR 38 m WHY IS THE W. L. S3 SHOE FOR It Is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the and feet; made of the btst tine calf, stylish and easy, because ice make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, it equals hand served shoes costing from $4.00 to $5.00. cj?£j?a 00 Genuine Hand-served, the finest calf shoe ever offered for $5.00; equals French Imported shoes which cost from SSaletogli.iX 1 . <£>3 r *0 00 Hand-Sewed Welt Shoe, Hue calf, sp ■ stylish, comfortable and durable. grade The beat shoe ever offered at this price ; same as cus¬ tom-made shoes Police costing from $ti.<)0 to Railroad Men sj*0» <B O 30 Shoe; Farmers, them; call, and Letter Carriers all wear line seamless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten¬ sion edge. One pair will wear a year. offered fl*#H 50 line price; calf; no better trial will shoo convince ever those at this one who want a shoe for comfort and service, fin 25 and 82.00 Workingman’s shoes <Pimi are very strong; and durable. other Those m&e. who have given them a trial will went no school shoes K9 E3f\V<£> U » S-A.00 and 81.73 everywhere; theysell are j worn by the increasing boys sales show. on their merits, 83.00 as the Iland-sewcd shoe, best 8 kflU tar* iae IC9 Dongola, verystylislnequalslreueh imported shoes costing from $1.01) to S6.uo. shoe tot , Undies’ 2.30, 82.00 nn.l htylishanddur-Me. 81 . 7 .J Hisses are the best fine Dongola. W. L. Douglas’ name and Caution.—See that each shoo. price aru stamped on the bottom of Mass. VV. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, 9 & "7 ■■ r* & s i k ! iHr® ,|P 1 HliSj; RELIEVES all Stomach Distress. REMOVES Nausea, Sense of Fulln&-» Congestion, Pain. REVIVES Failing ENERGY. RESTORES Normal Circulate ® Warms to Toe CO.^St, Tu^. Moy OS. MASTER MEDICINE Louis. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from pf ;1t ' tice ’ having had placed in Ids baud- )}; • East India missionary the formula y * simple vegetable remedy h-;‘ and permanent care Ast'.m;.' slid ■‘'ll Bronchitis, Catnirb, throat and Lung Affections, iU> > ,“■n„p. tive and radical cure for Nervous lity and all Nervous wonderful Complaint*, a- • having tested its powers in thousands of east s, ‘ his duty to make it known toy - ■* »obje ‘. inr eilow. Actuated by tins and a desire to relieve I uiua» laid send f'r -e of chare e, t<> ai. ■ . _ sir-- it this recipe, in German. f«r1'-. 'r English, with full reetmus d paring ann witli using, 8et namni Y- v _ n ' t t ‘V^ i ra I pr: o g stamp, r S - ^ w. i Novks, 820 n - Ho**; ter. N. Y 5 3. W. CA Lii 3, Dr. W. H. Le * s I f^ Next door to rera . sto rn Railroad street, is F ma' e the test sl.o *s a^d hrOt* a - , kinds cf ring an l h raess v o. re a guarantee the lowusrjarce.i.