Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, August 06, 1892, Image 8

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WATCHES, jrWFLEY, ETC. WM. BOLLMANN, Spectacles, watches, clocks JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. No. 10 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga MACHIMEHT, ETC SAW MLLS' - $160 TO $»O 0 - Emms and Boilers TO SUIT. 100 IN STOCK. Large Stock of SHAFTING, PULLEYS, —AND— SUPPLIES. Loin bard & Co.. Augusta Ga J J. SEAMANS DENTIST Conyers Georgia. SPECTACLES, BTC. PERFECTED CRVSTAL LENSES TM.I ■»»IU U*lHy Pint ui UniL i mm G. W. WEAVER, has the exclusive sale ol these celebra¬ ted glues in CONYERS - - - GEOGIA. KELLAM & MOORE, The only manufacturing Opticians in th e So uth. Atlanta, Georgia. uSee IJtF' Peddlers are not supplied with famous glassw. H f P, k D. M Almand k Co. have received a new lo£ of fall clothing. r * ■ - '.v » *■ . BUSINESS COLLEGE. c vl/oo/rx C'o//nc/r ATLANTA, GA. - - 24th YEAR. An established business school. Book keeping and Shorthand taught by ex¬ perienced teachers. Tonsaudsof students in good paying jiositious, Term mode¬ rate. Students received dailys Send for circulars, DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COM. PLAINT. Is it not worth the small sum of 75c. to free yourself of every symtom of these distressing complaints, if y«»u think so ^call at our store and get a bot'le oi Slii lou’s Vi.nlizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it docs you no good it will cost you noth¬ ing. Soldby Dr. W. H. Lee »fc Son. WHISKY, WINES, ktc. •✓✓a BAM PLACE AND RESTABRANT, Under Gato City Bank, •Cor. Ala. and Pryor Sts., Atlanta, Ga. KINK OLD PENNSYLVANIA KYE AND UCKY SOUR MASH WHIS¬ KIES A SPECIALTY, ni ported mul Domestic Cigars. no. J P. Buok.vlew | Proprietor LAW CARD. Attorney At law, In the Night building first room on the • ett, up stairs. CONYERS - - GA. BRICK / BRICK!! BRICK!! When you want brick, remember that Stephenson & 1 urner can furn¬ ish you as good brick as can be had in the State gat less figures than auy one can deliver them to you in Con> yers, and they cau furnish them in any quantity from one brick to one mil’ ion bricks. CiUoutiiem before joi .q y j au THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE TONIC Stomach^Live? Cure The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery ol Years. ^ the Last One Hundred It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar.^ It is Safe and Harmlessjis the Purest Milk. This wonderful Nervine Tonic has onlv recently been introduced into bis country by the Great South American Medicine Company, and yet its nreat value as a curative agent has long been known by the native inhab tants of South America, who rely almost wholly upon its great medicinal lowers to cure every form of disease by which they are overtaken. This new and valuable South American medicine possesses powers and jualitieg hitherto unknown to the medical profession. This medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and diseases of the general Nervous System. It also cures all forms of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this by the Great Nervine Tonic qualities which it possesses and by its great curative powers upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy compares with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strengthener of the life forces of the human body and as a great renewer of a broken down constitution. It is also of more real permanent value in the treatment and cure of diseases of the Lungs than any ten consumption rem edies ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure for nervousness of females of all ages. Ladies who arc approaching the critical period Tonic known almost as change in life, should not fail to use this great Nervine constantly for the space of two or three years. It will carry them inestimable Bafely over the danger. This great strengthener and curative is of value to the aged and infirm, because its great energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. It will add ten or fifteen years to the lives of many of those who will use a half dozen bottles of the remedy each year. CURES Nervousness and Broken Constitution, Nervous Prostration, Debility of Old Age, Dyspepsia, Nervous Headache and Indigestion and Sick Headache, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Female Weakness, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, All Diseases of Women, Lose Frightful of Appetite, Nervous Chills, Dreams, Paralysis, Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Nervous Paroxysms and Weakness of Extremities ard Nervous Hot Choking Fainting, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Flashes, Boils and Carbuncles, Palpitation Mental Despondency, of the Heart, Scrofula, Sleeplessness; Scrofulous Swelling and Ulcer*, Nervousness St. Vitus’s Dance, of-Females, Catarrh Consumption of the of Lungs, the Lungs, Nervousness of Old Age, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Neuralgia. Liver Complaint, Pains in the Heart, Chronic Diarrhoea, ^ Pains, in the Back, > • ■ . .»• GVvA Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Failing Health. ’ Summer Complaint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. NERVOUS DISEASES. .. . A* a cure for eyery xlaas Tonic, of Nervous Diseases, no remedy hu been able to con%iare with the Nervine which is very pleasant and harmless in ail its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individ¬ ual. Nine-tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir, arc dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired digestion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow and nerves is the result. Starved nerves, liko starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of food is supplied, and a thousand weaknesses aopply and ailments all the disappear by as which the nerves the vital recover. As the the nervous system must power forces of body are carried on, it is the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not contain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair For the wear our present it becomes mode of living and labor impo ses upon the nerves. this reason necessary that a nerve food be supplied. This recent production of the South American Continent has been found, by analysis, to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for its magic po w cr to cure all forms of nervous ccr**'"* T ^ A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITUS’S DANCE OR CHOREA. My daughter, CaawvoaDRvnx*, twelve IitD., old, May had 1*. 1886. af¬ years been flicted for several months with Chorea or St. Vitus’s Dance. She was reduced to a skeleton, could not walk, could not talk, could not swal¬ low anything but milk. I had to handle her like an infant. Doctor and neighbors gave her up. 1 commenced giving her the South Ameri¬ can Nervine Tonic; the effects were very sur¬ prising. In three days she waa rid of the ner¬ vousness. her and completely. rapidly improved. I think Four the bottles South cured American Nervine the grandest remedy ever discovered, and would recommend it to every¬ one. Mrs. W. S. Ensjungek. State Montgomery of Indiana, County \. J Subscribed ,j before this May ntid sworn to mo 19,18*7. Chas. M. Travis, Notary Bublic. INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA, The Great South American Nervine Tonic Which, we now offer of you, Indigestion, is the only Dyspepsia, absolutely unfailing remedy ever discov¬ ered for the cure and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility of the human stom¬ ach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incalculable value who » affected by disease of the Stomach, because the experience and testimony of thousands go to prove that this is the one and only one great cure in the world for this universal destroyer. There is no cu.-e of unmaliguant disease of the stomach which can resist the wonderful curative powers of the South Harriet E. Hull, of Waynetown. Ind., Bays: ‘I owe my 5 life to The Great South Americun Nervine. had been in bed for five months from the effects of on exhausted Stomach. In¬ digestion, Nervous Prostration of whole and a general Had shattered condition my system. given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no relief. The first lmttie of the Nervine Tonic improvt I Lie so mu< n ih.-.t I was able to walk. believe ul>out, mei a tew bottles cured me entirely. world. I I it the best medicine highly.’* in the cua not recommend it too Mrs. 51. “I Russell. have used Sueur several Creek bottles Volley, of Ind., The writes: South American Nervine Tonic, and will say I consider it the best medicine in the world. I belie ve it saved the lives of two of my children. They were down and nothing appeared to do them any good until I procured this remedy. It was very surprising how rapidly they both improved on its vise. I recommend the medi¬ cine to ail ray neighbors. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. • -r>. » - Trial Size, 15 cents. V V i jx, c j.< i'i;:is, ga CftAwroRDEvruLE, years-old, Ind., June 22,1887. My daughter, eleven was severely afflicted with St. Vitus’s Dance or Chorea. W* gave her three and one-half bottles of South American Nervine and she is completely re¬ stored. 1 believe it will cure every case oi St. Vitus's Dance. I have kept it in my family for two In years, and am sure it is the greatest rem¬ edy the world for Indigestion and Dyspep¬ Nailing sia. all forms of Nervous Disorders and Health from whatever cause. John T. Mish. State of Indiana, 1 51 . Subscribed Montgomery and County, J • before sworn to me this June 22.1SS7. Cuas. W. Notary Wright, .Public. Mrs. Ella A. Bratton, of New Ross, Indiana, Bays: "I can not express how much I owe to the Nervine Tonic. My system was completely shattered, appetite gone, was coughing and spitting up blood; am sure I was in the first stages of consumption, an inheritance handed down through several genoratio::. I • taking the N>-rviu« Tonic and continued it. tise for about six months, and am entirely cured. It is the grandest remedy for nerves, stomach and lungs 1 have ever seek. Ed. J. Brown, Druggist, of Edina, 5Io„ writes: coughing “My health severely. hod been very poor for years, was I only weighed 110 pounds when I commenced using South American Nervine. 1 have used two buttles and now weigh better 130 pounds, and am much stronger and than have been for live rears. Am sure would not have lived through the Winter had I not secured this remedy. My customers see what it has done lor me and buy it eagerly. It gives great satisfaction.” ft LJ one Coifo rt Steel I \ hOME ^OMF SCT f » SSS~Sft 1 ses. aw « ‘A “ i: x MANUFACTURE q the ft i SI ^ I Louis, ill u f $ a. * W>, , ■n, Examine . the “ Hon! travehugalesmeD .8 LACHANCE* m&m 6E0R6IA. v * •A |Xnrol!e «r*wtb. 4 1SSS-A«. 1*4 1W1-OT. MS m.l 1 I mwo, for cit.loli 4 IBotrrferi iMbnc Pu»iU •2 MiaBfci DUY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING ECT. NQW FOR 189 Almqnd Land ---CARRY A FINE LINE 0F-~ GENERAL MDS They return thanks to their many emtornors ol and can say to them that they are prepared to i good goods on good terms. Call and see Almand & Langford, Conyei Eifitea® stwn saw MERCHANTS: National Union Company. Center St General Merchandise. G. W. & A. P, Cain, Center St., Gen¬ eral Merchandise. Summers Bros, Center St., General Merchandise. Stephenson & Turner, Center St., Genera! Merchandise. Johnson «fc Almand, Center St., Stoves Tinware, Manufacturers and Roofers. G. W. Weaver, ('enter St., General Merchandise and Expre-s Agent. H. P. & D. M. Almand & Co. cor. Center and Com. General Merchandise. G. A. Lucas. Center Sfc., General Merchandise Ain and & Langford Commerce St. General Merchandise. “W V Almand, Commerce Sr. Carriage Manufacturer and Undertaker. County Officers J lO Seamans M. Austin, Ordinary. W. H. Sheriff, John M. Day, Deputy Sheriff. 4V, T. Huson, Clerk. W. I). Clotfelter, Treasurer. ' K. L. Hudson, Tax Receiver. | D. IV. Murdock, 'lax Collector. T. D. O’Kelly, Surveyor. E. J. Argo, Coroner. 1 ) rutfgists. ~ _ Son", Dr W H Lee & Commerce. St Oils, Paints, Duugs and etc. Dr M R. Stewart, Commerce. Street Druggs Paints, Oils and etc. Uiivs.cr'rr.s Drs. J P Rosser & J A Guin a, Hotel, Drs J A & M I* Stewart, Commerce. Dr II C Turner. Step’son & Turners. Gust From Washinartou. Washington, D. C., May 0, ’92. EPPS’ s GRATEFUL-COMFRTING. COCOA City Officer! John R. Maddox, Mayor, M. R. Stewart, Mayor jho Arnold Whitaker,' 1 J- Ogletree, j ‘ A Dr J A Guinn,* &ni terj| A N Plunkett, Chr.'FinuMl i W V A huand I J W Almand City Clerk. W W B It Smith, M Austin Rep. Malta!] Marsh] Lawyers. A M Helms, Office Wl J o Barton Office AH A C McCalla, Office M JR G W Irwin, Gleaton, Room Ro*M| 1 Ml J N Glenn, Offiee W§ A C. Perry, Office^] Church* B A PTISTPreaclun? H Sundays- Baton: and Dr Swanson o’clock a. m-, <> L -Wq MF/rnoDis^i^Sl PRIMITIVE Sunday BA p S' » every 2nd Pastor. PBESBYTERIAM: M 4tit Sundays. ^iffl sabbatb DO’Kti We will correct aa' 1 ^ next and week, .civic we eoc hope 1 ^ ^ es eomP^ making it e * Stephen^ 3 i Messrs lot of a® received a lars 6 tW' jells’ glasses wliicb 'f Call" 11 ' i ft w figures. .Y ou nuy. N0TI$] I will be m ^ unlay in each, to see me " m r t- - ,. Children C-ry fo r