Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, August 27, 1892, Image 4

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Htc‘s -MUckU), J. N. HALE, Editor. OFFICIAL ORCAN OF THE COUNTY. OFFICIAL ORCAN OF THE’ALLIANCE Announcements; —For Congress, ten dollars; for State Senator, seven dollars; for County Offices, five dollars. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR CONGRESS. Hon. L. F. Livingston, of Newton county. FOR REPRESENTATITE Dr. J A Stewart is a candidate for the Legislature subje tto the Democrat¬ ic nomination. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I announce myself a candieate Deceiver for re election to the office of Tax of Rock (1 a’e county, subject to the nomina¬ tion if any is had If elected I will dis¬ charge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Thanking the people of this county for tbeir kindness in the pa~t I again solicit their support. Very Re¬ spectfully, R. L- Hudson. FOR ORDINARY. James C Barton will ask the support of the vot rs of the people of Rockdale for the office of Ordinary. He will a the dem cratic nomin tion, To the voteis of Rockdale County : date i hereby election announce m3' self as a eandi for to the Ordinary’s office 1 feel under many obligations for the kindness shown me heretofore and hope you will continue the same favor. I will pledge myself to serve the people to the best of my ability. I \\ ill abide the acts of thn detncratic primary. O. Seamans. FCE TREASURER. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county Treasurer and a-k the support of every citizen of our county. I will abide the Democratic nomination, if any. If elected I will fill the office satisfactlirilv to all. Respct J. E. Whitaker. . I re-election hereby announce the myself ofiice a candidate for to of comity Treasurer, I feel under many obli-ra¬ tion- for the kindness shown me hereto fore and I hope you will o< ntinue the same favor I pledge myself to serve the people and discharge the duties of the ofiice lo the best of my ability. Respct. W. G. Cdotfelter. To the people of Rockdale: Having been unfortunate in health and loss of stock, 1 ask the support of the people of this county for one term as county Treasurer. I will abide the Democratic uominotinn if any. 1 earnestly solicit the aid of my fellow men and will at¬ tend to the office if entrusted to my care in a manner that will give satisfaction to all. Respectfully, J. E. Maddox. for sheriff. This is to notify the public that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Rockdale county, subject to a Democratic nomination, if any. Thank ing the people of this county’ for past fa¬ vors, I promise if elected, to try to do my duty in the future as in the past. Respectfully, H. M. Austin. W. FOR COUNTY CLERK. To the voters of Rockdale county: I ask your support for re-election to Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to the rules that may be adopted by the Executive committee. Respct, Thanking you for past favors, Very’ T. Huson. W. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a dandidate for re-election to the office of Tax Col¬ lector for Rockdale county. I will abide the Democratic nomination, if any, and promise faithful service if elected. Thanking the people for past favors, I am Respct. W. Murdock. Daniel NOTICE TO EllIENDS. Mr. G. P, Klliottformerly of the firm of G. P. Elliott, Con yers Ga., wishes to thank all of his old friends and custom ers for their past favors and patronage, and inform them that hd has just enterrd into his new and elegant store room in Lithonia where he can be found with the new firm of G. P. Elliott Son & Co. and would be more than glad to have any and all of his old frier ds call and see him. The new firm now preposes to double the a mount of stock carried by the old firm of G, P, Elliott. Any one having barter to dispose of will find it largely to their in¬ terest call on him as Litho¬ nia is the best market for bar¬ ter on die Georgia railroad. Ml I W Ml Makes trade good at Allen D. Summers & Bro. in spite of wine and weather. Summers means to do, is to hold the trade they have built up more by x 1 cr<=* ; GOOD GOODS AND LOWEST PRICES and that sort of deal¬ ing is precisely the variety that SUMMERS SUMMERS DOES, HAVERTY’S 3 FOR AUGUST. “BIG SALES AND SMALL PROFITS” IS HIS MOTTO. PARLOR, BED ROOM, DINING ROOM, KITCHEN AND HALL FURNITURE J AT LOWEST - PRICES - IN - ATLANTA. Ladies' Desks, Wardrobes. Chiffoniers, Combination Book Cases, Roll and Flat-Top Desks and other Furniture AT COST. Rattan and Fancy Chairs, Lounges and Cots, Feather Pil¬ lows, Mattresses, Lawn and Yeranda Chairs, AT SUMMER PRICES. Furniture Polish furnished with our Furniture. Don’t forget the place. Place your orders with us, and we will please you with Goods, and save you 25 per cent, 3DI. SA'VEI-STIT, “ THE CHEAPEST FURNITURE .MAN SOUTH ” 77 Whitehall Street - - Atlanta, MALLARY BROS & MACON, GA. DROP US A LINE AND GET ESTIMATES ON GINS, PRESSES, BOILERS, SAW & GRIST OR ANYTHING IN THE Liine. A POSTAL CARD TO US MIGHT SAVE YOU COX SIDERABLE MONEY. TRY IT. Mallary Bio’s & Co * i JVlacon, Ga. fi^uMention this paper when you write. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. By virture of an order issued from the court of Ordinary of Rockdale county on the 1st Monday in July If92 will be sold before the court house door in Conyers, Rockdale county, on the first Tuesday in November 1892, within the legal hours of sale, to described the highest bidder all of the following property to vit: One tract or pared of land con¬ taining (151 ) one hundred and fifty one acres, more or less, b ing part of land lots number 341 and 347, lying and be¬ ing in the 16th district of originally Newton, now Rockdale county, and bounded as follows; On the north by the other lands of S. H. Anderson de¬ ceased, on the south and east by the public raod leading from Conyers to Gee’s Mill and on the This west by the lands of Nelson Overbay . tract of land is known and recognized as the “ home place.” There is on it one good, sub¬ stantial. 6 room frame dwelling, well built and arranged, barns, all necessary out buildings, stables, gin house etc., fine in good orchard condition, of choice splendidly fruit etc,, watered, etc. Forty acres of this plage is in original forest. This farm is in a high state of cultivation and is known in this sale as farm number one. ALSO, At the same time and place there will be sold the following described proper¬ ty to wit: (151) one hundred and fifty one acres of land, more or less, being lying parts of lots number 344 and 347, and being in the 16th district of original ly Newton now Rockdale county, and bounded as follows: On the North by Miss F lor ill a Carr and others’ on the east by the public road leading from the town of conyers to Gee’s Mill; above on the south by the lands described in farm known as farm number one; on the west by the lands of Nelson Overbay. This farm is also in a very high state of cultivation. T'ere isonit two tenant houses, good water, orchards etc. Twen¬ ty five acres in woods and ten acres or more in good bottom land. This place is known in the advertisement and sale as farm number 2. ALSO, At the same time and place there will be sold the following described property to wit: ( 82 ) Eighty two acres, more or less being part of land lot No. 366 and lying and being in the 16th district of originally bounded Newton now Rockdale coun¬ ty and as follows: On the north by the lands of Messrs Taylor and Moon on the east by the lands of the Misses Overton; on the soutn by the lands of the Hargrove estate and on the west by the public road leading from the town of formerly Conyers to Gee’s Mill. The farm was a part of the Abijah Overbay place, hgs two settlement*; fine water, two good orchards etc., and is also in a fine state of cultivation. This farm is known in the advertisement and sale as farm numbea 3. ALO, At the same time and place will be sold the following described property hi wit: (114) one hundred and fourteen acres of land more or less. being parts of land lots No’s. 367 and 368, lying and be ing in the 16th district of originally New ton now Rockdale county and bounded as follows: On the north by the lands of Mrs. 8. E. Summers; on the east bv the lands formerly owned by James Guffin and Or. Means; on the south by the lands of J. M. Zaekry and on the west by the lands of J. H. Smith and the Hargrove estate. There is on this place about 40 acres of fine pine forest; al-o fine farm in a splendid state of cultiva¬ tion and is where John Glenn now lives. This farm is kno^x n in the sale snd ad¬ vertisement as farm number 4. All of the above described property sold as the property of S. H. Anderson deceased for the purpose of paying the debts against the estate and for the pur¬ pose of distribution among the heirs of said estate. Terms of sale are as follow'#; One third cash; one third to be paid the first day of November 1893; one third to be paid the first day of November 1S94. Eight per cent interest from date of sale will be charged on all defered payments. Bonds for titles will bo given purchasers It is optional with purchasers to pay all cash or pay balance at any time before due. This July 30 1892. J. H. Almand, Adxnr. 8. H, Anderson, deceased. All the above lands lay about 34 miles south east of Conyers. $12 Bu o“ One is* stfad W as Gjti3 One C “'aTilk. ^ «'o Can At Qsler creeps > co AS a « CL V. ■ ftfoadj , 1 .1 a U you will call Almand on 3’°h can lu worb done i, ,cs besl . and most y "P’le ani colons, i have newiu Li. G bolstering _P 3 g , up of a ]j furniture done in th e 1||( ‘ £ubt manner. Y ou a , your blacksmith!),,, { \ i m very best maimer, borse shoer in the eon,,; at the very lowest b espH'tfl] Tv. All SHOES, m r fi 3 ;■>! in; m 1 Jftfi KhU REU EVES all Storoack oil REMOVES Nausea, Seise Congestion, Pm REVIVES Failing ENEM RESTORES Nonas! Cirai Wabns to Ioe C0..4 Tm OR. HARTER MEDICINE J. W. CAE! Next door to Dr. W. H, Ii stoi e on Railroad street, is}« make the test shoes and hoots] kinds of repairing aad band guarantee the lowestprires. machinery, etc '‘/WX -W' v.A<WXA'-Vj Jj SAW M -$1 GO TO 30° Engines a! TO Stock SUIT. of 100IN"tj Large I SHAFT? PUIARSt Beltisl -A>D SUPPLIS Lombard AA'c.CW d m tion. We advise, wrt charge. Oar fee A Pamphlet. R > !n vourS*! C.A.8N0W) Patent 0««- ] Opposite Mr. Dave Hodg e m Jug Tavern, are V< / family of Mr. Da* id Mr. Gus Veala» j. nie Kinnelt, happily^ botU; were M'ednesda) • mony of the » at the home ^ ther, Row- A- • ^ May a l° u ^ . happy