Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, October 08, 1892, Image 1

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rv#> ra F*«a 1 it mm Hr iWm f ^ A 0X33 ENJOYS j; ■, the method and results when S a nf Fiats is taken; it is and pleasant S a, refreshing to the taste, acts r .i';iy yet promptly on the Kidneys, the hi -ir and Bowels, cleanses sys teia effectually, and fevers dispels and cures colds, habitual head jofeiipfttion. nciws Srrup of Fige is the CB ]y remedy of its kind ever pro¬ duced, pleasing to the taste and ac¬ ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its aasy excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c Bud' $1 bottles reliable by all leading druggist drug¬ who gists, Any it band will m y not have on pro cure if promptly for any one whr. wishes to’try it. Do not accept ar , substitute. ttUFQWM FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FMIKISCO. CAL. msviLte. kv, mv vcp.x. N.r. ?06 CONGRESS. j Bon. L. F. Livingston, of Newton comity. FOIi REPRESENTATITE If Rockdale county: Dr. J. A. Stew lart FOR ORDINARY. James C Barton will ask the support Df (lie voters of the people of Rockdale lor the office of Ordinary He will a Metlie democratic nomin tion. FOR TREASURER. I I hereby announce myself a candidate nor the office of county Treasurer and In bounty. k th<‘support of every citizen of our I will abide the Democratic no'iiinafc'on. if any. If elected I will fill pe office Siitisfacthrilv to all. t’espet J. E. Vim AKER. FOR COUNTY CLERK, To the voters of Rockdale county: I Isle your support for i'8-election to Clerk • f tiie Superior Court, subject to Hie Democratic primary 'Thanking you for past favors, Very RoRpot, W, T, Huson, FOB TAX COLLECTOR, for i hereby announce rnvso f a d indicate re-election to the otftoe of Tax O'l leo' tf r Korn dale county. I will abide tie I). m™’ratic uotnina ion, if any, and premise fai'hful service if elected. IliRnking t’e people for pa- 1 favors, I m, Res;.ict. Daniel W. Mchdock. FOR SHERIFF. This is to notify the public that I cm 5candidate for re election to ihe office of Sheriff of Rockdale count.v, subject to »Democratic nomination, if any. Thank ins' ill" people of tins county for past fa¬ vors, I promise if elected, to try to do nykity in Respectfully, Pie future as in the past. W. H. M. Austin. “o tho voles of Rockdale County fiate i hereby for announce my s *)f ns a candl rieo’ion to the Ordinary’s office ft™ under many obligations for the [kindness show n me Imre oiure and hope Jon will continue ihe same favor I will kwgc best rays If to serve the people to the of my ability. I will abide the bets of tho dciuoratto primary. O. Seamans. FOB TAX RECEIVE li. 1 ftnnounc? myself a can Jicate for re Wection to tho office of Tax Receiver of nociua’e county, subject to the nomina tioa if any is had If electee I will dis¬ charge the duties of the office to the best of mv ability. 1 hanking the people of Ju".-. county for their kindm-ss in the past I solicit their support. Very Ile lo the people of Rockdale: Having I )w ",' 1,1 fortunate in health and I ts of 1 isk the support of tiie people of Ira's county for one term as coun'y L'®?"*?' IhMiiuehon if I will abide the Democ ati" any. t earnestly solicit "f my f liow men and will ct |Kna |» » manner to the office that will il entrusted give satisfaction to 'll v care [ al1 Respectfully, to ' J. E. Madix>x. & % W: C Zh*. rruiiam J-ohr • Erccpou, ra., bsgau to fail r.apUly, lost all oil.; s .j, mvo a serious e jn.luiou trom UVlfitineio jveps,a Si.a eouUi nut eat vege tables or me.u, and even % ^*4ksw»se4 H 'cek her. Had Liking to gi.'a up house “ a*ier Hood’s eit a Sarsaparilla o ’ u ' better. Could keep more food « h.nd grew stronger. She took ^s'hFr w ‘ Vu^Z ,rK ensiiy. 00 ** appetite. ia *n*u«*d ;>erfeet health. ~2 lbs., now i.i fiooo'a Fills are Cue best afterullnae* 4 e J tiigeatiOM and cure headache ^nWiBtaCoies by Cleanse taking the W.\V,C blood a 1 e ’s “W eey. YOL. X. NUMBER 35. legal advertising. mmwm sale. Bv virtue of an order issued from court, of OriFnary of. RocluLile on the 1st Monday in July 1FJ13 will be fold before the court hoti.-e door in Oonyer-, Rockdale coun'y, on the lea-al Tuesday hours in November 1892, within the all of tho following (,f sale, to the Inchest bidder to. described property vit: One trai t br pa. Cel of land Con tain mg ('151 ) one hundred and fifty one acres, lots more or less, b ing part of" hind number 34-1 and 317. lying and be¬ ing in the 76th district of origiim’lv bounded Newton, row Rockdale county. ,:nd the other as lands follows; On the north by of S. H. Anders n de¬ ceased. on the south and e ter. by the public Gee's.Mil) raod and leading from Convers to on the west by the lands ff known Nelson T’verbay. This tract of land is place.” and There recognized as the “home is on it one good, Sub¬ stantial, 6 room frame dwelling, well built and arranged, all necessary out buildings, stables, barn 5 , gin house etc., in good condition, Fplendiclly watered, fine orchard of choice fruit, etc,, etc. Forty nore? of this place !•* in original forest This farm is in a high state of cultivation and is Known in this sale as far m number one. ALSO, At the satna time and place there will be sohHhe following described proper¬ ty to wit; f IS]) one hundred and fifty one acres of of land, more or kps, being parts lots number 344 and 347, lying and being in the Tfith d'strict of origins! lv Newton imw Rockdsle county, and bounded as fellows: ('n*he Nor'll by Miss FlorTa Carr and others’ on the cast by of 'lie public road leading from (he town conyers to Gee’s Mill; on the south by (he lands dcs' ribed above in farm known as farm number °ne; on the west This by the lands of Nelson Overbav. farm is also in a very, fiisjdi state of cultivation. T ere is on it two feii-int houses, good water, orchards etc. ’Twen¬ ty five acres in woods and ten acres or more in good bottom land. This place is Known in the advertisement and su'e farm number 2. ALSO, At the same time and piano there will sold (he following described property wit: being ( 82) Figlx'y land two lot acres, No. more 866 and or less lying anfibeing p»rt of the 16th distret of in originally bounded Newton now Rockdale cutm and as follows: On the north the lands of Messrs Ta rlor and Moon the east by the lands of Ihe Misses Overton; on the sontn by the lands of the Harerrove estate and on the west by of the public road leading from the town Conyer-- to Gee’s Mill. Tho farm was a part of the Afiijah Overbay has two settlement-; fine water, good oirhar-s etc., and is a’so in a state of cultivation. Yjiis farm is to the advertisement ami sale as farm numbea 3. A i.O, At t'-e =ame time and place will be so'd the folios in ' de-crib'd property t • wit:(1’4)o'0 hundred and fourteen acre of 'and m re nr ipa< being parts of 'and lots Vo’s. 867and 368. ’yiuff and be ing in the !”> h district of originally New ton now I'n kdale conn'y and bound-yl as follows; On tho north bv the lands of Mrs. s. E. Summers; on the ea t by the lands formerly o*ned by James Gnfiin and Dr. Means; en the smith by the lands of J. M. Zockry and on the we j t by the lands of -I. H. Smith and the Hftrarove estate There is on this p'ace ut,out ;0 acres of fine pine forest; also fine farm in a splendid state of cultiva¬ tion and is " hove John ' >lonn now lives. This farm is krm > n 'a the sale snd ad¬ vertisement as farm nimOvt 4. All of the above described property sold a< the piopertv of H. II Anderson deceased for the p upo e of paying the debts against the esta'e and for the pur¬ pose of distribution among the heirs of said estate. Terms of sale are as follows; One third cash; one third 'o he paid ird the first d‘V of November 1893; one t !| to b- paid"the first day of from November da'e of 1KI4. sale Eight per cent interest will be charged on all defored payments. Bonds for titles will be given purchasers It is optional with i nrcha s ers to pav all cash or pay balance at any time before due. This July 30 J. 1893. IJ. Almanp, Adnir. S. H. Andkkson, deceased. All the above lands lay about 3) miles south east of Conyers. ADMINISTRATORS SALE By virtufi of an order of the Cour' of Ordinary of Rockdale county, will be soid before the Court bouse door in Conyers Geo'gia, on first Tueeday in November next the following prop erty to wit: Oue house and lot in he city of Conyers, Georgia, bounded on (ho Nor' h bv E. C. Kart and J- C. Barton on the East by North street on the South by Georgia Rail lioad and on tho West J. C Barton, con¬ taining one and a half aor'es, laoro or less. Said lot has ou it a good erilst room house, orchard, vineyard and a first class well 4 >f water. Sold as the property of Mrs- N. A- Carr de¬ ceased for the purpose of paying the debts and distribution. This S* pt. 10 th, 1892. James C. Barton. Admr. of Mrs N. A C.ur, deceased. CITATION TO SELL LAND* Georgia Rockdale couuty' wlieroa To .di whom li may concern: mgf.ml, J. J • Lmgford and P II. I. adminis Irators of J. IV. L mgford, dri eased, ha, iu due form app fi d to the uu4<-.is!gne 1 leive to sdi the laud be¬ longing to theestate application of slid ditea^ed, fc..e first I wid bear s .id oil .Vleiiduy in October l8-'2. O. Se.imang Ordinary, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDOS Ail persons having deoiauda against tlie.gateof S il. Anoer-on, late of Roekdale county, ueseased, are hereby notified to render ill tll' lr d.-mands to the undetsigned ac ordmg to law; and ail persons indebted to s.ii estate are rebuired to make immediate payment This May 4th., ’ 1'S3. John II .Alaiand, Adnir. , H. AndessOX, deceased. CON VERS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY OCT. 8, 1892. LETTERS ADMINISTRATION. Oporo-i? Rockda'e Cotinfcc — To all ^limn it rrmy ronuorn— WheTP-’P, S B Fuller ha* in form made application to 'he court ftf Odinarv for permanent letter admihisfrsBoh on the estate of J R Fuller late of sa’d county. deceasec!, I will peps upon said application on 'he fl "et, ''Tondap in November next. (Tiven under rnv hand and official signatu-e this the 20th of Sen 2892. 0 Seamans, Ordinary. letters administrators G, frgia Rockdale C,>unty To all whom it may concern Whereas William Ggletri’e having in proper Ruin applied to the court of Or¬ dinary for permanent letters of adminis¬ tration on the edate of II- H. Ogletree late of said countv diseased and I will pass oil said application cm the 1st Mon¬ day in October next. This 30th day of August 1802. O. Seamans, OrOmary. ABMINIS TRATOR S SALK By virtue of an order ipsueef from the court, of Ordinary of Rockda'e count.v cm the first Monday in Ootox Her 1832, will be sold before the court house door in the 'own of Oon Vers enicl eounty, wi'h in the legal lours of sale on the first Tuesday in November, to the highest bidder the fp'lowing deseribed property to-wit: One Bonne and lo* in (he town of Con verst, in the ifith district of originally Henry now Rnekdaie county, being part of land lot number 273 and said lot containing three fourth of an acre more or less and bounded as follows On the north by lands of Mrs- Alike Me'ton, on fBe efts* by soutii (he lands pf G TV d leafon, on the hy (he Stewart lands and on (he we«* bv the land- of W G Alexander, Said PI is near the depot, has un on it a good five room house and and the very be s t of water If is in a good quiet neigh bovlmod and only about 100 yards from a fine school. It is a very dev sirable homo- Said property is sold for the purpose of paying debts and distribution among the heirs of the estate of the 'ate J W Langford. .13 & P IT Langford, administrators estate -T W Langford. This October 5th 1892. NOTICE LEAV TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Rockdale County, To a’l whom it may confer a : Whereas Tnbn TT. Almond administrator of the estate of Rufus Christian deceased has in due form made application to the court of ordinary for leave to aed ‘helands belonging 'o the estate nf ea'd deceased and said apple ation will he passed upon on the firR* Monday in November next This Sept, the 20th 18o2- O Seamans, Ord NOTICE LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Whereas T M Armistead ndmr. o F .Tames A Armistead deceased has in due form made application to the eouv* of ordinary for leave to sell the lann.x belonging to the estate of t aid deceased and said application wil be heard on the first Monday in Now in her next. This Sept. 22 lSq2. O Seamans, Ordinary, TAX NOTIGS Tax assps-ment for the year 1892. Rockdale court of Ordinary. For county purposes Sept- 8, 1892 Whereas his excellency, the Gov ern- r of the state of Georgia, having assessed forty eLht' and one half cents on the hundred dollars of the taxable property of 'he sta'e for the year 1892 11 is ordered by the court of ordinary of Rockdale county, tha* the fo lowing m-essments be and i hey are herebv made ns the couuty taxes of Rockdale county for the \ ear 1892 for the p\r pose hereinafter set forth and that the .name be coffee'ed by D. W. Murdock tax collector <> Rockda'e coun'y or his successor in office and paid over to the conn'y treasurer by the 15th of December 1892. I For building and repairing i riders aud other public buildirws and for all other county purposes for the yeai 1892, thirty two emits in the hundred dollars of all the taxable property in Rockda’e county. II F >r grand and traverse jurors for the y i nr 1892, sixteen cents on the hundred dollars of the taxable prop¬ erty in Rockdale county. III For the support and nra'mainance of poor tor (he rear 1892, seven cents on the hundr ed dollar s of the taxable property of Rockdale county. O. Seaman 0 , 3t Ordinary. AN ORDINANCE. Br it orlaineI h x the M tror and C‘ - y Coon ci, or the etty of Conyer, that from anu after the a ioption of this orJmauce, no person or persons* shall have, build or erect any barbed wire fence oi fences directly Imputing or ran ninjr along any pu'lie stieet or side wsia witbln the corporate limit-of said ejty. And of any person or persons shall dor t-recil iany suchtence or fences as contemplaied in ! Hue ordinance, and who shall fail or rei use to remove suco fence or fences after bem a | notilied by the marshal to do so, or if any j persooo. pei-cons shall erect or buiw any ! such fence or fences, -hall be tfuilty or disor i dely conduct and shall be pa -isbed on con victiou beforethe Mayor aspreacrllied lnoec-^ Lion a) of the amend'd charter or ouu city Adopted Sept, 0th IW2. Jons It. JUuuoX, JOBS W. Auiano. Clerk. t Mayor. ROCKDALE SdESIFT SALS. Will be so’d at. the court house in Conyers, first Tm- day Rockdale conn’y, Ga., on the in October nex f , one house and lot in 1 ouv'ers, jsriil lot being a part o| tend lot No 273, in District of said county, 'am" bound containing d an the arr North ■, more or side less, by on Henry Mr-. Hende-son’s lo , on tb; Bast Ida by It. A. Jone’s South and X. J, Olu-is tatn’s lots, on the by Austin Ush¬ er’s lot and fronting North stre it ou tbc West side, sale to satisfy a ti fa in favor of •> N Menu against William Paul an I wife, Mi*. Wa. H. Paul, defendans’ who are now in the possession of s .id house and lot. Th'sSopt. 2, 181)3 o W 11 M Austin, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Gnrgia Rockdale county - Ordinary By vivture E'-ckdaie of an order of the court Will of of county. be sold a’ public out cry at the Conr* House door of said county, on the first the Tuesday in No-ember next 1X92. within legal hours of -ale one seventh following un divided interest in and to the described land, towit. Situate I lying, originally and being in Henry the Sixteenth then Newton district of now Rockdale County, and known as part of lot of land N« S4<> containing one bundled and seventy three .teres more or less, adjoining ou the west l»y John F. P-ek, east by T. <T. Day, nobt. Lucas eaudfiobt. Bradford. S nth by w'nr Camp and on north py John " Ilcnen it and B. Humph; eis, one seventhd H.uiveded interest in the aliove disoiil> ry laud to be sold as the property of .'Ire. Ann Ayer,ok late of said county, deceased. Terms Cash. This Sep 27 1x92. 'V. T. liusoo, Clerk Superior Court Rockdale county Ga.« Aduiiiiisti ator. PATENT MEDICINES. THE ONLY ONE EVER PRINTED. Can You Fit d the Word ? Thb'rc is a S-iach display advertise rnent in this paper, this week, which has no iwo words a'ike except one word. The same is tr'’e of each new one np pea'ing each week trom (lie Hr. Harter Medicine Go. This house places a “Cre c nt”on eveepihing t'rey make and pub'ish. Look foe it, send (hem me name <■(' tfie word, and limy will return Book. Beautiful Lithographs or Sam¬ ples Free. EXTERNAL VIGILANCE ts the price of health. But with all our precaution there are enemies always lurking about ou.'systems, only wait ing a favorable opportunity lo assert themselves. Impurities in the blood may be Hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break forth, mjderniln'ng Fo all health diseases arising and hastening from im¬ d '«th. r ardia is the pure blood Hood’s Ha r - , tyi It ecpiahedandunapproHii A remedy. is King 01 thorn all, for it oouquers di ease. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps if tho sure approach of that more j terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford lor the sake of saving 50o to run the risk and do , nothing for it. We Know from ex¬ perience that Shiloh’s ( tire will cure your cough. It neverfail. This explains why move than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. Jt relieves croup and whooping cottglt at one. Mothers, do not be without it. Lor lame back, side or chest use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Sold by Dr. W. II. Lee & Fon. AOSCEbLANEOS. LVD’J AR 3 01 FOR'.’UN VC S, because the higher they rise in society the weaker they find themselves hodly.i Risley’s Pliilotoken controls the nerves, aids nature in Ker various functions, and thus combats with many ills of woman¬ kind successfully. If your druggist has not got it he wi l order it for you for $1 a bottle, from < has F. Risley, " horn sale Druggist, (>3 Cortlandt Bt., New York. Send for a descriptive pamphlet with directions ami certificates from many ladies who have used it and can’t say enugh in favor of f-isley’s Fhiioto eu. DYSPERSIA AND LIVER COM PLAINT. Is it not worth the small sum of 73c, to free yourself of every symtom of those distressing complaints, if you think a" call at our stoi e and get h bot'le ol Shi lo Vs Vi.aiizer, every bottle has a piintc-. guarantee on it, use accordingly and if does you no good if wiJ cost you no it i.ig. Soidby Dr. W. IT. Lee & Bon, th HELLO SAM, Where you going ? I am going to Atlanta. 1 wish you would step into the old reliableJDave Steinheimer and buv me a gallon of Piekens county sweet mash corn, here is $3.00 to ,pfl.y for it. Remember the place, No. 40, Wall street right opposite the depot, wait a minute here is another dollar for a bm .I j Horse hoe rye, it will cure the grippe, lor any bad cold. Don’t forget No., 40 Wall treet, oppos tc tha d'V - , Atlanta, I hereby announce myself a c ndi ale for re-eltctii n to di office ol conn'y Treasure 1 '. 1 fed under nranv obirga tr& X pledge myeeff same favor to j to ^ of m'v^rid 'cjAmtLTEB. ity“ K Spot- w. ti. % m*. ATLANTA, UA. - - ^4tn TEAK An established business school. Book k .. ping and Shorthand taught by ex j per.enced . ... TfmsaP.ls • •• of students . in gO*»n l>*ymg positions, ■ ’ ill luoitc I , Students recti veil lia’lys .Send for . iarg ■ I m k. £ for Infants and Children. “Castor! a is so well adapted tocliildren that I ti O.V.forlrt cures Colic, Constipation, Knictat ion, I recommend it as superior to ary prescription Som* StoitmeU, piarrtacea. cli known ia hie.” II. A. Annum, M. D., I Kiiia Worma, *;»?«# aud promotes 1 srcistlou, Ill So. Oitoi J St./ lirooklyu, N. Y. jj W itiiuut injurious medication. Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, NfY. Pale's imeeUliu J. N. HALE, Editou. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY. EDITORIALS Richmond county gives the largest majority. To our esteemed boycottera : Yon are not in it. Was the pension plank in the platform or just a resolution. “ Old Henry ” gives over 700 majority for Northen and Reag aii. Irwin sent Watson hero to save Rockdale for “ Pa. ” The jingo didn't work. The third party is dead and their cowardly leaders and vile principles will die with it. There is no use for white eyed anarchist and long haired old revolutionist issuing tiller dirty communistic circulars to our people. They will never endorse such doctrines. Peek was anxious to carry his home county because he was here and could see that the election was fair. If he had carried it lie would now he cry¬ ing fraud in the other counties. If lie should cry fraud now they would ask him why he didn’t carry his home county. Rockdale is entitled to the banner for having made the bravest and grandest fight of all. Here lives the editor of the Alliance Farmer; here lives the great Billie Peek, the candidate for governor; here was held the first and only joint debate be¬ tween Watson and Livingston; here lias been spent money and tiie most pernicious literature circulated, yet out of a vote of 1,157 Peek gets only 419. A edeutific man who has been talking to a St. Louis Globe Democrat repot ter says it is certain that the women of this country are growing taller. This especially true, he says, of the women of the great middle class. The tall girl is not so plentiful among the pluto¬ crats and the very poor, but a majority of those young ladies whose parents are iu comforta¬ ble circumstances are above the mediom height. “ My theory is that the growth of the very poor is stunted by bad food and hard work, and that of the very rich hy a surfeiting and a lack of proper exercise. The'middle class girl has plenty of some food, and is required to lead a moderately active result is she grows up tall graceful, with the easy car jq aj ® , e 0 £ ;m j\+i ] L-f 1 believe the ladies ... ~ tO-oay , , that young Ol »"> ■»«•«» «■> «“» tlltiir UloUterS. The UieU of Alliei ica a. e also growing taller, jj U j y le advance is not so mark¬ ed as in the case of the young ladies. I attribute this back¬ wardness to the very general use of tobacco or liquor, or both by the hoys of America. a Peek’.'? home is in this coun¬ ty — it’s not hts counPy by u long ways. PRICE I 00 A YEAH GOV. NORTHEN’S LETTER. Cavt. Gko. W. Weaver, President Rockdale Pem. Club, Confers, Ga. Dear Sir : Permit mo to thank vou heartily for tho excellent work you and your club have just accomplished for Democra¬ cy in Rockdale county. Through you, as President, I wish, also, to extend my thanks and full appreciation to all the members of tho club, and to the citizens of your county for the gallant fight and the splendid victory. You won a brave and sweeping triumph in a field not of your choosoiug, hut selected hy the enemy for his fiercest and most desperate stand and where lie was prepared to fall in the last ditch. Your work shows that you fought nobly and thorough¬ ly the battle for Democracy. Tip whole State may point with pride to your achievement and take it to her heart for an in¬ spiration in tho fight yet to fol¬ low - in November. May it be a good omen for Democratic suc¬ cess as complete and as praise¬ worthy as the recent victory your Rockdale Democrats have just won for tho State and for the whole country. L thank you for the State, and for niy self. Very sincerely, W. J. Nqrthen, Governor. .'dynamo s Jitutuio Weaver from up iu Iowa Ami I’m guiug - to teach tho demo orn'H a tlgu e. I've cussed ’em once und I'm going to do it again, And 111 beat 'em line the devil whh the nigger. .So he borrowed Mrs. Lease ftvhile tho old man was gone) And 'ho pair hit a bee line for Atlnn ta Tho rotten egga in M toon «oon taught then they were wrong And the “ sweet ones ” loft the State in a canter. f.UouAi, : Georgia is r,o plaeo for ho women and aona-a-gnns ] It L the seiigv of (he execu¬ tive Committee of this count}* that any qualified voter in the county, white or black, that will purport the county nomi¬ nees for couinty officers, can vote in tbc elector* on the 22d of this munilr Gathering the result the night of the election from every county, in the state and giving it to the people in good shape the next morning was the grea¬ test journalistic feat ever pei - formed in Southern journalism it is an absolute guarantee to the peopi** that through the Atlanta Constitution they can always get the news first and in the best a ml most reliable shape. *’I VVOUi-.t like to SOU' il ill'' pni e of flood . ri’iii’supui'ilta tvvive” write* Ul i Deposit, P can. D8010SliS/ Oil Top! s? f||fl§» M ; iSlie Mmm M 0 !YJ -CEV MTa« THE,? - PARTY fill TO PIECES* Says Son-in-law to Pa Where in the 11--1 Were You When the Cyclone Hit Us." ‘•GOODBYE, OLD PARTY, GOOD BY-" Rockdale Refuses to Follow the Lead of Her Renegade Sons and out of a Vote of 1,157 Gives 318 against Pock. “ S8CKLESS JERRY WAS?) 1 HI IT- ” The Stake Gogs Democratic by about 70,000. Rockdale has never before seen such an election as was held hero last Wednesday. It was a fight for the life of our grand old party and welfare of our people and the fight has been won Not only won in Rockdale but won in the whole State overwhelmingly. Thera will he lex, than 15 Third party ites in the house and only one or two in the senate. Here G the v do in this coun¬ ty {Pcek . . . . :fixfi; 7: HcDmRT‘fi“ “T i \w =1 ?: “Laden-zafi Edwarfigi Conyers, .j 6(!H - hhS! 1 1.4 olio . , J Eh off t-14 j 50J 81 71 i 1 Loraoi'*. V •? 41' r>'J 4 1 IFn’y O’ ; 4 !>! 5 ) fi ( .11 A great victor -1 has Iteod won. The great prices; of Demo - racy have been indicated. \V * can have little do i ions in mu¬ nicipal affairs, in county affairs, and in State affairs, but when you ask our people to pull down the old Democratic Ri nner n c dei* which they have been marching so long ind so succos - fmly, they w ill never do it. T * tho bra ve men <><: our county; to our noble won on and then* prayers, and t* > <nir loyal colot ed friends, all pro i is duo. It is right that we should fee! proud over onr i ' ry, hut let us not he arrogant or boastful. Don’t act in a -pint of intoler¬ ance hut hold out your hand and a,sic the hoys to come hack. A majority of them have been mislead by Jcowardly deserters and are good true men. Some have acted from a spirit of pure cusse< luess and should he taken back only on probation. Tom Watson loses his district hy ov« or one thosand votes and will he beaten hy Major Black in November by at least tv. o thousand. LU’ HJLHiB ARNICA 8ALVF TuE Eti.T Halve ia Ihe .vorlu fir Coif, Biukt. Sores, U'i't ra, Suit lihidue Fi-vt-r Sorer, Tetter, Chapped hands CbtlbliiidoK, C rue, aud alirkin Eniptioi::-, aud positivelv cutee Piles or no j> rtqu : red It is guariiutcod to give- , / ; • or 12 ion box. F..u ri.'.i.t lit tv. If. L-e tie Soil's, orugs'-tu Conycr, Ga.