Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, October 15, 1892, Image 1

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^UPifics &mlsFom m Hi kit mm yi L , h3 method and results when E. T 0 f Figs is taken; it is and pleasant i refreshing to the taste, acts j v V et promptly on the Kidneys, „ vAr iid Bowels, cleanses the sys biB effectually, dispels ecids, lead tebes gud fevers and cures habitual •obstipation. Syrup of Figs is the J,-, Umly pleasing of its the Kind taste ever and pro¬ ac ved, to ■entable to the stomach, prompt m te action and truly beneficial in its ifhcts, prepared only from the most leabby sud agreeable substances, its Ey excellent have qualities made it commend the most it o all and lopuiar remedy known. of Figs sale , 50c Syrup is ior in jd Ol bottles by all leading drug- who ■Ks. Any reliable hand druggist will jay be not, promptly have it on for any one who pro it fishes to' try i t. Do not accept ar v bbstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE, KY. NSW YORK, NX IS FOE CONGRESS. ton. L. F. Livingston, of Newton nity. FOB r.EPEESENTAXITE Rockdale county: Dr. J. A. Stew ror. ORDlNXEY. James C Barton will ask the support the votn's of the people of Rockdale [theoffice le of Ordinary. He will a the democratic nomination. FOE TREASURER. I I hereby announce myself a candidate 1 the ofliee of county Treasurer and fcnty. the sapport of every citizen of our Imination, 1 will abide tbe Democratic if any. If elected I will fill f office satisfacthrilv J. to E. all. Wiiitaker. Respct foe cousnr cp-erx. p tho: voters of Rockdale county: I k your support for re-election to pc of the Superior Court, subject to 6 Democratic primary Thanking you t past favors, Very Respct, IV. T. Huson. ron tax coi/lector. [hereby e'ection announce myself a dandidate : k to the ofiico of Tax Col it ,t f ir Rockdale county- I will abide 5 Democratic nomination, if any, and Mniso faithful service if elected, iMking ti e people for past favors, I Respct. Daniel W. IiIurdock. FOR SHERIFF. rills is to notify the public that I am sw'lidute for re-election to the office Sheriff of Rockdale county, subject to )einocratic nomination, if any. Thank ? ( i people of this county for past fa* I promise if elected, to try to do Fnity ia the future as in tbe past. Respectfully, Vv H. M. . Austin. i the Totes of Itockdale County: l hereby announce ray S'df as a candl ,te for under election to the Ordinary’s office ®e; many obligations for tbe mhsess shbwn me here ofore p.nd hojic |; 'will continue ihe same favor. I will cage «of myself to serre the people to the tsof tns my deinoratic ability. I wil! abide the primary. O. Sbamavs. FOR TAX RECEIVER. '? Ktion ®?»oimcc to myself n caudicate for re the office of Tax Receiver of Pctrlft e county, subject to the nomina pc [ ttr l, e any tbe.'bities is had. of If the elected office I will best dis " ability. to the • «iy Thanking the people of r 6 °.' lUnr y for their kindness i o the past JSaii. solicit their ___K. support. L. Hudson Vary Re fio the people 0 f Rockdale: Having K. ks, n i i 'fortunate ask the in health and loss of of H support of the people )' 0Kat y for one term as coumy Ireas'irer. I w in abide '.he Democatie Pffiinotion if any. I earnestly solicit L :'£ ™ m °® T,Ml°w if entrusted men and to will at | oe my care luiouer that will give satisfaction to r -Kespecifuily, J. E. Maddox. r 1%?! mm. r &$S3gL Kfs. William Lohr h- aMgot t'egan to fail raplJly, lost all -c iiito a serious coudition-from SllQ toaid uot eat vege cj a. t tables or msat, and «vea uouse - 5* Barsapariila Could keep more food b< 1 grew stronger. She took r v - E e ! ^- '‘ ’’A appetite, is ^aissed health. 22 lbs., ^ l y, now in perfect . ^.-t.8 S.T9 the Wst after dinner ffigesUoi; »Ka cure Ltadache. MtotcC ernes by Cleanse taking the 4T.W.C blood i M A rat TAFT'S A3T3S N* Hale’s Weekly © VOL. X. NUMBER 36. \ Sale's MU'cIUir J. N. li ALE, Editor OFFICIAL ORCAn'qf'the'cOUNTY? EDITORIALS Black will defeat Watson, then all will be well. The boys are coming back by the hundreds. B. M. Blackburn is the biggest little Democrat in Georgia. Northen’s majority is larger than Peek’s vote. What do you think of that ? Stanton is a good un. His poetry goes down “ just like oil. ” We like Stanton, Billiechristopher ! Did he get lost in the shuffle? Well; it doesn’t matter. The cotton crop will be short and the price will range higher than it is now. W. Y. Atkinson will likely be the speaker of the house. He deserves it. Col. Talliaferro should come out of the race. He will virtu¬ ally he left standing at the *• poll. ” John Sibley is making a fool¬ ish race up in the seventh. Quit, John, quit, and save wear and tear. “Ned" Reagan will again Henry county. “ Old Henry ” has never had a better man to represent her. The People’s Party won by about 70,000 majority. The Democratic party has always been the party of the people. Third party candidates for the United States Senate will be exceedingly scarce this season. And old Joe James! He ain’t pretty, but he goes for the “ philistmes ” like an army of Samsons armed with jaw-bones. It will be many long years before you will get people of Georgia to go off into another third party movement. The 27th senatorial district has one of the best men in Georgia as her representative— E, F. Edwards, of Newton. Your uncle Lon will not go to sleep till after the 8th of No¬ vember. If tiie T. P’s think they will catch him napping they are mistaken. Democrats should not rest on their arms but go on fighting for the principles of the people un til the November election is over Hon. A. O. Bacon has been a valuable mau to the National Democratic Committee. Gus Bacon is a valuable man any¬ where you put him. There were about 7,000 third party candidates for solictor general in Georgia on the 7 th of October. On the 9th of Oc¬ there “ narry one ” tober was Steve Clay will be of the Senate and should be. Georgia never produced a sou than Steve. Some day we want to shake the hand of gov¬ ernor Cla y. _ Weaver in Iowa; Iowa.) Daniels in (poor Kentucky.) Post in da ; (God pity Florida.) and balance in the soup. away the soup.) The Georgia dailies have their duty nobly aud well, to the humble little from the mountains to the board is due the greatest for the victory just won. If you want to see wbat of Ciav there is on Georgia’s red hills, look at the from Cobb. Pretty full of grit, it’s true, but that only lustre to the polish. CON VERS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY OCT. 15, 1892. v c? 13 1 — THE 2TE IF S10 RES 0 F~ J.I li f f « r i in 4 Are among the best arranged and prettiest in Middle Georgia, hut this is not the best thing about them. They are looked alter by clever, obliging clerks in every d-. partment, and are filled with the ft (km ? «>:a of goods ol every aescription ever brought to this place from the best markets with the cash His stock of Mifiadlss ©rsss 0©ods, trimmings &t« of all the latest, best and most elegant styles, are being offered at prices thousands lower tlisn they can be purchased in Atlanta or other markets, He lias of beaut ful notions, elegant hosiery for men, women aiul children ; the prettiest and newest underwear for everyone, and a STOCK OF CLOTHING That is in every way suited to the needs of our people an you can buy from him CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN IN ATLANTA. He will sell you sjoed goods, stylish goods and goods for a small profit. He is certainly I1ABQUAETIES FOB SHOES He has an immensse line and can fit anything from a Chinese infant to a Chicago belle. He handles the best brands and sells them under the motto lor his whole store, -LOW DOWN trots? CASH.” * His is a general store and he keeps every lit* of goods. Call and see him, bring your barter and he will treat you right. Remember the place : J. J. LAN(fflOf|fi, Commerce street, Conyers, Georgia, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE, WILL BE SOLD AT THE LATE RESIDENCE OF S- H- ANDERSON, DECEASED, 3 miles east Oi Conyers, on road lead ng to Gee’s Mill, on Thursday October 27, 1892, commencing at 10 o’clock A. M., the following property to-wit • m 1 Saw mill and complete outfit, 1 cut-off saw, 1 circular saw, 1 cast band wheel, 1 Oil can, 1 twelve horse traction engine, in good order; 1 gin whetter, 1 saw gumrner 1 Set blacksmith and carpenter’s tools, in good order, 1 corn mill and com sheller, 1 Brooks cotton press, complete, 1 fire extinguisher, 1 cotton gin, 1 cotton feeder, 1 Cotton condenser, 1 colon seed crusher, 1 five foot fly wheel, 4 rubber belts, 2 cotton seed shovels, 1 voke oxen, large and fine, 1 milk cow and calf, 10 mules and Horses, 1 spring seat, 1 log carl, 2 end spring buggies, 3 two horse wagons, 1 One-horse wagon, 1 log wagon, 1 tank wagon, 1 iron cultivator, 2 cart wheels, 1 Road scrape, 1 ox yoke, 1 lot of plows, hoes, picks and old chains, 2 wagon frames, 3 Mowing blades and snaths, 2 sets one-horse wagon harness, 10 sets plow gea^, Complete, 3 plow stock aud singletrees, 5 coil on planters, 4 gram cradles, & harrows, 3 subsoilers, 3 two-horse turnplows, 2 one-horse turnplows, 1 revolving harrow 2 iron double-foot plow stocks, 1 chest tools, 3 cross cut saws, 2 grind stones, com plete, 4 cultivators, and various other things usually found on a well equipped farm too numerous to mention. Teems of Sale: For all amounts under 850 cash on delivery of goods. For all amount over 850.00 and up to $200.00 one-half cash and balance on 12 months time for note and C per cent, interest, with approved security. For all amounts over $200.00, one third cash, one-third in three months, balance in 12 months for notes at 8 cent, and approved security, Settle ments to be made before delivery pure iase. John H. Almand, Conyers, Ga.. Oct, 7, 18S2. Administrator, PRICE 100 A YEAR LEGAL ADVEUTISmo. Tty AIIHWSTRATtr^ of order issued SALE. from In vu'tnre an Kodebtin : eonrt. of Ordinary of ct.-i, r on tt 1st, Mond'i.', in, July hi .vi'l be s,l before the court bouse door j; O'on.yer, c , Koekdftle eonn v, on tin? tir, Tuesday in November , ', v.'i !? - in t lend liiiu.s of sale, to described the hiybest bidden all of the following' biml-cori- , to vjt ■ Ore tra't or pat ml of toiKinsf flfil) one hundred and fbty one aoves. more or less, andfiW. b ing part of land lots number J41 district lying of and riginally bc ingin die 16th • Newton, row jBockd.de county, and bounded as follows; On tlm north by the ■ tlmr lands of 8. IT. Anders n de was. d. on the south and east by the public rood loading from Conyers to Gee’s Mill find on the west by the lands r.{ Nelson Ovorbav . This tract of land is known and recognwd it as the good, “ home sub place” There is on one r.tantial, (1 room frame dwelling, well built and arranged, all nec'mury out buildings, stab’es, barns, splendidly gin house watered, etc., In good condition, fine orchard of choice fruit etc,, original etc. Forte acres of this place i< in forest. This farm is in a high state of cultivation and is Known in this gale as farm number one. AI.SO, At the same time and place there will be sold the following described proper¬ ty to wit; (IS I) one hundred and being fifty one acrc« of land, more or h as, parts of lots number tilth 34-4 and 347, original lying and being in the district of ly Newton now Rockdale county, and bounded ns follows: On (he North by Miss Flotilla Carr and others’ on the cast by the public road loading from the town of conyers to Gee’s Mill; on tho south by the lands described above in farm known as farm number one; on the wc-t by tho lands of Nelson igli Overbay. state of This farm is also in a very I cultivation. T ere is on it two tenant, houses, good water, orchards eto. Twen¬ ty five acres in woods and ten acres or m"re in good bottom land. This place is Known in the advertisement and sale as farm number 3. AT.SO, A I the fame time and place there will be sold (ho following described property to wit: (82) Eighty land txvo lot ticfes, No. more Still and or less being part of Ifitli district of lying and being In tbe originally Newton now Rockdale conn ty and bounded aa follows: On the north by the lands of Messrs 'Taylor and j lo<m oil the cast by the lands of the Misses Overton; on flieaontn by tho lauds of the Hargrove estate and on tho west by llie public rond leading from tlic town of Conyers to Gee’s Mill. The farm was formerly a part of tho Abijah flue Overbuy place, has two settlements; was or, two good orchav’s oto., and la a ! so in fine state of cultivation. This farm Is known in the advertisement and sale as farm nnmbea 3, ABO, M f h c ‘ami. tim<‘ and place will K ’ boM tlio following de-crib .1 prenerty t" wit; (114)ooe hundred inn', fiairtevn in-)." of land more or U.m boii:^ parts of land lots No’s. 807 and :-Fh. yi. . .nj be inaC in the Kldi district of ori_ in--.' • New Ion dow Tto kdale county and 1 -<,-'kV 1 i.u fi,,\>\vsi-, E. ()u the north the by t!i“ , > tin: m Mr-'. Summers; on ea-t i, nils formerly owned l.y Jarm-i Guilin and l)r M a - c; mi tlv- s-uitti by iho lands of.I. M. /.-.okry a < l on tho and •t by t'.o lauds of J . IT. Smith ihe liuwovo estate. There ia on tin piled ahoilt 40 a.-rusof fine pine Soro.-i ; al-u fme fa,m inn splendiduiato of cultiva¬ tion and is where John lAenu now live ■ This farm Is kno • n In tho sale snd ud v, rtisemimt as farm numb r 4. AII o'tho above described property sold a- the property of 8. If Anderson di-ce isrd for die purpose of payi'i; debts ayainst the estate and for ;h po-e of difttritmtion among the ho. >« of -aidestate. thirdoash; Terms of sth are •olhnv-; fine one third to bo inild the first d iy of November t8‘.ti!j one t. ird to hr paid the first day of November INII, Kjirht per Gent interest from ,‘a’eof f- .k will lie , 'naryi on all defored paymonls. Bonds for titles will be yiveu purcliaHors It its optional with pure.htw.r.i k> pav all i- t:-h or pay balance at any time before due. This July DO 1803. li. J. Axmasti, Admr. H. IT, Andkuso.y, deceased. All the above lands lay about HJ miles south font of Conyers. ! -n a 4. Will bo fo ’d at the court house In Conyers, Hockda’.o co.in'y, Oa,, on the first Tuesday in October next, one bouse and lot lot in Conyers, said District lot being of a part said of land No. 274, in comity, bounded containing an the a.-r>-, North more or side less. by Same on Henry llenderson’e lo , on the Bast i.d<' by Mrs. 1£. A. .1 one’s and T. J. Chris tain’s lots, on tho South by Austin U-ti¬ er’s lot. and fronting Nortli stre-it on the West side, sale to satisfy a (i f i In l'avot' of J N (ili-rili against William Paul and wife. Mrs. W’m. H. Paul, defendatis’ who ore now in the p issession of s .id house anil lot- 'lliis H' pt . 2, 18)12. * VV If M Aval in, .Sheriff. NOTICE LEAV TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Rockdale County, To al whom it tiny concern : Whereas John H. Aboaad administrator of the estate of Rufus Christian deceased ha:, iu due form ordinary mud >. application leave to ilia court of tor to ee l the lands belonging said io uppii the estate of su J deceased and -atmc wifi b i passied upon Ol> Hie firs Monday in November ip-jp Th e Shspt the 20tli 16^2 O S-uawns, Or.l AN ORDINANCE. %*£*££?'■ EE • I V* : iO And y or jHfrso fill (it uicli fence inhiiftnetf, fid Kiio Jug i li<: V*.' UUi.’tl fetwo or ft 5 (Hi by th to ;*il. ttoct i irtuse iici y tsh line And n h> tt, t hi 1 lOt, yii v ii. G ..", JOHN Vr AL AciJOl. GEORGIA, MILS saw To all when H uii; \ a WheiewB. 3?. Hi! La', ... : , j1B applied to me for 1. mis ,• ra¬ tion on the estate of ban.--•; ’ ■■■ • 0 { said county, dee. »=.»?, and i \vi l'ii on “aid application o-i tie* fir t uneiiiv iii November next l'bi» < ) i GRORCrfi. ROGKOAl.s iUv [(■ To all wliom H mav eon.-ora 'll hert-as. 1*. *• . Hit i... , dm. fm applied administration (<> Ik onrtof - • ■ ■ • ; 1 , of oh {!>. ■ • i N an c y I Eli 1, id tt 1 of! ru arid S wi!i \-:vas on diii the iii. ! A*t g\( 1=;\ in This’Oct. ’ O.K 7, NOTI li'i LEAVE TO t -Whereas T M AvmiU A ..dm,, of James A A. mistoatl docea : m duo form ma la apple >0 court of ordinary" hr le»v ■H ilja 1 ani>s holm:>ing to tha deceased and said app!:,- j!! be heard "it tho first Mom.fay flj-.vw* imr next. Tbi* Mcpf. 23 1V~ .ii O Jo,‘.mans, O ■MV. LETTERS MININ id’ Gcfrgia Hu -ktialc U i.v \ To all whom i i. «oiicera Whereas b’ilb'am Oglotrec nov ■i;i proper form applied to tbeoourl >r~ liiuary for perm merit letters »f a ilHIHiS trillion on theostatoof !£• H. 0;rl ueu Into of said county diseased aud i v.ill pans ou said application on the 1st Ji'< day ia October next TiibHOih day of August tS«2. 0, Skakash, Or-unary. LETTERS ADMINISXRATION. Georgia Rockdale Countv:- To aii whom it may concern-— Whereas, S B Puller has in due form made application tr> the court af Ordinary for permanent letters of administration on tho estate of J S Fuller late of said county, deceased, I will pass upon said application ou the first Mondap in November next. Given under my hand aud official signature this the 20th of imp. 280*2. 0 Seamans, Ordinary. ADMIN 1ST' It A TORS SALE, Gorgia Rockdale county' By vii'ture of an order of the court of Ordinary of RooUdiuo county. 'Till bo sold at, public out cry at- the. Com- 1 ' House dooroi “aid county, cn (h, “rat Tuesday in November next l ib.' within lh“ W-d houifl of ale one ■ v :lh mi divided intoreat in a'jd to tlm I'-iilewin;; di-cribed laud, towit. ritn c 1 l.yb>-:, and being iu iho Si.4 r contb_ < 4rid of originally if. ary then N,- Urn now Rockdale County, aud kno e 1 > psot of lot of land No 840 cnct ’i:at one hundred and seventy thru or less, adjoining ou tlm west ‘ ' •' eandHobt. ' I’^ek, cast lliudfoid. by i’.-I. I ', (• I bid 1 - W m * Clamp and on north py John i and (V. B. Humph'eic, < H.oivodati iijt. rest in tin «• of ho sold as tho poo .lira. Ann Ayoock late of said < ■ deceased. Terms Oa-li. ’1'- i'-i. 2.‘ ■V. T. Hu sou, Clerk Sup. ih r t Rockdale county Ga., AdiuU:v.t' AD MINISTRATORR S B 1 " virtu.” of ati order u.lu. tlio »u«‘fc of v Gi couofcy oo ibfi fh'st ’UHu.i-v i b«r wil bt* V, court h -U/se door in ug :,0 yerB said (‘ouniy, H ^ U lioura of Kale on ibe in si J iv to iho hi iheat Ol One house and ini the t yers, in the 16th dwtnnt c oil i Homy now Kodak e co; a paid of land-lot tmiuber 2’. i in. lot containing fchw. ourfcii f snore or oss atul birnoded a., iullov. i On the north by ia 1 J G* " Ire. Alii " Moltou, on the mis' >•y - lands « f G W Uioaton, on tin by the Stewart lands and • titi by til*} land 1 IV G Alexander. 1 lot is near the depot, 1 it ft g< 3(1 live room house nncLiud of water. It is in a p-'wd boyhood and only about ya from a lino school. in u wry nimble homo Snid fy is fi lot! for the purpose of j RD (l disuibutiou iinn ii n- of tho estate of the I W f J J ,v p 1 f Lit i ford estate ■> W Langford 5h 1892' HI NOT: Tux assessment for Tie year 1892, Rockda e court of Oniioary For county purports Sept 3, U-9‘2. Win reas bie excellency, the Gov. errnr of tho state . Georgia, bawr.-g assessed forty eiyb ■ aod or,e hau cents mi the hund'-'d dollars oS . the .Vixai-i • property of the - X* for «‘0 year I - ;i '£ It is ordered by too court oi ordinary of Rockd-rtc comity, that tho fo lowing tt i'Vsum'.-n 00 fid !,ii>*y ar - hereby Its C.'j -uuty taxes of ii'K'.kda'e county for the year isi)2 fill- the pul pose i it forth amt that the by l) W. Murdoch ta «.H it-ickda county or b> 81 Dili o uo I paid over to ivo y by n n er n-a uter 1892 I For bt; end .alter pubii ■ar * i >\ coviutY purptiK- I red li,92. thii ty two c- > , A! •I ad the lax-ibi 5. ;a U miidaie don't II or arm) } ami ra verso for v< /ir ISO! t CffeU »' tie in * f: i,-i8Q(!6 fcVt' n i hss l >!', Jit* <*' O.