Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, October 15, 1892, Image 3

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THE CORBETT OF BARGAIN GIVERS. A RECORD BREAKING YEAR. A CONCENTRATION OF MERIT. New Goods, Finest Quality, STOKE Largest Quantity, © Lowest Prices, Polite Attention. 1892 has been a record-breaking year and we propose to keep Conyers right up to the standard by breaking a few records ourselves. The racket store has knocked out the champion of B igh Prices and carried him from the ring. Summers Brothers, The poor man’s friends. PAY US UP. WE WANT THOSE OWING US TO COME FORWARD AT ONCE AND PAY THEIR iSUBSCRIPTONS. MONEY, [ J. P. Tilley is prepared to lend money on improvedjarms in Rockdale tnd Newton counties on five years time at the low rate of six per cent per annum. See him. COAL. i Bay the best. The country 6 full of Agents selling all kinds If low grade coal at any price, p hen you want the best coat be me. J P Tilley. occ|l} JNevtfs. Light frosts. [Cotton will soon be all picked, pined and sold. Mrs. A. C. Perry has been quite pk this week but is better now. thousands of cotton seed are ling sold on our streets and Ihging good prices. ■Friend A. O, Hardin is in the f 6 lor Bailiff in this district, lea has many noble qualities |d will make an efficient officer ■Friend George Kennon drew P handsome silk quilt made ■the young ladies of the S. C |L .Society. It is valued at oil mill will commence Nations next week. All of (machinery pition will be in fine and under the care of [ H Andrew York.] Plunkett will do t crowd of six young ladies F a v °te to settle the ques i who is the handsomest Pg man in town, ” the oth Ip- Pe six. -Pliny C. received 5 out °u will find it will give bet pAsiaction I wheii send- in the you send in your le L v ’ er h s ements. It is impos jr Rs to do work for every P r ® credit, ,ere be a meeting of the Men’s Democratic Club ' - cr Mrt house Monday night . Ev e *7 member, who can jbly do So , is earnestly re¬ to ^ present. 8 democrats should see to a monument is ffiaced Hic P :. itravns ofW z Sfce l ked aad Ira Maddox when th-w to their last reward, reward F^y hope will not be for rears. “ Baby Ruth ” is one year old. What has become of Editor maikirwin. Mrs. W. B. Smith, we regret to say, continues quite sick. Mr. J. J. Langford and wife spent Mondav last in Atlanta. This has been a great year for pease whippoorwills etc.,— not political ones. It is beautiful for brethren to dwell together in peeace, “aint it, ” boys. Miss Lillie Still is visiting h°r grand-father, Mr, L. H. Cooper, in Yv T alton county. Barber-pole stockings are again fashionable. “ How do we know ? ” Seen ’em on—the clothe line. Miss Mary Speer, a charming young lady of Newton county, is in the city, the guest of Miss Ludie Eeverett. Dr. Lee & Son have had tire Commerce stieet entrance to their handsome drug store great¬ ly improved. Mr John H. Almand has . commenced work on his vault and will soon have his bank completed and in working order. Our time subscribers are tling, oh! so slowly! Here, fel¬ lows, “ come on across. ” We don’t need it much but we dis¬ like to have you under obliga¬ tions to us. The awning just erected by Johnson & Almand for J. J Langford is a very handsome and substantial affair and adds greatly to his fine business house. Young man, if you are en¬ gaged, you can, of course, kiss your girl occasionally, but be careful about it. Girls like to be kissed carefully—one care¬ less kiss and all is lost. The talk that our third party friends will go into the republi can camp is all bosh. They number among them thousands of the truest men in Georgia and they will never take such a step. An old chicken raiser says, “ Keep your chickens drinking water out of the sun.” We can’t do it; we have Jan old Shangbi) that can drink very well out of the moon, but the sun is just a little too tall for him. Captam George W. TTT \> eaver has received unstinted praise for the splendid m which he, a* president of the “ Young Men’s Democratic Club,” conducted Urn campaign here. He is gentleman iu foU of grit K and de serves all the good things can lie said of him. Mrs. G. P. Sawyer continues very low. The brick yard at Aimon has commenced work again. You can now pay your city tax by calling on Sheriff Aus tin. Mrs. B. F. Tucker, of Smyrna, has been quite sick but is much improved. Dr. J. P. Rosser drives the prettiest turnout ou the Geor¬ gia railroad. Uncle Jack Sawyer is an en¬ thusiastic “ young democrat.” Uncle Jack is always right. Clever old Jeff Huson, of Birmingham, was here among his many friends this week. George Burnett doesn’t look over 4 feet high walking in the dust on Commerce street. A. B. Cawthrau says he will not be in the race for bailiff. The race however, will be a live¬ ly one. Our merchants never before had such full stocks of goods and they are selling thousands of them. Miss Lula Guinn has returned to school in Nashville. She is one of the brightest young la¬ dies in Georgia. It is imported that Dr. Gunter of Henry county, has come back on the side of de mocracy. He is a valuable recruit. Our main streets should be put in better condition. Some parts of them are not what they should be. Jud Langford has the largest and best assorted line of -shoes ever seen in Conyers. Oall and see him before you buy. We learn that all the proper¬ ty owners on our main business streets will put up handsome iron awnings before their stores. Friend James Tilley went ov¬ er Jo Lawrenceville and Jug Tavern this week. He is one of the most energetic and thor¬ ough b usiness men in this sec¬ tion. Mr. H. P. Almand will erect a nice iron awning in front of the store of Almand & Plun¬ kett. Conyers never had a bet¬ ter or more enterprising citizen than “Uncle Henry.” Our esteemed young friend, Stephen Davis, we notice with nleasure, is a candidate for the sheriff’s office of Newton coun ty. If Steve gets there we will rejoice with him. A great deal of of nice nice beef beet is is being brcmgnt m from the couu try every week. We got hold of a couple of pounds the other and camed lfc home aad the old lady and the children wore smiles that l would have done y our heart to S6e ’ There is life in the old land yet. Senator Edward’s majority in the district is 2.415. Read the new legal advertise¬ ments is this issue. Get ready and plant your winter garden truck. Miss Totsie Stewart is on a visit to her sister in Augusta. Dan Hudson is handling the yard stick for Summers Broth ers. Miss Hall, of Atlanta, is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Jesse Almand. If you have a good farm in a mile or two of Conyers for sale, call on this office. Chicken raisers say coperas water is good for “ sorehead ” This is a timely receipt. When you want a nice turn¬ out call on Dr. Melton and lie will treat you right. A great deal of home raised corn is being brought in by some of our best farmers. The McNight bridge question has been amicably settled and all parties satisfied. If you want a handsome new sewing machine at a very small price, call on J. J. Langford. Mrs. H. Y. McCord is spending a couple of weeks with relatives and friends in Warren county. Squire II. W. Hammock has about 100 acres in peas and he will make over 2,000 bushels. Let’s all he good and not put the county to the expense Of building a new jail—we can do it. Miss Nellie Summers has re¬ turned from a protracted visit to Virginia to her homo in Cov¬ ington. One of tho handsomest and best sewing machines in town for sale at J. J. Langford’s at a bargain. Uncle “Ham ” Almand is suf¬ fering with a sore hand. He hurt it while working around his gin house. Mrs. O. S. Haygood has gone on a protracted visit to her old homo and relatives in Oconee and Clark counties. We are glad to see Mrs. Genie Haygood hack at her place with Mr. J. J. Langford, after a se¬ vere spell of fever. Rev. W. S. Hubbard says h e is in the democratic party and in it to stay. He is acting man¬ ly and deserves praise for it. We just want to ask this question and we are done: Who lied about the strength of the third party in Rockdale? Mr. Charley Reagan has some of the finest chickens in' Geor¬ gia. His selection embraces many kinds—all of the 'highest grades. Hon. L. F. Livingston is in Alabama doing noble battle for democracy. In him we have a worker of wonderful power and worth. Being afflicted with rheuma¬ tism aud asthma, Mr. J. E. Whitaker can not make a can vass of the county but earnestly asks the support of the voters. If you do all in your power to settle your accounts and fail our merchants will not treat you harshly. They are good men and are willing to tote fair. Read the advertisements of our home merchants and trade with them. Every dollar that you leave at home; helps to build up every home interest. Our old friend John Almand of Montieelio, is here on a visit to his rn my friends and rela tives. John is a clever gentle man aud we are always glad see bun A number of good who were with the third have couie b f k * an f ® ay the> are going to uve an 1 uie demo C rats. They are showing their . °° d , ’ You can got brass nails from J. vV. Carter. Go to Summers if yon want n good shoo for a little money. If you want leather, shoe up¬ pers etc. call on J. W. Carter. Yard wido sheeting at So per yard at H- P. & D. M. Alraand <fe Oo. Car load Sweet Water Yally flour at H. P, <fe D. M. Almand & Co’s. H. P. D. M Almand A Co. wiP sell you good nine ounce jeans at 25c per vard good school boy jeans ail wool filling at 25c per yard - Summers Brothers are known far and wide on account of their low prices. They please the people and the people apprecia'o them. Friend Tom Brodnax tried to wear a, pair of number tons the other day, skinned his lieelB and is now prancing around barefooted. Remember that we are here to serve you. Come to see us. We will sell you goods at bottom prices and meet'only legitimate competition. H- P. & D. M. Ahnand & Co. Pocks from 2 cents to $1,00 a pair at Cain’s. Tain has just received an¬ other lot of ladies sample hose to sell at bargains. Our old friend, James Henderson, of Carroll county, is in town this week and is looking well. Just recied a big lo t of la¬ dies dress (Timings for fall, G. W.&A. P. Cain, We weve pleased to see onr old friend, C. O. Post, (.James Hammock) in town thisjweek He says he is just back from Florida and that things are all right down that way. If you are weak and nerv¬ ous go to Lee’s drug store and get a bottle of (he famous South American Nervine Ton¬ ic, It,s just simply wonder ful. We have a large lot of Ladies and Gents sample gloves for sale at a big <3 is. couni, at Cains. The notes and accounts of the National Union Co., are in the hands of John R. Maddox, Esq., and he can be found at his of¬ fice, room 3 up stairs in the Night building. We have 2,000 pairs of sus¬ penders and will sell every pair a(le?s than wholesale cost. G. W. & A. P. Cain. ] f you want socks, just drop in and see Cain, '/hero is no medicine in the market that will give relief (o nervous old people find weak ladies tlmn the great South American Nervine Tonic will. Call at Lee’s drug store a?fd get a bottle. Hon. James H. Richards, of county, was in town Mr. Richards is a of splendid ability and will make a valuable mem¬ of tho Legislature. We have an immense line of mens and boys scarfs and for ten clays, will sell at bar¬ gains. G. W. & A. P - Cain. \Vc received a lettor from our old friend Logo Si^uwu, the other day. He is in Opelika, Alabama, has a fine position and is doing well Logo deserves many good tilings in *his life for he is one of the best fel¬ lows alive. Ladies don’t fail to examine our line of notions before buy¬ ing. G. W. <fc A - P. Cain. When you want geans pants go to Cain’s For the next 30 days will ell noaions for the price ever known.Cain. We have just recieved another large loi of sample tions, Cail and get some mense bargains. G. W. & A. P. Cain, Go to Cai’ns and get your¬ self a pair of those sample un (JtT shirts cheap. Cain s Mens ovewhirts at Cains by th thousands. Allianc* Meeting The Alienee county meeting will meet with Pleasent. Hill Lodge Oct 29th at 10 o’clock W. L. Peek President, B. 0. Granade Secretary, Correspondents. We are making arangementa to have the beat correspondents ever at work for a paper in this county. They wi ! l give (lie news entire from every destriot and give it every week. The Tent Meeting. The meetings at tho tent are go¬ ing on night and day and are being largely attended. Some excellent sermons are beinij preached by both local and visiting ministers and great good is being accomplished. Pillions of Pease. Never in the history of tho world were there so many peas bpjnp raised and gathered by our farmers and never has the weather been more favorable for harvesting. Our farmers say the only trouble is in getting room to pnt them. One old gentleman said he was not gather- ing—just covering over the patch Ginnery Burned. Tho gin house and three hales of cotton of Mr: Church Granade, were disfroyed by fire last Monday. A spark from the engine sot fire to the lint room and it was imposible to s'op tqe flames. There was no insu ranee and the loss is considerable. A TRIP THROUGH FLORIDA AND ALABAMA. Rev. J. F. Almand has just re¬ turned from a most pleasant visit through Florida and Alabama. He visited many places of interest in each state, of which wore some of the leading seaport (owns. He has been gone about two weeks and re¬ ports as having had a royal good time, and only regrets that circum¬ stances were such as to provont him from remaining longer. DESERVING PRAISE. Wo desire to say td kf.tr citizens, bat for rears we have been sell in? Dr. Kings Now Discovery, for Con¬ sumption, Dr. Kings New Life Pi le, Budilins Arnica Salvo and Electric Bitters, and have never handled rem¬ edies that wd! as woP, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready fo refund tho purchase price, if satis¬ factory results do not follow the use. There remedies have won their pop¬ ularity purely on their merits. Dr. VV. H. L-o <fe Sou's Drug store, Con¬ yers, Ga TAX NOTICE. I will bo at the following pro oincts on tho following days to collect county and stato tax for 1892. Sheffield court ground the first Saturday in October and Novem¬ ber. Honey Creek court ground the second Saturday in October and November. Lorraine court ground the third Saturday jin October and Nov. Tax book will remain open un¬ til tho first of Decombor. Daniel W. Murdock, Tax Collector Rockdale county. WANTED. Colton Rood, 100 good fat hens. 100 dogm eggs. Some nice fresh butler. Bags. Oui<>ns. Peeled dried fruit. Tallow. Bees wax. Potatoes etc. at H. P, and D. M. Almand aud Co o. These items from the Coving¬ ton Enterprise : Mrs. Earl Price, of Atlanta, and her charming daughter Miss Marion, have returned home after a delightful visit to Mrs. A. N. Hayes, of this city. Col. Peek lost his home coun¬ ty of Rockdale by a majority of 315 votes. Georgia is proud of Rockdale, for it required work and courage to secure such a victory, as Peek has over boon personally popular at home and VV. is never defeated in Rockdak until ho ■an for Governor the third party candidate, than it flattened him. poisoned with scrofula ii Is 'lie end story of many Jives miserable through no own fault of dieir own: Scrofula- ; 8 more l ” t5mn ot her eeppo-. an ? a hereditary disease, and for lliiy simple rfasotl . T ? from ®pn»nodinsuffieient blood, the disease locates itself in the lymphatics, which sre composed of white tissu "S: ’-here is aporiod of 06 a l ’fa vhen the whole body consists of white tissue and tW fore the , nnborned child is especially •mceptible to this dreadfal disease But Aero is a remedy for scroflnlar whether hereditary 0 r acquired. It is Hood's Sasaparilla, which by it’s powerful effect on the blood, ex¬ pels all trace of disease and gives vital fluid the quality and eollor of health. If you decide to tako Hood,a Sasaparilla do not except any substitute. • o • THE only one jevrr hunted Can You Fir a the Word ? I here is a 3-in"h display advertise, went in this paper, this week, which 1ms no two words alike except one word. Tho sarao is tr> - e of each new one an neftvtn* each week, from the Dr Harter Medicine Oo.- This house places a • ( rescent ” on ovorpthing tlucy inako and publish, book for it, send them the name of tho word, and they will return Rook. Beautiful Lithographs or Sara, Free. EXTERNAL VIGILANCE Is tho price of health, But with all onr precaution there are enemies always lurking ing about oni'systems, only wait¬ a favorable opportunity to assort 'hemsolves. Impurities hi the Wood mny be Hidden for rears or even for generations and suddenly break forth, undermining 1 uith. For nil health and Imsten'ng diir-asQS arising from im¬ pure blood Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the nri equalled and unappronrhed remedy. It is King of them nil, for it conquers dis ouso. Will you hood tliotrarninj*. Tim signal sun-baps if the sure approach of that more terribleaincase < 'onmunption. Aslc yourselves if yon c.m afford for the suko of nothing saving r.(to , to run tho risk and do for it. We Know from ex¬ perience that. Shiloh’s Cure will euro voiireonph why than It norerfail. Million This explains more a Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. Lor Inmo back, sido or chest, use Shiloh's Borons Plaster, -old by I >r. W. If. Leo & .Son. M ISCJirJ.ANEOS. LADE ARE UNFORTUNATE, because the higher they riro in Hoeicty the weaker they find themselves hoilly.i Risley’s lids Pliilotoken in controls the nerves, nature her various functions, ami thus combats with many ills of woman¬ kind Successfully. Tf your druggist hag not got it. ho will order it far you for #1 a bottle, from Uhas F. Jiisley, Whole¬ sale Druggist, 03 Oorf.landt Ht., New with York. directions Hend for a descriptive certificates pamphlet and from many ladies who have used it and can't •ay enitpli in favor of tiislt-y’s 1’hilota en. * DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COM PLAINT. Is it not worth tbs 1 11 sum of 75c. to free yourself of , ■ ■ -ymtomof tlioso distressing coin pip i ,'f you think no call at our store nud . ■ i bottle ot Hhi loo's Vi.allser, even ' fiilelias a printo-, '•ivirmitce on it, nw m-i or-linglv and if does you no y-ood if wi'l cost you unit ing. Soldby Dr. V. IJ. Lee & Son. 'h I hereby annoum -* my-bVlf a for rj-election to 1 1> • oiliee of eouiiiy Treasurer, 1 feel i r many !•» lions for tho kind , i-hown mo hoittio fore and f hopo you vil! o' n tin no tl ft same favor. Ijded-.M disejmr mygelf duties to peno the people and ;o the the office to the befd •*. my ability. Kegpet. W : Or,oTFRT/nSB. HELLO SAM, Where you going ? I am going to Atlanta. I wish you would step into tho oVl reliahloJDttvo Stcmholjner and buy me a gallon of Pick us county oiaah corn, hero is $2.u> *■> pay lot it, Remember the place, Mu. 40, Wall slreet right, opposite the lie; fi,| -.vuit ft minrfio hero is another dollar for o bottle Horse i io ry >, it will cure (h - grippe, Jor any had cold. Don’t ?< r No., 40 Wall tr Job oj)j> ulto t’io - ;nt, Atlanta W/wf ATLANTA, GA. - * Mb. TE VK. An established business school. T f >ok keup’Jiand Biioithaml taught by pi - jp‘ri<*L' 1 teacher^. TonsaudaofshuJcflifs in good paying ponitions, Term mode rato. Stadouts vaoe ived dadys tiond fo lurculaus J : , a IRWIN. Attorney At Law ii tlu- N'ljffit biilMIuj first roain on the •If, h;i a: lira. CONYERS - - GA. WI!l-Ky, WISES, BTC. im PLifTE AND RMJ8ANT, Under Gaw Oity Bank, Cor. Ala. ii-ifi Pryor St-., Atlanta, Qa. nsa UL!) PKXXSrr. VANIA RYE and fCKY SOUS MASH WHIS¬ KIES A S PEXADTY. nqvsr:-a ft'ifi Domo-tjo Cijrars. nO» ,J P. B-j'j.cvcsw Proprietor I T v. f DEitt OjTHfAMQ uLtXi't O JDjhjjsrTis r Conyers Georgia.