Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, October 22, 1892, Image 1

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«r a tsoii’s Shameless Ambi Uon. The Ishmaelite has beeu truth¬ ful and plain-spoken in its characterization of Tom Wat¬ son and bis methods. This truthfulness and plain-speaking play have seemed harsh even to some Democrats. The fact is, the record of the man, his character, his purposes and his language have been so much at war with what can hut have expected from a Georgia Con gressman that a truthful rep refutation of them can but partake of the semblance, if not not of the reality of de nunciation Has the paper been too severe in its portraiture of his charac¬ ter, his methods and his pur¬ poses ? Has it misrepresented his spirit and his temper ? Has it done him injustice in charg¬ ing him with the purpose, through misrepresentation of the Democrats and false charg¬ es against them, of creating the bitterest of hostility between the people of the country and those of the cities and towns ? Has it done him any wrong in charging him with seeking to hurry on that histility to the point of strife and bloodshed ? Has it done him injustice in characterizing him as a Cata line who, to accomplish liis own ambitious ends, would eagerly wrap the entire district in the storm of strife—friend against friend, family against family, community against community, county against city and town ? The Ishmaelite proposes to rests its whole cause against Thomas E. Watson on the fol¬ lowing inflammatory and shameless editorial utterances from him in his paper : Democrats : No boldness of de¬ nial can shield you from the contempt of all honorable men ! Your heelers did just what you encouraged them to do. In vain your tardy repentance. You deceive nobody. All men know that you are sorry simply you see that your shameful methods of campaign are bringing condemnation to your cause. People's party men! Remem¬ that even yonr wives are safe from Democratic insult and assault. Remember, that for the first time in the history of the republic a presidential has been driven from and his wife has found protection in her sex from brutal attacks of ‘ Southern chivalry’ as represented by bourborn Democracy* They call us the rag-tag of the scum of creation. Thank God, we have never yet dreamed we could win our way in public fa¬ by insulting women and striking them in the face with eggs. “ It is the dudes and politi¬ cians of the cities who silence our arguments with idiotic bowlings and who drive lauies from the audience by spatte) - lug them with eggs. “ There is not a city in Geor¬ gia which does not hold its prosperity by virtue of country trade. “ Gentleman, do you wish it understood that the country people are not wanted in your cities? Do you wish us to un¬ derstand that our wives and daughters are lo bo i jsulted and rotten-egged when they at teu political meetings iu your cities. Ho you wish us to under¬ stand that you do not want our trade, and that we must carry it somewhere else ? ‘ If so, tell us! We are get tiug tired of these outiages! “Every time your speakers pome out into the country they aie treated with respect. Ox vain do you try to pack it ‘ one small boy and one °2g. The Democratic newspa rt vs and the Democratic bosses “ r e responsible for these things. - e ‘t them beware that they ' ° uot can it far. - / too s A ale’s Weekly VOL. X. NUMBER 37. The Ishmaelite reproduces the entire article that it may be safe from the charge of garb¬ ling and misrepresentation, and it asks a careful reading of it at the hands of tho people, with a view to determiug the justice or injustice of the Ishmaelite’s characterization of W atson’s methods and purposes. He knows that Mrs. Weaver, sitting in the rear of the balco¬ ny at the Lanier house, could not he seen from the street be¬ low. He knows that the egg thrown from the street was meant for Weaver and not for his wife. He knows that the striking of her was altogether accidentel. And yet, with a shamelessness unparallelled, he charges that the striking of h r was intentioned; and tells his already inflamed followers that their “wives are not safe from Democratic-insult and assault.” He knew when he made thet statement that it was the mos infamaous of false-hoods; and his motive in making it could but have been to excite bitter hostility toward the resi¬ dents in the cities and towns of the State in the minds of his followers who 'riside in the country. There is not in the tenth dis¬ trict a third party man who doos not know that his wife aucl daughters are safe from “insult and assault ’ in the citi’s and towns of the district, and statement of the contrary is an infamous libel on all our people. There is no paralled to it in mendacity of assertion and in¬ famy of purpose in any slander ever uttered against our people by the console,tdess Republican partisans of the North, The Ishmaelite askes the hon¬ est, unprejudiced attention of intelligent third party men to Watson’s utterances. It asks them to consider the baseness of the motive that necessarily lay hack of them. It urges them to consider the ruinous conse¬ quences which would inevitably result from their following of the counsel of bitterness and strife given them by their revo lutionary leader. It challenges the conclusion of their honest judgement on the statement that Watson, in seeking to ar¬ ray them, through infamously false charges, in hostility against their friends and neighbors of the. cities and towns, is really a worse enemy to them than the Democrats would be even were his base charges against them true. Shame upon the unprincipled demagogue! He would have his followers in the country make war upon the people of the cities and towns ; he would have the people of the country refuse to trade in the cities and towns; he would have them look upon the Democrats as not only their political but their personal enemies; he would work them up to the point of violence and blco :shed that, through the wreck and ruin wrought by his infamous teach¬ ings, he may again be reward¬ ed with honors and emoluments of office. He would sacrifice the peace and the prosperity of all the people on the altar of his unbridled lust for office. There are well meaning men in the third party ranks, and the Ishmaelite asks them to stop and consider whether the peace of their homes and com¬ munities and the possibility of present and future prosperity v do not constitute too big a price to pay for the gratfication the guilty ambition of an un principled demagogue. CONFERS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY OCT. 22, 1892. wBifliiifltos Eos ■ 6 —TEE NE W S TO EES OF— I in >? s. ■ J 1 S s . 4 A ---K Are among the best arranged and pr?ttiest in Middle Georgia, hut this is not the best thing about them. They are looked after by clever, obliging clerks in every department, and are Idled with the 1 MM MS IMS UHpiett ME of goods of every description ever brought to this place from the best markets with the cash His stock of -7 ffeeSicss ©rsss Ooods, (prioamincp of all the latest, best and most elegant styles, are markets, being offered at has prices thousands lower thin they can he purchased in Atlanta or other lie of beaut fill notions, elegant hosiery for men, women and cl ildren ; the prettiest and newest underwear for everyone, and a STOCK OF CLOTHING That is in every way suited to the needs of our people an you can buy from him CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN IN ATLANTA lie will sell you good goods, stylish goods and goods for a small profit. He is certainly EEADQUARTEUS FOB SHOES He has an iintnensse line and can fit anything from a Chinese infant to a Chicago belle, lie handles the best brands and soils them under the motlo lor his whole store, “XjO’W EOWl-T IT’OIK CASH.” His is a general store and lie keeps every line of goods. Cal! and see him, bring your barter and he will treat you right. Remember the place ; J. J. MNQFOfjf), Commerce street, Conyers, Georgia, THE CORBETT OF BARGAIN GIVERS. A RECORD BREAKING YEAR. A CONCENTRATION OF MERIT New Goods, TIE 1AGIET f inest Quality, Largest Quantity, STORE. Lowest Prices, Polite Attention. 1892 lias been a record-breaking year and we propose to keep Conyers right up to the standard by breaking a few records ourselv cs. The racket store has knocked out the champion of B igh Prices and carried him from the ring. Summers Brothers, The noor man’s friends. s Payi i UP We want those owing - us to come forward at once and pay their subscip tions to Hale’s ^ecklv. w PRICE 1.00 A YEAR LEGAL ADVERTISING. ADMINISTRATORS SALS. T?y virtnre of an order issued from court of Ordinary of Rockdale* on tho 1st Momhiy in duly 1S03 ho sold before tho court house door Conyers, Rockdale countv, on tho (’nesiliy in November 1892, within loyal hours of sale, to the highest all of the following described to vJt: One tro-.-t- or pared of land tnipfngi bU ) ooe hundred and fitly one nores, more or less, b ino part of 'ots rmo ber "41 amlSl?. tying and be i?;o in (he 70th district of originally Newton, now Rockdale county, and bounded as follows; On the north by tho other lands of S. H. Anderson de¬ ceased, on the south and oast by the public mod leading from Conyers to .Gee’s Mill and on the west, by the lands ef Nelson Overbuy. This tract ofland is known place.” and There recognised it as the pood, “homo sub is on one stantial, 0 room frame dwelling, well built and arranged, bnrroc all necessary out buildings, stables, srin limino ote., fine In good orchard condition, of choice splendidly fruit etc,, watered, etc. Forty acres of this placo i-* in original forest. This farm is in a high state of cultivation and is known in this sale as number one- At the Mime t'me and plnee Ihore will be sold the foil,urine dowribed proper¬ ty to wit; ( ldl 1 one hundred and betas fifty one acres ofland, more or less, lying parts of lota number 841 and f?47, 1 and Newton being: in the 115th (Patriot of original and v now Rockdale county, Norik bounded as follows: On the by Mlsss h’lorTa Oarr and others’ on the town east by of (lie public road Gee’s loading Mill; from the tho oonyers to on south by the lands described above in farm known as farm number one; on the west by the lands of Nelson Overbay. This farm is also m a very high state of cultivation. T ere is on it two tenant houses, <rn'r>d water, orchards etc. Twen¬ ty five acres in woods anti ten acres or move ta good bottom land. This place is known in the advertisement and sale as farm number 2. ALSO At the same time and place there* will be sold tin* following described property to wit: (82) Eighty two uoree, moro Sr less being p-rt ofland lot No. :'M and lying and being In tin* lath district of originally bounded Nnwtnn now Rockdale conn north t.y and as follows; On tho by the lands of Messrs Tartar and Misses Moon on the east by the lands of tho the Overton; on thesontn by tho lauds by of Hargrove estate and on tlic went ,1...„;...* w.»a-**.■■ place, has two sottlcmopt- • fine water, two good ore-bar's etc., and is ah'* in a lino state of oiiltivntioii. This farm is ..... ...... at A /t tlifi pome tiiwft ami place will be the foltotvingfic.nribi'd property t.“ wit; (114) ooe hundred and fourteen acre- 1 of land moron*' tan 1 beingP 1 *"t*of land Jotr: \ o V Mil? and 'vine arid bo tag in the lflili district of originally New to** now Rockdale county and bounded as follows: On the north by the hinds of ATis. S. 13. Summers; on the en>*t bv tho lands* formerly owned by James Guilin and Dr. Mca' s: on, the sinth by the lands of ,T. M. 7.»ckry and on the wed !'V the lands of J . II Smith and the Hargrove estate. There is on this place ui ,*nt at acres of hue pine forc'd: al-o fine farm in a splendid state fif enltivo fion and is where John Glenn now lives. This farm is kno ■ n in the sale and ad¬ vertisement a* farm numb' r 1 . Ail of tho above described property sold ns the property of S. It Anderson deceased for the purpose of paying the debts ugaiuBt the estope and for the. pnr |iom* of diiiti'iliiuion among tin* betas of -aidestate. 'Terms of sale are ns follow-; One third cash; one third 1 o ho pahl the first day of November I Hit J; one third to be paid the first day of November 7804. i fight per cei-t. interest from data* of sale will be ('imrgo i on all defered payments. I'.onds for titles will be eiien purchasers ft is optional with luuclia-ers to par all cash or pay balance at any time before duo. This July 30 13(12. J. H. Al.hanp, Admr. ' S. H. Aniu.uhon, dcceaftcd. All the amoves lands lay aboutmiles .south oust of C'oiiyers. Til NOTICE Tax assessment for the year 1892 Rockda'e court of Ordinary. For county purposes Sept, 8, 1892 Whereas bis excellency, the Gov¬ ernor of tiie state of Georgia, having assessed forty etah*, and ooo liaJ cents ots the hundred dollars of the taxable property of the state for tbf year 1892. Jt is ordered by the conr* of ordinary of Rockdale county, tine tho following nsjessruonls be ami ij.cy are hereby made as the count, taxes of Uockdiilc county for tho year 1TJ-2 for the put pose hereinafter *e> forth and that tho same be collected by D. W. Murdoe.h uut colector Rockdale county or bis suctas For tn office and pmd over to tlw county k asin’t-r by the 15:h of 18 J2 ' I For banding and repairing ■ rid.'© and other public buildiir^K and lor a other county purj» 08 a 8 for *-h ? * yn i* » A thirty-two te nts in the hundr dnlhis's «*i ad the. taxable property Hock dale cijuntv. IX For erah * and traverse jurors f* the year i - '2, sixteen c<nts on ta* handled , I alar* of Ik*' taxable prop ci ty in itock litle county. Ill l'.,r {be support and niaintainanee of pour Cor I lie year 1.S92, oven ceutr OM tL bunded .iuil. * is *;f the property ol Itockdale cou.uy. O. tirji.ii a xh, at. Ordinary . aEGHGIlk- HOCKBALE GOUMTT A o ii• 1 whom it may eon. 3*0 :— W hereas B. X\ Hill has in * ue form Applied to me fur letters of administra :nm on the estate ofSunmel Hill. late of ca -d county, deceased, »ncl T wilt parson said application on the nr t Monday in November nest This Oct. 7th, 1893. 0. Shamans, Ordinary. groecha. room; county To nil v. In.ui it may coiicfiiU i—■ C horeas . Lh F. Hill, han in due ibrra, applied to tlioeonrtof ordinary for letters * t admir»i>tvntion on the estate of Airs. Nancy Hill, late of said «*oiaiity, application deceased and i wi.i pass on said on 4 1 \e first A' *: 11 day in Nov cmhe r n• »xfc. Tlus Oct. 7, *9L 0. Seaman-, Ordinary. IflUiiT ■ Gmncifv, Rockdale County. pllcodon Wlioivft-, W. R. Corley i-as made op for o\ u.iptiou of \ era unity and setting apart and valn-onon mil t "ill i' is t>p mi t«t Iiio,ilock on tho 2Dtl* day o£ Oct *h«r, 1 -!*3, at my office. Tliis lOtU day of Oct.. 1-02. O, SlJAMANS. Ordinary. NOTICE LV.AYE TO SELL LAND. Whereas T M Amistead admr. fo Janos A Armistead deceased has in due form made application to iiio court of ordinary for leura to sell the hnius deceased belonging and to the* estate of said heard the first said Monday application Novem¬ will be on in ber next. This Sept. 22 18p2. 0 Seamans, Ordinary, LETri’US ADMINISTRATION. Georgia Rockdale Couufcn— To all whom it may concern— Whereas, S 1! I’uiler has iu due form made application to (he court iif Ordinary for permanent letters of administration on the estate of J 8 Fuller Into of said county, deceased, r will paes upon said application on the first Sfondap in November next. Given andor my hand and official signature this tho 20th of Sop. 2802. O Seamans, Ordinary. administrators hale. Gorgiii Rockdale county By virttm* of an order of tho court of Ordinary of Rockdale eonniy. Will bo sold at- public out cry at tho Court House door of -aid county, «n tin* first 'F 1 m*Hu*n in , * •■ 1 1 d kil l 1 ’ n ; iT' T '■ , " ' "'"j, T 1 ”, nf? , >ul !>«>•, •*.»»• ;:"E . ft !', U C. 1 ^' ' 10 T ‘ 1 L * 7nw ’ ’ 7 '7° t k’ No ^to m entommg . m i ■ one ow 11 j *' w*l mn. «•.<adj tno.o sciai P f ' Wm* m n i* ’ A ' ft*™ bv »nt*;i«t tn «u* «« > ‘;f ”‘"7 Vt ? 7’. T n* I V; ET b 'rut. m .; W is'C, county Ga., AdnnuLstratof # AMISMR’S SALE* By virtue of nn order of tb@, l our’ of Onlimi: y of IWliilifio »'oanty,'^ititt *io gold before the Court hotiso door in Uonyera Georgia on first Tuesday ,u R.Jve: X. . ; Ut.’.v;n“ prop* erty to wit: ouu i< •* and lot in tho aiiy of Conyera, : . :gia, boanded on tho North by E. f ; i art and if. C. Barton oa tho East by iortb street oa ibo South by Qf.’i,:.', Rail Itoud •itul on the West ri l«*riop, cop tuning' one and a lw* i u*Ter, more > *• '.. j h . I lot. .* * o ( I a good eiylit room house, oit'lu >. vineyard Sold and a first class well m ,.t,(-r. as lire property of Mr* 1. A. Carr de (iPUHcd fo* f ile purpu-*' of nmyiug the debts Ho.l distiibuU j*. This Sept. lOib, 1802. Jam - -: C. Babton. Admr. of Mrs. H. A C in’, AN ORDINANCE. ll(‘ It ordalnsd *'y th oMus -a' (Sty cil of th<M i;y of < i'-nyerst!: -t ; < w n flnd •,he (idopt loti of this ordln:*.'•*( person or jteraor.p sbuii hu ve, bnfkJ or v t any barbed iv'Ire fence o». fence din-.; ironttnffor run ninar alonsr any 9H •itc •et or side walk within the corporate btr.it» .j sstid c-ity. And *f ;iny person or persona 8 ; . 1 (lor moll Any snob fence or fences as couternpbHod In this oMiuftnee, and who *h Uf fail or refuse i nrt’mnvoHuch O u ,;,o3 after being' ootillod by tho nioi 'SVIiU* o - s , Jt or if any person o p^rcona hgu - , . t or imiid any meh fertcu or fenect?. hii.iii guilty of disor te |y conduct atul shall bo p * »igh»v\ on <;< n* /icMon bo to re tho Mayor at fScrHud Inecc /.Ion 20 of in*! nnictnfl**i , iff id city *rtlo;/1 f.ri 8G;;Uf>th iSlft’ Jons K j&AVDOX, .John \V. A MA M.tyur. AD-51 INIS I’RATOffiS SALE, p vv „. i0 0 f ftn order ismed from l< . <V U . t of Ordinary of Rockdale ’ ' Monday in Octos it „„ Ae flM before the 1 ( j .,^ jj “ . wi ‘a p p 0 Con rt ^ B oor j n (fie town of vcjy Bu i j <. oun ty, wi'li in the legal j laarso ; rfU ]e on the first Tuesday in Nowrol „. r to the bighe** biMtrib* .v>do'vi-w describrtT property to-wit : Oae house and intin tho town of Con vers, in the ffiih district of originally Hoary now Rockdale county, being part ,sr 27:5 and said lot e (cthuioji t'-.i,..- fouith of an aero more -r o- funded as follows Oa th • mirth by kinds of Mr* Aihce .sol to on the east by the lands of . by the G 5V L. Hi h iiewail Ldi-ta aufi 1 , ] Wfc by the afivi of \S (2 A t*. ' lot - ’ Hrt.il LOU fc,i..i, i =* «i* it a rjbesi, good ■ ou '■ 'll ueigh* yards if! D row A no rirabic Said rty is sold iortbo ('I f loins and iion fimoog >irs of the . . : . I O f \«r *gf rcl. 1 J b F .-.ft: Uators n JL l‘li Jctober