Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, October 22, 1892, Image 2

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Wh*t Rhali I gay to you, love, for fare¬ well, "'Vbnt can T give yon for min-iral s|>ell? 7 b there'* language that holds i n his heart o ay thins; sweeter for lovers apart, Than the dear words of the old crerman strain, T ill we shall meet atrnin—Anfwelder pehon!” |3wcet All H may be, yet cannot exprewi mv deep lonfrinir to help fln fl to ble^s Yet In the lnnpua^e of France 1 may find f^reettnjf more tender legs earefullv kind IViH not, this phrase head my mefi«a"e to thee? “Good by.my friend—Adieu, monami?" ( old and unfeeling it seemetli to me, Ho I would fain that my farewell should Be In the one language that truly ean prove AH that the heart feels of passion and love; Soft as tne musical rivelet’s flow Hippies the parting “Good by—Addio!’ Ah there Is nothing my own that can reach Deep to the soul like our plain English speech. Sweeter and, truer than all Foreign love phrases of cottage or hull rings the old song that wo breathed you ani I, When night would sever us—Sweetheart good hy “Sweoheart, good by—God bo with yon sweetheart,” Is tho farewell that'I say faom my heart Soothing my Lairs in thy fluttering pain With tho old words of the tender re fra'n Said ng a prayer* through a trcmulur slgli, “Good by swoo'hcart; doarost sweet heart, good-by!” —(Helen Chauncov, in Harper’s Bazar. A LEADER. Since its first introduction, Electric Bit¬ ters 1ms gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the load among pure medicinal tonics and altcrat.ivcs containing nothing which permits its use as abeverage or intoxicate, it is rec¬ ognized as tho best, and pure-1 medicine of Stomach.Livor or Kulnevs.—It will cure Sick Headache. Indigestion, Con PtiliHtion, and drive Malaria from ih< system. Satisfaction gnaivtaed wit! each bottle or the monoY will he refnn ded. Price only fiOo per bottle. Boh 1 by W. H. Leehfe Son. •Tingo Tom grows angry when he if Characterized as a traitor to the demo¬ cratic party. The (harges hurt him be¬ cause it is true. The commission whicl ho now holds is a demoevnie commission and in denouncing tho democratic party and seeking to destioy it, fie confesses judgement on tho charge of trccherv— Doublin Post. GUAR ANTEED CURE We authorize onr advertised „r,.. fell Di T King vi , s >T New Dlrcovery for f . sumption, and Coughs, and Cold-.up on this condition. If yon nro afflicted with*Gough, Cold or any Lung, Throat OboHt, trouble, and will nso this rem edy as directed, giving it a fairtri 1, and experience no benlflt, you mnv retnrr tho bottle and have Your money refnn ded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr ."King’s Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoint* TrloLbottles freontDr.W. IT. Lee k Sou iftrug Storo. Large size GOo/nml $il. 0 (r. The splashing of women in Ihe poliH cal puddle is not altogether edlf' iug tr the peop’e who vote. Tho dear erea turos imagine that their clubs are very Important, adjuncts to the campaign. Rut., really, each of the parlies con'd pet along quite nlcoly without them, al¬ though it would be rude for the part' managers to any so. If the woman poli tlcian wonF devote hertlme and fallouts to domestio eeononiy, or dress reform,or church extension, instead of to politic* ihe wood brolialy find the work more congenial and tho press less disposed toward harsh criticism. Women are not slow to oomprhend Thoy’re quick. They’er'alivo, and not yet It was a man who discovered the one remedy for their peenRa ailnteuts. The man was Dr.Piecre. The discovery was bis “Favorite Precriptiou” -tho boon to delicate women. Why go round “with • me foot in the grave” suffering in si ’ence —misunderstood —when there's a r emedy at hand that isn’t an experiment ut which is sold under tho guarantee Mint if you are disappointed in any wav iu in, you can get your money by apply¬ ing to its makers. Wa can hardly imag¬ ine a woman's not trying it. Women are ripe for it. _ They must have it. ^Tliink of the presciption and nine out of ton an* waiting for it. Cany tho news to them ! Words of Wisdom A fool thinks lie is right because Tirrairt eee v*»££jar. Sometimes we take a long stop by 1 eing put down a bit Indecision is tho greatest robber « n the face of the errth. A hvpocrite.s mouth lias mor< » eatb in it tbau t at of a mad dog. No college can do much for Uu J au who thinks lie |rnows it al ) mself A good way to lose all that you 1 ive is to ’ in toojiuueh of a hurry to get rich. mu't hare much to esy sbou ; ourself if you want to keep ileai i f hvpocricy. No man who enn be firs’-via foinething has auj light to bo ; IctirUi rate nothing. E rTi i mA A L, IS i v-A rri < ■<: m % - ONI5 ENJOYS Doth the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is and pleasant and refreshing to the taste, acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, idver and Bowels, cleanses the sys¬ tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cureb habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy oi its kind ever pro¬ duced, pleasing to the taste and ac¬ ceptable to the stomach, prompt in : ts action and truly beneficial in its Ifects, prepared only from the most ealthy and agreeable substances, its na ny excellent qualities commend it o all and have made it the most Kipular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in oOc tnd $1 bottlea hy all leading drug ;ists. Any reliable druggist who aay aofc have it on hand will pro ure it promptly for any one wh< vfishes to try it. Do not accept ubstitute. CALIFORNIA FID SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW V0.W, NX i 1 iii i for congress. Hon. L. F. Livingston, of Newton county. FOR EF.PHESKNTATIT E Of Rockdale county: nr J. A. Stew art. FOR ORDINARY • James C Barton will nsk the Rockdale support of the voters of the people ( f for the offioo democratic of Ordinary. He will n hido the namin' tion. FOR TREASURER. 1 hereby office announce lay "If acondidnte and for the of county Treasurer ask the support, of i very citizen of oni county, I will abide the Democratic nomination, satisfaction^ if any. If elected 1 will fill the office to all. Respct J. E. Whitaker. FOli OOUN'I V CLERK. To the voters of Rockdale county: I isk your support for re-election to ' ’lerk of the Huporlor Court, subject to the Democratic primary Thanking you for past, favors, Very Eespot, W, T. IIuson. for tax Collector. I hereby announce myself a dnndidate f 01 1-0 r t ‘' ,e >r *tioii Koc'olale to the county. office of i will l ux abide Col- 10 Democratic nominal ion, if any, and promise failhful service if elected. the people for pa>t favors, I Respct. Daniel IV. Murdock. for sheriff. This is to notify the public that. I am a candidate for re-election to the office ■ >l Sheriff of Rockdale county, subject to i Democratic nomination, if any. Thank ing the people of this county for past fa¬ vors, I promise if elected, to try to do my duty in Respectfully, the future as in the past. W. IT. M. Austin. l’o the votei s of Rockdale County:- 1 hereby announce my self as a candi¬ date for election to the Ordinary's office l fool under many obligations for the kindness shown mo heretofore and hope you will continue ihe same favor. I will "ledge myself to serve the people to the host of my ability. I will abide the acts of the demoratio primary. O. Seamans. for tax receiver. 1 announce myself a candioate for re , •leotion to tho office of Tax Receiver of Rockda e county, subject to the nomina¬ tion if any is bad It elected I will dis charge tho duties of the office to tho best of this my ability. Thanking the people of county for their kindness in the past. I again solicit their support. Very Re¬ spectfully, H. L. Hudson. To tho people of Rockdale: Having been unfortunate in health and loss of •took, 1 ask the support of the people of this county for one term rs county treasurer. I will abide ihe Democratic nominotion if any. I earnestly solicit Ihe aid of my fellow men and will at¬ tend to tho office if entrusted to mv care in all. a manner that will give satisfaction to Respectfully, ■ r . E. Maddox. Mi ivJi IP* Mrs. WlUUtui JLokr Of Freeport, III., began to fail rapidly, lest all apjKHtlte aird get into a serious condition from Dyspepsia SUo fouKl r.ot e;tt vege¬ tables or meat, ami eveu limit ULlressctl her. Had to give up heuse Vvit. lu -a after iakiu^ Hood’s SarGaparilla Sua felt a Utile better. Could keep more food n lior stomach au*i jrew stronger. She took 3 boUh lta» a , easiiy. gvHHl apitetUte. b perfect health. m2 Ibs^ does iter work now iu HOOO’S PlLL9 *“» the t*»*t after-dmiMT FiUft. TL«v u»9i*t iud ciUg BliOW/rs .'SOI S/TTEFS UiU -fifeid, Mitltb a, ouj*uc9«i, w*d licuend 1 »efnliiy. l’iiysi* iatos i eooinmcud it. All tiouiv-rs sell U. Gcxiliina qas trad v mark aaU crossed rux! uh w ruppefc G. W. & A. P. CAlN —ARE STILL— HE LEAD. ONE OF Tip BEST mm 0F | 00DS EVER SEEI] II] OOFYE^g k STORE ROOMS. THEIR ELEGANT —AND— EMBIAGES EYE1YTIIHG YOU WAIT They fight the old style of high prices, so popular in some towns, and are sell¬ prettiest and most stylish line of dress goods in Middle Georgia. No use to go ing every article in their house for Profits Smaller Than Ever Known In This off—they can furnish you cheaper and better than you can he furnished else¬ Section Before. Their goods are from the best markets, of the best grades and where. Their stocks are full and you can select to suit you their stocks of gro the latest styles. They are agents for the celebrated Domestic and Davis Sew¬ ceries, hardware, crockery, glass ware, canned goods, etc., etc., goods of every ing machines and have them always in stock. They are the finest on the mar¬ kind are large, full and complete. ket. Don’t Go To Atlanta. Come to see them, compare their goods and prices and you will see how they Don’t go anywhere but come to Conyers and see Cain when you want a suit knock the block out of anything you have seen in years. Their clerks are clev¬ of clothes, no matter who for, a man or boy, and you can save 25 per cent. If er, polite, honest and show goods with pleasure. you want shoes, if you want hats, if you want shirts—top or bottom—anything . Cain will buy your cotton or other produce and give you the top price. in the furnishing line, they have it and at special prices - They have a fine line They have a big stock and they are going to sell them if low prices and deal¬ of under goods for ladies and children, shoes for them by the thousand and the ing will do it. Remember the place : G.W. & A. P, CAIN, CONYERS, GA., CENTER ST. PIANOS, ORGANS, ETC MILES & STIFF, HIGH OKA JXB PIANOS ONDOBGANS, 21 MARETTA, AND 28, 30 AND 32 N. BROAD STREET ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Messrs. Miles & Stiff show in their magnificent Piano Par¬ lor by far the most complete arid best line of Pianos and Or gans to be found in tbe South, consisting of such well known and time-tried instruments as the EIAZELTON BROS., BEER BROS. JAMES M. STARR A. B. CHASE, PEASE &,CO„ And the celebrated Packard -Organs, Those contemplating the purchase of a piano or organ are invited to Investigate both the quality of the instrument.-, the price, and terms and it it will be found that their prices ire ully 20 per cent, lower, the lasting and tonal qualities consul ered, that are offered by any other first-class house, It will cost nothing to investigate this, and may be the means of sav¬ ing $25.00 or 50 dollars. o.-.— MILES & STIFF. 21 MARIETTA AND 28, 30 AND 32 N. BROAD STREETS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA . oC a^-r T^ —- X> -------- R. L. GTJ1YFHST, Representative CONYERS, GEORGIA HAVERTYS “BIG SALES AND SMALL PROFITS” IS HIS MOTTO. PARLOR, BEL ROOM, DINING ROOM, KITCHEN AND HALT. FURNITURE AT LOWEST - PRICES - IN - ATLANTA. Ladies’ Desks, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Combination Book Cases, Roll and Flat-Top Desks and other Furniture AT COST. Rattan and Fancy Chairs, Lounges and Cots, Feather Pil¬ lows, Mattresses. Lawn and Teranda Chairs, AT SUMMER PRICES. Furniture Polish furnished with our Furniture. Don't forget the place. Place jour orders with us, and we will please you with Goods, and save you 25 per cent, KAVEE'T"2\ “ THE CHEAPEST FURNITURE MAN 80UTII ” 77 Whitehall anti 64 South Braid Street, All iitv, Georgia. v ■ S-Z. a 2 W s mvs. m St i «■ m ys$P3i' t» : CTi ; ■“ I* ■ ’ —i,'* o *: 11 ^ ivy :r; F5 > a: ■“ >- • I •— u w n z: u Z;; :z- > . "7 • a O - ; Tie Mater Gliry Is now in charge of Mr K. A Neary, a fin 3 machinist’ who has put all the machinery in picnic condition and can gin your cotton making tye pret¬ tiest lint posible. He will gin as cheap as anyone. See him before you have your gining done. ImSS ^ THE ONLY TRUE B if ATONIC disorder, appetite, build strength, health renew' and restore Dyspepsia, mV. vigo rot you tin feci InfilgGeHon, that tired power increased, fc g S £* • It cles, ooiics, nerves,,mus I IllllCS S da i 9 receive new toree. a safe, speedy euro, Returns rosu bioora on cheeks,beautifies Complexion, Fold everywhere. All genuine goods bear “Crescent. ’* Sent. as-cent stamp for 32-pago pamphlet. insten m. kebicihe so., st Louis, Eo. Kmg of Medicines Scrofulous Humor— A Cure “ Almost Miraculous ** When I was 14 years of I had a severe attack of rheumatism, and after I recovered had to go on crutches. A year later, scrofula, In the form of white swellings, appeared on various parts of my body, and for 11 years i was an invalid, being confined to iny bed years. In thru nine ten or eleven sores ap¬ peared and broke, causing me great pain and suffering. I feared I never should get well. “ Early in 183G I went to Chicago to visit a sister, but was confined to my bed most of the time I was there. In July I read a book, ‘ a Day with a Circus,’ in which were statements of cures by Ilood’s Sarsaparilla. J was so Im¬ pressed with the success of this medicine that I decided to try it. To my great gratification tho sores soon decreased, and I began to feel better and in a short time I wa3 up and out of doors. I continued to take Ilood’s Sar¬ saparilla for about a year, when, having used six bottles, I had become so fully released from the disease that I went io work for the Flint & Walling Mfg. Co., and since then IIAVE NOT LOST A SINGLE DAT or account cf sickness. I believe tho disease is expelled from my system, I always feel well, am in good spirits and have a good appetite. I am now 27 years of age and can walk as well as any one, except that one limb is a little shorter than the other, owing to the loss of bone, and the sores formerly on my right leg. To my friends my recovery seems almost miraculous, and I think Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the king of medicines.” William A. Leiie, d N. Railroad St., Kendallville, Ind. Hood’s Sarsaparilla SoMby all druggists. £1? six for.$5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass 900 Doses Ono Dollar Adjustable Extension Stand. £ WMM J . I ill ip mmm r>- S:. iici.Lt MtiiaVi. L a v l e'VT^SS 14 * «-■» .tHUM-td K . aa bt, lkasoii. Siju, i—E3 c=-f ALMOND & PLUNKETT J C We have made a handsome store room out of the Old Po:t Office on Center Street and filled it with a full line of el¬ egant new goods of every kind, which we will sell at the very lowest Agues possible. We want to build up our business and we are g oing to offer some rare bargains. saa&iu... :o: Cone and see us. Almand and Plunkett. ASBURY HULL P. D. TOBIN. HULL & TOBIN f Successors to GEORGE R. SIBLEY & CO COTTON FACTORS, 815 Sz 847 REYNOLDS STREETS, AUGUSTA, GA. NjFPersonal attention given to all branches of our business. THE CHEAPEST best INSURE TO UR S10CK. 3W“Mr. Joe TV. Wright is neent for the Southern Livestock Insurance Co., of Georgia, the only one in the Southern States, ana he is now ready to insure your horses. The ro tes are low enough to be in the reach of all. No farmer with good stock can afford to be without insurance. INSURE TO UR LIVES. E^S ~He is also aurent for the famous Mutual Reserve Fund Life As> socifttion of New York, one of the most reliable companies in existence and the cheapest in the world. The rates are so low that anybody Ga-, can carry a few thousand dollars. Call on or address him at Conyers, before you insure. Hr- Office at Almand & Plunkett’s Store. Square Pianos i ARE GOING 9 m Out of Style I rss fast. We shall L—-- -- WJ allow much for probably never be able to §[ ft\ as your old square piano as we can marketable now. They will soon have little or no value. GET YOUR UPRIGHT OR GRAND NOW: If yea contemplate changing send us a postal can! We wiil send printed questions at*>nt the old piano, arid from your answers we can estimate its value as well &3 if we saw it. ^sdSII CF“Prices low for first-class pie nos. e to 3 years to complete pay ment. car - We fill orders subject to approval. W xou keep your old piano till you approve the new. Ivers & Pond Piano Co„wK£«S® mm lu HEW compounding DISCOVERY r» solution a part was acc^erG, UMOjK*! ‘“T 1 * j was ar.'i washing aftoiwaiu it discovered t0 s ri* ta .tion. r ° r, \ t*u was -iuorfui ( *. pr TV P** . r fcxioG**** „, pleteiy ruu-vtd. We at once put this v■* that. ■ \ market Mid so great has been tin- dem&mi v ' e it throughout the world under the name of Queen AM ® ^ 4 ** \ ITISPLRFECTLYHAStMtESS SO SIMPLE ANY CKbU. c ^ *^Ma<|J f V usE |T. * r , Trade Mark. with tAiaving. by rendering *tg future r3 id by o* ( <£***•* Yj _ Qoeen’s A7;ti-ilturine plainly* x tl. ;>vr bottle, sent it» safety mailing tKj< s - - r K c-slKl fiom observHtiou). Send money or stamps by let it-r with fail In 0 t a® 4 p-rtiaen e strictly confidential This -.dve.-ticemVnr jg honest and stra’g-’ k Cut ^‘ YoU ,. e»® , Itff'JLS 11 O" iP* tr* *' ^ t f ' a $tt&tt&SS?3££SS%S?30Zg8S& with ordir, Good Sals: j ox Ccr"