Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, October 22, 1892, Image 3

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FIRE HI Fire! Fire I 1. bid you ever here that awful cry n [ dead of night •TJ L your house insured ? If not, are ju able to put it back without any jurance, it it should burn down ? If ii are able, can you afford it when mrance is so cheap ? kere is no branch rich it of is business of that security, has been and of they more real base benefit their business to the people than that of fire ce. To the source absolute blessing, for can upon it with absolut e y. To the poor it is an with a few dollars a poor man can protect the ac¬ tion of years of hard toil for the benefit of his wife and little ones. The rich insure as a mat [nsiness—the hould have his poor property as a matter insured. of protection. It only cost There ft few is not dollars a farmer to guarantee in this section the.safety to-day of but fo who dependent upon you for food. It is duty to do it. There is youi [ those are in community hut that should your have full not a mer flout r other business man our insurance, for no business if [of it. There is nothing so cheap, nothing so valuable, and nothing that gives a greate’ Fall ease and security in worldly affairs as good, safe insurance. I am ready to serve you at times. Respectfully, JAMES TILLY, Fire Insurance Agent. Conyers, Ga. J. P. TILLEY, Fire Insurance US UP. WANT THOSE NG us to coie MD AT ONCE PAY THEIR iCP.IPTONS. dONEY Slley is prepared to lend pmproved. fai-ms in Rockdale bn counties on five years e low rate of six per cent D. See him. COAL. le best. The country Agents selling all kinds •ade coal at any price. mi want the best coat J P Tilley. ql j JNTevv’s lather, now, to-day. Your cotton with a shot - s needing rain very f Alamand is cashier L&. D. M, Almand & bleaton attended court l °ngh this week. 10 W. Almand has re toetoMonticello. His r >i leaves for Monti P* an d will remain father. H>odie Hardin, one of W young ladies, has r om a pleasant visit r at Worth and Ash raUis "’as up Sunday. ,rlie Smith, Son of Mr Duh > of Sheffield, has exas for a few months. ’’ ^' a ^ u of Atlanta, a joung business man, riives here Sunday. Ta,yjr>r recei ved a :k on his leg last Mon ^opped “ his cheese ” • va nt brick, call )n & on J Turner. They 0n hand at all times you good brick at Stephenson & Turner will have in a fine lot of shingles in a few days and can sell you cheaper than you have been used to. Call and see them be¬ fore you buy. If you want a nice one horse wagon, or a nice two-horse wagon, strong, well made- and durable, cheaper than you can buy them from anyone else, call and see Stephenson & Tur¬ ner, Conyers, Georgia. They have them and want to furnis. you. Johnson & Almand, our pop ular stove men and contractors went over to Lawrenceville, this week, and covered a large store house for M. M. & G. A. Al¬ mand. There work is all up to the highest standard, the prices are reasonable aud they are clever, pleasant gentlemen. Gladly we return our thanks to the people of Conyers and Rockdale county for their liber al patronage since our return to the newspaper business. In the future we will give them the best local paper ever pub¬ lished in Rockdale county. It is with pleasure that we announce that Capt. Almand has, at the request of the Con¬ yers Volunteers, withdrawn his resignation. He is a clever gen¬ tleman and a good officer. Mrs. G. P. Sawyer continues very sick. Friend Pink Sawyer, we are glad to say, was on the streets this week, but is quite feeble; we deeply sympathize with him in his troubles. Simply saying that your land is posting is not sufficient notice. You must publish the fact and put the people on notice. Now, it seems to us, that our farmers should sow a large area in wheat this fall, and sow it early. Cotton is opening very rapidly, land will soon he all picked, and by the loth of No¬ vember you can put in your wheat. Put wheat on your good land ; fertilize well and the vield will be remunerative. Our city Fathers have made some becoming improvements in the way of lights. We have more lamps and better ones than ever before. If you have a few young hogs now and a plenty of pease you can save buying western meat next rear. You can raise meat in this cauntry for 4 cents a pound and have it better than rou can bur it, SO UTHRIVER NEWS, Mr. Epitop. : I will write you f few lines for your paper from here Politics take the day up this way The 3 partvites up here look likf little Pchiokens of a rainey da.' and no mother to hover them. If littie Joe James can meet Cv -lone Davis he will knock all tlx wind out of him, sure. * If these fellows who a v e talkinc about getting their e-uns do so and hart out tbev will think they hav< baen struck by a cyclone sun enough. Tom Watson, sounds as a hollow gun—nothing but an empty barrel Johnv Jump Ur. SnFFUKI.n NEWS. Decoying Autumn has appeared vitli a good crop of hidrorv mite 'hcEtmits, etc ,*for the boys and oth ar varmints. The cotton crop will be about twr ’birds. Mr. Tom Thomason says -when In first commenced to advocate t v c People’s Party there were but foui men in the county who were wifi him He says tho faithful shall hr rewarded. Mr. B H. Summers and Misset Mattie Wood and Lula Francis, del agates from Bethel, attended th< ao-operative meeting at Christiar Ohappe', Walton county, and r repor’ in enthusiastic meeting and a nic< rime. Mr James Aye ck, of Atlanta, vis ted relatives here last week. ’Squire Mahaffev and Mrs McCurdy, from near Logansville, visited rela¬ tives here recently. Miss Lula Francis one of oui sweetest and prettiest young ladies, has gone to Florida to spend tht winter. XX. The rabbit crop this fall is fine. Brer rabbit makes a magnifi¬ cent stew. An Idiana paper says: ‘‘Looking over an old ledger we see a long ar¬ ray of names of former subscribers who are indebted to us. Some oi them are lost in sight although tc memory dear. Others are carrying the contribution boxes in our most e-pec 1 able churches, and others -.gain have died and are angels in heaves ; but ih-y owe us just the same. There will be a Convention of Baptist Cl urches fce ! d at Philadel¬ phia church near Albert 8boals on South River Dekalb Co. on Saturdaj before the fifth Sunday in this month to Consider the question of or¬ ganizing a new Assosciation; all Baptist Churches are invited to send delasates to sit in said Councel. . J, F. Wallis. S. O. VIcMiclial. J. J. Stephenson. .1. T. ilc-Connel. A. J .Goss J. M. Dejxior. H. F. Buchanan. , Letter From Col. Peek. Editor People’s Party Paper After so much has been said of the recent election we still have much to be proud of in Georgia. Our patty has grown to fully one-half of the voting population of the State in less than eight months, and no one dares to dispute the fact that it is composed of the best citizens of the Empire State of the South —men who have courage of convictions and tenacity of pur¬ poses, men who, under all cir¬ cumstances, dare to advocate and maintain the doctrins and principles upon which our gov¬ ernment was founded and es¬ tablished. It is ’amazing to know that, in this land of bull dozing, hoodlums, surpression of free speech and plutocratic intolerance, the determined ad voeates of equal rights have been successful in pushing their army to an equal division of the white voters of the State A victory for the people has been achieved, a principle es¬ tablished planted by the river of waters eternal in the South this, too, when the Democrats, with the hole mouey 'power in all depai’tments, were combined against us. White men in debt are threatened, tenants were 'utimated, emploves in many nstances were refused time tc vote, to others it was said, you vill get out or vote the Demo •ratic ticket. They wined breakfast and even penned the ioor negro the preceding night, and with blue ribon aud brass band the proud merchant, aris¬ tocratic doctor, and their cap¬ tains, lieutenants sergeants, and corporals marched the negro tc die polls and voted him against his convictions. Fired by the whisky ring, social equality was established. In my own county the above tactics were resorted to defeat me. They went so far as to rob the poor-house of its inmates, hauling them to the noils and voting some who on account of lunacy connot find their way back when a hun¬ dred yards away from the poor farm. Such are competan! for Democrats to use to defeat the will of of the wealth-produ¬ cers. To what extent these frauds were practiced, we have only to say that this little coun¬ ty of Rockdale, with a voting oopulation of about 102S, cast 1154 votes. A noted hall filled was filled with negros, and made merry by mean liquor locked in for the night, break fast the next morning and headed by the leading moneyed .men of the city, were marched to the polls and voted as soon as they were opened. It was i,Iso ciculated that if I was elec¬ ted Governor of Georgia 1 should not take my seat, but lie the death of Licoln and Garfield. With boodle, bulldozing and utimidation, they used the 103, 507 collored voters in Georgia, and did what the refusal to di¬ vide managers at the different precincts indicated to all intel igent people they would do to save the glorious old party from negro * supremacy. When the colored voters could not be bulldozed, bought or in¬ timidated into voting the Demo¬ cratic ticket, they were driven from tiie polls, only a few be¬ ing allowed to cast their ballots for the people’s party, though the large majority would have done so if allowed. Despite all this we have made a most wonderful move for our cause and have burnt the bridg es behind us with orders to the front. No revolution was ever started with such force. No people ever fough under such disadvantages as we have. We have met the enemy on every field with his old political gen¬ erals in command, equipped with boodle for buying, for intimidating, counting aud stulTiing. Ours was a campaign of Without a dollar, out an ambulance to carry the weak who fell by the wayside, without trained political gener¬ als, we have fought a good fight and have enlisted in our army for relief and reformation more than half the white voters of Georgia. The fight is on, am 1 there will be no grounding of arms, no white flag raised, until our demands are granted. We never expect to kiss the that is emitting us, or tc lap like a dog; neither do we intend to heed the satauio voice crying “ come back.” We have to regret, hut much to be proud of. We have no per¬ sonal war to make, hut our po¬ sword is unsheathed and crossed with parties of promi qaq a)1 q no f; 0 f deeds. On the 0 f November T, with the many thousands of other Geor -flans, will say to the world that we know no North, no South no East, no West, hut one com¬ mon country with equal rights ‘o all. bv voting for our People’s oarty Congressmen and Weav¬ er and Field. W. L. Peek. The above Iptter from ar “ old Rockdale boy ” will he ■■end with surprise by people of every class and of every politi¬ cal belief. In years past, when W. T p eek was true to his people and the grand principles of Democ ’’acy for which they have fought nobly, he asked for politics' preferment, and they never fail¬ ed to honor him. So long as hr was true to them they repaid his loyalty many fold, and now for him to turn upon them and accuse them cf having perpe trated frauds and instigated so rial equality with negroes, and many other mean things, be¬ cause they would not hold ur bis hands in his unwarranted fight upon Democracy and fo' old Weaver, the defamer of Southern- men and women. Slows that he is wanting in cl 1 the noble qualities that go to make a man and that he is soaked with those baser ones that mark the traitor and tin m,grate. His letter is a tissue of misrepresentations from first tr last. He knows that one-half of the white people of Georgia are not for his party ; he knows that there are more than 1208 voters in this county; he knows that there was not locked in a certain hall in this town a num¬ ber of negroes all night and led L o the polls the next morning by the moneyed men here and we defy him to prove it. His assertion that it was said thaf he was to have died, if elected, “ the death of Lincoln and Gar¬ field, is silly—ridiculous. Hr knows that the negroes were not driven from the polls for hr was here all day. He knows that there were but two parties —Democrats and People’s par¬ ty—and if the Dernocrat bought any voters they were People’s party voters, and thal it is more dishonorable to sell than to buy. He knows that the methods used by Democrats to secure votes were as honora¬ ble as the methods used by his henchmen and everybody else knows it. He says he does not intend to heed that satanic cry, “ come back. ” It may suit the feelings of Mr. Peek to refer to bis old friends and fellow-citi¬ zens as “ satanic,” yet he knows, and, thank God ! the people of Georgia know, that the people of Rockdale county stand as high for morality' and honesty and patriotism as the people of counti-y on earih and it does lie in the power of Mr. Peek soil their fair name in the least We have, in the past given Mr. Peek credit for hones¬ ty of purpose, but, in the face of the above letter, we can do so no longer. He has sought to besmirch the fair name of om oeople and our county with the most uncalled forjmisrepresenta tion and we do not believe they will ever give him that place in their hearts that he once occu¬ pied. HOOD'S PlT.LS cure liver ills, jaun lice, biliousness, sick headache, consti¬ pation. You can get brass nails from T. W. Carter. “TTandaome is that hnndsomo does,” mrl if Hood’s Sarsaparilla doesn’t do handsomely then nothing does. Have von over triod it? Go to Summers if you want a good shoe for a little money. If you want leather, shoe up¬ pers etc. call on J. W. Carter. Yard wide sheeting at 5c per yard it H P. <fe D. M. Altnand A Co. Car load Sweet Water Vally flow it II. P. A D. M. A Inland A Co’s. H. P. A I). ,M Almand & Co. wil iell yon pood.nine ounce jeans a* 15c per vavd good school boy joarv ail wool filling at 25c per yard - Summers Brothers are known fm and wide on account of their lo" irices. They pleaso the people and ’he people appreeia’e them. Remember that we nro here lr icrve yon. Como to see ns. W' vill sell you goods at bottom prices md meefonlv legitimate competition H- P. & D. M. Almand A Co. Pocks from 2 cents to $l,0f’ t pair at Cain’s. Cain has just received nn ather lot of ladies sample hos< f o sell at bargains. Our old friend, James Henderson, if Carroll county, is in town the week and is looking well. Just reeled a. big lo/ of la lics dress feimings for fall, G. W.&A, P. Cain Tf you are weak and nerv HIS go to Lee’s drug store md got a bottle of the famou ■ioufh American Nervine Ton c Tt,s just simply wonder Wo have a large lot of Ladies and Gents samph .doves for- sale at a big’ dis. :ounti at Cains. Tho notes and accounts of the -.areinth, lands of John R. Maddox, Esq., md ho can be found at his of ice, room 3 up stairs in th< Night building. We have 2,000 pairs of sus¬ penders and will sell even pair at less than wholesale cost, O. W. & A. p. Caz.v. 1 f you want socks, just droj : n and see Cain, Yhero is no medicine in tlx narket that will give relief t< nervous old people and weal ladies then the great Soutf American Nervine Tonic will, kill at Lee’s drug store and get a bottle. We have an immense line of mens and boys scarfs are for fen days, will sell at bar yams. G. W. & A. P* Cain Ladies don’t fail to examine line of notions before buy¬ ing. G. W, & A- P. Cain. When you want geans pants go to Cain’s For the next, 30 days will ell noaions for the lowest price ever known,Cain. We have just retrieved another large lot of sample no¬ tions, Call and get some im¬ mense bargains. G. W. A A. P. Cain, Go to Cai’nS and get your¬ self a pair of those sample un¬ der shirts cheap. Cain’s Mens overshirts at Cains by thousands. There ia smothini! wrong with the nan's bead who falls down on the lame banana skin twice. press goods and friming to match it J. J. Langford. J. J. Langford has the best and ‘hoapost stock of Jeans in town oal ‘o see him. Shoes for big folks litt’o jolks young folks old folks and every body Use at J. J. Langford’s. Bagging & tins at *J. J. Langford it the lowest price. J, J. Langford can fit any body in clothing from a baby to t. Jumbo. Seed wheat and rye at J. J. Lang¬ ford’s. New lot of Furnaturo just received at J. J. Langfordg’a Hats to fit any head at J- J. Lang*. ords’s. The scat, of sick headache ia not in lie brain • Regulate the stomach unit von (‘lireit* Dr* Pierce’s Pellets ure tho Uitfcle Regulators* It is well-known fact that Allen Summers & Bros. Racket SFore' s J'® talk of the town. There must he omrihing in this, They are reding roods cheaper than their competitors or arc showing hotter lines of sen <onnblo merchandise, wo think they .re doing both. Our unprecedented sales on dress roods A shoos leads us to beliovo we ■re “Krug Boo” in this line. Summers Bros Racket Stove. Tho bargains in saesonable goods vill astonish you: Summers Bros, *i urnil.. as— is’ boys suits at 1.00 worth 3,00 24 mens .. .. 3,75 .. 5,75 10 suits .. 7.05 .. 13,50 50 ,. 0.95 10,50 ■Weave showing the best line of Clothing ever shown in Conyers Suits from 1,00 to 35 00 per Suit; Alien Summers & Bro. Alliance Meeting. Tho Alienee county meeting will neot with Pleasimt Hill Lodge Oct 29th at 10 o’clock W. Tj. Prosit President, B. C. Gkanape Secretary, ~ WANTED. Cotton seed. 100 good fat hens. 100 dozen eggs. Some nice fresh butter. Rags. Onions. Pooled dried frni*. Tallow. Bees wax. Potatoes etc. at li P and D. M. ilmand and Go’s. TO PREVENT THE GRIP Or any other similar epidemic, tbehlc -d md the whole system ■•Uould ho kept in ) cal thy condition. 1 f you feel worn out the mom- 15 .,, e attention to vonnwir. Tal e food’s Parsaparila tog’vi strength, pm* fy tho blond and prevent disease, ... ^YNOTicaT' I will ho nt tho following pre -mots on the following days to ml loot county and state tax for 1892. Sheffieid court, ground the first Saturday in Oetob ’Ui‘ aud Novetn bor. Honey Creek court ground the <econd Saturday in October and November. Lorraine eon ft gnuud the third Saturday‘in October and Nov. Tax book will remain open un¬ it the first of December. Daniel ML Murdock, Tax Collector Rockdale county. r hereby announce myself a candidate -'or re-election to tie- office of comity rreasurof. I fed under many obli wfortlwkindi**, Aownnio hereto ore and I hope you wifi continue the fame fav*>r. T p'fiugG mysel? to porvo th« peop!« and discharge tho dudes of the office fo the bent of my ability. lli-mek W. O. Ci iOr f k lteb. HELI 0 SAM, Where you going ? I am going to Vt'antn. I wish you would step into tho > ! d reliahle'Davo Steinhclmer aud buy me a gallon of Pickens .county sweet nosh corn, here ia 5,2.00 tofpay for it. temember tho pkice, No. 4®, Wall street dght opposite the depot, ’ ova.it a minnte boro i::. another dollar for a bottle Horse ho 5 rye, it will cure ih r grippe, lor any bad cold. Don’t forget No., 40 Wall tract, opposite t ia depot, Atlanta mu i m Bucmim All who arc indebted to L. T. Par id and Co. for blacksmith and repair work will find their account at G. W. si o»vor s store, call and settle.