Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, December 10, 1892, Image 3
. . V ! 6 LEY, ACENT| ILL jding 1 st the per Co., lent them [dement. riLLEY, President. L. ' The elling all at any the best coa JP Tilley. Miss Susie Henderson is visit ing in Walton county. Summers does not beg f< r trade—lie ge's it through merit. ] f yen want socks, just drop in and see Cain, Santa Clans says trade at Summers’ Eacket store. Miss _ Lemma a- Sims, of c tt Henry county, is here on a visit to re latives. A legal way for stealing an umbere la: Borrow one an l never return it. Never let a tramp go away from your door hungry. If you do, you will regret it. Col. and Mrs. K. J. Guinn are visiting relatives in Covington, this week. «Mv wife e«ts so iealous ‘ without cause. T Does yours? “ No ; not without cause. About all a drunk man has to support him is a lean on the lamp post. Mr. T. H. Bryant, Sr., we are There has already been con~ siderable improvement made :in the general make-up of the Banner under the management iof Mr. Notley Maddox. Notley is a “ dandy ” typo anyhow. Dr. Quigg will preach tounoru row morning on the divine origin of. the Sabbath and on the blessings that flow to indi viduals and commanders who properly observe it. Mr. N mn Hudson, one of our most highly esteemed citi— zens, has moved to Ingleside We regret very much to give him up, but wish for him great ’ success. Elder F. M. Hurst, of Walton county, will preach at the Prim itive Baptist church to-morrow night. He is a very forcible speaker, and all are invited out to hear him. At the residence of the bride‘s father, Mr. H. L. White, the Rev. Dr. Quigg officiating, on Thursday, Nov. 24, Mr. Thomas Bird of Lithonia, was married to Miss Susie White. We wish a life of happiness for the young people. ‘ “These are hard times! ” sighed the young collector of bills. “ Every place I went to— day I was asked to call again but one, and that was when I dropped in to my girl. ” see Slug Four, the printer, was up to see his girl the other night when she asked him What type of beauty he Would call her. He said he thought she was three—nick non} ariel, lifted her on his knee, locked up her fair form in his embrace, and was just going to press, when the old man of the concern chased him with a shooting stick. Madisonian. Can anybody tell us What has become of Colonel Sonin—law Mark D. Irwin, late editor of of the Southern Alliance Far mer, and chairman of the third party state central committee? Have you subsided,‘ or where are you at Markie? \Ve would like to know.-—~Covington Star. And We would like to know What has become of the “ Liv ing Issues, ” (“ Lying Issues.” } Mal'kie’s new paper. It seems that all is lost. Many a man has made a gooso of himself with a single c l u ‘^’ r l be ladies are most cial espt ^Y invited to cal 1 and see line of Christmas goods. ^ ^ ’ ® TR ‘ ET ’ Itdl nn human and ho-ses and all iiuimals cured in 30 minutes bv Woolfofa . s 8anita ,. y Lotion . TMs De ., er faiIs> Sul , by Dl . g w H Lee & Son, druggists, Conyers, Ga. Ml . Charley Qgletree has moved his family to Taliaferro county. Mi. C. P. Upshaw has bought Mr. Ogletree’s farm just below Conyers, and will move their soon. English Spivin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps a-id Blemishes from horses, Blood Ravins Curbs, Splints. Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, al Swollen Throats, Coughs, e'c. Save §50 by use of one bo"le. Watran ted the most wonderful Blemish Cure eTev lin,,wn ’ SoW h ? I)rB ’ w n beo & Son, druggists, Conyers, „ Ga A rural exchange prints the f 0 ii owinginits editorial columns: I I 2 m m i 1 S i V asm Y, m i 1 % I o m m I ilSI ^ i m SH ! : for Infants and Children. “Castor!a Is so well adapted to children that I Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescription § Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, known to mo.” Oxford II A. St., Am Erooklyo, M. n., N. Y. § Mellon™' TVitiiouc injurious b medication. ' 211 So. Tan Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. LORAIN® LOCALS. Editor of the Weekly. The cotton crop is nearly all scatheteT and sold in Lora ; n\ hut a few hales is hanging over for Santa Claus’ at Christ¬ mas . We have heard in tills district that the legislature has’ etit down the soldiers’ widows’ pens’en to JtfiO and made no dis¬ crimination between them, if so, that is right. Hnr-rah for Democracy. Every farmer in this part of llock dale wan’s a storehouse and goods to sell. Two or three are on headway. I am afraid more stores than money to Fine Meats. full weights and low PRTCB 3 . s Conyers now has one of the best Markets of any town In the country Nice fresh meats of every kind kept in 'he very best, and cleanest style. Yon get wlmt yon hny and you get it at the very lowest possjb’o prise. Call and see for yourselves. Eesnectfullr, si m led on tlie han hair was coiu MlSfltf i! IT IS PERFECTS.Y SO SIMPLE apply HARMLESS the ANY ttilslnre CH! for '-.D £Au .mutt W***« -.V» USEIT. T«,.ihplialr over Mid a ,v . s. and ids (*CT I KM EN who do not apprcdaloc VwrtS ot hair on their neck, find a priceless boon in queen's Ann-1'..iiliiewWch lUiposeibitli*, don an ay iTinle Mark. with Shaving, by re-ndcrltij; Pa future t rowth an ut.v Price sea pot contains. , ulwuoe led of from Clneen’a s»ki ob: Anti-Hal 8 b!i 2 ^ 6 sSSs^S§ 2 Si^^SSi s nd to-day. Address regjster ° ! ure your or letter at ’ --mmFMESMMSB—'i c ■ Of 9 , Tlie StaijM ^aslj Poster, fl’al.-mml In Untied states and Canada.! Is Practical Maeblne, Appreela* 3£0**‘ n led t>y Practical Uuslnc.g Men. I ” g ; v '\ ' handsomely furnished Combination It fa ft and Cashier, with Com* t)esk. Money Lock Drawer and Registering Attachment, Miuition It records both cash and credit Bales. >'* It records disbursements. • ' It itemizes money paid in on account. It enables you to trace transactions in tils « will keep the different lines of of goods each clerk. separate. S It shows transactions <vuvlul. X It makes it i Tire less man honest and thief It keeps an honest man n. ‘ itffcsiL 0 enough ill It not will to stay save pay where in for convenience, itself it fa. many separately time times ana and over. money, Kneh m.iclilne boxed > war. ranted for two years. Vor lull 1* particulars address & T A. TV J> . V T2- I > AI ( » . co. s EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. ■3 L 7 ’TED TEXT HOOKS - Aseunv HULL rum-roam. \ HULL «. f 86 TOBIN, . - - Successors to GEORGE E. sinmn’ & 00. CO , H 1 ON F 1 33CTORS , 81.5 & 817 REYNOLDS S'I‘REETS, , AJSUSTA, '9’ a GA. -' {E‘L’ommml attention given to all branches of? our l»,tsi1'1ess. ' «I THE CHEAPEST mm; a a ”a Elnlfifl , w “17/ JWSfl’Jifi/Vfyfl. A « [MEI/RE Y0 UR SSH) CK. WEN. .700 W. Wright is the agent only for the in Sonthm tbufimmu-m n Livestock Strum, and Insurarmn (30., of Georgia, one he ig no“ mm of {3, hymn» farmer your horses. with mud Tlu, stuck mm are urn/m in v enough. tuba wuhout tube in the rmmh w. Nu mu insuranc-v. RE Y0 U ['3‘ LI VES. JNS ' U , {fun is; nlm agent for the human Mutual Reserva Fund Life \sv socimim .,:- Nuw Yrvrk, one of the mmt reliable companion in exisu um uan the «mm in the: world. The m’us are. 80 low that Mylmdv can Carry a few Hunmnd Julian‘s. 01:11 on or address him at U ,nym's, (Jar, before you insure. , 1;?“ Office at Almaud «Sc Plunkett’s Store. ‘ I r 1 ‘2; A I , z . , l I BIG SALES ANDSSMALL y. PROF T1! 1T5 H IS PARLOR, man noon, DINING 11mm, Kl’l‘CHEN' AND HALL FURNITUR -——~.vr-— LOWEQT C‘ - PRICES , _ M 1*, _ ATLARTA. 1 La:}icg’ Dorks. Wm-Jrnhw. (Thim)llzfli'i, Cmubinution Book Cases. Mn?! and Flat-Tup Drab and other ‘ Furniture AT COSi‘. Hanan ran-:3 {'nm'y Chairs. Lmmgt-n mad .(Tutg. Fent'wr Pil iuwfi. .‘\hntr-~i9w3, LEW!) 'uy! Veemmla Chnii‘fig _ _ ‘ .. AT M'Mfléfizé E’HHHH, {Gwahmu- E’aféb-é: furnished with our Furniture. Dzezx’t : fight z‘w- 31“.. Place your ()“th-va with m, and we iwi‘d {Iia‘zrl- jam with Humid, um! sum: yarn 1‘3 }-rz Am»? "i‘ Ari,"l/::a'- a” "a!" wigmuéf‘fia . m \\7',vr3v.§§ - ”2"?“ :fé'?’ PF" answ- lac/.1 . din , “ 'T‘E' ‘ "‘¥IE"Ii:i°-’E‘~"¥' FITRNI'?‘I'RIC Riki"? SOUTH " , 77 1» i1 , ‘1 1"??? u " R?“ ' ‘, ‘x ' lit . 1'} a;:‘-'. $501 3 *""”%§fl Miiéifi 5 9’3 53% 5'3” . “t’zy‘m’l‘ff'r‘Z‘i ““6““ "'\ b '~’ ' *3 ‘ w " 55;: a» “ 1 vixf’sny fiflz’rfifi' . ~ -‘ .lévtzgg‘a‘dfij 41.x flar‘fi I . ;.W*“ t {'ii'il.y,flatahn:4giétznmi,,CO‘115A1K';*3 ”,2, ,. )ema z, ‘51,y":-7:::'cr.1‘.pg‘;f;q~_:3;fjrt_‘:;¥ , szyrxluh'v-f, -.', trun'zz ft: “ham” u '53.: u 85 xJ .fltflm ‘31 L '5‘ «mo. 1’ Au. I "1". , Arms 1' man, 9533 f a, Wigwam, '