Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, January 07, 1893, Image 1

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EDI roRIALS. Christmas has come and gone, and we are left forlorn—clean out of “ rye ” and clean out of “ corn. ” _______—-—-- edited The Atlanta Journal is by three red heads, viz : Rich ardson, Horton anu Clayton, therefore—its brilliancy. The Atlanta Journal claims that “its” Mr. Smith “stands closer” to Mr. Cleveland than any other Georgian, AVeare of the opinion that this statement is all Hoke-us poke-us. One of |the best journalists; one of the best legislators ; one of the nicest gentlemen in Geor giaisthe Hon. John T. Boifeu illet, of the county of Bibb. He Is an honor to his race and a blessing to his State. Of all the notices of the great work done by the Atlanta Con¬ stitution in the recent elections not one hit the main point, which is this : It was a guar¬ antee to the people that they should have the newsno matter what the labor or cost. There were five members of the late Legislature who parted their hair in the middle and none of them were -worth a d__How would John I Hall, Bill Fleming or Ed Alartin look with their hair parted like a gal. They have their faults, of course, hut take them all in all the Howells of the Atlanta Con¬ stitution are the peers of any men in Georgia. Brainy, active, brave, amiable, generous and true. A\ r e like the Howells and thank them for the great work they have done for Georgia. As we walked out on our front porch Sunday morning we found a gallon of old sweet mash, a quart of rye, two quarts of peach and a bushel of ’taters. We don’t know what to do with the ’taters. They must have been sent in by some stranger. McDonough is trying to get up a cotton factory. She ought to experience little trouble in doing so. She can boast of some of the finest “ yarn spin¬ ners” in the country; for in¬ stance: Dr. Charles, Uncle Jimmie A-, the talented Mayor and others. We happen to know that it would be highly gratifying to that noble Georgian, the Hon. James H. Blount, to he selected by his people to fill the office Jpf Governor, and when the term of our present able encumbent expires we want Blount to take his 'place. W/hile Bill Glenn was not successful in his fight upon. Go (a fight in the interest of purity upon the bench) he, nev¬ came out ahead 'with the people on his side. He is one of the brightest young men in Georgia and the day is com ing when the people will see that he receives Justice. , The coutinuel incarceration of Iteve Ryan is an outrage on , human liberty, Thrown in prison by Gober ond held there by Clake—the first, lecently whitewashed by an investigat¬ ing (?) committee, the second, a tyrant and a stranger to justice with mercy— and kept there be¬ cause he does not pay his debts. The people should rise in their might and see that justice is done. The boys have been making it warm for Miss Mollie Cotton Tail for the last few days. Yo). 13 The Hon Augustus Bacon from the county of Bibb did not make the reputation in late ses sion of the Legislature that some of his ardent admirers ex¬ pected. His vicious attacks upon the railroads and manner of conducting the Gober inves¬ tigation lost him friends. The election of Gober to the Judgeship of the Blue Ridge circuit was wrong and the vin¬ dication given him by the inves¬ tigating (?) committee and sus¬ tained by the General Assem¬ bly, a] damnable outrage. All honor to old Henry’s noble rep¬ resentative, Ed Reagan, and the eleven others who refused to be parties to the transaction. Sound Pacts. The members of every com¬ munity are dependent one upon another. For a people to -be happy and prosperous they must help one another. This is trne in a business way as well as in a social way. If ev¬ ery merchant, every fanner, every mechanic and every other professional man who has need for a physician ip this town or county were to go to Atlanta or some other town, our physicians would perish to death. If they should go elsewhere for their legal advice our lawyers would share the same fate. It would be the same way with our mer¬ chants, mechanics, etc. On the other hand if we will patronize our doctors, our merchants, our lawyers, our farmers, our me¬ chanics, etc., we will all live, keep our money at home, and prosper. The merchants of Conyers keep, as a general thing, goods of superior quality to those you get in the cities and the aver¬ age price is less. Our people should buy from our home mer¬ chants “every article, large or small, that it is posible to get, even if it should cost a little more, which we do not admit, thereby leaving the money here at home. The same theory is applicable to every other class of our people. We must help one another—do it liberally— and we will all prosper. We say to our ladies, stop runing to other towns when you want to do a little shopping. If your home merchant has not what you want let him get it for you. It will cost you no more and give a profit to him, and if your husband is a mechanic, a far¬ mer or a professional man, the merchant will be able to patron¬ ize him and you will get your money back which you never would do if you went to Atlan¬ ta to trade. How many mer¬ chants of other towns patronize our doctors, our mechanics etc ? Very few. The motto is : Help one another and we will all be more successful. Conyers is fast becoming the trading point for this whole sec¬ tion of Georgia. DeEalb, Gwin nett, AValton. Newton, Butts, ■ Henry and even Clayton county farmers are coming here to buy their supplies. Our merchants pay cash for their goods, give the fanners the benefit of low prices and get their trade. Con yers this year will draw trade from all the surrounding towns and those who come here will J never regret it. HALE’S WEEKLY. Conyers- Georgia. Saturday- Jannaiy T 1893 - Our old Democratic Alligator swallows the last of the oppQS\t\on m m HHI “NOW m 1 miiiif ^iihHI L GUESS YOU’LL STICK.” IDIOM! A Vegro Kills His Wife In Cold Blood. henry’s cohen’sneck will cer¬ tainly BE BROKEN TO SATIS¬ FY THE LAW, One of the most cold blooded murders ever perpetrated in this or any other county was committed in Sheffield district of this county ou Sunday, Jan. 2,1893. The evidence cf Alinerva Shy, the only witness present, was as follh vvs : Lives at James Thomason’s in this, Rockdale county. Knew of the murder. Henry Cohen committed the murder of his wife, Anna C5hen. Anna was sick. Witness sent to the murdered woman, who gave some to a little step child. Anna asked to let the child come near the fire. Henry re¬ fused and got ver_- mad. Took a pistol from the mantel. Said he would shoot Anna’s brains out as quick as he would a rab¬ bit’s. She, Anna, said where is the comb. Henry said, “ Why didn’t you say Henry, where is the comb ? ” and instantly the pistol was fired by Henry and Anna said she was shot and asked to pray. Henry picked her up and brought her to the door, and tore: her clothes open to see where she w is shot. Witness Started^ do her home. Henry followed and asked no! to swear against him. lo swear that it/, was accidental Witness>>v tire further that de¬ fendant had made threats on several 'Occasions to kill liis wife. The killing; jjqok. Thomason, place on Bhcf- the place of James % l.disfci'Lqt,’ Koclcdale county, Ja nary 1) 1893. • T'thF cdmiiiittirig court was Cot iposed, of dustice J- W. -Ai miud, of'doiiyers, and Justice Spiihif 'CaHnQii of Sheffield. They bound him over without bond aiid-Sheriffi Austin carried him to Decatur jnil. Coronor Argo investigated the murder assisted by Dr. J, A Guinn, Conyers real estate is improv¬ ing and would improve faster if our people would do their duty. Friend Fayette A1 mand has a young lady visitor at his house. Mrs. Mamie Davis spent 1 Christmas in Atlanta. • We return thanks tommy of our subscribers for cash durir g the two weeks. It is thoughtnqw that Charles Hudson will not marry during the present century. > Hon. Thomas D. Qtewnrt, of AIcDonough, was over to see us last week. Air. Luther Still and family spent Christmas with relatives in Walton cbnntv. The entertainment at the In¬ stitute was largely attended and very entertaining. Air. Oscar Cooper, of AValton county, visited relatives here during the holidays. Mayor Oglesby, of AIcDonough accompanied bv his two bright little boys, was over here “dear hunting ” last week. Conyers needs and is going to have a $50,000 cotton factory'. It will raise the value of real estate a quarter of a million dollars. Miss Lula Guinn was down on a visit to her parents during the holidays. We will be pleas¬ ed when she can come home to stay. If our peoplo will raise 25,000 we can $25,000 foreign capitol to go into a cotton factory. We can easily do it. Build the cot tpn factory and then ’our vast rock fie]dg wi]1 developed and Conyers would the liveliest little city in Geot gia. Our merchants have had a fine trade this fall and winter and are preparing for the heav¬ iest spring trade they have ever had. Thev have the cash to - . . buy goods and will he able to j undersell any town in this s.ec- | lion. Already farmers have begun.to come in from 20 to 30 miles to make arrangements. It is absolutely necessary for! the ... of the property . | .protection and limbs or tne people of the town that the old wooden awn ings on Center street lie torn down. It seems to us'that the ,lty authorities ahouW them at once if the owners are without sufficient -jiride to tear them down themselves. No: .. Henry McCord visited ids brother, Joe, at Crawfordsville. during the holidays. Misses Cora and Ludie AI mand spent the holidays with friends in Newton count y Mrs. J. Wj Langford has re¬ turned from a visit to her moth er in Newton A Mi. Wash Cain and family spent some of the holidays ing relatives in Gwinnett court ^ ty. Tim entertainment of Arrs. Mamie Davis a t the Institute was von’ fine and reflected great credif up-on both teacher and pupils. Airs. D. IT. Husketh and her charm ing daughter, Bertha, have returned - after a Week’s visit to Conyers.—Atlanta con stitntion. , Iteh on human and horses and nil ’•’■imalfl vured in 30 minutes h v bVooIford's Sanifa-'v Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Drs. AV H. Loo & Son, druggists, Conyers, Ga. Afiss Mamie Scott, a beautiful and accomplished young lady of ( ora, Ga., visited relatives and friends here during the holi- [ days. Thomas Brodnax 5*hap. com menced traveling apd .selling goods Cord. for Alesgt's, AmMd ^Ale one of the very best whole¬ sale grocery houses in the South The Alilftary Ball at thee.Ar¬ mory on last Friday night was largely attended. It was a mbst pleasant affair and afforded great pleasure to the "many vis¬ iting \ oung people who- graced it with their presence. Messrs. Stephenson & T'firner have moved into their elegant store rooms under the hotel on Center street. They now have one of the finest business stands to ho found. They are both . clever, good business men, and will do a fine business this year. There will be new year’s ser¬ vices held at -lie Presbyteriai church tomorrow rnorn ing. At night a lecture will be delivered on the ten plagues, explaing their peculiarities, woes etc. Read Exodus from the 7th chapter to the 11th inslusive. All the members of the church are urged to be present at both services. The public generally are cordially invited. English Sp-tvia Liniment removes nil Hiird, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin •, Curbs, Splints. Sweenev. Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, al Stol en throats, Coughs, o'c. Save $50 by use of one bottle Wa-ran tedtaemost wondetful Blemish ever known. Hold by Drs. W j !• .... ..... O'. D m.t take a wife duiing Hm hel»\ Ottv ,, eeuaoti . mid , dona . . buy , u horse, , ip, ba ;, lv0 , lU , a The Best Salve in the, < n:-, Bruises S nes, ■ C^ersl Salt HheiMIL Feve. lVH r, i ll II 1*1(1, r'lj iii>i : T: (’orb', hil l till | Hkjti Eruptions >.:,d f” si -tvo }• Piles, or no pav r<q ured. It if, to : , v , saKtac p(,, t) mouej’ it-fondt-d. mice 25 j c ntu per box For wi, Ly ; Dm. I Win. H. Lee & Sou- ■ J“"'° “ ‘ , “ d * * 1 “« Shoos fi)i big oiks lift e jolks yourier folks old folks uuj evory b< dy , e so at J. J Lan jford s. if r*awi pH ,< ». ' ,« r, -V : »#a dgjvai^pH A S : ,/J WJi \ w: ■ - 'aMS Bo'S the method and.results when refreshing'id of Figa is taken; it is pi . ant .■eniiy the taste, and acts mver’and yet promptly ou the Kidneys, Bowels, cleanses the svs fevers IfcjwJs ids, habitual head* «onsti{«ti(3n.- amt 'cttivs, l .gjSrup : of:PJgs k the •uiced, ever pro .plea.s-ng the to the taste andac b to st ;nnch, prompt in action and truly iwi&licial in its efiects,. prepared only iWm the most s>r,d agreeable substances, its lany all ejteell and .. ..i/.b.ties commend it .a . .'it tb'* most popular remedy of iiitnv.o. md ®F«P LI Littles Figs, is ter-sale in fifte Any by all leading reliable druggist iO •:-ay sot ba -n it. on baud will p.o f-u.ro U '.a t-roiuptly it. Do for any "accept one wh# try not CAUFQBim F10 SYr. m CO. S<!i FitA.NOISCO, CAL, lOWSVttCE. KY N£W YORK. NX. jflVPS y&i bcigSte y <*M 2SJH IPi - • /•••;• £-'■ if Art 7 : / .. SZrti. 7 la.fi ■>> Fallen tfio pliy ; are A ttt 11 ike one Raises! fet flit Bead Lfjrtg and "Terrible illnoss '^.frottC S.hoc tl rolspningf CompletAyr ('irrC:l XiiJ 'jffood’s M lady •Mrs. Mary K. O'J-k i. vfcty'Welllgent of -.vhilo as sis.ttng i>hj F 3 k‘i:iii: a^d soon arms,*tongii< irvi w.fi out. oil her came out. -BUo v *j:t■ nHl/i*.i- -ttw . -ml saw ng-prospect. »r l 3 ; Sj < ’jn to tajee IloodV on. im fffoved; could t oo i.l walk. SIlO^A^V i* bOi-.ith* '•' i By •Hood’s ; and am now wi:II V- i. ’ I '!-h eat. W(A1 Mii'I"• m’Kfwto ibuniy. pliyslcians My case scciu< :■ ; .Us■--»'«v and H- -k . . m im; »t:, a 3 almost liiic 0uc.' n’rt it-cdlrtisu'S. clt<nd.” i. Bood'S PiLCo -v-'.-na /To every family meiiicim 5 cho UUtUi 'UH(k1 I vre* jA’i^Tifcrred. Scic»t!2o Air.s-lcan /vgenoy A fo'r n txl-,. COPVRiCiKJ*, <?to. t» to OUK. Oldbbt bureau i(>f •• •»-* A .'••lien. SSV .«7 pllfOLi o-d " it, hr-un-i li (loro tiie pu bite l >y a u>jtico on fra fueuiiuc n! Lamegt‘circulation of an? «< i-r.tHlc pa. I -e W , I m t - T- is ' V' ' /•ui’Lua, . P’.LpTC 7 . •; ., • ’-cttpuiafion, and . • , 'ja'Tira H.mb' ;o„ 9b twis. Mo. ’ mr. ~*T r BALf r •I ‘ ! y~* r Sfe4‘: * i Stop* Hl»0 <ul;