Hale's weekly. (Conyers, Ga.) 1892-1895, September 20, 1893, Image 1

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AD vebtisements. TO S 5 SB<-«**“ or <le rsons ckdale county, d cmed, tifi6d undersign^ the indebted to sa'd Bd E all persons make immediate raquird to [ Th's t'.XULL, jUlY 0, Admn. ef B ' deceased. Nancy Bill, ax u CRED¬ ITORS. de fcr ; ons having claims or E'ainst the estuto of Samuel deceased, . Uf Rockdale county, notified to render in their l,y undersigned acoorung « to tho indebted said and all persons to required to make immediate fe LB, Admr. of , B. F. HI Samuel Hill, deceased, July 6,‘1S93. _ Ij^TTERS dismission. i Rockdale county eas ,T. C. Hamby, of the estatt i Hamby, deceased, represents rt cf ordinary, duly tiled m 3 L U administer. that he has fullv State of the said Isaac IlambY, berofore to cite all persons eon lieirs and creditors to show f any they can, whv said exccu [id not and be receive discharged letters from of dis- his rship in October on the first Monday rbis Julv 1893, Ordinary. O. SEAMANS, nation tosell land hi a, Rockdale connty. [To all whom it tnaY concern Las, F S. B. Puller, deceased, admiulstra- has, in s. Fuller, ordi hn, applied to the court of t>r leave to sell the land belong jha eetite of raid deceased, and Llieation [day will be beard on the the in October, 1S93. This iy of Augu.-t, 1893. [ O. SEAMANS, Ordinary. itters Administration. |GIA, Rickda’e county, i [reas, all whom it may concern J. 8- Weatherford has, torm, made application to me inaneut letters of admiuistra the estate of Frank M We«th [late of Rockdale county, de- the | and I will pass upon b the first Monday in Octo b3. This Aug. 30, 1893. O Seamans, Ordinary. E TO DEBTORS AND CREDI¬ TORS. srsons having demands against] said tc [deceased, of J. S. Fuller, late of arc hereby notified to n their demands to the under Lccording to law, and all persons I to said estate, are required to [mediate payment. B. FULLER. This Sept. B, Ow. S. IE TO DEBTOBS AND CREDI¬ TORS. Isons having claims or demands [the Rockdale estate of Cynthia deceosed, J. Melton county, are I notitied ti render In their de to the undersigned according to Id all persons indebted to said Ire required to make immed’ate it. This Sept. 13, 1898. ASA F. SIMS, Executor. lery is an e couragement to a lo go ahead and make a fool ,ilf. le la more catarrh in this section iountry letheq than all other diseases and until the last few Iras supposed to he Incurable, treat many years dretars pro id it a local disease, and prescri¬ pt I remedies, and by constantly to cure with local treatment, inced it incurable. Science has I catarrh to be a consli utionui B and tnerefore requires constitu [treatment. btured Hall’s Catarrh Cure by F. J. Cheney & bloledo, Ohio, is the only consti bI cure on the market. It is paternally kspoonfui, in doses from 10 drops It acts directly on pod and muurous surfaces of the &. They offer one hundred dol [r any case it fails to cure. Send Iculars and testimonials. Bdress, F. J. CHENEY & Co., H by druggist, 75c. Toledo, O (ere a e not many grand-rascal fcks perpetrated through igno Most people are aware of iniquity, but they are too in mean to follow the dictations lie conscience. he. True Laxative Principle f plants uged in manufacturing leasant remedy, Byrup of Figs, permanently beneficial effect on timan 'system, while the cheap ible extracts and mineral solu msually sold as medicine?, are ttiently injuries. Being well-in¬ ti, you will use the true remedy Madufactured by the jCalifomia fiup Uo, •ee- JOHN H. ALMAND,' BANKER. CONYERS, GEORGIA. Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits acconts of firms and individuals. Any accomnindations, consistent with safe banking, extended. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS OF ALL KINDS. m /T IV. >3, S -cA • \ fmt ficycle/ r'S and lmpro\/ement 6 Riders of Victor Pneumatics carry an extra inner tube to be used in case of accident. By simply removing repair, a punc¬ tured inner tube through a hole in the rim, is effected in five minutes by replacing with a new one. If you are going to ride why not ride the best? OVERMAN WHEEL CO. boston, Washington, * > Denver, SAN FRANC18CO. HEW DISCOVERY b*C 0 !BEN? 0Si In compounding washing afterward a solution it n wr-a part discovered was accept!;- that /-niilec! tac hair on 'Wns the han com and on removed. We at onco put this vo’Rierfui preparation, on thr nletelv has been he demand that we arc now introducin, market and so great world under the oi Queen’s ml it throughout the name IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AN& .si! SO SINSFLE ANY CHILD CAN USE iT. tar »b* hair over *ftd apply Hie mixture for a r.r i,.,mites, ana the V hair Snollwl disappears ae If by magic » about tho slleht*-- V' n or Injury h l.cn or ever afterward. Ii is utilise any other pi-paiatien ever used WEVTLKHJSN who done! appreciates v‘sr<5 or hmron their neck, find a priceless tccr. in <iueeuV 'i.iriue which does away Yrade Hark. wi.b Shaving, by rer.derfrg In f«tnre M-PJy’JlpiAp’niaTnW growth an nl .M*K ® cirrei price of Qneeov A nti-Helrlne ft per boitlo. sent in wfety ma.'loe ’f You can letter Po«t Office, to Insure Gs *atc v L/tni Li any ctt6 * revAter yont f.t *.w ' t j mmz., •r~ ' 1 Wife tv’: r.. to Agefiw. ... HALE'S WEEKLY. DNEj ■DAY, SEP. 20, 1893. The Peace of* Horae. It comes to me often in si ence, When die firelight sputters low, When the black, uncertain shadows Seems wraiths of the long ago. ft conies with a throb of heart ache, That thrills each pulsing vein, The old, unquiet longing For til 3 peace of Louie again. I am sick of the roar of cities, And of faces cold and strange; [ know where there's warmth of welcome And my sweeping fancies range Back to >he dear old homestead With a yearning sense of paiu; But tears will give p'aoe to singing, When the peace of homo comes again. !‘ ; \Vhen the peace of home comes” there’s music That never may die away, And it seems that die hands of angel On a mystic harp at play, Have touched with a yearning glad¬ ness On a beautiful, broken strain, And my heart beats time to the measure I When the peace of homo comes I again. Outside of my darkening window Is the groat world's crash and din, And slowly the autumn’s shadows Come drifting, drifting in. Sobbing, tho night wind murmurs, To the splash of the autumn rain, While I dream of gladsome greet¬ ings, "When the peace of home comes again. —Olive V. Berkley. HIS CHARITY. A great deal is written about rich men giving to poor boys, and it is pleasing and novel to hear a true story of a poor boy showing charity to a rich man. A writer in the Boston Trans tells the following-. One-night, not long ago, Gen¬ eral Svvayne of New York was going up-town on a Fourth Avenue car. Ho tucked his crutches uuder Iris arm to in¬ vestigate his pockets, aud founc that he had no money : suppose I shall have to get off, he said to the conductor. The , conductor , said he supposed he would. Then up spoke a voice from the bottom of the car. It be longed to a small, one-legged nevvshoy, who had to depend OU crutches as General Svvayne did. “ There’s a pair of us, ” said the boy. “ I’ll lend you a nick le to pay for your ride. ” The offer touched the gen oral's heart, for it it was plain that a desire to spare his pride had led the boy to call it a loan. He said to himself that some time ho would pqy the five cents back with interest. He asked the hoy’s address. The lad gave it, but told him it didn’t matter. When Mrs. Swayne, at her husband’s re¬ quest, drove to tire address of the boy who had pitied her hus¬ band she .found that he was dead. The debt could not be paid to him, hut he he had left a mother and some little broth¬ ers, who have profited by their brother’s loan. English Spavin Liniment remove. all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes Irom horses, Blood Spavin?, Curbs, Splints. Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one boule. Wai ran¬ ted tae most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Drs. W.H Lee & Son, druggists, Conyers, Ga mand YVe learn sick that Miss day last Bessie week. Al-J was one $1 NO. 34. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CUBE. This is beyond question tbc most successful Cough Medicine we have ever sold a few doses jnvaribly cure the worst eases of Cough, Croup and Bronchitis, while it's wonderful suc cess in tho cure of Consuinfiou is without a pnralell in the history of medicine. Bmce its first discovery it has been su'd ou a giuv nutee, a test which uq other medicine can stand. If you have a cough we earnestly advise you to try it, Price 10e., 50c. and $1.00. If your lungs are sore, chest or back huue use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. S dd by Ur. W. H. Lae & Son's rugstoro Con yers, Ga, CHEERS AND HISSES. Prof. Blackie, of the Edin¬ burgh University, was lecturing to a now class with whose per¬ sonnel lie was imperfectly ac¬ quainted. A student rose to read a paragraph, holding a book in his left hand. “Sir!” thundered Blackie, “hold your hook in your right hand!”—and, as the student would have spoken—“No words sir! Your right hand, I said!” The student held up liis right arm, ending piteously at the wrist. “Sir, I hae nae right hand!” he said. Before Blackie could open his lips there arose such a sloms of hisses as one perhaps must go to Edinburgh to hear, and by it his voice was overborne, hen kite left bis went down to the student he bad unwittingly hurt and put his arm around tho lad’s shoulder and drew him close, and the lad learned against his “My boy,” said Blackie—he spoko vory softly, yet not so softly, but that every word was audible in the hush that had fallen on the class room—“my boy, you’ll forgive me that 1 was over rough. I did not know —I did not know.” He turned to the students, and with a look and tone that came straight from his great heart, ho said: “And let me say to you all, I am to be shown I am teaching a class of gentle¬ men.” Scottish huls can cheer as well as hiss, aud that Blackie learned. _ Will t ? you If ’ hoed WHAT the A COUGH. signal perhaps of (he warning. The sure “pproueh or that more teriblo disease Con sumptien. Ask yourselves if oan afford for the sak ; of Coe., to run the risk and do nothing for it. "VVe know from c xperience that Shiloh’s Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This expkines why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. For lame back side or chest use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Sold by Dr. W. li. Bee and Son's Drugstore. We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diptkerio, cankor mouth and beadachi, in Shiloh’s catarrh remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 50c. Sold by Dr, W. 11. Lee audSon’s drugstore, I have a fine ruiMi cow for sal . Apply at the tin shop. J. S. JOHNSON. Wo Want Cotton Seed. Wc have made arrangemen’K to buy ) our cotton seed and will par vau the veix top of tho market for ihem, so helore you se’l come and 8tou8 - Respc't. Stm-UENiios & Tvr.ver. 'VALUABLE LANDS. re at Bargains To Be Had at ADM 1 NISTRATOR’S SALE. By virtue of an ouler fi t in the court of Ordinary 1 Will bo sold to the highest bidder, before the court house door iu the city of Conyers, within the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in November, 1893, the following de¬ scribed property belonging to tho estate of Isaac Overbay, deceased, to wit: Fiftv (50) acres of land, more or less, lying and being in the lbh dist'ict, of Rockdale county, and known as the North side of lot of land, No 82, in said district, and bounded as followes : On the North by the lands of sai l estate, on the east by t'no lauds oi G. 1 J . Elliott, on the south by the lands of G H. Hull and ou tho west by the lands of R. T Hull- Also at the same thro and place, fifty (50) acres of land, rnoro or less lying and being iu the 10th district of said county, tho saiuo lin¬ ing the west side of lot of laud, No. 111. Also, at the same time and place, fifteen (15) acies of land, more or less, 'y ng and being in the Uth dtstrict of said county and be¬ ing part of lot. of land No. Ill and bounded as follows ; Ou tho south by the lands of G. H. Hull, on the west by the lauds of tho said Over hay estate, on ibe north by the lands of J- B- Posey, and ou the east by the lauds of J. B. Posey. All of ■laid lauds will be sold for the pur¬ pose of pax ing off the debts of said estate and for distiihution among the heirs ihereof. Terms of Save : One hnlf to be paid cash on day of sale ; tin bal¬ ance to be duo on tho first day of Nov., 1894, with in'erest at, eight per cent per annum, from date of sole. Bonds for titles to purchasers. This August 23,1893. JOHN 11. ALMAND, Admr. Isaac Overlmy. deceased. esusaii Tax Assessmert fox the Year 1893 Rockdalo Court of Ordinary’s sot* ting for county purposes. August 22, 1893. Whereas, hia excellency, the gov ernor of the state of Georgia, lmv» iu « assessed the sum of forty-six cents aud ono mil ‘ ou tUe huudred dollars ot tho taxable property of tho state tho tax levied for the year 1893. It is therefore ordered by the Court of Ordinary, of Rockdalo county, that tho Wowing assscss* ments he, and they aro hereby made as the county tax, for Rockdalo county for the year 1893, for the purposes hereinafter set forth, and that the same be collected by the Tax Collector of Rockdale county or his successor in office and paid over to the county treasurer by the 15 day of December, 1893. For building and repairing th 1 ) bridges and other 2 iU blic buildings and for all oilier county purposes for the year 1893 thirty five cents (35) in (he hundred of n 1 tho taxa¬ ble property of Rockdale county- For grand aud traverse and tallies jurors for the year 1893 nineteen [101 cents in hundred dollars of all tho taxable pioperty ot ltockdale tout* ty. • Ill For the support and mnlutainanoe of the poor, for the year 1«!I3 [ ^ t seven cents or, the hundred dollars of all the taxable property of Itochu dale county. 0 O. SEAMANS, Ordinary It. C. TO THE PUBLIC. I‘now have charge of tho blacksmith shops of Mr. \V. V. Almaud and am prepared and determined to do your work bet¬ ter and cheaper than you have ever had it done before. I am going to introduce the cut rate system on horse shoeing, tiro shrinking and on everything else. Come and see me. Iiespc’t. C. C. Hart. Goto Whitaker & Stowarr'a and get a box of Tetlerine for Tetter and Ringworm.