Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, March 09, 1895, Image 3
C 0 A L. When you want a stricti gist-class coal, see me. J. P. TILLEY. is* galls i f[RE h INSURANCE. TILLEY j. P. agent ^ J. FRE'EtM/m JEWELER, te°’» m _ FINE — M WATCH y “ :'^REPARIN W SPECIALTY. 1 A ,i GIVE ME A TRIAL— At Almand’s Bank. \ICMART el/cksmithing, CONYERS, GhA. Desire to inform my friends and Ihe L pub is generafy that. I am stil charge of the W V. Almand llacksmith shop when- I am pre¬ pared to do all hinds of wo: k. My lork is the best and my p rices the lowest. Bring me your horses and Holes to shoo. Satisfaction guaran feed. ns m 1! t -♦« [Carriage | Painting a Specialty. Painting and all kinds of Repair ling, Upholstering and Cabinet [work. Ily,neatly, Everything in my line quick substantially and cheap¬ ly done, W. y. Almand’s old stand, Conyers, Ga. Corne and see me. Respectfully, P H, LANGFORD. SPECIMEN CASES. S. H Clifford, New Casgei, Wis , jwas troubled with Neuralgia and jfieumatism, his stomache was dis oiered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree appetite fell away nd lie was tenibly reduced iu fl, sh and strength. Three bot Us of Electric Bitters cured h ; m. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, El., natl a running sore on fiL leg < f light years’ standing. Used three bottles of E ectric Bitiers and seven hies of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and ™ leg is sound and well. J„„, John speaker, Catawba, O., had five large rever sores on his leg, doctors said #6 was incurable One bottle Elec j Bitters and one box Bucklen’s "nica Salve cured him en iiely m b 7 Ue & So i druggists. tatter Prevention than cure. Tutt’s Liver ftlls will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid ^’ TUTT’S e r and kindred diseases. Liver PILLS absolutely cure. TO CUSTOMERS. indebted to Mise Annie regnpjt? U n 1 , v y note but urgently or account, requested are most ton, ^ 0 f forward - to P tnese ai soon as possible and ^ matters, a-I am going 10 fettle^ftyf 5 m anf y customers ' W0U 1T much myself: prefer 5th ] 3Iks. Respet. Ann’ik Xight BEST of all. rr ° cleanse He in f „ ntle system a an d truly beneficial man aer . when the springtime sse the comes Sv true and perfect remedy • •q)of Figs. One bott e will r* erf ° r a11 the family s s only 50 the large ?L cents ; 6 Tr >’ it and be pleased. pictured u -o v the California ' s W Vr UD Co. o ki,. LOCAL ITEMS. Sow garden seed. Plant your Irish potatoes. Advertise for the spring trade. Prepare your land for corn planting. A good fruit crop is expected this year. Rev. J, K. Smith, of Augus¬ ta, is here. Last Tuesday was sale day, but nothing sold here. Commercial fertilizers zre go¬ ing out by the wagon loads. (i Florida on Wheels” stopped in our town one day last week. Will our weather man please give us some nice, warm weath er? A (log show is a fixture in New York, Chicago and San francisco. Mrs. Dr. Quigg has been visit¬ ing her daughter, Mrs. Davis, of Covington. Lant Fan-ill is one of the best horse shoers in Georgia, Call and see him. Miss Henrietta Cowan, of Atlanta, is visiting relatives and friends iu our city. We want a correspondent from Smyrna, Lorraine, Shef¬ field and Oak Grove. Work on the Exposition build ing in Atlanta is now on a boom, Over 500 hands are engaged. The class of ’95 at Emory planted its class-tree on last Friday, the first, with appropri¬ ate ceremonies. Dr. J. VV. Quilliau preached fine sermons last Sunday morn¬ ing and night in the Methouist church. Rev. B. D. Ragsdale preached last Sunday morning and night two fine sermons full of truth and teuaeruess, The Registration book iu Lorraine district is now opeu for the purpose of qualifying voters to elect a J- P. On last Suuday Rev. M L Carswell preached an accepta¬ ble sermon to the congregation at Long Shoals church. We will have a special head¬ ing for our county correspond¬ ents. Will some one from each district give us some news. Rev. M. D. Smith will preach at the Presbyterian church Sunday. He is an able divine and will interest bis hearers. The Sunday Schools were largely attended last Sabbath. This speaks well for both the old and young people of Conyers. While out riding on last Sab¬ bath Dr. L. A. Lee and little daughter were thrown out of the buggy, but fortunately were not hurt. We want correspondents in every district in the county, that we may furnish items of local interest to the readers of the Weekly. We ask the people, to give us a hearty support in liberal sub scriptions, and the business men for an abundance of advertis ing and job work . \\ T e return thanks to Judge Seamans for kindness extended to us upon our arrival at Con yers. He is an affable gentleman and an efficient county official. The Baptist Sunday school, hav ing a surplus in the Treas ury, voted ten dollars for mis sions on last Sabbath to be for warded at once to Dr. Gibson of the Home Board. There is a plan on foot to build a Cotton Mill at the Un iou Paper Mills’ plant, This is a good move, and we trust that 0 ur citizens will take hold with- out hesitation. We hope to • be able to give full details and plans soon. Full attendance on Sabbath Schools, large congregations at the churches, and a nourishing school for boys and girls are a mong the good things of Con¬ yers. The farmers are taking ad¬ vantage of the bright sunny days in making preparations for the crop of’95. Everybody li peg that success will crown their ef¬ forts this year. Mr. Frank C. Keen, the pop¬ ular and gifted ex-editor in chief of The lied and I! lack, the Universities weekly paper of Athens, is visiting his friend, V. II. Hanson of our city. Messrs. Jones & Fan-ill have opened a blacksmith and wood shop in the brick shop on the lower end of Commerce stree; where they'will be pleased to have their friends and the pub¬ lic generally call and see them. The best work and lowest prices guaranteed. tf. The weather during this win¬ ter has been the severest fur many years, especially through the month of February. The thermometer, however, did not fall as low as at different times in years gone by—notably in i 1835, when it was 3 degrees be¬ low zero in Eatoaton, and 8 degrees iti Milledgeville, Ga. Mrs. Julia K. Wilson, of Shef¬ field district, died of paialysis after suffering four months, on Monday night last. She was buried Wednesday evening in .Rockdale Cemetery. The bu¬ rial ceremonies were conducted by Rev. B. D. Ragsdale. She departed this life love*} by all who knew her. Thus another of Rockdale’s estimable ladies is gone. On last Sabbath the colored Odd Fellows celebrated an an¬ niversary. They had an ap¬ propriate sermon for the oc¬ casion. They were out in uni¬ form and paraded the streets in time with the Band’s strains of music. They had a most pleas¬ ant day, and we trust that the principles of the institution may be illustrated in the lives of the members here. We send several copies of tire j Weekly to We day want to friends the people in J Putnam. thereto take our paper and furnish us with a good, live cor respondent, who will give all the local news, thus drawing nearer together Putnam and Rockdale. Unless the Middle Ga. & A. continue to cut up rare antics, you shall have the paper at 11 a. m. Saturdays. The little grand child of Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Hudson was brought a corpse on Monday evening train from Atlanta and burriei in Eastview Cemetery. We sympathize wit.L the be¬ reaved family in this dispensa¬ tion of Providence. How this reminds: — Ualher the ro e buds while you may, An , Umt ganie flower that blooms today To morrow gball be dying. As the spring time is ready to usher in the little spirit took its departure to rest where there is perpetual spring and perpetual youth. PERrECTED CRYSTAL LENSES m \ Ssility TRADE First MAR8. asi ^ f * i»ai LJ W. H. Lee & Sold by Drs Sou, Conyers, Ga. 1 1 o to dHftVN ( -I 1 WkX y f v KNOWLEDGE tends Brings comfort and improvement nnd to personal enjoyment when .rightly than used. others and The enjoy many, life who live bet¬ ter more, with adapting less expenditure, the by more promptly world’s host products !o the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, excellence Syrup of Figs. Its is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas¬ ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax¬ ative dispelling ; effectually colds, headaches cleansing the and system, fevers and permanently , curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, Liver because Bowels it acts without on the Kid¬ ney:-, ana weak¬ ening them and it is perfectly free from every Syrup objectionable of Figs substance. all drug¬ is for sale by gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man¬ ufactured bv the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every ••{rage, also the name, Syrup of Figs, iuLut being substitute well informed, if offered. you will not any A SEVERE WINTER. The Cause of Suffering and An Increase of Disease, This winter has been the most severe for many years. North, South, East and West iutense cold and blizzards have prevailed. This will surely cause, a great increase of sick¬ ness and death. Chronic ca tarrh and consumption always begins by catching cold. Thou sands have started on the road toward a lifetime of misery from chronic catarrh or a sure death frpm consumption. It is not too late yet to be saved and re stored to a, life of health and activity. Pe-ru-na will do it. It never fails to quickly cure chro nic catarrh less than two years old. Of course Pe-ru-na cures thousands and thousands of cases of chronic catarrh that have run for many years, but in cases that are of more recent origin it cures, quickly, certain¬ ly and permanently. Every case of cold or cough that has resulted from the effects of our severe winter could now be cut¬ ed ill a short time by Pe-ru-na. Not a single one need fail, All those taking Pe-ru-na who desire tli? advice of Dr. Hart man about their cases should write, giving age, sex, disease and time o': sickness, and he will answer free. A few weeks’ treatment now will prevent years of, and in many cases death. Address the Pe ru na Drug Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Ohio, for a free book on catarrh, colds, coughs, la grippe and consumption. For free book on cancer ad¬ dress Dr. Hartman Columbus, Ohio. Some of the streets in Con ye- < re in bad condition. How¬ ever, as soon as we have some pretty weather our efficient street boss, Mr. Smith, will have them in good fix. A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. C. W. Fuller, of Eaua^oharie, N jY, j King’s says New that Discovery he always ihe keeps house nr in | and his family has always found the J very best results to be lollow without its it, us<; 1 that he would not n | procurable G. A Dykeman, : gis. < ar-kili, N. Y, says that Dr. used it in his family fur ei^hi i years, and it has never failed to do all • at is c aimed for it. W by not , «r» » reme-iy so long tried an<l tee !e j. T rial both :s free at Lee A j > uV d ruga lore. Regular size 50c. and $1.00, , NOTICE TO THE FARMERS. Everybody who uses is invited to me«t at the house in Conyers on March 9th, 1895, at 1:30 o’clock, I'm- the purpose of clubbing and bene filing themselves in buying Per lilizers for this season. Conn 1 everybody who will use guano. NOTICE. This is to notify all por>ons that we for „ , old ., the , sale of church property belonging to the oinl Baptist church of as it does not belong to members of the First nor never did, and any buying said property and at templing to remove anything whatever belonging to the Sec one! Baptist church will bo ]H-o ceeded against according to law. H P. Almand, Sr!, ) Deacons 0. J. G. Seamans, Gee [• church. of the ) DR. QUIGG ABROAD. Through the kindness of Mrs. He nry Quigg we arc enabled to give our readers a brief sketch of Dr, Quigg’s voyage aboard the Friesland. As many re¬ member the Friesland sailed from New York on February 5 The first stopping point along the route was the Bermuda Is¬ lands, some 700 miles from New York. The trip to the Ber¬ mudas was stormy and disagree¬ able in the.extreme, on ac omit of which the Friesland was be¬ hind several hours. From the Bermudas to the Azores, a dis tauce of some 1.700 miles, the voyage was delightful, “smooth seas and fair sailing, >) The Azores was reached on Feb. 14. From there to Gibraltar, a dis tance of 900 miles, the passen gers first struck Europe. On Feb. 17, the Doctor and party were at Malaga, Spain. Accord ing to the prograrae Dr. Quigg was to be in Jerusalem on March 3, Sunday, last. There are 430 passengers on board the Friesland. In all there are GOO, passengers and crew. The Dr. seems to feel assured that his trip lias proven benefiicial to him. lie hopes to be restored to good health by his return home. Ho purposes being home by April 15. We are especially glad to hear that Dr, Quigg is having a safe, delightful trip, and that everything is adding to the pleasure of his voyage. BRING - ME-YOUR WORK. I now have one of the best Smiths in the countrv and make a specialty of h' rse sloeimr. Will do all kinds J Blacksmithing, Wood work and General Repairing w the very best manm r *m i at prices t<> suit the times- I thank my friend i for pa*t patronage and a-k a continu ance of the same. Rsspec' fullv, W G. CLOTFEL I ER. 2SF <2?^ S' * N g! fir ^ ■m cx i ! fh bicycler J | > TfTst inTTres^ j € and Improvements Riders of Victor Pneumatics carry an extra inner tube to be used in case of accident. tured inner tube through a hole in the rim, repair^ is effected in five minutes by replacing with a new one. ^ If you are going to ride why not ride the best? OVERMAN WHEEL CO. 60 CT 0 N, Washington, < . Denver, SAN FRANCISCO, in 7/ > 4 4, \ 3 jL J # means so much more than \ .' /fatal you imagine—serious and \ diseases result from \ ' /trifling Don't ailments neglected. ■, play gift—health, with Nature’s ■ greatest , H <* you you are areieeung feeline opt oi Sorts, , weak weak m ^ Xj^TOWTlS f and genera Ily ex- i { Lave hausted, nervous, t and can’t no appetite work, ■ ing begin at Once tak¬ I the most relia- , ', T’Afl ble strengthening medicine,which Brown’s is „ Iron Bit¬ ters. A few hot- - ' . JLM 13 * 44 1101S nf>ir , ties comes cure—benefit ‘from the , ' very first dose—*/ , won't stain your . I teeth , and it’s ■ pleasant to take. ( St Cures * ’ Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, ’Constipation, Bad Blood 1 Malaria, Nervous ailments < , Women’s complaints. ’ lines Get on only the the wrapper. genuine—it All has others crossed sub- red are stitutes. On receipt of (wo 2 c. stamps we 1 1 will send set of Ten Beautiful World's 1 Fair Views and book—free. 1 ' BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, ' MD. , i... .-.n ; uy in. iv. u pea sou - CITY DIRECTORY. Mayor, \. McCalla. Mayor Pro tern, J. it. Jrwin. (Jit.k, George P. Tilley. Treasurer, J. C. Stepharson, Chi. f Police, W. 11. M. Au-tin. Marshal, E A., llaper. Street Overseer, W. R. Smith. CO UN (ILMEN. J 1’. Tbley, M. C.‘ Summers, J. It Inviu, •). W. Jones), L. J. Al iuand, J S. Johnson. STAN i HN G COMMITTEES: Street: L. J. Almand, J. It. Irwin Fur, ucc J. P. Tilley, J W. Jon v Sanitary: J. 3 Johnson, M. C So in niers. School: J. R- Invin, L. J. Almand Chiu er etc.: J. W. Jones J. It. Irwin BOARD OF HEALTH. Dr 4 A. Guinn, J. P. Tilly, J. S. .Jo nson. County Directory. jg§Ord n ■■.ry, O. T. Sea Hutson. mams, i i ik, Vv. Shi ,tr, W. H. M. Austin. Ti< Huvor, JohuE Whitaker. Tax < oil r-ior, E F. Cook, Tux floe iver, It. L, Hudson, Sm voyoi, R. A Guinn, f'oroiier, L T. Farrill. OmI ar ; es Court first Monday in each lii uith up For Courts first and second Vi mii.H in Apiil and October. JUSTICE COURTS. Tf t, 4 h Monday, <a h month SiiofHeld. Is Saturday each month 11,» Creek, 2nd -aturday, each iruniii. Any, ,:lu 3,d fj.VwiiT, [rrch moiitii. Church Directory Pjuvitiyk Bhptist: J. F. Almand, pant .. Pi •mulling second Saturday and s utidu>. Bai 1ST: B. D. Ragsdale, pastor. I’m ;•• ,i g 1st mi 1 3r 1 SaunUys ' ^ T;!'i'onfe.onre Saturday befoi e th® day. Sum ay Subool 0:15 a. m. D. M. Almand, Sup'. Mei h ;!:[>?: Dr J. W. QuiIlian, paster. Preaching every (Sunday. 'nnd.w Scho U 9:45 a m. H. Y. McCord, Supt. P.e avTr.aux: Dr. Honrv Qui Preaching Uud and 4 h Siiofl i «4 Suodiv School 0:3 i a. T. n O'^upt*.